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Elle's Seduction

Page 10

by Abby-Rae Rose

  Darren stood to the side, his body just inches away.

  Something passed between Darren and the Master. A split second of tension, then the Master moved. A swish of fine slacks and jacket, then he disappeared into the darkness. The creak of leather and a shifting of material echoed in the room—the sound of someone settling into a chair. Disappointment filled her. She wanted his hands again—that delicious heat. She wanted to see him, to know who this man was so she could have a face to dream of in the lonely hours of the night.


  With the bright light, all her imperfections were plainly visible. Her shoulders and arms were bare. She missed the firm muscles from working on a farm but she’d worked to stay in shape and her arms were strong if a bit less defined.

  “Take your skirt off.”

  Maxwell’s voice had her heart skittering. Skirt? Crap. She figured they’d get to know each other first.


  “Take your skirt off now, or leave, Elle. This is not a game.”

  Darren gave no quarter, his blue eyes blank, emotionless.

  It was clear this was her decision. He wasn’t going to do anything she didn’t want, but she had to make the first move. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as an evil thought occurred to her. He might be commanding her capitulation, but there was no reason she couldn’t give back a little on her own.

  Her hands shook as she searched for the zipper. It took two tries to grab the small nub of the zipper and push it down. Turning so her back was to the Master, she slid the material slowly down her thighs, bending with the material as it slid down her legs. A gasp across the room told her he’d seen it. Smiling wickedly, she waved her ass allowing the cool air to caress her nether lips and let him see just how fully exposed and excited she was.

  Power thrummed through her. He might be commanding her, but she wasn’t helpless herself. Her tiny rebellion made her heart race, even as she schooled her features and stood back up, skirt in hand.

  “That was very naughty, Elle. Hmm, I wonder. Let’s see how far you’re willing to go. The corset next I think. Darren, will you do the honors. Elle can’t have too much fun.”

  Darren stepped behind her and untied the corset. Each lace he loosened helped her breath and reminded her of how sensitive her skin was after the confines of the corset. Breathing deeply for the first time all night, Elle trembled as the corset fell away, exposing her breasts, the curves of her belly for his inspection. She held back her need to cover herself and stood proud, her breasts heavy and full, aching as the cool air caressed the nipples to hard nubs.

  Darren came up behind her, his heat welcome against her skin, the pressure of his front warming her back. Her backside shifted and rubbed against the heat, his erection hard and firm against her, making her aware of just how wet and needy she was.

  Callused hands slid up her sides, rubbing her back, and removing the tension, relaxing her. Soft lips kissed the skin of her shoulder, his breath against her neck making her pant.

  She was so exposed. There were no words between them, no directions, nothing to do but stand and feel this beautiful man’s hands on her caressing the skin marred by the seams of the corset. His hands moved inch by inch closer to her stomach before retreating and moving to her breasts. His rough tongue joined the mix, caressing over each of the marks on her back made by the lace and velvet, moving to the seam of the garter belt and the dip of her ass.

  A groan escaped her as he straightened and cupped her breasts.

  Arching into him, she begged for his kneading hands and nibbles at her ear.

  “Oh, god. Darren.” She was losing control so fast. But the Master wasn’t saying a word. Suddenly she wanted him there, touching her. A shiver of daring decided her.

  Opening her eyes, she searched the darkness, sliding her rump against Darren while trying to keep some focus. There. She saw a brief outline. Yes. This was what she wanted.

  Staring right at him, she reached up and put one arm around Darren’s neck while her other hand pulled at one of Darren’s hands and slid it between her legs. Darren knew exactly what he was doing as his fingers slid down the crotchless panties and parted her lips.

  His grunt of surprise when he found her wet clitoris was quickly lost in her soft cries as she slid herself against his fingers. She gripped his neck with both arms as she rode his fingers, her eyes sliding to half-mast but always looking at the Master, showing him what she wanted. Darren’s wicked fingers worked their magic, his fingers pinching her nipples and flicking her clitoris in a pattern that had her heart tripping over itself to keep up.

