Camp Jameson

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Camp Jameson Page 18

by Wendy Lea Thomas

  “This is my own design.”

  I purposely stared at his forehead. I was not going to look into those beautiful eyes that made me melt two nights ago. I wasn’t going to stare at his perfect round lips, the ones that had devoured me and seduced me. I switched gears and remembered the story about the Sybian during girls’ night around the campfire.

  “The saddle-like feature makes it easier for the Kittens to reach climax,” he swallowed nervously.

  I listened to his instructions but I wasn’t really listening. My thoughts took me away to two nights ago. His gentle touch. His loving eyes. I pushed the memory away, gritted my teeth, and stormed to the credenza that held my only escape. I covered the name up on the Jameson whiskey bottle and poured a small amount into a glass and slammed it back. Yes, at that moment, I was that petty.

  I didn’t want anything to remind me of him. I still hurt too badly. I could feel Avery’s eyes on me. I made myself not look into those gorgeous emerald eyes and let the alcohol work its magic. Gotta love Irish whiskey.

  “You really are my little whiskey girl,” Avery said. The corner of his mouth rose up slightly then he cleared his throat. “Get on your knees on the table and pull your mask on.” I looked to him curiously. “Colt’s notes say you like being blindfolded,” he smirked.

  I quickly downed a little more of the liquid courage and blocked out Avery’s chuckle as I slammed my glass back down on the counter. I went to my backpack and dug through it. My shaky hands found my mask and I sighed inwardly. I guess there’s no point in fighting any of this. This was his camp. I was bound to run into him at some point. Why not every damn day!

  I shimmied off my shorts and t-shirt with my back turned toward him. I left my light pink bra and panties on. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me naked yet again. I breathed in a shaky sigh and tried to look unaffected by him being inches away from me. My insides were quivering, though. God, how was I going to do this?

  I knelt on the soft plush blanket beside the machine and pulled the mask over my eyes. Damn him. Why does it have to be today of all days that he has to cover classes. I’m not going to let him ruin this for me. I kept telling myself that. I let the blackness fill my world. The machine still purred beside me. The constant noise drowning out Avery’s steady breaths helped. I could feel him nearby. This couldn’t be more awkward.

  “I would recommend pleasuring yourself first. You really need to be turned on for this,” he said softly.

  I stand corrected. It couldn’t get more awkward than this very moment.

  “Fine,” I huffed. Colt never mentioned that you had to be turned on prior to using this machine, besides he could just let me have some lube if it mattered that much. But if that’s the way he wanted to play, then he’d better prepare himself because it was about to be one hell of a show. I reached down into my panties and began to play. The alcohol was helping to relax me and was giving me the courage to show him what he was missing out on. Still, I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of seeing me naked just yet and judging from the outline in his pants before I put my mask on, I was having an affect on him, whether he wanted to admit it or not. I was going to ride this out until the very last minute.

  I rubbed my magic spot, blocking everything out. I was just beginning to get wet when Avery gasped quietly. I tore off my mask.

  “No, Avery. You don’t get to enjoy this.” I tried to sound angry but my voice shook unsteadily instead.

  He swallowed hard and nodded then took a step back. My anger calmed and I slid the mask back on.

  “I need music, please,” I said, weakly. “Something hard and fast. No more love crap for me,” I muttered.

  The music blared to a guitar solo and I pushed all my anxiety down between my thighs. I reached down and continued my ministrations. This wasn’t for anyone, just me. I had to show Avery what he would miss out on by rejecting me. Worse yet, I had to prove it to myself.

  The burning took hold of me shortly afterwards and my legs began to stiffen.

  “That’s enough. If you’re going to cum, you will want to do it on the Sybian – trust me,” his voice was surprisingly steady. Trust you! I was glaring at him through my mask as I slid off my panties. I lifted my blindfold and waited for Avery to guide me.

  He never spoke as he stepped beside me and reached for my hand. With every fiber of my wounded heart, I wanted to pull away but I knew he was doing this for me. I was to move forward up over the machine. He had already cleaned the vibrating phallus and I was glad that there wasn’t a long interruption.

