Camp Jameson

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Camp Jameson Page 17

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  “Birthday girl, I can’t take it anymore. Kiss me, you beautiful athlete.”

  I kissed him reluctantly at first. His lips were soft and seeking. Then with the mix of alcohol and his tight body laying over me I decided, what do I have to lose? So I wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss. That’s when Avery cleared his throat and announced the steaks were ready.

  “Damn girl, you can kiss!” Sean called out. Everyone chuckled. But I could feel Avery staring at me. I didn’t make eye contact. I closed my eyes and laid my head back in the sand. I didn’t want to think of Avery.

  Before I knew it, Sean had cradled me in his arms and lifted me from the sand. He spun me around and I squealed in delight as he spun me faster.

  “Let’s go, hottie! We need to feed that little body of yours,” he said, carrying me into the grass and setting me down next to the pavilion. He growled in delight then smacked my ass. I jumped and smiled back at him. My skin prickled on the back of my neck and I knew Avery was watching, but I never turned around. I couldn’t. I was afraid that the tears would come when I looked into those green eyes that now haunted me. I wasn’t feeling strong enough to find out. I was still too wounded from last night.

  “Looks like Sean has a new pet,” Sienna smirked at me. My eyes arched upward and I smiled nervously to her. I had no idea what that meant.

  After we ate, I stood amongst the usual crowd with Sara, sipping on my beer and listening to Sean, Travis, and Colt banter about who could bench press more.

  “Dance with me, beautiful,” a deep husky voice purred. I turned and my eyes landed on Ethan. I smiled softly and nodded. I needed a distraction.

  He lightly gripped my small hand in his and led me to the makeshift dance floor occupied by several dozen couples enjoying a beautiful summer evening. Three Miles Out ‘Only One’ began to play. And I let myself get lost in the music as he pulled me near. Why couldn’t I have found him last night?

  “Where you from?” Ethan asked.

  “Northeast Ohio.”

  “Are you a student?” he asked.

  “Yes. At Kent State.”

  “What’s your major?”


  He smiled wickedly at me. “A hot nurse. You’re the spitting image of every man’s wet dream. How did I get so lucky?” he teased. My face flushed red. I tried to hide my face and turn into him but he was studying me so closely. “You’re adorable when you blush.” I giggled.

  “Thanks,” I said softly. “Where are you from?” I asked trying to change the subject quickly.

  “San Francisco.”

  “California. Nice,” I replied.

  “Ever been?”

  “No. But I always wondered what it would be like to live in California.”

  Ethan ran his hand down my back and let it rest on my hip. “I won’t bite you know. We’re just dancing. Getting to know each other. Aria, I gotta tell you, ever since I saw you in your little running outfit the other day I’ve been hoping to get a moment alone with you. You’re quite popular these days.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’re with Avery’s friends. You’re popular. And very hot, I might add.”

  I stiffened at his comment. “Oh,” was all that I could say. I wasn’t with Avery, though. I never would be. I studied his soft brown eyes. He was being gentle with me and I smiled, glad that I made a friend.

  “I have only one regret,” he said.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m sorry it took me three days to get up the nerve to finally come talk to you. I’ll be honest, I was afraid I’d get turned down.”

  “Really,” I raised my eyebrow at him. “Do I come off that hardcore?”

  “No, I just meant I thought you were particular about your men. You had only been hanging out with a select few here at camp. I didn’t think I’d fall into that category.”

  “It takes me awhile to get warmed up to people,” I said.

  He shrugged. “I knew you loved to dance so I thought at least I could get a dance with you.”

  “You know what, Ethan.” I moved closer to him. “I think you’re hitting on me,” I flirted.

  He laughed louder. “Whatever gave you that idea?” he said mockingly. I felt myself relax against him. He was nice. And I liked his honesty and he did resemble Avery.

  “Is it my turn yet, Romeo?” Wren cut in.

  “Fine,” Ethan huffed. “We’ll finish our chat later, Aria.”

  “Sure I’d like that,” I replied.

