Earth Lost Without Power

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Earth Lost Without Power Page 7

by L. S. Wood

  The farm hands, their families, along with all the livestock, foul of the air, and wildlife in fields for miles around perished due to the mishap of a single missile carrying its multiple war-headed armed missiles in its nose cone.

  The so-called perfect Russian security system installed in all the missiles did not work well in space, and had caused a catastrophic event to take place in their country, and now waiting to happen to some other unsuspecting nation down on earth somewhere.

  The new Soviet leaders understood they were at extreme risk as were many other inhabitants around the earth to the perils they had caused lurking in the once peaceful and now very menacing heavens above caused by them.

  Through joint efforts by many nations, top electronically-minded scientists from around the world met in Washington, D.C. trying to ward off any potential danger which might result in the near future. They willfully put their scientific minds together and devised a system in which to retrieve the menacing missiles one by one, if necessary, and to deactivate them all.

  Should these sensitive missiles allow for the luxury of all being reclaimed before returning back to earth and destroying another village, town, or city! They had to be stopped, and the sooner the better for everyone’s safety including the new Russian empire that placed them in orbit.

  The nosecones affixed to each missile had their own safety devices attached to them that would sense the size of an approaching spacecraft trying to capture it, and remove it from its orbit. The sensing device installed in its tracking system would activate to keep any nation such as the United States from being able to intercept them with their space shuttle fleet.

  The sensory device would activate the rockets propulsion engine, and send the unit hurling back towards the earth to accomplish its dreaded works of destroying heavily populated nations.

  These missiles would also kill the livestock for miles around, and the many insects, and other living creatures in the vicinity with its many deadly exploding neutron bomb missiles.

  The one stray lone fox missile which had come back to earth all by itself exploding over Russia, caused havoc and great unrest in its nation. The missile never went to its intended programmed target and never meant to explode in or over Russia. The new leaders of the Kremlin explained that it must have had its sensitivity capture mechanism activated somehow by accident and allowing it to return to earth. A satellite passing too close to it or a quick passing space stone speeding quickly nearby on its way to or by earth and had accidently activated the capture recovery sensory device. The new Russian leaders didn’t want to give any better explanation than the simplest one as they were afraid if they told the rest of the world the truth about the faulty missiles, even the good people of Russia would turn on them by massive assemblies in force and take back their country by a revolution that they didn’t want.

  All the sensitivity devices manufactured and installed in these missiles, had no quality control in place for speed of quick development and their quick delivery. They made them using a mixture of silicon and rubber together for the cable sheathing on which a constant bombardment of ultraviolet light from the sun instantly started to decompose the instant they all reached orbit.

  Quick unnatural aging on its rubberized skin made the rockets extremely vulnerable to something as small as a speck of space dust, if it passed too closely by its sensitivity sensing firing mechanism to wake the guiding system alive and fire up the main rocket to life. In turn, it would activate the target seeking mechanism on the tight grouped miniature missiles held in their nose cones with the many war headed neutron missiles located therein.

  The missile that returned to earth by its lonesome over Russia didn’t respond to any of its preprogrammed settings installed to where it was supposed to go, and attacked its maker’s land. This worried the new Russian leaders. They all knew what they did was wrong, and knew they would pay for their blunder in the near future somehow.

  Meetings of smart-minded scientists were being held daily by hundreds of scientists worldwide to help fend off the fate of the poor situation lurking in the heavens above. While these meetings were taking place, a crew of highly trained United States military astronauts from NASA, were blasting off from Cape Canaveral’s Space Center in Florida.

  All information attached to this mission was for the shuttle to intercept one of the many potentially menacing rockets lurking above, and bring it back to earth. When safely back on earth, a team of trained men would disarm the payload of neutron bomb mini missiles held in its nose cone. The approach to the rocket had to be precise from a forty-five degree angle from its starboard side facing the earth in which the sensing device was not set to detect any movement at that angle, an engineer figured out in the missiles electronic electrical schematics. This was the only flaw anyone could come up with that might help the people on earth overcome a most destructive situation.

  Should the shuttle approach the missile from behind, straight on, or on any angle other than a forty five degree angle from deep space, it would sense the spacecraft and activate the sensing mechanism by firing its rocket, immediately sending the missile back towards the earth and its intended preprogrammed targets, if its guiding mechanisms were working properly.

  It would take a period of several long years to accomplish the retrieval of all these menacing missiles if this mission was to be successful. It would try to make one successful mission per week or until all the menacing missiles were retrieved and defused.

  As the crew aboard the Twitchel was passing out through the Ionosphere and into outer space, a small shower of meteorite fragments of stone and dry ice from Haley’s Comet came passing by the earth as it began to rain down from its long tail behind it toward earth. The meteor shower began bouncing millions of tiny pebbles of Comet fragmented particles of dry ice, dust, and stone from the Twitchel’s fuselage, wings, and windshield like hail in a severe thundershower before a tornado might strike the earth. Radio communications from the Twitchel back to earth through the storm of static dust was horrendous as the crew of the Twitchel leveled out into their desired orbital path in order to retrieve their first missile of the many they were hoping to retrieve in their first recovery mission.

