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Earth Lost Without Power

Page 8

by L. S. Wood

  Every town, city, and community around the whole wide world engaged their warning sirens into full action along with every available whistle shrilling, and all horns blowing out a call of distress, warning everyone within ear shot from them to heed some sort of warning.

  Many concerned people around the world put themselves in harm’s way. They jeopardized themselves trying hard in vain to send out messages of warning to people from bells in steeples, horns of all sorts, along with loudspeakers installed out on commons and in parks. The citizens of the world, along with their many animals and the other poor creatures around the planet, were in a state of peril from the descending manmade menace approaching the earth quickly and quietly from the heavens above. Soon it would be too late to do anything to save themselves from the disaster ready to happen at any moment.

  People around the planet were scrambling around trying to take cover in complete shock as they ran. People around the world wondered how anything this atrocious could possibly take place in one’s lifetime. The leaders of the world should have known better than let anything this ludicrous take place in these new most modern times of technology. Maybe this was God’s way of putting an end to man’s existence on planet earth as they once knew it.

  The populous of the world became frantic hearing about the horrific dangers broadcast to them by the emergency broadcasting equipment sending out its many warnings. People in deep sound sleeps were rudely awakened from their rest by loud horns. Sirens blasting from police cruisers driving around neighborhoods trying to warn people, while others out and about shopping were being warned in supermarkets and other types of stores to leave their shopping carts behind where they were and go immediately home to be with their loved ones.

  Worldly inhabitants sought shelter in storage food coolers, their basements, or wherever else they could go in finding immediate shelter from this new type of deadly bomb that would kill all humankind and animal life alike in its path. They did not understand how a bomb of this magnitude could kill everyone including their pets and other animals, and yet would leave their buildings, trees, vegetation, and all the likes unscathed in its path of eminent destruction.

  Peoples’ actions around the planet looked more like a scene right out an Alfred Hitchcock fable. A horror movie scene coming to life, as all were getting ready to die by an approaching invisible ghost. Everyone had a very sick feeling about the world they were living in, as they once knew it to be, was about to come to an abrupt end. The world was going to burn up in flames, as predicted in the Bible, and all were going to burn in hell except for the meek.

  People became instantly panic-stricken hearing the warnings. Groups of people began leaving their places of employment by the hundreds of thousands stampeding over each other trying to flee. To where ever they were supposed to go, they did not know. City streets along with subways became almost instantly jammed. Transportation systems became instantly over crowded with masses of people trying to flee the big cities and towns, trying to flee and return back home to be with their loved ones so they might die together.

  Hundreds instantly began running out of patience with the massive overcrowding in the streets. So many of them became instantly hostile, extremely irritated with one another, as impatient drivers trying to flee the city began running over people in the streets and on city sidewalks to get around enormous traffic jams on the roadways to escape the crowds. Some drivers sped out of control to get back to their homes, causing enormous accidents along roadways. No one would stop to see if anyone was dead or alive or in desperate need of immediate medical attention. It seemed no one cared about life and humanity any more.

  The news media had been warning the world this would happen one day. Sending out warning after daily warning, and now it had all come to fruition and everyone knew the end of the world was near. Thousands and upon thousands of the city dwellers and workers became trapped while trying to escape the cities. They could not escape the wrath of overcrowding in the streets. Many sought their hurried ways into the many churches within the city limits, crushing innocent people young and old on their way into the overcrowded doorways, killing many older people and children by plainly knocking them down and crushing them beneath their stampeding feet. Every person on the streets was acting like people trying to flee a burning building. In this case, the people were trying to get inside a holy structure as soon as they could instead of staying outside of its holy walls and face the devil himself.

  These hostile people all wanted to be in the house of the Lord when the final seconds of the world came to its providence. Most people thought it would not be more than a billionth of a second when the world came to its end. Many people having sinned wanted to rebuke to the Lord in confession before they died and had to face him at the pearly gates of heaven when they arrived. People did not know what to expect or how to protect themselves from the evil forces about to descend down on them from out of the blue.

  Rival gangs of city juveniles hearing the extreme news dispersed, going their own separate ways to be with family or someone they thought might care about them. Everyone who heard the deadly warnings about death approaching them felt the same as others did. What was going to happen to he or she, feeling the end of the world would soon be upon them before the end of the day was to come, or even sooner. It was all up to the good Lord above now, or was it up to the Russian leaders to stop this intrusive fate of the world?


  The Final Decision

  Precious seconds, hell no, precious minutes had already wasted away in failed communication talks between the space agency, the President of the United States, his leaders of the armed forces, and the greedy leaders occupying the Kremlin now. The world was in a state of panic, and no one on the face of planet Earth knew the next proper step to take in this serous dilemma.