  Wren scooped me up and twirled me around away from Ethan. He growled in my ear flirtatiously. It must be a twin thing.

  “God, you’re beautiful. I could spend every day devouring you,” Wren lowered his head and drew in a slow sensual breath. I giggled. “I couldn’t keep my distance anymore. I want to get to know you,” he said.

  “I’m flattered,” I answered.

  Wren stepped closer as a faster song began to play. He swiveled his hips into me and led my arms around his neck.

  “Go Aria,” Sean called out as he pulled Sienna to the dance floor beside us. Why did he have to do that?

  I was glad that Wren couldn’t see my face as I buried my head further against his shoulder. He was a good dancer and I felt at ease beside him.

  We didn’t talk like Ethan and I did. It was purely physical. I got lost in the dance music with Wren. I looked to Sara across the dance floor talking with Colt and Avery. She looked over to me and winked. My eyes met Avery’s. He was listening to Colt with his arms crossed, but his eyes were fixed on me. Why? He made it clear he didn’t want me. So why were his eyes filled with jealousy?

  I turned my head away from Avery and let myself get drowned in Eth...I mean Wren and the music. Damn, they look so much alike.

  I danced the day away taking turns with Ethan and Wren. The twins were sweet, smart, and strong in their own way and incredibly funny. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. It was exactly what I needed. I kept my back to Avery, knowing that he was watching me. But I forced myself not to go there.

  I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I came back, I was a little relieved when I saw Wren and Ethan starting a game of volleyball. I walked to the edge of the lake and waded my feet in the water, letting my mind drift away from everything. The water was warm from the summer sun. It was very calming.

  As the sun set, Pierce, Travis, and Colt lit the many fires along the beach and crowds of people gathered around to each one. I moved to the seat nearest me and took in the laughter that could be heard all around us as Pierce lit the one closest to our group. Avery and I kept at opposite ends of the group. We were back to being strangers.

  Sean, Colt, and Sienna were good friends with him. There was no avoiding that. Sara and Sienna were chatting non-stop about a new clothing line that had just hit New York.

  Travis and Colt were talking about the homerun that someone hit on some baseball team today. I wasn’t really listening. I was lost in thought staring out at the lake, sitting in my chair and sipping my beer. God, this place was beautiful.

  Maya and Amber were giggling about something but my thoughts were too distant to care. I looked to see movement beside me and my mouth fell open. I quickly composed myself and tried to reign in my emotions as Avery and Pierce brought out six acoustic guitars and set the cases on the nearby pavilion. Avery handed Travis, Colt, Maya, and Sienna each one. Pierce grabbed his, then Avery held one and they both sat in their chairs.

  I had no idea Avery played. I had no idea any of them played. Each one dexterously strummed and tuned the chords to their liking. I hadn’t realized I was staring at Avery when his eyes met mine. The campfire seemed to brighten his eyes. My insides sank and Sara broke my internal disorientation by placing her hand on mine. My eyes shifted to her.

  “You okay?” she inquired.

  I looked back to see Avery still looking at me and tuning his guitar. He mouthed the words ‘Happy Birthday’ and my eyes quickly fell away. I nodd
ed to Sara and gave her a small smile. It was the only thing I had the strength to do.

  “Here’s a new one I’ve been working on,” Avery’s velvet voice purred. My eyes met his in surprise. His eyes were locked on mine. “It’s called ‘Falling’. Hope you like it,” his voice sounded strained, like he was holding back some heavy emotion.

  My heart broke out into a fast patter and I wanted to run. I couldn’t do this. So I did the only thing I could think of. I reached for my beer and downed it. Then I leaned over to the cooler and dug out another one while Avery taught the group with guitars the chords. They ran their hands down the neck of their guitar with ease. Avery hummed the melody.

  After a few minutes Avery spoke. “Ready?” Everyone nodded and let him lead.

  I tried to keep my breath even as Avery began singing about a special woman. He sang about how he liked the feel of her name on his lips. How she took his breath away with just one look. How her eyes dance when she laughed. How he tried to steal every moment he could to be with her.

