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The Savant Lands_The Lost Class

Page 6

by Lucas Dunn

  Congratulations! You created the spell: Earth Spike. Create a hardened earth spike to rise out of the ground. Cost: 50 mana. Damage: 20. Length: 2 feet.

  Looking the spell over it was definitely going to have to be upgraded, but it did do more damage than the other spells at level one. This was probably due to it being actual physical damage. Pleased with the first one I began on the second not completely sure it would work. “Earth”, “Wall”, “Rise”.

  Cannot complete spell. Earth magic level too low.

  It seemed there was definitely a pattern here. Any spell I wanted that would cover an area or multiple targets required a higher level than at least level two, excluding my traps. Not too upset I headed to the fort to begin gathering my troops. The forts mana refilled every 6 hours giving me a total of 90,000 mana. The first round of recruiting would be three tanks. After that it would go two tanks and one spearman, and finally three spearmen. Telling the first tanks to stay in the fort, I headed to the forest to do some power leveling off of snakes, wolves, and deer for the rest of the day.

  30 minutes in to leveling my air and earth magic I got a wonderful message raising me to level two into air. Now my wind spell could fling back small animals and push medium sized animals, like the crazy bunny from hell, back five feet causing a stumble and possibly fall. Another 3 hours of paralyzing and stabbing deer, wolves, and snakes with my earth spike finally caused the last prompt I was hoping for.

  Congratulations! You have reached level two in Earth Magic. All spells upgraded.

  Congratulations! You have reached level three in Mana Manipulation. +5% Efficiency. Total: 10

  It took longer than expected and a few close calls when I couldn’t paralyze a couple wolves in time but I finally got it. My spike spell was now 4 feet long and did 50 damage, which was more than any other spell that wasn’t a trap. I also had 6 grey wolf pelts that could be used in the future, if I was able to figure out how. Another option was to hire an NPC, but at 50 gold an NPC. I didn’t like the thought of it. Heading back to the fort I repeatedly spammed my paralysis spell on the smaller creature hoping to reach another level but I only got to 80% by the time I reached the gate. My experience had done pretty good allowing me to get to a total of 55% towards the next level. From what I could tell, If I am able to grind some more tonight I should be able to reach level 13 by the time I face the king arachnid, and definitely level three in lightning magic.

  Chapter 9

  After Hiring my two other tanks and first spearman I logged of. Skipping lunch made my legs a little weak as I got out of the capsule so I headed out to eat. I needed a little exercise after constantly laying down. When I got to the restaurant I went into the bar section and ordered a large burger and fries. My phone buzzed once signifying Jake’s response to my earlier text.

  “I won’t be on till tonight. I’ll accept request and start heading there. I have a book on elemental summoning and mana magic, but you won’t be able to learn much because they aren’t spell books.”

  I didn’t know if I should tell Jake about the fort yet, but I quickly decided it would be in my best interest. He always played the warrior type in the simpler games so he would complement my character well. Not to mention He was more of the physical get’er done type, when paired with my strategy, we were unstoppable. I wasn’t saying I was the best but I definitely was an outside the box thinker and strategist I mused as I ate my french fries. The books he was bringing could also prove to be wonderful unlike he thought. I don’t know about the mana one but definitely the elemental summoning one.

  The reason why I was telling Jake to meet me in the plain was because I still wasn’t 100% sure yet. It was just like him to pick up companions along the way and I didn’t want to risk exposing myself at as point where I was this weak. I needed to gauge Jake and anybody he brought to make sure they were trustworthy before bringing them in. Finished with my meal I paid and tipped, before hurrying home. I only had five hours before my boss fight.

  Chapter 10

  Here I was. Back at the cavern staring this ugly bastard in the face. While I had barely managed to reach level 13, I had just a hard time reaching level three in lightning magic. It was worth it. I had created my Multiple target Lightning spell and I also got an interesting change to my paralysis spell. Looking over my stats I prepared for battle.


  Lucian(Lord of Shadow’s Edge. First Priest of The Dark One.)






  13(Percent towards next level: 2%)







  Intelligence (1 point = 30 towards mana)


  Constitution (1 point = 20 towards health)


  Wisdom (1 point = +.5 mana per second)


  Strength (1 point = x.1 physical damage.

  12 [Damage modifier = (damage * 1.2)








  Dark Sight: See with 100% proficiency in darkness. (Non-Passive)

  Dark Shroud: Unable to be heard or detected by the followers of light through divine or mundane magic. (Passive)

  Divine Fortitude: Resist attempts to influence your mind(Passive)


  Water Magic: 0% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Earth Magic: 12% towards next level. 5% resistance. [Level two]

  Fire Magic: 5% towards next level. 5% resistance. [Level two]

  Air Magic: 5% towards next level. 5% resistance. [Level two]

  Dark Magic: 20% towards next level. 5% resistance. [Level two]

  Light Magic: 2% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level two]

  Lightning Magic: 1% towards next level. 10% resistance. [Level three]