  The President of United States requested and then demanded, slamming his fist down on his desk yelling at the stubborn Soviet leaders that they push the damn activating panic detonation button. Whatever the button’s name was that would allow all these deadly missiles still in orbit to explode simultaneously, before any might possibly regain entry back into the earth’s atmosphere and rain down death upon everyone below them. Leaders from around the world hoped by pushing the panic button it would leave the Earth safe from this potency of death that the missiles carried with them.

  This created a big dilemma the Kremlin did not want to deal with if they detonated the missiles in space. Afraid these exploding missiles would kill the astronauts onboard the U. S. Twitchel as well as all the cosmonauts aboard the international space station.

  They did not care about the lives of those on the space station, but the Soviet leaders were afraid the ramifications it would cause leaders from around the world, angry for killing the few innocent people in outer space.

  The President of the United States demanded they push the panic button at once, and was willing to sacrifice the several lives of his people in orbit in order to save the millions if not billions of lives it might cost the world below if they didn’t do it right away.

  It was not a matter of seconds in who would be right or who would be wrong at this critical time. He demanded they do the right thing by pushing the damn button that would cost the least amount of lives, and to make it happen now! Everyone onboard the Twitchel knew the president was right about his hard decision and scared as hell for themselves, but more afraid for their loved ones back home on earth, than they were for themselves.

  The cowardly soviet leaders were intimidated. They had no idea what would happen if they were to blow all the neutron missiles up all at the very same time. They had not given it any forethought or afterthought when they had initially installed the safety device for this type of protection. They thought they would never have to use it. More thought out scientific data should have gone into their hurried production of all these many killers.

  Along with a separate
activating device installed in each missile with its own special frequency in order to be watched over from earth and destroyed one by one if necessary. The Soviet leaders had not given it any thought about separate safety devices they were all in such a damn hast to become the super power of supremacy over the planet. Caution and any safety features were not number one on their priority list at the hasty time of missile production, and now it was too late even for them to come up with a good lie about how safe their new rocketry systems were.

  Leaders from countries around Earth both large and small were heavily yelling and screaming at the Soviet leaders over their special connected communication lines to blow up the damn missiles before they might regain entry back into the earth’s atmosphere, or it might be too late for everyone, including them. The Soviet leaders were all hoping for a damn miracle to happen, which did not. It was now all upon their greedy little shoulders to either act now or face a continental tribunal court system later on for their actions and they knew it.

  Military pilots in the air knew their treacherous missions. They were to seek out and destroy as many enemy missiles they could before they had time to activate and deploy their deadly payloads in neutron warheads mini-missiles of great strength to the earth. If these missiles nose-cone canopy covers were to open in flight, they would deploy their twelve, twenty, or more activated warheads they were carrying. It all depended upon the size of the carrying rocket’s ability in maneuvering its payload size.

  A larger payload of rockets would require an additional nineteen, twenty, or more aircraft to do what a single fighter aircraft might possibly be able to accomplish with the use of its own missiles. No one on Earth knew the many faulty sensory devices installed on all the missiles including the small missiles inside the many nosecones activated themselves when the massive spec-sized meteor shower covered the outer atmosphere around the earth hitting these many rockets, causing electrical short-circuits to take place within the many rockets.

  With their time clocks ticking, these deadly clusters of rockets were just waiting to depart from the nose cones to descend down to earth and seek out their supposedly intended targets. A hard sudden jar in reentry could trigger the many sensitive altimeter detonators on reentry because they were designed so poorly.

  The longer the missiles lay in wait in space the better so the soviets could detonate them there, but they were zooming in toward the earth faster now, and it would only be a matter of seconds before it was too late to detonate them in their once space orbit, and save the world from eminent disaster.

  Lt. Richard Nixon, flying with the Royal Canadian Air Force, was the first lucky unlucky flying ace to lock his radar guiding laser heat seeking missiles onto one of the deadly neutron rockets carrying the missiles. He spotted it as it broke down through a high cloud cover over the country of Canada just above the city of Toronto. He and his squadron witnessed it descending rapidly down from space to deploy its deadly payload in rockets onto the heavily populated city and its surrounding area.

  He could see the nose cone of the rocket had already peeled away its covering displaying the multiple assembly of twenty or more already activated nuclear neutron rocket missiles it held secure inside its heavily armed nose. He swiftly turned his squadron around locking his aircrafts laser firing radar onto the rocket, and fired two destructive laser heat-seeking missiles from his aircraft to destroy the first multi headed rocket descending back towards the earth below.