  Suddenly the entire crew’s eyes bloomed with disapproving horror written all over their stunned faces hidden behind their face shields. None onboard could believe what their eyes were watching take place before them as hundreds of small thruster rockets came instantly to life before their very eyes. They didn’t understand what the horrendous outcome of what they were witnessing would be. They presumed it was not to be a pristine outcome for them later on in the mission as they were now having to deal with whatever the results would be.


  A Horrific Sighting

  Out the Twitchel’s main glass windshield, the crew witnessed the entire fleet of Soviet neutron missiles in their immediate area and around the globe come simultaneously to life. One missile after another took flight back toward the earth without delay. The crew aboard the shuttle knew the shower of ice and stone must have breached the sensitive sensing mechanisms on all the rockets at precisely the same exact time. The supposedly secured failsafe missile system the Russian leaders so boldly bragged about to all nations around the globe, had failed in record time. In less than a ten-second time lap, they all had failed. One missile’s rocket booster after another brought their solid fueled propulsion systems to life. The circumference around planet earth looked like a multitude of fighter jet squadrons that had all thrown their ignition switches to their rocketed aircraft on, all at the same precise time.

  The blackness of the shuttle’s orbit became aglow with a significant number of burning solid-fueled rockets littering the darkness of space above the globe alight. The quiet heavens became alive with hundreds of deadly Soviet multi-headed neutron warheads, every one of them heading back to the earth under full power.

  Every missile ac
tivated by their own faulty propulsion safeguard guiding systems. They were all alive and were following their preprogrammed missions back toward earth to seek out and destroy their prioritized predetermined destiny of destruction to start killing all living creatures within their pre-plotted return sequence. Every location on earth that these deadly inoculating missiles of death were going to alight was sure to be heavily populated. Each missile with its own unique design made ready to cause drastic chaotic grief to thousands in lost human life along with an undetermined number of domestic and wild animals alike.

  This new weaponry of destruction would snuff out all life almost instantly where it detonated and for miles around as well. The populous around the world were not ready for such a disaster as this one was going to cause. The leaders from around the globe would stop at nothing to stop it from happening to the citizens of their countries.

  The Soviet leaders did not have a plan to stop such a massive invasion as the one taking place other than to destroy all of the rockets with the push of a single button. Prior to this disastrous mishap, they had had full control over every rocket in orbit in space, so they thought. They thought they could send them back to earth one at a time to show everyone around the globe they were the true rulers of the planet above everyone else. Now it was different, and they did not know what to do next.


  The Unexpected Furry of Futility

  Houston control, this is the U. S. Space Shuttle Twitchel, over!” “Go ahead Twitchel!” “Command Center Houston, we have a severe code red alert taking place up here.” “What type of code red problem do you have, Twitchel? What is your dilemma, be more specific?”

  “Believe me, Houston, this is a true special red coded alert. The entire fleet of neutron war headed missiles up here is everyone’s problem, Houston. The entire fleet of the war headed missiles have all been activated. They have all fired themselves up, Houston. All rocket powered motors have been ignited, command center. All the missiles we can see from our position are all heading back toward earth under full power as we speak, Houston!”

  “Repeat your transmission Twitchel. Static down here is terrible on our receptor network, Twitchel, please repeat”. “All neutron war headed missiles have all activated themselves, Houston, and are all heading back toward earth under full power!”

  “Roger, Twitchel. We have all neutron missiles heading back toward earth under full power, Twitchel?” “Correct Houston. Transmission is correct, Houston! All soviet rockets have ignited themselves and are heading back to earth as we speak.”

  “General Hamilton, we have a very severe problem. The soviet rockets have all activated themselves somehow and are all heading back toward earth as we speak.”

  General Hamilton ran to the main control room at command center central. He quickly picked up the red colored phone and began almost screaming into its mouthpiece. “This is General Hamilton from NASA Control Center, gentleman. We have a red alert on our hands. Repeat. We have an all-out red alert on our hands.

  Men, the scatter run has begun, I repeat, the scatter run has begun! We have a massive scatter run underway as all Soviet rockets are heading back toward earth under full power”.

  The scatter run was the pre-designated code name given if anything thing went array with the recovery mission on any one or more of the rockets in orbit if one was to return to the earth under its own power without being snagged by the recovering unit, the shuttle Twitchel. Every nation around the globe with fighter planes scrambled their aircrafts into immediate action, hoping to intercept any stray missiles returning from above their nations.

  The perpetrators coming to earth needed to be taken out of the sky immediately before they were able to disperse any of their heavily armed and very deadly payloads from their nosecones. Everyone knew the rocket’s nosecones had a dozen or more highly sensitive neutron activated war-headed mini missiles in them. Each rocket was capable of shooting these assorted Minnie-Rockets off in an assortment of different directions to seek out their own preprogrammed targets of ill repute.