  Mana Manipulation: Process of efficiently using mana. 0% towards next level. Cast speed and success +10% effective. [Level three]

  Spell Creation: You have the ability to create your own spell. Current limit of four runes. 5% towards next level. (Non-Passive) [Level Four]

  Sneak: You are able to slightly conceal your presence and noise. 5% reduction to noise and noticeability. -50 reduction to speed. [Level One]

  Tracking: You are able to follow game by their tracks. [Level One]

  Pain Constitution: You are able to ignore 1% of pain. [Level one]


  Summon a minor god

  Array a force of at least 100 strong

  Figure out your race

  Investing all 7 points into strength had seriously boosted my carrying capacity as well as damage. Instead of being too weak to utilize my damage modifier, I now had a base damage modifier of 1.2. So instead of doing 50 damage with a critical strike, I could do 60 damage. That made me realize just how powerful warriors were. If they invested 20 stat point into strength, then in return they would do twice as much damage. One thing I wanted to note was the crazy upgrade spell casters got when upgrading their magic level. Each new level was a huge leap in the spells effect and mana cost, probably to force the player into putting points into intelligence and wisdom. With lightning magic my strongest magic didn’t have to utilize my Earth spike unless the creature charged me with no protection.

  Shaking myself from my thoughts I entered the cavern ready to begin my assault. I brought my dagger along with the common bow. In front of me there were two lines of guards. The first line held five tanks with shadow shields and the second held four spearmen to stab in between the gaps once the tanks surrounded the boss. It also left one gap open for me to shoot or stab through.

  I began the assault with my most powerful spell.

  -100 of 2,000 damage done to level 25 King arachnid hybrid. Paralysis failed.

  Charging toward us with 50 yar
ds to go I hit it again with the lightning spell and once more at 25 yards bringing the creature to 1,700. I was completely out of mana, but I brought the guards as a buffer for a reason, I only needing a minute and thirty seconds before I was at full. Ordering the guards into to the circle the battle truly begun. The Creature Shrieked loudly as it was pierced four times with spears and once by an arrow straight into its throat. At 1,400 hit points it retaliated. A piercing screech sounded and I had to cover my ears and stop attacking, but luckily my shadow guards were unaffected.

  Pierced four more times the creature continued its scream until a rumbling began. Looking behind me the entrance was soon barricaded by stone and rubble. Confused at its “Attack” I continued firing arrows while it was stabbed once again bringing it down to 900. It activated another ability and lunged forward with its trident, spearing straight through my tanks shield instantly making him disappear. My tanks tightened the circle once more and he was stabbed again. With 700 health left I started to feel good. I wasn’t going to be a fool but things were definitely looking good. At half mana, I watched as the King grew frustrated at his lack of effect. Allowing for my troops to dish out another round of stabbing. At 500 health the creature activated another ability. From his abdomen shot webbing that completely covered my tanks. My tanks stuck in place, the king held his trident like a baseball bat and swung in a 360-degree circle killing 3 of my four tanks. It was a pretty devastating move but opened it himself up to another round of attacks bringing him to just 250 health. As he killed my last tank and two of my spearman, my mana reached full. Hitting him with a bolt of lightning as he moved on to the others, one of the last two spearmen was able to stab him. At the perfect 100 health left, I smiled at him. He smiled back with his disgusting pinchers. Weary of a trap I prepared to shoot a lightning bolt while at the same time he let out a scream. This one slightly higher in pitch. Releasing my bolt, I struck him straight in the face cutting of the scream.

  Congratulations you have killed a level 25 King arachnid hybrid. +98% experience to the next level. Due to mob being more than 10 levels than you, you can only gain one level. This is to prevent unfair power leveling. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  Congratulations! You are now level 14! 0% Experience towards next level.

  That was lame I thought. I had won that fair and square so I should receive the correct amount of experience. Then I thought about my huge advantage with the fort. “Fair enough” I said to myself before hearing clicking. Looking at the boss confused, I realized it wasn’t coming from him. Looking around I saw thousands of spiders crawling out of the many holes in the wall. That was why the bastard was smiling at me. It was why he blocked the entrance from the beginning of the fight. He knew he was going to lose, but he wanted to take me with him. Quickly going to his body I looted it for one ring and the one thing I needed. Four platinum coins! I placed all seven stat points into strength and ran to where the opening once was. Turning around I decided to make my last stand. Each spider was only a foot tall but there were at least fifteen hundred of them, moving as a swarm. Preparing shockwave, I shot at the most concentrated group of them.

  -25 of 25 damage done to x79 Level 1 spiderlings +5% experience towards level 15!

  That’s all I saw before they swarmed across my body. Paralyzing me with poison and tearing my flesh in small chunks.

  You have died. All experience towards next level lost. -20 fame. You will be respawned in Shadow’s Edge. You have 24 hours to reclaim your grave before it can be looted.