  I lowered myself down onto it and repositioned my mask. The machine began vibrating and grinding slowly and the Sybian began to move inside me.

  It was slow and steady, not as overwhelming as I had imagined. As my body relaxed around it, I could hear Avery click the remote in his hand and the gentle, smooth grinding increased. I anchored my knees on either side of the beast.

  “Squeeze your thighs together, Aria, as you start building again. Move up and down now, like you’re cantering on a horse. Good.” God, this was so deep. I threw my head back and let my fingers find my clit.

  “Nice,” he purred. “Feel the vibrations move through every part of you.”

  The humming of the machine was extraordinary. My fingers circled faster while I cantered up and down. I found my clit burning and seeking release faster than I had ever thought was possible. The relentless machine moved inside me. I fell deeper into it against its gyration. I rose up and fell back down on it, repeating the maneuver over and over.

  It only took a few moments more of gentle rubbing to reach my release. My body quivered and soared. A moan erupted from deep inside me. My vision blurred and stars crept into my periphery. I was panting hard. The machine clicked and slowed but kept going.

  “One more, Aria. Let go.”

  “I’m too sensitive.” From you, two nights ago, my subconscious sneered.

  “Use it. Push past the initial response and I promise you, you will build faster and harder to an even more intense orgasm.”

  I nodded, not sure if I could do it. My insides still quivered. I reached down and rubbed my fingers over my wet clit. I spread the moisture and rubbed in circles. He was right. Within moments, I was building harder and faster. The mixture of vibrations of the machine that was slow and steady, my numb legs, and the burning inside me pushed past my usual orgasm and I was climbing higher than I ever thought I could.

  I circled my clit a few minutes more. Without warning, his fingers clamped around my nipple over my bra and my body convulsed hard and fast. I cried out uncontrollably. The machine sped up and I cantered up and down as the thrusts of the machine prolonged my orgasm. I was trembling when the machine slowed to a stop.

  “That was amazing,” I breathed drowning in my new euphoria. I felt warm hands touch me and lift my mask. I opened my brown eyes to see his emerald green ones staring back at me. I saw so much in his heated stare. Lust, desire, and something else he was trying to hide, need. His breathing matched mine and he took a step forward between my legs.

  “That was wonderful. You made it up to number two,” he said. Oh my god, that was only on two? I thought, but then he ruined my amazement. “Aria, I’m sorr..”

  “Don’t,” I said hopping down from the table to the side away from him. My legs were wobbly as I took a step toward my clothes. My hands shook as I pulled my underwear back on.

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses, Avery.” I gave you my heart and you smashed it. He reached out toward me. His eyes pained. His despair was overwhelming. “I can never forgive you for how you treated me. It was like I didn’t matter to you,” I whispered fighting back the tears that pooled in my eyes. Just like Nate.

  I pulled on my shorts and my t-shirt, then my socks and shoes. I grabbed my backpack and pushed it over my shoulder.

  “Don’t go,” he pleaded.

  I glanced to him for a moment then looked away. “That’s what you should have said two nig
hts ago.” I shook my head. “It’s too late.”

  I took a step toward the door then stopped. I let my shoulders sag. I tightened my grip around the strap of my backpack and pushed through the door. I let the door slam behind me, never looking back. I wished that he would chase after me. But I knew deep down…he never would.




  “ What’s the deal?” I asked Colt as Sara and I arrived at the back lawn of the Jameson Main Lodge. It had been painted with white lines running down the field. I was wondering why we’d been summoned with only the instructions to wear athletic gear and running shoes. It had only been two hours since I left Avery standing in my Sybian class and I wasn’t looking forward to seeing him again. This was getting painful.

  The sky threatened rain, and the humidity pressed down on me like a suffocating wet blanket. I was lucky to be feeling as good as I was considering I had a hangover this morning and from the looks of most, everyone was still hungover.

  The Masquerade Ball was only two days ago and my birthday was yesterday and yet it seemed like a lifetime ago. I was glad for any distraction at this point.

  Colt reached Sara’s side and threaded his fingers through hers briefly then nudged me playfully with his shoulders.

