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Xenosaber: Fury of the Stars

Page 8

by Jedaiah Ramnarine

  “Only now you see.” Baldr gritted his teeth in his second victory.


  Arya closed her eyes and meditated, knowing it was her time to act. Pure energy wrapped around her as she focused on the fight between Baldr and Jaival. Any demon that had ideas of attacking some supposedly ignorant, damsel in distress, would find themselves rudely mistaken once they tried it. Arya’s holy aura struck out against any aggressors without her knowing. She honed her concentration on the weapon in Jaival’s hands.


  “What a shame.” Baldr taunted while he drained his energy on making sure Jaival was turned to dust. Suddenly, a growing power emanated from Baldr’s target. The exiled prince discerned something was off. He could feel it in his gut, no, he could see it. Although the continuous stream of energy kept going, Baldr saw it being blocked in the middle, by something – no, someone.

  It can’t be! He quivered at the idea. It’s impossible!

  Bit by bit, as the energy became tamed and absorbed by The Starlight Blade, there, just some paces away, Jaival stood vigilant, blocking the continuous stream as his body became illuminated. Baldr couldn’t understand it. What is this madness? He is nothing! Just a Moon Elf! How can this be?!

  With the energy absorbed, Jaival spun around and unleashed a shockwave at Baldr. The exiled prince leapt over the barrage which smashed into the temple, nearly shattering it to pieces. He jumped on the temple’s roof for higher ground. Shocked, Baldr peered down at Jaival, who’d closed the gap between them in the blink of an eye with a leap.

  Baldr swiped horizontally, knowing he had the higher ground to his advantage and yet, that didn’t even matter. Time slowed down as he watched his blade miss Jaival by a mere inch and the moon elf soared high into the sky, leaving a trail of light behind. Outraged, Baldr reached deep within for whatever remaining power he had left and soared into the sky as well, chasing after Jaival who’d become an Avatar of Light. All the fighting and chaos on the ground below abruptly paused, as everyone from demon to Phoenix Knight, Mikael, Danzul and Cyrus, all pointed their eyes toward the two tails of opposing light ascending, airborne.

  Baldr was baffled.

  How does a nobody amass such great power?

  It infuriated him to think Jaival had taken the Starlight Blade to another level while he himself hadn’t even perfected the power of the avatar transformation using his Void-Star Blade. He focused his residual power and charged at Jaival with a series of aerial swipes. Jaival dodged them with relative ease, occasionally blocking and parrying some of the prince’s attacks. This drove Baldr to his breaking point. Jaival was clearly toying with him. The prince aimed to end Jaival with a stabbing thrust, only to have the attack dodged. Time slowed down as Jaival finally swung his blade aggressively for the first time since he transformed. Baldr flinched, barely managing to block the attack as the two locked blades and Jaival shot a fierce glare at him.

  An orb of energy exploded between both men, sending the combatants flying in opposite directions as they descended from the sky. Jaival landed on top a patch of hilly land and collapsed to one knee, exhausted by the transformation, while Baldr landed near the outskirts of the city, his forces flocking around him. As Jaival’s powers waned and he gasped for air, both men locked eyes, exchanging promises of a rivalry neither expected.

  “My true enemy.” Baldr said under his breath.

  He couldn’t believe it. Perhaps he had underestimated Jaival or perhaps there was more to the moon elf than met the eye. Either way, for the first time in his life, Baldr was evenly matched, and that was something he had never dreamed of. It was both puzzling and enlightening, then, standing by the Temple of Light, Baldr saw the source of Jaival’s power staring at him.

  “Arya.” he furrowed his eyebrows.

  The exiled prince sheathed his star sword and rallied his men for a retreat. A flying manmade contraption descended to pick them up. Magnus laughed as he opened a portal and vanished from the middle of his own battle, his demons and acolytes also teleporting away with him.