  Materializing back in the keep, I couldn’t help but laugh. It was smart. The mob that had been created for a game was smart enough to kill me in a last ditch effort. Continuing to laugh I couldn’t help but be amazed at the game. This is everything I ever wanted. A real challenge to test my skills. The loss of experience towards the next level was only 5% because I had just leveled up. The only thing I was frustrated at was the loss in fame. My fame was extremely high by what the forum had said. It also said the higher you fame, the more you lost when you died but since it scaled it would make sure you couldn’t go into the negative. Shrugging off the loss, I decided to head back towards the cavern already knowing how to defeat the wave.

  Chapter 11

  I stood in front of the cavern once more, the rubble blocking the doorway gone, along with the king arachnids body. The only thing that remained was my grave and the hundreds of spiders that I knew were in the walls. Reclaiming my items, I inspected the ring.

  Item found: Silver Ring of +10 Luck.

  Snorting at the irony I couldn’t tell if he was lucky for dying or lucky for taking me down with him. There were lots of speculations on what luck did. Most believed they helped with a multitude of things such as loot, crits, and chances to get unique quests from NPC’s. Not having anything else to do with it I put it on. All the way here I had planned the demise of these spiders. They clearly didn’t come out unless there was noise so I carefully snuck around the cavern for two and a half hours placing over 100 new traps. Since I was level three in lightning magic the traps would last for three hours making me a little rushed on time.

  Screaming at the top of my lungs, I continued to do so until I heard the telltale sign of clicking. In the center of the cavern I sat down on the floor to watch the fireworks. As the spiders reached my first trap a huge surge of electricity was released in their direction instantly killing them. Only to be replaced by more they continued to be electrocuted all around me until none remained. With 28 traps left, I felt I had gone a little overboard but who cares I thought as I saw the prompt.

  1,543 level one spiderlings killed. 98% experience towards next level.

  Congratulations! You beat the first level of Shadow’s Edge Mines. Level two now available.

  Mana manipulation has reached Level four. +1% effectiveness. Total: 11%. Effectiveness now applies to damage, instead of just speed and success.

  Satisfied with my revenge, I made my way around the cavern not finding anything of value besides the next path leading down. Shivering, I thought of how much harder this would’ve been if the spiderlings had time to grow.

  I was contemplating going onto the next floor when I got a prompt.

  Dark Blade has accepted your friend request.

  Message from Dark Blade: I’m leaving the capital. I’m traveling with a couple other players for safety. I’ll probably drop them halfway through because they are being douches. What are you doing all the way out in the plains. What race did you spawn as?

  I knew the question was coming but I was hoping he wouldn’t ask. I didn’t know what I was supposed to tell him, but I didn’t really want to tell the whole story. Ignoring the dungeon, I made my way back the forts command center to hire a couple NPC’s and think about what to tell Jake.

  Message to Dark Blade: I spawned as a human and immediately left the capital with a caravan on some sort of random quest. I’ll meet you in the middle of the plains.

  He shouldn’t push for questions beyond that because he knows how short I am sometimes, at least I hoped. At the command center, I opened up the hire NPC tabs to see how it worked. All NPC’s came as Level 5 and could be any of the main races provided they matched my alignment which was dark. They came with basic specialties. Smithing, archer, tanner, carpenter, swordsman, and as many other skills as there were. Looking over the choices, I chose on male Dark Dwarf that knew how to smith and one female Dark Elf that knew the bow. I chose the dwarf because they had always been my favorite characters in the games I played because of the way they talked and acted. I was hoping the dwarf could double as a tank while I casted and the elf sniped. I also chose the elf because a little diversity couldn’t hurt, maybe if I showed people this was a place of equality more people would fight for me. After I selected them one of my four platina disappeared and a Dwarf popped up a couple seconds followed by the elf. As they came into existence I heard and felt the hammering at forges and cool whisper of the trees. The dwarf had the edges of a pick poking out behi
nd his back along with a hammer in each hand. He stood at five feet tall with the classic bushy brown beard and mustache, though his head was completely bald. The elf came with a bow and quiver. She had long dark brown hair matched by large almond eyes. As they stared at me, and me at them. I decided to introduce myself.

  “Welcome to Shadow’s Edge my name is …” I started to say before I was interrupted by the dwarf. “We know who ye are! We wouldn’t have accepted the adventurer quest if we didn’t o’ course.”

  “Invite?”, I mumbled puzzled.

  “Why yes o’course.” Answered the Dwarf. “My majesty didn’t think we just came from nowhere did he?”

  Thinking quickly to not sound like an idiot I responded trying to save myself. “No of course not. I was merely trying to introduce myself. But now that you know who I am. May I know your names.”

  The Elf, rolling her eyes at the dwarf, spoke “I am Elif. As I can tell you don’t know much, I will tell you what just happened. As an adventurer from the outer world you are able to establish land which you have clearly done already. From there you have the options to recruit villagers and other adventurers, or use money to send out a quest to the nearest selection of people from my world. If one of us is chosen, we are given a quest which allows us to receive 50 gold for staying loyal and doing as you ask. Not only are we given payment but we also get to acquire more experience than we would if we were on your own.”


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