  “I want to welcome you ladies to Challenge Friday,”

  Colt said, quickly turning and catching a football then tossing it back to Travis as he wiped his brow. “You two up for it?”

  “Always,” Sara and I said in unison.

  “Great. One more practice play then we’ll get started.” I looked toward Avery. Why was it that no matter where he was in the room full of people, or football field, I could find him instantly?

  He glanced my way then turned back to the team of shirtless men. Colt ran back to the field and stood in the huddle next to Avery. Avery called out the next play and the shirtless men lined up against the men in shirts. His muscles rippled as his teammate snapped the ball to him and he hoisted it up in anticipation to throw it to Travis who ran down the field.

  Travis weaved through everyone as Avery threw the ball down the field. Travis caught it and ran it into the end zone. Sara and I cheered as Colt’s team scored.

  I tried my hardest not to look at Avery’s perfect body. How it glistened with sweat. How my tongue had run down his happy trail that night…I stopped myself. What was I doing? Better yet, why was he still affecting me like this? I scolded myself. He had stomped on my heart. I was pathetic.

  The men moved to the sidelines toward the two groups of women. Most of the women were gawking at Avery.

  “Colt. What did you call us here for?” I asked a little more irritated than I wanted to admit.

  “On Challenge Friday we pick one sporting event for everyone to play as a team building exercise. Today is the Powder Puff football challenge but too many women opted out because they’re still hungover from last night so we’re improvising. We’re going to play no-tackle coed football. You’re both athletic and we need you. Can you throw a football, Aria?”

  I grabbed the football from Colt and spiraled it to Travis as he stepped towards us. I nodded and watched Avery out of the corner of my eye as he handed out flags to his team. He began instructing the women in front of him and motioned them to follow behind him. I turned my back to him.

  “The Powder Puff challenge. It doesn’t get any better than Kittens duking it out on the gridiron,” Colt sighed playfully.

  We followed him to the sidelines and I smiled to Sienna and Maya. These were strong women and I was glad that I was on their team, even if they were still hurting from their hangovers.

  “Aria, you’re the quarterback for our team,” Colt said.

  Gray heavy clouds rolled in but no one seemed phased by the threatening downpour. It looked like we wouldn’t have much time before it opened up on us.

  I beamed at him. “Let’s do this,” I said, putting my hair up in a ponytail. I had so much pent up anger that this was just the non-sexual release I needed.

  I recalled all the Sundays that I watched football with my dad before he got deployed to Iraq. He had taught me everything I knew about football. I was pretty good at the powder-puff game in my senior year of high school. It had a lot to do with our family reunions every year. We’d play for hours. My cousins weren’t the kind to take it easy on their little female cousin either. They bloodied my nose several times over the years.

  I listened as Colt ran through the first play. He rattled off a play, hoping the women would understand. The few men that played shook their head in understanding then he walked several women to their positions behind the forty-yard line. Some giggled endlessly. They all stood staring at Colt with a deer-in-headlights look. I would say by now I knew these women fairly well. I knew who was strong and athletic and who didn’t want to break a nail. It was just common sense. After a few minutes, Colt seemed to be a bit overwhelmed and before I knew it, I stepped forward and seized control.

  “Maya, you run the wide out down the right side and I will get the ball to you. Sienna, you try to push in front of her and block anyone who gets in her path. Maya, stay in the center and don’t let anyone get past. Colt’s going to block Avery. Sara, you’re on my left flank so don’t let anyone get a hold of me.”

  My eyes landed on Avery as he approached Colt standing beside me. He stared wide-eyed at me. I glanced to Colt who wore a shocked expression on his face.

  Colt rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. “Errh, okay. Everybody got it?”

  I could see everyone nodding. Colt passed out the green jerseys, white flags, and belts and I quickly pulled on my jersey and wrapped the belt around my waist, careful to not meet Avery’s eyes. I could feel him watching me. His teammates stepped to the cooler and cracked open a few beers.

  “What’s our team name?” I asked, as Sara, Colt, and I approached the cooler. Colt offered me a beer. I shrugged. Why not?

