Earth Lost Without Power

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Earth Lost Without Power Page 6

by L. S. Wood

  Spies did their best in keeping their comrades informed of any counterpart scientists’ progress in the development of this new weapon. A new self-installed leadership over Russia took place after a deadly cue against the Russian leader that the good people of Russia had elected to govern their country. This small group of men decided they wanted to be in the lead of promoting the first Star Wars syndrome scare tactic throughout the entire world like no other nation had ever encountered or seen before.

  The United Nations Assembly in New York warned these newly self-installed Russian leaders of the new eastern world, several times to not mass-produce these kinds of new highly insensitive neutron weapons of mass destruction.

  This group of greedy new leaders of Russia continually bragged to the world about having this new power of control over the entire planet. They broadcasted it to all the leaders around the world, and didn’t care about the proven safety mechanisms necessary for any kind of human safety. Scientists from around the globe knew this and feared for their control over the populous around the world. These new leaders discarded all warnings from world leaders and their own concerned scientist. These greedy men ordered several hundreds of these multi-headed molt chambered sensitivity activated bombing devices mass-produced under the cover of night in several of their large secured factories. They would not inform the leaders of the world what was taking place so they might add these weapons to their arsenal of mass destruction. Under the secrecy of darkness, they accomplished the task without the world knowing it somehow before any spies found out about their secret creations.

  All this, for wanting to show the world a supremacy in their becoming the new leading super power around the world in their race to the Star Wars era of controlling the world in short time by using outer space as their weapon dispersing plan of control of the earth.


  The Great Launch

  Countries around the globe were in total shock when the great missile launch from within the Russian empire took place. The United States and Canada scrambled every fighter aircraft they had available, as did all the other countries around the world. The United States put their SAC missile defense systems instantly on red alert. Eastern ally countries aimed their missiles toward Russia, as well as friends of Russia re-aimed theirs if need be.

  Allied atomic submarines cruising the vast seas and waterways around the world, positioned themselves to launch an enormous offensive attack toward the Russian empire. It looked to the world that the Russian people were launching a third world war attack around the globe, as everyone on the ground of planet earth prepared to fight back at all costs.

  The Russian leaders broadcasted a special message to the world powers just seconds prior to the great launch. They informed everyone around the globe that they were going to be sending a large-scaled fleet, a quantity of their own protective missiles into outer space as a weapons package for security in defending their own people. The multitude of missiles were going to be orbiting the earth, and were not a threat to anyone on earth as long as everyone around the globe left the Russian empire alone to do whatever they wanted to do in their own provinces and elsewhere if they so choose to do so. They did not volunteer or give any better explanation than elsewhere, or somewhere or anywhere as they broadcast their boastful informational message to the world.

  The Russians had secretly built rocket launching pads within the structures of many old abandoned factories concealing their plans from everyone by using the darkness of night. This included some of their very own top-notch military officials in their own defense systems. The elite spy system around the world did not function in finding out about the Great Russian missile launch until it was too late, and the launch was under way. Hundreds of radar screens from around the world established contact with the several hundred Russian rockets taking flight. Friendly ally countries went into an instant frenzied panic attack in disbelief and concern what the Russian empire was up to. The entire atmosphere surrounding the earth became chaotically busy with every kind of military warplane known to humankind that could fly that day.

  Immediately, all military National Guard fighter pilots around the United States reported to active duty. Emergency phone numbers rang out all across the country from east to west and north to south at their places of employment and at their homes. The voice on the other end of the phone was telling the reservists to leave their places of employment and homes immediately, and to report at once to their military units or squadrons as soon as humanly possible. The world was in a frenzied red alert and needed everyone at his or her post in order to protect his or her country.

  The launch of Russian missiles never swayed or altered from their direct courses in flight straight up putting them all into their own orbit around the globe. Not a one failed to launch.

  World leaders from around earth expected some of the missiles to do just the opposite at any given moment in time, but all flew precisely as the Russian leaders had said they would. Every missile shot strait toward the heavens above and into their own precise orbits.

  The missiles raced around the globe like race cars on a circular race track until they were in their predetermined orbiting positions the Russians had preprogrammed into their onboard computers. The missiles positioned themselves in strategic locations around the earth in order to defend their homeland against all aggressive countries around the world. The Russian leaders said it was for their protection only, but it looked more like a preplanned positioning of their new missiles for the future purpose of an invasion on earth instead for the sole purpose of protecting their homeland.

  Countries around the world voiced loud despair in Russia’s overzealous act and show of unnecessary force surrounding the globe with their missiles of mass destruction. NATO, with great concern for its assembly, demanded to know the true reason from these new Russian leaders. The tyranny of the new Russia with its newly self-installed military leaders boasted strongly about the new Russian superiority they now had over the rest of the vast world as the world’s newest, greatest, and now most superior super power of all times in the history of the world. They were now not afraid of any country around the planet, especially the flawed weakness of the once super power, the United States of America.

