Warriors in Paradise
Page 19
He started talking without any prompting from us.
“My family has been here since the Mayflower. We helped create this country from scratch. We built it for hardworking and honest families, not for foreign scum like you—Italians, Irish, Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, and Catholics. We built it for God-fearing white Protestants. The rest of you are just passing through. You are temporary guests with green cards.
“There are many American patriots, like me, who are making the hard choices America needs. We learned a very important lesson during Prohibition. We realized that the demand for alcoholic beverages was going to continue, no matter what the authorities did. The police simply could not cope with the ramifications of the problem. The demand for alcohol created its own supply—supply that was provided by Italian and Irish mobsters: Al Capone, Mad Dog Coll, and others.
“We are a nation of highly individualistic people. We do not like to be told what to do. We like our freedoms even though sometimes these freedoms may come back and bite us in the ass. That individualism is the basis of our economic, financial, cultural, and military might. American individualism is the source of our initiative, creativity, innovation, and technological change—the creation of new companies, competition, and productivity.
“Unfortunately, what makes us strong can also make us weak as a nation. We respect and appreciate the individualism that makes America great, but we also have to rein in those individual choices that might threaten our civil liberties and economic prowess. Americans will continue to demand illegal drugs no matter what we do through drug prevention programs in schools, crime fighting by the police, and the prosecution of drug traffickers by local and federal authorities. Fighting the war on drugs is comparable to kicking water up the hill. You don’t have a chance in hell of winning the battle.
“We could not allow a repetition of the errors of the past. We could not permit the birth of another foreign Mafia on our soil as occurred during Prohibition. If our fellow Americans are going to continue to consume illegal drugs, we are going to control the supply.
“Thus, a group of brave, patriotic American businessmen and politicians decided to take over the market and created a secret corporation for such purpose. The Corporation invited me and other patriotic Americans to participate in this endeavor.
“We control drug imports, smuggling, and the domestic production of traditional and new-age designer drugs. We manage the wholesale distribution. We control the quantity and quality of supply. All of the huge profits from this enterprise stay in United States and are reinvested within it. No longer will major criminals dominate the American market for controlled substances and undermine our resolve.
“Are you so naïve,” said Coombs, “to think that the top suppliers of drugs are foreigners? Of course not! The major suppliers are the ones who have the power and the money to shape public opinion, to lay the blame elsewhere.
“Do you think the Mexicans, Colombians, Russians, Yacuza, and triads are the really bad guys? No, they are simply tools to be used and disposed as we see fit. They serve as temporary allies and ultimate scapegoats, the Aunt Sallys that we like to blame and shame from time to time as the major criminals.
“The real brains behind this national enterprise are sitting in positions of power on Capitol Hill and on company boards on Wall Street. They have all the influence and the muscle of the most powerful nation in the world. They are the real movers and shakers. They are among the wealthiest Americans in the nation. They associate their personal well-being with that of the United States: ‘What is good for them is good for United States of America.’
“That is why you have never—and you never will—hear of a major American drug kingpin. When we need a bad guy, we have our pick from among several foreigners.”
“Who are we talking about?” my uncle interrupted. “Alexander, are you saying this just to feel important? Why don’t you give me some names?”
“You want to hear some names! You think you can handle some names. Why not? I’ll give you some names! After all, you’re not going to be alive much longer, and even if you mention those names, nobody is going to believe you.”
Coombs started reciting the names of several of the most important politicians in Congress and some of the most senior members of the corporate elite in manufacturing, technology, finance, mass communication media, and the entertainment industry. We were recording everything, but I realized that dealing with this would be way beyond our means.
It was too big for the likes of us.
I believed my uncle had reached the same conclusion, because he changed tactics and the topic, saying, “Alexander, that was very enlightening. Thank you. Perhaps you are, after all, a big cog in the wheel of our country. Now, please tell me, what is this business with the kidnapping of young, pretty girls?”
A little condescending smile started to spread over Coombs’s face, and he said, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
My uncle nodded, and Caleb stepped forward and slapped Coombs on the left side of his face from behind.
My uncle needed to bring Coombs down once again. He said, “Alexander, Alexander, you were doing so great. Why do you want to make things difficult for yourself? You have already told us the most important stuff. Why don’t you want to tell us now about the kidnappings?”
“Because you’re all worthless pieces of scum! Because you’re so far down in our social ranks that whatever I tell you would be wasted. Because you simply do not deserve to know.”
“Alexander, let me tell you how this is going to go down,” Jonathan said while opening up his briefcase and taking out a little box. “This box contains psychotropic suppositories. You probably know what they are for, but let me refresh your memory. We will undress you, bend you over, and stick this suppository where the sun doesn’t shine. The drug will then start to get absorbed into your bloodstream, disorienting you and making you docile and compliant. I will then inject you with this liquid”—he showed Coombs a little vial with clear liquid—”known as Flunitrazepam. You know, liquid roofies, the same stuff Nancy gave to the Canadian and Russian girls and these three boys here. I will then add the red and yellow pills—you know, the same designer drugs Nicanor Toro made for you. The liquid roofie will eliminate your self-control, while the new-age drugs will make you talk and talk until you are blue in the face. You will not be able to shut your mouth. The problem with this concoction is that it has side effects, as Nancy Smith discovered a little too late. But then again, if that is the way you want to go about it, we aim to please.”
