and Rundstedt’s counter-offensive, 863–5
angered by Molotov’s letter, 905
question of surrender of troops to, 905
advances through Germany, 918–19, 922
and withdrawal of troops to occupation zone, 623, 932
German surrender to, 927
military government of, in Germany, 937
and SHAPE, 960
mentioned, 223
E.L.A.S., 763–4
Russian mission to, 813
breaks Caserta Agreement, 867–8
decree for demobilisation of, 868
tries to seize Athens, 868–9, 872
atrocities of, 873
represented at conference with Archbishop, 874
defeat of, 875
El Adem, 559
El Aouina airfield, 637
El Ruweisat, 591
Elbe River, 897–9, 919, 932
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 365–6
Elliot, Rt. Hon. Walter, 576
Emden, the, 207
England, German Nazis in (1939), 160
Churchill visits threatened coasts of, 324–5
bombing of, 338–9, 343
et seq.; torpedo planes sent to Egypt from, 511. See also Great Britain; Invasion.
English Channel, German invasion across, 328–31, 333–8
capital ships denied use of, 328
invasion shipping moves into, 330, 338–40
long-range guns on French coast of, 330
German need for air superiority over, 338–9, 343, 345
air attacks on convoys in, 344
Germans seek to mine, 345
air attacks on English coast of, 345
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau pass through, 531–2
U-boats prepared to meet invasion across, 680
preparations for Anglo-American invasion across, 693–5 (See also “Overlord”)
tides of, 695, 777
German minelaying in 779
Stalin on forcing of, 784
submarine pipe-lines across, 789, 790 n.
Allied advance up coast of, 844–5
need for harbours on, 845
Enterprise, H.M.S., 791
Enterprise, U.S.S., 540, 543–7
Enzeli, 598
Epirus, 763
Erebus, H.M.S., 848
Erfurt, 898
Eritrea, Italian garrison in, 376
conquest of, 393, 395
Ernst, Karl, 49–50
Escort: Groups, 404
carriers, 536
Esmonde, Lieutenant-Commander, 531
Esteva, Admiral, 637
Esthonia, signs non-aggression pact with Germany, 152
in Russian sphere, 157
occupied by Russia, 195, 281. See also Baltic States
Etna, Mount, 683
Europe, German territorial claims in East, 103, 112
Roosevelt offers U.S. assistance to, 107–10
impossibility of British invasion of (1942), 463
Second Front in (1943), 501, 550–2, 641–2
landing in, postponed till 1944, 502, 642
attack on “soft belly” of, 603
Churchill’s hopes for future of, 622–3, 746, 957–8, 962
need for Anglo-American invasion of, in 1943, 641–2
victory in Atlantic needed before liberation of, 675–6
discussions at Teheran on post-war government of, 734–5
Russian menace to, 810, 851, 875, 876, 912–13, 922, 931–2, 953–6
Churchill’s efforts to allot responsibilities of Great Powers in, 810–13, 851–6, 876
importance of Western Armies forestalling Russian in, 898–900, 905, 912
Western Allies lose strength in, 931–2
Iron Curtain across, 932, 955, 958
U.S. help to, 960–2
Europe, Council of, 622–3, 962–3
Europe, United States of, 957–8
steps towards, 959–60, 962–3
European Advisory Council, 921
European Movement, 962
Ewe, Loch, 171, 176
Excess Profits Tax, 293
Exeter, H.M.S., 179–85
Faid, 660
Falaise, 793–5
Falkenhorst, General von, 199
Falmouth, 120
Far East, League in action in, 42–3
effect on, of recognition of Italian position in Abyssinia, 109
Britain forced to jeopardise defences of, 462, 474, 517
Anglo-American accord on, 478
need for change in command in, 696
Britain demands full share in war in, 698
post-war changes in, 966–71
Fascism, rise of, 10
propaganda of, in France, 191
end of régime of, 684–8
German attempts to revive, 689–90, 767
Fascist Grand Council, last meeting of, 685–7
Feltre, Rimini, 685
Feriana, 660
Fey, Major, 46
Fifth Army, U.S., in Italy, 705–6, 707, 713, 738–9, 782–3, 808, 915, 917
and Anzio landing, 755, 769
weakened for “Anvil”, 800, 804
achievement of, 917
Fifth Column, in Poland, 169
non-existent in Britain, 327
Fiji, Japanese threat to, 537
Fiji, H.M.S., 425
Finland, distrusts Russia, 145
refuses Russian guarantee, 149, 152
in Russian sphere, 157
Russian demands on, 195
Russian invasion of, 196–7, 279, 813
defeat of, 200–1, 813
Allied aid to, 200–201, 881
and invasion of Russia, 467–8
discussed at Teheran, 745
elections in, 911