  “Darren, more!” She was so close. She could barely keep her eyes open. The need to split apart was driving her.

  A creak of leather and the movement of a shadow pleased her. She wanted him to take her, to fill her aching center and send her over the edge.

  Too late. Elle shuttered as the first wave of her climax built. She was so close. She tilted her hips and thrust against Darren’s fingers, driving herself to the edge. Just another...

  Darren’s hand was gone, leaving her aching and unfulfilled.

  The Master moved behind to hold her still as Darren slid to her front, never letting go of her, reassuring her that all would be well. Elle didn’t want it to be well...She wanted to climb up on him and finish it, thrust that heavy cock into herself and ride him until she couldn’t stand and this need was driven to completion.

  A chuckle sounded in her ear as the Master’s strong hands reached around and cupped her breasts, molding and kneading them, pinching the nipples and pulling them hard. Her knees buckled under the pressure, her hips thrusting at air, trying to find purchase on something. “I think clamps will help with this.”

  The man in the mask appeared with two small, black instruments in his hands. Had he been there all along? Embarrassment flushed her skin starting at her breasts and moving up her neck to her face.

  The Master laughed behind her. “Tssk, tsssk, Elle. I will have whomever I choose watch us.”

  Elle cringed and tried to wriggle free of his grasp as Darren took the clamps and plucked at one distended nipple in the Master’s grasp. The slight tug stopped her squirming. Unable to look away, Elle watched in fascination as he pulled the nipple and placed the clamp on it. The black against her palest pink was strangely erotic. Then he released her. All thought of struggle evaporated as pain and pleasure shot straight through her. She didn’t know if her cry was from the pain or the intense pleasure shooting through her. She gasped out every breath, the movement sending shivers of ecstasy and a split second of pain racing through her.

  Darren smiled and took his time with the second, pulling and distending the nipple, rolling it in his fingers before placing the second clamp on. Elle couldn’t stop him. The sensations were overwhelming her, making her lose focus. When he let go, she nearly collapsed. “Oh, god.”

  Moisture dribbled down her thigh as she struggled for each breath, the movement sending new electrical pulses straight to her core. Darren flicked one of her nipples, the caress sending sparks of pleasure to her core in a rapid fire caress that had her bowing against the Master’s strong hands. “Please.”

  The Master chuckled. “Begging already, Little Elle? There’s more where that came from.”

  Elle tried not to sob as she stood naked, sandwiched between two of the hottest men she’d ever known, needing them with an intensity she’d never felt before. She was completely at their mercy.

  A rattling above her head drew her attention as chains and handcuffs appeared out of the darkness.

  Her heart sprang into action at the sight... The battle her body was fighting against the pain and pleasure faded under her need to escape. She hadn’t asked to be handcuffed.

  Darren reached above her, his movements calm and assured. “Shhh, Elle. You just say the word and we’ll set you free.”

  Several seconds went by. Darren never pushed her—those cool eyes kind and understanding as he waited.
br />   The Master’s warm, strong fingers worked their way down to her wrists. They stroked and soothed. His deep voice softly challenged her to give him what he wanted. “Elle. Relax. Give into your deepest desire. We’re here to please you, to take you into a world you’ve only dreamed about.”

  Elle swallowed the emotion welling up. Her body was out of her control, even now singing with the pleasure of the clamps and her still-heated sex. She couldn’t take much more. Somehow, these two men knew all her buttons. She’d only ever been with the Master in the hallway. And Darren, all they had between them was sexual heat and some flirting.

  Yet, here she was between them, handcuffs dangling in the air.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Up to this point, it had been fun. Just a walk on the wild side, but placing her hands in those cuffs would mean something. She would have to give up control and give herself to these two men. Despite what they may think, despite her own daring, she was no sex kitten in bed. To the contrary, her sexual experience had been far from exciting. But she’d read about more...she’d dreamed about more.