  Every military aircraft around the world were capable of flying were to blow up every missile they could before they would be able to reach their preprogrammed destinations or have the chance to activate any of the many altimeter detonator sensory devices installed in them.

  The United States and the Soviet Union scrambled every available fighter aircraft they had on land and sea in unison with all the other nations around the globe. The sky became a scattered air arena full of aircraft searching out the unsuspecting enemy no one ever expected to return to earth this way. The pilots aboard these aircrafts in the air thought they were in pursuit of a single stray missile in their area coming back toward the earth, searching frantically for the one menacing unit. They did not realize they were in for one hell of a fight, a fight of a lifetime, and for their very lives as well.

  An accumulation in hundreds upon thousands of jet fighter pilots from around the globe flew their warring aircraft into the air to seek out and destroy their foe across the heavens approaching the earth. After becoming airborne, all were informed of their missions by their commanding unit officers as to what they would be up against by facing this deadly enemy. This enemy was more dangerous than just flying up and engaging in an air-to-air combat dogfight with another flying ace of their own caliber in another aircraft similar to theirs in the once friendly skies they all had guarded over their countries. They would be up against an enemy with more strength and magnitude than they had. An enemy with a computerized mind with the fastest decision making computers for their computerized brains ever built into an aircraft, or vehicle of mass destruction. These flying fortresses of destruction would become a challenge to the best of the best of flying aces, and it would be a miracle if any of the warring planes in the sky would prevail in their missions to seeking out and destroy the enemy.

  The quick response computerized guiding systems installed in them could fend off any capable fighter aircraft that might come into destructive range of them or try to pursue them in their rapid descents back toward the earth in order to accomplish their deadly missions.

  The primary goal in each rocket was to seek out a predetermined location in the sky over the earth’s crust. They were to find a high densely populated region over the planet in a specific country, and then activate the many nosecone missiles to eject their deadly payloads in many smaller more deadly missiles out over their intended targeted area, killing the enemy. All missiles were preprogrammed to accomplish their deadly tasks with a full squadron of highly trained fighter pilots in warplanes in hot pursuit of them on their deadly mission runs.

  The time of day along with their location in orbit above the earth would greatly signify what targets they would seek out and destroy as they descended back toward earth from the heavens. The time preprogrammed into each rocket had a revolving clock program of the day’s rotation in the rockets computers which activated and governed each missile by the power of the magnetic fields generated by the earth’s magnetic polar caps energy transmitting fields of magnetism, governing their location by the earth’s constant rotation.

  These deadly rockets were continually signaling their positioning aloft status in orbit by radio signaling their positions to the other missiles in orbit avoiding satellites in their orbit. This was the only good part in their preprogramming the many rockets, giving them a better chance to avoid recovery by an adversary or even their own makers.

  The faulty missiles had no conscious or guilt built into them. Surely, not a one cared who they killed, if it was their own maker if he or she was in its path when it came back to earth. Something drastically wrong had gone array in their preprogramming of destinations.

  The Soviets knew it when they tried to reprogram them in orbit not to returns back to earth. To seek out another orbit above until a future time when they would be needed to show supremacy to the world below. The faulty
programs installed had failed, as none would responded to commands broadcast to them by their command center to abort the mission and stay put in orbit until a later date in time when needed.

  In the United States, all emergency broadcasting network systems around the country went into immediate action broadcasting the warning of the approaching menace. Every radio and television station around the country, dropped what they were broadcasting, and turned to warning their viewers of the peril which was about to take place around the globe. Every communication satellite circling the earth was pouring out important warning messages sent to them and they back to the earth below.

  People around the world having any kind of electronic messaging equipment were informed that the faulty Soviet missiles had erupted into a full-scale case of scientific disarray, as a deadly reality was about to affect everyone on planet earth with their imbalanced deadly payloads.

  This was not just another case of another Orson Wells broadcasting his fable with his made up story about the invasion on the world by aliens from another planet. This was a true war crime brought on by the greedy Russian leaders. The situation was an unconscionable not well thought out incident cast down onto the many inhabitants of the earth including all its wildlife and domestic animal life there on, including birds and insects that fly.

  A very unfortunate invasion brought on by the few new Soviet Union leaders’ stupidity. An unprovoked invasion brought down from space on everyone no matter where they lived on planet earth including their own people of Russia.

  The emergency broadcasting system warned that everyone should in some way take immediate shelter and cover well below the earth’s crust and surface if possible and hurry in doing so before it becomes too late. The ones not able to seek cover will all perish, it broadcasted. “This is not a test, the broadcasters repeated over and over again over the airways of their networking stations. Take cover immediately. Seek out shelter of any kind in the lowest parts of your homes or at your places of employment. Take cover wherever you can possibly be safe from the approaching menace from hell. Take cover in water wells, in basements of skyscrapers, in cellars of homes like you would if a tornado was to be coming. Whatever you do, take immediate cover in a well-secured area away from windows, doors, and outside walls. Take all of your children, your family pets, and any other animals you can with you if possible. This is not a test. Please take cover immediately.”


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