  Jaival collapsed on his back while Arya, Mikael, Cyrus, Danzul, and a band of knights and commoners raced to his side. Each of them were filled with their own questions, theories, and assumptions. Some were amazed Jaival wielded the legendary blade while others were horrified, citing his blasphemy and unworthiness. As controversial as it was, this was a monumental moment in Eira. It showed that all their preparations had paid off and maybe, just maybe, there was a chance.



  VOID ORDER FLYING MACHINES arrived with battle weary forces in the Forbidden Kingdom some hours after the attack. Baldr couldn’t wait to jump off and storm inside. He was furious. Most of his underlings didn’t understand why. Some assumed it had to do with the retreat, though, they could’ve stayed and fought; they had the numbers to continue. Something spooked Baldr, no, something enraged Baldr. It was like connecting the missing piece of a puzzle. He had to confront his master.

  Baldr shoved the main entrance doors open and marched past acolyte after acolyte, each of them hawking him down with curiosity. Had he failed? Had the prince finally learnt some humility like the rest of them? Indiscreet chatter circled the acolytes while Baldr made way to the summoning room. He busted into the summoning room, interrupting the already-summoned Avatar of Malstrife who was convening with other Void Order lieutenants.

  “You knew of the Herald of Light!” Baldr accused his Lord. The Void Order lieutenants looked at him in awe. They couldn’t believe he had the courage to speak to their master like that.

  The Avatar of Malstrife shot a menacing glare at them. “Leave us.”

  The lieutenants hastily retreated out of the room, one or two peering at the exiled prince before leaving. They assumed he was about to get the brunt of the master’s rage.

  “Step forward, my child, and speak your mind.” Malstrife said, his cold voice echoing in Baldr’s head as a reminder who was really in charge. Baldr at that moment, simply did not care. He needed answers.

  “It’s Arya, isn’t it?” Baldr kept eye on his Lord. “She’s the one. She’s the Reborn Goddess.”

  “Indeed.” Malstrife replied.

  Baldr furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn’t understand the secrecy.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

  “Because it was for you to discover.”

  “At what cost? If it is true that Arya is The Reborn Goddess, then she is our Ancient Enemy!”

  “Hmph!” The Avatar smirked. “You have mastered many things, young prince, but there are truths that even you – are still unwilling to accept.”

  Baldr bowed his head and crunched his fists. “She means nothing to me. She is an enemy of our Order. She will be purged like the rest.”

  “Boldly said, but who The Reborn Goddess is now, is not who she was then.”

  Baldr looked up, quizzed at his Lord’s comment. There was so much more Malstrife knew that Baldr did not. If the prince was to rise in his own power, then he knew he needed to submit. It was the only way.

  “There is another concern,” Baldr spoke humbly. “One, that at first, did not seem to be a bother, but I have encountered him twice. This time, wielding The Starlight Blade itself. A moon elf. Who is he, my Lord? How can a moon elf mongrel wield the legendary blade? Even if Arya was helping him, he was able to draw on its power.”

  “Ah yes, him. The One with the Mark of Twilight. Yes, I have observed him for some time now. There is a veil of mystery that surrounds him which blocks my vision from peering into his spirit. I cannot see who he truly is, but you should not underestimate him. There is a hidden, voracious power within this mysterious one that grows each passing day.”

  “Then what will you have me do? Arya has clearly chosen her allies well.”

  “Indeed, and so will we. The time has come, my child. Take party of twelve with Magnus at side, and go to Iceglaze Mountains. It is time to awaken The World Breaker from his long slumber.”



  THE IRON GATES OF A JAIL CELL swung open and Jaival was thrown in.

  “Stay put, hero.” The guards mocked as they locked the cell.

  Jaival didn’t bother fighting back. He was far too consumed in reflection over what had happened between him and Baldr. He slouched on the wall and slid on his backside, staring at the corner, blankly. What happened? He wondered.


  “Father! I must protest!” Arya chased after King Týr inside the hallways of Eire Citadel with Mikael lagging some few paces behind. “This isn’t our Kingdom’s way, this is not how we treat others!”