  My heart pained as he sang of a sweet girl that turned his whole world upside down. How he couldn’t trust his heart anymore. He sang about blue wings of a butterfly and the stillness of the world as he took in its innocent beauty. I pushed the lump down in my throat as he described the waterfall and compared the moment to paradise.

  In the next verse, he sang that he hated how he didn’t make the most of the situation when he had the chance that day. He sang of how he wanted to make love on a bed of wild orchids.

  I don’t think I took a breath as he sang about riding the aftershocks of the most intimate night he’s ever known. How her scent lingers when she’s not there. How one touch from her shattered his guard he worked so hard to keep in place. How he wonders if she’ll ever forgive him for hurting her.

  The next verse he sang about his crumbling walls falling down all around him. How when he sobered he looked up and saw the most beautiful woman he’s ever known. He sang of his fear. Even though his words tormented me, I was mesmerized. I loved watching him play. I didn’t realize how much one man could surprise me and make me fall for him all over again, but he did. I hated him for it.

  I gripped my beer tighter and listened to the words of his new song. His voice was sexy, strong, and desirable. He was in his element and so at ease with the six-string guitar beneath him. The strings danced under his beautiful fingers. Those same relentless fingers that touched every part of my body and brought me pleasure, just last night, in ways I’d never known before.

  The others followed along and that only added to my despair. The more he sang the more my guard fell, crumbling like the walls of Jericho. I tried to distance myself but his lyrics kept pulling me back.

  When he got to the end, he sang of his regret of watching her walk away. How he tried so many times to apologize but the words got stuck in his throat. The song came full circle when he sang about putting the words in a song.

  I secretly wiped the tears away. I knew it was for me. But it only made me angry. I should have loved that a man would write a song just for me but he had ripped open a wound that hadn’t healed yet. He was making me relive these precious moments with him and I didn’t want to relive that. I had forced myself to suppress those feelings because he pushed me away two seconds after fucking me. Now here he was confessing his feelings to me in a song. I hated his games. I pounded another beer and felt my body relax. Yes, getting drunk was exactly what I needed.

  I didn’t look to Avery when the song finished. Every one clapped and praised him. I wrapped my arms around myself and bit the inside of my lip nervously. In that moment, I knew that I had to push Avery Jameson out of my heart, out of my life, or he was going to break me.

  Sara moved around to the side of the pavilion and I sat in a trance and stared at the fire. I didn’t want to look across from me. I didn’t want to see those beautiful sad eyes staring back at me. I was too angry. I was too hurt.

  The chords of ‘Happy Birthday’ broke through my self-wallowing and I looked up to see Sara with a large cake with candles blazing. I smiled widely at her.

  “Twenty?” I crooked my eyebrow at her.

  “Of course,” she beamed up and down while everyone sang Happy Birthday to the six acoustic guitars around a campfire. I smiled for the first time, feeling lucky that I had made so many friends over the last few weeks.

  “Make a wish,” Sara urged.

  I tried with all my might not to look at Avery. But I wore my heart on my sleeve. I would have to wait one more night until I placed the shield back around my heart. Until I could be strong enough to lock him out of my life forever. Tomorrow. My traitorous eyes found Avery and I watched as his fingers finished the last chords of the song. His eyes locked on mine.

  “I already got my wish.” I watched as Avery’s soft smile fell and he swallowed hard. My eyes moved back to Sara.

  “I have all of you here with me. What more could I ask for?”

  As I drew in a deep breath I knew that I would never have another chance with Avery. As the flames of the candles fell dormant, so did my heart. Looks like everyone had a good time tonight. Everyone, except me.




  So, here I was, Friday morning, and my head pounded to the rhythm of my heavy heart combined with a second hangover in as many days. I sat there pondering the hours that led up to this moment. I realized then I had to treat my problem with guys just like a hangover. Pretend it never existed. Push past it and never look back.