  The Russian’s boasted how the world was at their mercy now, and no one not even other powers of the world were ever to interfere with what they chose to do globally, or they would pick a location in Great Britain for retaliation of interference. They would prove it to everyone on the face of Planet Earth just what this new power of accomplishment would mean to the ones who just might try to oppose their supremacy.


  The Flaw

  Within days of the bizarre Russian missile launch, the United States intelligence network received some very troubling information from a very troubled Russian scientist through its strategic spy system. He claimed he had been one of several scientists working on the severely faulty guiding systems installed in all the missiles now orbiting the globe. They were using old relic equipment in their guiding protection systems. These old units of guidance control were hurriedly modified to get these many missiles aloft to show supremacy to the world. By using the below-grade insulating materials and installing it into the orbiting missiles could prove fatal to many inhabitants around the world, and most importantly to the citizens of Russia as well.

  An American double agent spy who had gathered all this information had an entire layout of the newly modified Russian missiles guiding systems, schematics, and plans with him as he entered the Pentagon with this very disturbing news. He had paid dearly for the plans or at least his own brother and partner had. His only living brother was with him at the time of contact when the subject scientist gave up the sets of plans and lost his life in helping him secure the plans for the U.S. Government.

  Steven barely escaped his pursuers himself as he ducked quickly into an open doorway down through a
maze of buildings through alley ways in and out of doorways and escaping his pursuers. He miraculously managed to search and find another informant for his sanctuary, and in time with his help over the last few weeks, made his flight to freedom. The mission turned out to be a true success for the department except for the loss of his brother, whom he dearly loved and admired, who had recruited him into a life of being a double agent for his country.

  The biggest problem with the new schematics the Russians had designed and interfaced into their missiles guiding system was in decoding them and breaking down their new and very difficult sophisticated code that they had installed in all of their missiles.

  An overzealous Russian computer whiz somehow electronically had interfaced an emergency coding device with codes in instant swapping within the new computerized blueprint plans. The security in the guiding systems on these missiles, along with other bizarre schemes with internal triggering micro switches, were installed to protect the missiles while in orbit from interception by an enemy cargo space craft trying to destroy the missiles one by one, and eliminating Russia from being the new world power.

  Computer scalpers both young and old from around the country were brought into the pentagon’s most highly secured computer laboratory facility in Washington D.C. in order to help break this very new to electronics, ridiculously encoded micro coded whiz bang young Russian scientist had almost un-flawlessly developed.

  Too bad, they had not used such care in using quality-controlled materials in their speedy production of them as well as in the designing the new defense mechanism for the security of these destructive missiles orbiting the earth.

  It took several long weeks of rounding up computer scalpers from around the country and computer whizzes working for the government to help in this awesome tedious project, to come up with a plan to break this protection code and plan.

  These ludicrously new computer codes would instantly make new avenues in recourse penetration for the protection of entry into its protected flight program. This way no enemy force from below by chance could find the radio frequency on the craft and destroy the missiles before they could return to earth to seek out their intended targets and distribute the multiple small deadly missiles stored within their nose cones. Each of these smaller missiles inside their mother missiles had their own condensed collection of neutron explosives and guiding systems to seek out many targeted areas for instant killing of it pray.

  One sixteen year old computer wizard that had been brought into the program for hacking into many government computers around the country, was apprehended by federal agents in a small community college in Montana. He had lastly accessed a highly sophisticatedly protected government project, by using his high IQ. He put a small self-made, simple macro buffeting softening code into the Russian guiding system to block the ever-changing code, and it worked. After coming up with the coded solution in code recovery, the many charges against him brought by the U. S. Government were dropped. The officials he was working under secured him a job working with his government even though he was under age. His new job, instead of him hacking into their sophisticated programs, would now have him develop new specialty coded programs for other computer intelligent people like himself, so others would not be able to hack into any other concealment programs of high security for his government.

  With the Russians highly sophisticated decoding program broken, they discovered the many guiding system flaws in the missiles floating around the earth in space. It showed the guiding protection systems for recovery that the Russians had developed and installed in their many missiles would be extremely dangerous. The system was not only dangerous to all the countries around the world, but it was as dangerous to their own country of Russia as it was to the entire planet earth below.

  No one incorporated any serious scientific thought of common sense into the seriousness of the required sophistication needed in this new guiding and protection system.