My uncle said to us, “OK, boys, please help Alexander take his clothes off.”
I walked around the table toward Coombs while Caleb and Santi grabbed an arm each above the elbow from behind. Coombs said, “No need to do that. Yes, I have already told you enough. A little more will not make any difference.”
My uncle responded, “I am happy that you have come to your senses. Now, please tell us everything about this kidnapping ring. What happened with the Canadian and Russian girls, and where are they now?”
Coombs said, “I will tell you everything, but please free my hands.”
My uncle nodded, and Caleb cut his wrist restraints.
Coombs started talking. “There were two key events that provoked a group of American leaders to make a deep examination of our system of democracy and the core values that make up our way of life.
“The first event took place at the end of the 1960s. Youths and students were demonstrating all over the States and the rest of the world. They were protesting against many things, including the Vietnam War, the draft, capitalism, and the establishment in general. All this turmoil threatened to challenge the very foundations of our nation and extend to other nations.
“Some of our most senior leaders decided to meet secretly in Washington, DC, in the third week of September of every year to discuss the most pressing issues facing America and how to overcome them.
p; “The second event happened in 1971. A German business professor at the University of Geneva, Klaus Schwab, created the European Management Forum, which later changed its name to the World Economic Forum, broadening its scope to include international conflicts. The world business, political, and intellectual elite soon began to get together every year in Davos, Switzerland, to examine global economic and political issues and to resolve their political differences.
“Our business and political leaders began attending the Davos meetings on a regular basis. Then they decided to invite the cream of the crop from other friendly nations to their secret annual meetings in Washington, DC, for what they called the DC Forum. Most of the challenges facing the United States had international ramifications. Our leaders were conscious that the process of globalization was not only here to stay, but it was going to become broader and deeper.
“The DC Forum had been meeting since 1969 and was expanded in 1984 to include the leaders of six other countries with strong ties to the United States. Given the high level of stress at these meetings and the important status of the participants, receptions were organized to provide comfort and relaxation for the forum participants. These receptions were hosted by some of the most beautiful and attractive female companions the world had to offer. Given the success of the receptions, they became formally known in 1985 as the DC Companionship Forum. They featured an auction in which ten good-looking girls were auctioned off to the highest bidders among the participants, with the understanding that they could do as they pleased with the girls.
“This is how the idea of the DC Companionship Forum was born. It also helped to bond and cement ties and relationships among the leaders.
“It is a very exclusive club. There are two basic rules in the club: first, among the girls, there would be no children or Americans; and second, members were bound to keep the club’s activities secret on pain of death and forfeiture of all assets.
“Given the security concerns, all of those wishing to participate in the auction are carefully scrutinized so that only those who can be completely trusted are allowed to participate.
“My people and I provide five girls every year. My European counterpart provides three girls, and my Asian counterparts provide two girls.
“The auction takes place one day after the conclusion of the DC Forum, which is scheduled to finish this Friday, September twentieth. The man in charge, the auction director, is Rupert Pattinson. The auction takes place at the Mount Vernon Hotel.
“That is where you will find the Canadian and the Russian girls.”
“Alexander,” said my uncle, “how can we find Rupert Pattinson?”
“At the hotel. He is the owner and manager.”
“By the way,” added Coombs while looking at Caleb, Santi, and me, “we just wanted the girls, but because of the weather difficulties, we were late getting them. That is why we allowed you to come to the yacht party with the girls.
“You were a complication that should have been taken care of without consequences. However, leave it to those Mexicans to fuck things up. Nicanor Toro is a self-serving asshole who only cares about buying new toys and showing off, and Nancy Smith has been in Mexico for such a long time that she has gone native. You have now become a headache that threatens our operations in Latin America.”
My uncle said, “How come you haven’t told anybody in the Corporation about the problem?”
“Because I knew I could deal with it.”
“Well, surprise. You haven’t,” my uncle responded.
“Yes, it would appear that at the moment you have the upper hand,” said Coombs, “but don’t you worry; I never make the same mistake twice!”
My uncle said, “Alexander, what do you think is going to happen to you? Do you think we are just going to let you walk so you can continue doing what you have been doing?
“Alexander, understand this: you are a fucking disgrace. Not every American is as corrupt as you or your mighty bosses. What do you think your brave and patriotic bosses in the Corporation are going to do when they hear this?” my uncle said as he stood up. He grabbed two of the recording cell phones and showed them to Coombs.
Coombs looked at my uncle, and something clicked in him. His smug look dissolved into a worried one. I could see that he realized that he had fucked up.