  She closed her eyes to the harsh light surrounding her and tried to separate herself from the heat of the two bodies, surrounding her, but they were a caress in itself making her nipples ache and reach out for something hard and masculine to rub against.

  The Master’s voice deepened as she listened. All sensations boiling down into his body behind her, just touching, his hands on her wrists, strong, erotic, tempting; and her own reaction—her body swaying with need, her nipples tingling. “Yes. Relax. I want you to give in... Allow us to show you, even if only for tonight, how it can be for you. You don’t have to do anything.”

  Darren moved closer and her breasts brushed against him, the clamps twitching as they snagged his shirt. She’d been attracted to him from the first. The reaction had been unexpected, but now the heat in her belly blossomed in a twittering trill up her spine to her breasts.

  Darren’s groan told her he knew her reaction. “We’ll take care of you, Elle. Trust us.”

  His plea broke through her haze of lust. Such longing and need in just those few words.

  Elle snapped open her eyes, her spine stiffening. Better to tame a lion with sugar and molasses than bitterroot, as her mama always said. Raising her hands, she grabbed Darren’s shirt and pulled him in close. Standing on tiptoe, she whisper in his ear, rubbing her throbbing breasts right against his soft shirt. Her voice nearly purred as she whispered in his ear. “Lock me up, Darren; but you’d better be ready for the consequences.”

  Darren smiled and chuckled as he grabbed hold of her wrists and pulled her up straight.

  The Master pulled down the handcuffs and snapped them shut one by one, the soft click echoing in the room. Lamb’s wool padding was snapped on around the metal bracelets, adding a layer of sensual softness to the cuffs. “Just in case you struggle,” Darren said.

  His smile didn’t help her at all.

  Once cuffed, the Master held her steady as Darren spread her legs and made her comfortable. The hum of tension in the Master’s body made her acutely aware of his breath at her back, of his heat and the hammering of her heart in her ears. She didn’t even know what he looked like, but that voice was etched in her memory, low and raspy...familiar.

  When his hand slid across her stomach and slid between her spread thighs she held onto the cuffs mentally begging him to touch her, to stroke her clit and finish her. She felt his smile against her shoulder as his finger stroked her labia and slid between the puffy folds. His finger sluiced through her, barely touching her clit. “Maybe we’ll outfit your clit with one of those clamps.”

  Elle shuddered as his fingers found and pinched her clit, making her hips jerk and her nerve endings scream. Her eyes rolled back as all sensation shifted to her core where he squeezed and massaged her clit. “Oh, god.”

  “Hmm...” His fingers released her, allowing the blood to rush back to her clit in a sizzling burst. Her knees gave out, and for the first time she was thankful for the handcuffs which held her up even as her brain scrambled from the sensations. She nearly wept at how close she was to release. Just another second or two.

  He was unrelenting though. “I don’t think God is the one you should be begging.”


  “Please, what?”

  Elle trembled as she pulled herself back together. Using her arms, she pulled herself up and stood tall once more. When she refused to reply, the Master raised his arm and motioned for the masked man.

  “Yes, Master?”

  “My whip, please. It seems we need to teach Elle her place.”

  Elle jerked herself up. “No whip.”

  The Master’s hands left her and he stepped away. “You’ll take what I give you or this ends.”

  Elle struggled to fight the shivers racing over her. A whip? Arms shaking she stood there gripping the cuffs, swallowing her fear. If she left, she wouldn’t see him again. All of this would be over. She briefly thought of using the safe word, but she was no coward. Horseflies had bitten her; this couldn’t be much worse.

  The sound of swishing leather and a snap jerked her in her chains. Fear and need warred within her, along with a strange thrill of excitement. A single tear slid down her face as she fought the conflicting emotions. What did he want from her? Darren stepped up to steady her, his lips close to her ear. “You are as much in control here as he is. You have only to say the word.”