  The King spun around “How dare you!” he exploded. “How dare you defy our laws! How dare you defy our kingdom! How dare you defy your family, and HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!”

  Arya shook with fear as her father’s voice echoed across the hallways.

  She mustered the courage to speak again. “But father-”

  “SILENCE!” he yelled. Looking at his daughter, he only grew angrier. The King was no fool. He could tell Arya was developing feelings for the moon elf.

  “I don’t care if that boy is an outsider, nor do I care the blasted soap he uses to wash his bloody back! You, have defied our sacred covenant! You, have betrayed the secret of our royal family to the unworthy and armed him with a holy weapon to strike against your own blood!”

  “Father, no! I gave him the weapon to defend our kingdom. He is the one I’ve seen in my visions, the one to wield The Twin Blades!” Arya cried.

  King Týr scoffed. He was about to burst again.

  “With all due respect, my lord,” Mikael intervened. “The boy did act in favor of our kingdom. He took up arms against the true enemy.”

  “And who is that enemy, Mikael,” King Týr moved toward the ancient hero. “My son, Baldr? The one whom you cared for like your own brother?!”

  “As much as I hate to admit it, Baldr is no longer the boy that I once cared for and loved. He has fallen to Malstrife’s side. Týr, people died today! There are innocents; women and children, injured and old – suffering, with mortal casualties to our ranks and damage on sacred ground. This was an act of war! Please, you must see reason, my King!”

  Týr looked well at Mikael. The ancient hero was the only one who could sway him, but even so, the king had a hard time coming to terms with the truth.

  “At least give the boy a fair trial, he has not done intentional wrong.” Mikael suggested.

  “So be it. A fair trial he will have.” Týr replied. He took one last glance at Arya, uncertain of his behavior, then walked off. Arya shook uncontrollably, tears threatening to form in her eyes. With everything that had happened, from her family to the kingdom, Jaival, and the fate of the world and its moon – she was torn.

  “Arya.” Mikael rested a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m fine,” she played it off and faced him. “Listen, I need your help.”

  A small, yet strong swirl of bright light erupted in front of them, then abruptly imploded.

  Out of the impact, Alexa manifested.

  “We don’t have much time.” The fairy said.


  Hours went by since Jaival had been incarcerated. His daydreaming had long worn off. He became vexed by the injustice done to him. He took up arms and defended their kingdom, and this, is how they repay him? It was hard for him not to cite his unfair treatment in Eira by all those who were supposed to be there for him, including Arya, was although his ire would soon prove misplaced. The guards grew uneasy. Something at the entrance caught their attention. A hooded feminine figure, walked into the room, her pathway fixed toward Jaival’s cell. The guards moved in front of her, barricading her way with their spears.

  “Halt!” One of them said.

  “How did you get down there?” The other asked.

  The mysterious figure did not reply. She faced the guard on her right and opened her palm. A surge of light smacked into the guard’s face, dropping him to the ground, unconscious. Before the other guard understood what happened, the robed woman stretched her hand toward him and blasted light in his face. He fell to the ground in a deep, peaceful slumber. Jaival winced at what he was about to face. He had no weapon and Mikael had confiscated the bracelet Sorata had given him months ago.

  The mysterious figure dropped to her knees, relieved the guard of his key, and advanced toward Jaival’s cell. She removed her hood, and at last, a sigh of relief came to the moon elf’s lips when he saw who it was.

  “Princess.” Jaival whispered.

  All the anger, and the vile things he wanted to say to her, vanished. It baffled him how Arya had such an effect on him. She unlocked the cell and pushed the gate open.

  “We need to leave. Now.” she demanded.


  Arya led Jaival out of the jail, using her knowledge of the Citadel’s internal structures to evade the guards and find the best exits. Once outside, in the alleyways of Eira, Jaival grew wary of his earlier acceptance to blindly follow. He remembered how it played out last time.

  “Where are you taking me?” he asked.

  “Away from here.” The princess replied.

  Jaival halted in his tracks.