  A child using a toy erector set would have put more thought into his project than these egotistical new leaders who wanted immediate recognition of their new supremacy. The foolish action taken by the so-called highly intelligent Russia leaders, in need of control of their country, proved their arrogance. Especially after finding out the truth about these flawed guiding systems they over eagerly installed in their so-called brilliant Star Wars Defense System. One of the Russian scientists who had been working on the Russian defense systems and neutron bomb guiding systems defected from Russia to the U.S. Lucky for him, the United States government gave him asylum in their country under an alias protective name and a job to help to try to stop a worldwide catastrophe from taking shape. He would do anything possible to help the United States succeed in its lone fight against a weapon no one had any control over, except for the Russian leaders who could put an end to the standoff of the missiles by blowing them all up with the simple push of a single button.

  They were too damn obstinate to act out for the good of humanity, or even their own people. These few newly self-installed military Russian leaders had previously killed for their new position as leaders. The new leaders vowed to the world that the many deadly rockets they had placed into space orbit were fail safe, explaining to the world their superiority in these newly sophisticated fail-safe systems they had personally overseen in all the installations in each of their rockets.

  They bragged about how each missile cone had been filled with many smaller war-headed missiles each, and they would only be used if the leaders around the world did not stop messing around with their every whim. The new Russian leaders continually boasted about a new modern day scientific accomplishment that they had performed over and over again to the world.

  They were trying to explain to everyone just how great their missiles really were, but were losing world confidence in the way they continually boasted about their safety for everyone. The world was a much safer place to live now as they continued on to reinforce everyone around the globe. Safer except if a strong foreign force or nation try to invade their country, or try to stop them from doing whatever they damn well pleased around the globe. Only then would they put their defense Star Wars mechanisms into full-scale force against their enemy. They now had doubts about the many missiles in space themselves, but refused to acknowledge it to the world that something could go wrong with them at any moment.

  The new leaders of Russia were still afraid of Great Britain, the United States, and a couple of other weaker powers around the globe, because they knew if they started something, these powers would be on top of them like flies on a cow manure pile. Several of the Russian scientists who had worked on the secret project, tried to warn their newly self-installed leaders of Russia openly on the streets of Moscow. They tried hard to explain to them about the great dangers that were now lurking high above the earth, so others would hear their warning plea for their people. Several of the scientists who dared to voice their opinions openly and try to warn their leaders in front of the media were immediately sent off to prison in Siberia to be forgotten about, as well as their families just for being their relatives.

  The only lucky doctors were the ones who had defected to the U.S. One by taking a vacation to Austria with his family right after the launch and was able to leave Russia for their security. He did not voice his opinion openly as he knew the outcome would be devastating just like the missiles, and wanted to escape the country before the countries around the world attacked Russia for their blunder.

  A second doctor was able to defect from Russia by escaping to the United States by securing permission to travel to a science convention in Italy. He never showed up for the convention and never returned back home to Russia. The Kremlin was now seeking both doctors for defecting, and ordered them both killed upon sight by the soviets KGB force who had spies in the United States.

  The very few remaining scientist not imprisoned worked frantically on the faulty guiding protection systems an
d did not dare voice their opinions in their opposition openly. They tried to repair the defects installed in the systems from down on earth without any success. The one who knew the most about the coded system was in prison in Siberia along with his coworkers and families. Along with several hundred friendly communication and weather satellites was the International Space Station mostly manned by Soviet cosmonauts at the present, taking their turn using the laboratory in the sky for their own personal experiments, supposedly to help humankind around the world and not just for their country alone. They had left for the International Space Station just prior to the new leaders of Russia taking control over their country. One of the new military leaders had put orders into the hand of one of the cosmonauts to give to the officer in charge of the space station to stay concealed until the end of his stay in space.

  There was nothing any scientists on earth could do to rectify the faulty switches, relays, guiding gyros or the extensively and extremely sensitivity sensing mechanisms that had already been installed into the faulty war headed missiles circling the earth. The entire fleet of Soviet missiles were ready to bring catastrophic results to the world below if activated.

  It was possible that any one, two, three, ten, or even possibly every rocket above could all converge on a single target that could possibly be the best that could happen except for being over Russian Moscow, the scientists explained to their bold thoughtless leaders that this was possible, and could happen at any time.

  After many long tiring hours of debating back and forth with the friendly countries trying to negotiate with the stubborn Russian leaders about the dangers they initiated into space, they confessed to their guilt of unnecessary speed of putting all these rockets into orbit without further precautionary measures put into place.

  The Soviet leaders would not have confessed to their own guilt or stupidity if it had not been for one of their own multi-headed neutron rockets descended back to earth over Russia and exploded the week before. The returning missile killed many farmers in the producing region around Russia. The small independent missiles in its nose cone did not leave their mother ship, and all exploded on reentry over Russia causing a gigantic catastrophe.


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