  As I lay there staring at the wooden rafters of the cabin, I was surrounded by everything that Avery’s own hands had built. God, it sucked!

  He created this world that until two weeks ago I didn’t even know existed. I knew one thing for sure. I liked these new sexual experiences. I didn’t come here by choice – not this type of camp anyway. I came because Sara said it was a getaway from the pressures of life especially from school. I had to admit, this place was exhilarating. There was no better way to blow off steam than to feel the rush of an orgasm taking over your body – leaving you satiated and your mind a little fuzzy.

  A smile grew on my face and I knew in that moment what I needed to do. I was definitely going to dive in. First stop – Sybian class. I’ll be honest – I was intimidated by the thought of it at first but now I felt it was calling to me.

  I stood and stretched my arms as my eyes landed on the fresh wild orchids on my dresser. I sucked in a breath, trying to remember where they came from. I wanted to throw them across the room. I didn’t want to be reminded of him. I saw the card sticking out of the top. I shook my head and ignored it. How many times could I break until I shattered?

  After my shower, I pulled on my lace bra and panty set, tight low cut shirt, and short workout shorts then hearing a noise, I left my room. I moved closer and I could hear Sara heaving in the bathroom as I approached. I tapped lightly on the door and peeked my head in. She was green.

  “Sara, are you okay?”

  “Uhhh. No,” she mumbled as she hung her head lower.

  “Can I get you anything? Hair of the dog?”

  “Funny,” she said spitting into the toilet. “I called off from my classes already. Sienna is hungover too.”

  “How’s Colt?” I asked.

  “I can’t get a hold of him.” She heaved into the toilet again. I turned my head.

  “Feel better,” I said as I grabbed my backpack and left, wishing I could help make her feel better.

  The camp wasn’t bustling with people like it usually was. Was everybody hungover this morning?

  I made my way to my first Sybian class. When I entered the cabin, I waited to shed my shirt and workout shorts. I had planned on going for a run after class. I waited hoping class wasn’t cancelled. The room was empty except for the masterful piece of equipment. I couldn’t help but to get nervous and excited at the same time. I paced around it, staring it down, and turned my back to the door while
I studied it.

  “Bad news. Colt and Sienna are both hungover.” I stiffened at the sound of his velvet voice. I closed my eyes briefly, opened them, and turned around with a wry smile.

  “Avery.” Damn it! He didn’t look as nearly as uncomfortable as I was. He was his well-composed, hot and steamy self and I was just another notch on his cigar case.

  “I guess that was my fault. I didn’t restrict the alcohol consumption yesterday, but then it was a special day,” he huffed. “So, I am forced to oversee a few of the classes that are actually occurring today. Pierce is helping me along with five other instructors,” he rambled on. “I cancelled all other classes for today. You don’t seem worse for wear,” he said that like maybe he was more nervous than he let on.

  “No. I’m good,” I lied coldly. Crying has a way of sobering a drunken girl up.

  “Okay, good.” He pushed his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “So, the Sybian. Have you ever seen or had any experience with this kind of heavy duty machinery?” I shook my head.

  He stepped up to it. “The Sybian is one of the main events at the Camp Olympics. We hold it just like it was a real rodeo. The Kittens will ride a rocking horse that has been converted into a full Sybian. Only no one’s allowed to see it yet. It’s a surprise. Every year we find a new design for the Sybian. Last year, it was a dime store racecar. This is a normal Sybian for training new riders.”

  I blinked up at him as he pointed to the intense looking machine and rambled on.

  “The Sybian rodeo works just like a real one where the Kitten rides the bull and see how many seconds she can stay on while the attendant slowly cranks up the power. No Kitten has ever made it to ten without jumping off or yelling stop. The highest mark ever achieved was an eight.”

  He ran his hand through his hair nervously. “Anyway, Colt and Sienna feel you’re ready to try this. I’m just not so sure from what I’ve seen but I’ll switch it on so you get used to its mechanical lore and we’ll see how you do.” I didn’t like what he was implying by that comment, but then he went on.


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