  Colt smirked. “The Colts of course,” he replied, tipping back his beer.

  “Hair of the dog?” I asked.

  “No better way to cure a hangover,” Colt replied.

  “Let’s go guys!” I clapped my hands together.

  Sara took a gulp of her beer then smirked and took her place on the field next to me. She was feeling better already. Maybe hair of the dog really did work.

  Colt hurried by helping with some last minute coaching. I heard him point out a few details and lined up his team in white jerseys in front of us, then stepped to the defensive line.

  “No tackling. Leave that for the mattresses ladies. Just grab onto the flags and the play is complete,” Avery instructed, stepping to his position across from Colt.

  I was already sizing up the opposing team. God, I loved football. Then there was Caitlyn who was crouched down opposite of me on the scrimmage line with a look of disgust. Great. I studied her determined expression. Who would have thought Caitlyn was athletic. I bet she’s so happy to be on her little Avery’s team.

  The ball was snapped toward me, and I let the pigskin fall into my hands. I raised my chin looking for Maya. Sara blocked a girl coming toward me and Sienna helped out Maya. As smoothly as if I had done it my entire life, I cradled the ball next to my head and waited until Maya was open. Colt blocked Avery. Pierce blocked Sean. I threw the ball and watched it spiral across the fifty, then forty, then thirty-yard line. Maya gripped the ball and ran down the field leaving everyone else eating her dust. Yes!

  “Touchdown!” Travis yelled out into the microphone.

  Sara picked me up in a bear hug and spun me around. “That was awesome!”

  I laughed as my feet touched the ground. Sienna and Maya followed suit. The whistle blew and I quickly shouted out the defensive play.

  I lined up in front of Caitlyn on the forty-yard line. She was all legs, and all boobs. After I had won the first round of the pole dancing contest, she had her mind made up she was going to get with Avery. I thought of
how Sara and I had switched out her shoes for a smaller size. I smirked sardonically to her and she narrowed her eyes at me. Bring it on, Barbie.

  Her team snapped the ball and I set my eyes on tackling her before the ball ever left her possession. I dove out of several women’s grasps and lunged for her. I watched her hips turn to the right and I turned with her. She barely had the ball back to throw it when I rushed her and snatched her flag. The whistle blew and I held out the flag to return it.

  “Ohh. Caitlyn sacked by Aria. Five yard loss,” Travis’s voice rang out.

  “You’re going down, Aria. You won’t win this one. Avery’s mine this time,” she said snidely.

  “You can have him!” I answered.

  “What is she talking about?” I asked Sara as we lined up against the thirty-five yard line.

  “Winners get a cocktail party with Avery tonight.”

  The clouds broke and rain started coming down lightly at first, but quickly escalated to pouring sheets of stinging droplets. I blinked away the water from my eyes. I didn’t know if I really wanted a night with Avery again anyway, but I was pissed at this woman’s animosity towards me so I wanted to take her down. No matter how hard it poured.

  “Let’s take this bitch down,” I said to Sara. She chuckled, tucking her wet short hair behind her ear.

  “You’re on,” she answered.

  The rain was soaking all of us from head to toe but no one seemed to care. Maybe it was the alcohol from last night burning all our brain cells but we were already dripping from the humidity, so why not. It just showed me how much these women really wanted Avery. Deep down, even me.

  I glanced over at Avery to see him eyeing me while he called another play to his team. He winked at me arrogantly and I suddenly wanted to tackle him to the ground and show him how angry I was with him. He’d hurt me. And because of him and Nate, I didn’t trust any guy with my heart anymore.

  I drew my lips into a straight line in determination and turned back toward my team. We lined up at the forty-yard line and I waited for them to snap the ball to Caitlyn, who really seemed put out by this downpour. She kept trying to fix her hair before giving up entirely. I ground my teeth together in anticipation as they snapped the ball. I watched the movement of her hips and I was just about to rip her flag from her belt when Avery tackled me. I threw him a cold glare as Caitlyn passed the ball clumsily off to Kennedy. Kennedy ran it into the end zone.


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