  She turned to him, another tear leaking out. She let the stark need show on her face, letting him know just how much she wanted this.

  He brushed the tears away; a wicked smile curving his lips. “Make him work for it, Elle.”

  The first lick of the whip slithered across her butt like a lovers caress. Elle was surprised by the softness. He’d chosen a softer driver’s whip. This one barely flicked at her— more a tickle.

  Another barely there tap had her tilting her buttocks into the texture, the soft brush close to the crack in her ass.

  A quick slash hit next, just a flickering tickle of pain, gone faster than it lasted.

  The devilish flickering increased, creeping down her cheeks, closer and closer to her clit. She imagined it as a delicious barbed tongue that zinged along her nerves, waking them up, sensitizing them. With no words, she squirmed, raising her ass in the air, begging for that wicked tongue to move closer.

  When the whip receded, she groaned and swayed in Darren’s grip.

  The Master’s next swing landed the whip’s flexible core on her ass. The sting brought her knees out from under her. Her breasts jerked, sending pain shooting to her throbbing clit. With no chance to catch her breath, she jerked with each of the next swats, her breasts jiggling in time to the hits.

  Hands ran over her ass, rubbing the sore spots, making her moan at the light touch against her sensitized skin. “I think you liked that.” The Masters jerked her against him, pulling her tight in her chains, making sure her breasts stretched with her bindings, the exquisite pleasure hitting her. His fingers wrapped around her hip and slid between her thighs. “Oh, yes. I think you liked that very much. I think you’d like something else even more though, something that would take you over the edge.”

  Darren stepped away and came back with a round, glass rod.

  The Masters fingers worked her, sliding her slick juices around her clit. Elle shook with the need building in her, her body bending under the assault. Caught up in the sensations, she pushed against the Master’s body, his erection firm and hard against the crack of her buttocks.

  She wanted that, wanted him sliding in and out of her, pounding into her. Wanted to make him loose control, to take her and ram himself into her. She fought the bonds and thrust herself harder against his fingers, imagining his cock inside her, sliding against her clit and filling her.

  Darren knelt in front of her and took over for the Master, his thick fingers rougher, assuaging her need and building it higher. While the Master’s touch had put her
on edge, Darren’s was determined and insistent, demanding her response. Elle moaned at the difference.

  She barely registered the cool glass sliding up her knee to her thigh until it slid hard and unyielding against her clit. “Oh, god.”

  The Master rubbed her buttocks with strong hands before stepping away. “Before I’m done with you, you’ll be thanking me.”

  The glass slid just inside her opening, teasing her. Her hips tilted.

  The tip never fully entered, rimming her, stretching her. Raised as she was, she couldn’t slide onto it. Frustration drove her to thrust against him.

  A flick of the whip sent her against Darren’s steadying grip. She gasped as the next strike drove the dildo inside, just barely relieving the ache. Before she could slide down on the dildo it was gone, slicking her juices around her clit to come back.

  The next slice of the whip shuddered through her as the dildo impaled itself deeper. Another hit and she was lost in the sensation. Soon she was lost in the pressure of the dildo going in and out and the small stings of the whip at her backside.

  Each strike hammered her against the dildo, making her insides clench and grasp at the hard cock. Liquid need coated her thighs making the small tether at the end of the whip wet. The sting sent her bucking against the alternating pain of the whip and the pleasure of the dildo.

  Lost in her need, she begged for release but Darren never fully penetrated, his firm grip never wavering in its purpose. Tears streamed down her face as she worked for completion.

  The dark voice behind her took on a punishing edge. “Tell me what you want, Elle.”


  “Ask me nicely, Elle, and you can have exactly what you want.”

  The Master slid his hand over her ass, massaging and alleviating the pain. Elle panted as she struggled to slide down the dildo, her nether lips weeping, begging for an end. But Darren wouldn’t relent.

  “Please what, Elle?”


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