  “That’s not good enough.” he raised his voice.

  Arya stopped to confront him.

  “Last time I followed you, I ended up imprisoned. What makes this time any different?” Jaival asked.

  Arya was about to reply when she noticed a pair of patrols in the corner of her eye. She ran into Jaival’s arms, hugged him, and pushed him against the wall – pretending the two were in a romantic engagement. Jaival played along as the guards walked by, paying little attention to them for the sake of kingdom safety.

  “I’m sorry for what happened to you,” Arya backed away from him. “I might be an Oracle but I cannot predict everything. Jaival, I need you to trust me. Eira, no, Star World is in grave danger. We are the only ones who can save it.”

  Jaival took a good look at the princess.

  Her piercing eyes called to him, pleading that he find reason.

  “Where are you taking me, Arya?” Jaival asked the question again, this time, with emphasis on sincerity. Even though he said her name informally, she didn’t seem to care.

  “You must leave Eira. It is not safe for you to continue your training here. Mikael will train you personally. You will ride with him to Dragon’s Fall.” Arya replied.

  “And you?”

  I must remain here. The kingdom still needs me,” she gazed into Jaival’s eyes. “Please Jaival.”

  Jaival glanced past her. Another round of patrols was approaching.

  “Let’s go.” he said.


  Jaival and Arya made way to the stables of Eira Citadel, where a well packed Mikael waited with Alexa at his side in front of a carriage, pulled by two horses. Before the princess and moon elf arrived, Mikael and Alexa were talking about the journey ahead, although the latter evaded any hard questions about herself.

  “Alexa?” Jaival called to the fairy. He was happy to see her after so long.

  “Jaival!” she twinkled. “Come, come, we don’t have much time. Get in. We have to get out of here!”

  Just as he was about to enter the carriage, Jaival noticed The Starlight Blade sheathed on Mikael’s back. He hesitated for a moment, remembering what happened to him for wielding the alien weapon. Another round of patrols swung around the corner. Jaival and Alexa jumped inside the carriage while Mikael got on the horses, preparing to ride out. Arya moved to the carriage door.

  “You must master the blade. It’s our only hope.” she said to Jaival.

  Jaival didn’t want to give her the pleasure of an absolute affirmative. Instead, he simply nodded.

  “I wish you’d come.” he admitted.

  Arya gazed into his eyes. “In time.”

  The princess then moved to Mikael.

  “Thank you.” she said to the ancient hero.

  Mikael looked at her. “Don’t thank me yet.”

  And with that, he rode off, leaving Arya behind to peer at the carriage rolling away and wonder if they’d done the right thing. If her father were to find out, it would be more than a fit of rage – it’d be the breaking point of the man’s already deteriorating sanity. Arya sighed. These were complicated times, things were not so black and white. Jaival needed to complete his training in peace while Arya needed to manage her kingdom.

  On the way, out of Eira, a cloaked rogue leapt on the party’s carriage and hitched a ride, careful not to alert the others of his presence.


  Dragon’s Fall

  MIKAEL STEERED THE CARRIAGE about half a day’s worth of riding. The ancient hero was determined to put as much distance between the party and Eira Citadel before stopping for rest. He wanted to make sure they were safe. He stopped the horses near a calm river in the lush, green fields well outside Eira’s reach, and moved to the carriage door.

  “Is everything okay?” Alexa asked, once Mikael opened the door.

  “We need a moment’s rest before Dragon’s Fall. Come, stretch your legs and find some water.” Mikael replied. Jaival nodded to his request and hopped out of the carriage, Alexa close at his side. The two peered around with a hint of paranoia before relaxing a bit. Mikael, however, was far from relaxed. He kept his face neutral in the eyes of Alexa and Jaival while underneath, he was alarmed. He knew of the rogue that hitched a ride. The ancient hero moved behind the carriage, acting unaware, then suddenly, reached for the rogue and threw him to the ground. He pointed his guardian’s sword at the rogue’s neck.


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