  Fire one, and fire two. It was the last communication ever heard from the squadron leader of flying aces. The other pilots in the squadron all listened and watched as their noble leader locked his radar guided missiles onto its pray in front of them, and fired the killing rockets from his aircraft, all squadron pilots watching as the two missile went to do the job they were intended to do.

  The many massive smaller explosions in front of their squadron leaders aircraft did not look very bad to any of them behind him as they veered their aircraft away from the initial explosion trying not to hit any debris floating around in the air in front of them from the exploding missiles.

  The pilots felt several small shockwaves flying through the cloud left by the explosion that did not seem to be bad. Although the massive neutron field generated from the many smaller exploding war heads penetrated their frail bodies like a zillion silent machine gun bullets that didn’t hurt their outer bodies, but sent the deadly array of neutrons throughout every pilot in the squadron.

  It caused them instantly to go into involuntary convulsions, rendering the entire squadron of Canadian pilots dead. None of the pilots ever knew what hit them it happened so fast, so unexpectedly. These pilots were instantly lost, due to the rapid release of the overactive payloads of deadly neutrons filling the air around them, and sucking their bodies dry of any life supporting electrical energy they possessed .

  The instant absorption of all the pilots’ internal electrical impulses from their bodies over function control of the heart rate and movement, left them sizzling and smoking in their cockpit seats.

  Control over their aircraft was gone, as was their ability to live. What little electrical impulses they once had in their brains and nervous system vanished instantly.


  The Eye in the Sky

  Several dozen Soviet cosmonauts along with two German astronauts living aboard the International Space Station witnessed the spectacular view of the many missiles all activated at the very same time. They watched as the earth in its day of devastation took place from above in their safe orbit a few hundred miles away from the destruction.

  They all had heard from their own mission control space compound in Kazakhstan, Russia as well as from the Houston Command Station located in Texas that they, along with the crew of the Twitchel, might become victims of this awful unforeseen disaster in order to save the many lives of their loved ones and other inhabitants around the earth.

  The crew knew when told by the Americans that they would not be safe if it take place in space. They watched, fearing for their lives, as the many missiles penetrated back through the ionosphere and into the earth’s atmosphere back toward the earth and away from them.

  The eye in the sky saw everything taking place within its viewing vision as the space station passed over the earth in their orbit. The crew aboard the laboratory, some sitting and others floating in weightlessness, watched the several television monitors in the space station, as the Canadian fighter squadron’s leader locked his radar guided missiles onto the first rocket to reenter the sky over Canada. They were able to keep an eye on the chase as the five fighter aircraft followed in close pursuit in perfect formation after their enemy missile and watched as the two laser guided missiles sought out their kill and did their job. The first explosion destroyed the main rocket as the second missile ignited all the other mini nuclear missiles into a massive explosion of released neutrons. Three of the payload that the main rocket had been carrying had already departed the nosecone from the main rocket, and were on their separate ways to targets of dismay somewhere over Canada.

  The squadron seemed to be in hot pursuit of these last three missiles as the five aircraft followed in close pursuit thereof until the very end. The space station was listening in on the emergency airwaves countries agreed to listen in on during this time of trouble. Each pilot wanted to know when and where the next missile was about to mysteriously show up out of the deadly skies. The eye in the sky watched as squadron after squadron of fighter jets flew through the blast area of the exploding missiles after their initial killings on them. The cosmonauts from above cheered for the many pilots below. It looked as if the fighter pilots on earth would win the horrendous battle against these deadly missiles and save the earth’s people and animal life from extinction.

  Little did the crew aboard the space station know there would be heroes departed in their fearless efforts of battle! They watched as three Canadian Air Force fighter je
ts nosed downward into high-speed dives straight toward the earth, burying the three deep in the earth’s crust below. The two remaining Canadian fighter jets looked as if they were in hot pursuit and going in for the kill on the three remaining missiles getting away seeking out their designated targets. Suddenly the two aircraft in hot pursuit went into similar high-speed straight downward spiraling dives as had the other three aircraft crashing nose first into the surface of the earth in two big puffs of heavy white and then harrowing black billowing smoke.

  The radioman aboard the International Space Center tried in vain several times over to communicate back to earth what they had just witnessed. Finally, after several attempts, he was able to transmit their radio signal back to an observatory station located in New Zealand. He explained to them just what had taken place in the air over Canada.

  The warning message sent to earth from the space immediately transmitted the message to Houston control, Cape Canaveral, the Pentagon, and to the many leaders around the world listening in on the special frequency line.


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