He caught me by surprise when he stuck his fingers into his mouth and pulled something. I tried to grab his arm, but he had already started to quiver. The sweet smell of almonds filled the room.
My uncle did not move. I looked at him and asked, “What did he do?”
My uncle responded, “He just bit a cyanide pill implanted in a hollow fake tooth.”
“So you knew that he had a suicide capsule, and you still freed his hands. Were you not concerned that he was going to kill himself before he told us what we needed?”
“Not really. I suspected that he had the capsule. That is the normal practice when you spy behind enemy lines, and he saw himself as a vital intelligence officer for the Corporation operating in Latin America. However, given his feelings of self-importance, I knew he wanted to show off by confessing and justifying himself.
“All the time he was talking, he had no doubt in his mind that he would eventually get the upper hand and get rid of us. When it became clear that this was not going to happen, he bit the pill and let death embrace him.”
“What are we going to do now?” asked Caleb.
Santi said, “Jack Taylor, Alexander Coombs, and two of his bodyguards are dead. The driver and remaining bodyguard do not know our names, and none has taken a good look at us.
“We were all wearing hoodies. They might have seen Jack Taylor and Charlie with his hoodie on, and they saw them only from a considerable distance. But, just in case, I think we should inject them with Flunitrazepam so they won’t remember much when they come out of it. What do you think, Jonathan?”
“I agree. I think we are in the clear. Let’s do as you suggest.” He took the vial with the liquid roofies and drew it into a syringe.
We went to the guards. They were tied on the floor with pillowcases on their heads. One of them was still out cold, and the other was awake. Santi, Caleb, and I immobilized the one who was awake, and my uncle injected half of the syringe into his vein. The man stopped moving almost immediately. My uncle injected the remaining liquid into the other guard.
Even though we had been wearing gloves, we cleaned up as best we could and left the house. We figured somebody would be coming soon to check on Coombs when he didn’t answer his phones. They would free the guards and dispose of the bodies. The Corporation would investigate Coombs’s demise and probably correlate it quickly with the DC Forum.
Now we needed to think about a plan for how we were going to liberate Juliette, Camille, and the Russian girls.
It was 10:45 a.m.
We drove to Jonathan’s home. Soon after, Santi and I drove off to return the license plates.
We had won this hand. My uncle brought contacts, knowledge, and experience to our effort. We had good reflexes, coordination, and the joint ability to anticipate. But would these assets be enough to win the final hand?
Part 3 – Caleb
Chapter 9: The Conundrum
Life is but a mirror
I have always lived my life one day at a time.
Very early on, I realized that I was different from others. My body has never been an extension of my mind but behaves more as if it were another me. I would think I could jump just so high, but my body would prove me wrong and jump even higher.
My mother likes to tell a story about when I was a year old. One of her friends was visiting and my mother brought her to the bedroom to see me, but I was nowhere to be found. She got a little concerned, and they both started looking for me everywhere in the apartment. They looked in the kitchen, the lower cabinets, behind the living- and dining-room furniture, in the closet, under the bed, in the bathroom, and there was no sign of me. However, she could hear me giggli
ng softly, and she asked her friend, “Do you hear him? Caleb is here. I can hear him. Do you think he’s between the walls?”
In the second or third look around the apartment, my mother found me sitting inside the bathroom sink, looking at them with a smile on my face and chuckling. Apparently, I had used pressure on the toilet and sink wall to climb all the way up and sit in the sink basin. Each time they had looked for me in the bathroom, they were looking down, not imagining that a one-year-old could climb on his own into the sink.
I remember I liked to climb trees and explore rooftops. The rooftop of my building was my second home. I knew every nook and cranny. My mother would say that I could climb before I could walk. I cannot remember when I started walking, but I also cannot remember when I started climbing, so I suppose she might have been right.
I have learned to trust my body. That is why I was so enamored with urban gymnastics, what they called parkour. As soon as I saw those kids in Bridgeport running onto buildings, jumping over walls, and diving into windows, I knew that it was for me.
In school races running heats, I thought several of my companions could run faster and would arrive at the finish line before me. However, once I started running, my body would take over, and I left everyone behind.
Charlie and Santi know how far they can go and what they can do. I have an idea, but generally, I underestimate my capability. It was like that in the case of the three-story townhouse where Jack Taylor lived. I wasn’t sure that I could climb all the way up to the third-story window, so I just let my body do what my body does best: take risks and do so without conscious thought.
Charlie, in all his wisdom, says that I am an idiot savant because despite all of my mental disabilities, I show prodigious physical abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal. Perhaps he is not completely wrong. I feel I am a little like Temple Grandin, the autistic animal expert who sees the world in a series of numbers and symbols and can arrange them in her brain. I also see my surroundings differently than other people do. I like to think that I see them in a four-dimensional plane that I can travel through, while normal people see them in three dimensions as a path to walk on.