Finland, Gulf of, 195–6
Fire Guards, 362–3
First Army, U.S., in liberation of Europe, 844, 860, 864, 893
meets Russian Army, 919
Fisher, Admiral Lord, 163
Fitch, Rear-Admiral A. W. (U.S.), 540–1
Flandin, Pierre-Etienne, 86–90
Fleet Air Arm, success of, at Taranto, 385
assists in evacuation from Greece, 419
in evacuation from Crete, 432
attacks Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 531
aircraft of, takes Blida, 635
Fletcher, Rear-Admiral F. J. (U.S.) in Battle of Coral Sea, 540–3
in Battle of Midway Island, 545–6
Florida, 530, 534
Florina, 867
Flushing, 848–9
Flying bombs, 789
launching-sites of, 791, 844, 846
on Antwerp, 849
Foch, Marshal, 5, 7, 10, 242
Focke-Wulf 200, attacks ocean shipping, 399
answer to, 404
Foggia airfields, 698
Folkestone, 337
Fondouk, 660
Fontainebleau, 795, 802
Forbes, Admiral Sir Charles, 171, 209
“Force H”, and French Fleet, 316–18
escorts “Tiger Convoy”, 425
convoyescort work of, 484
“Force K”, 485, 490
Formidable, H.M.S., 435
Formosa, 835–6
Chiang Kai-shek in, 968
Fort Dufferin, 831
Forth, Firth of, mines in, 176
Fortress bombers, 226
Fortune, Major-General Sir Victor, 285
“Four-Power Plan, The”, Eden’s, 622
Roosevelt’s, 734–5
Fourteenth Army, British-Indian, in Burma, 827–32
France, fears Germany, 3–5, 7
seeks frontier on Rhine, 5, 7
Anglo-American guarantee to, 7–8
occupies Ruhr, 8
British rift with, 9
maintains Army, 9
attempt to end enmity between Germany and, 16–18
pledges of, under Locarno, 17
dangers of dis
armament of 17–18
“equality of armaments” for, 32, 36
Britain seeks disarmament of, 34, 46
weak governments of, 36–7
uneasy at German rearmament, 41, 53, 63–4
declaration of, on Austrian independence, 46
drawn to Italy by threat to Austria, 52–54
suggests Eastern Pact, 52
approaches Russia, 52–3, 65
Communists in, 63, 65, 191, 213
and Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 68
incapable of drastic action, 71
and attack on Abyssinia, 74
agreements of, with Italy, 80
ratifies Franco-Soviet Pact, 85
suggests Franco-German understanding, 85
and re-occupation of Rhineland, 86–91
fails to act, 87–8, 114
fails to call German bluffs, 91
and Spanish Civil War, 94
Chamberlain’s attitude towards relations with, 105
Eden seeks close understanding with, 106, 110
anti-submarine patrols of, 107
effect on Axis of cooperation of Britain and, 107
Services reluctant to combine with, 107
suggestion of air bases in, 107
Hitler determined on war with, 112–13
strikes in, 119
reassures Czechoslovakia of support, 123, 126–7
encourages Czechs to give way, 124
and Russian aid to Czechoslovakia, 128, 131
seeks British support in Czech crisis, 129–30
mobilises army, 132
forty-hour week in, 137
necessity for defeat of, before air attack in strength on Britain, 138
Polish guarantee of, 143
Italian claims against, 146
Russia offers alliance to Britain and, 148–9
brought closer to England, 152
acceptance of defensive by, 153, 186–8
Hitler on war strength of, 155
in talks with Russia, 155–6
asks for no air attack on Germany, 170
B.E.F. in, 186, 190–1
probabilities of German offensive against, 189
Communist propaganda in, 191, 213
Fascist propaganda in, 191, 201–2
capture of plan for invasion of, 192
reaction in, to attack on Finland, 196–7, 200, 279
defeatist attitude in, 201–2, 213, 288–90
agrees not to make separate peace, 202, 302
German break-through into, 238–243
Reynaud on defeat of, 242
possibility of separate peace for, 261–2, 288, 301–2, 308–9
rebuilding British forces in, 270, 284–5
appeals to Italy, 277–8
at war with Italy, 278–9
seeks armistice, 279, 307, 309–10, 339
Russian comments on defeat of, 280
last phase of battle in, 285–6, 302, 305–6
sufferings of, 288
appeals to Roosevelt, 302–4
American aid to, transferred to Britain, 308
is offered union with Britain, 308–310
Darlan’s lost opportunity to become Liberator of, 314
understanding in, of British action over French Fleet, 320
Government of, moves to Vichy, 321
possibility of war with, 321
danger of Britain losing all by aiding, 322
German bombers based on, 344
hopes and sympathies of people of, with Britain, 375
U-boats operate from ports of, 378, 397
Stalin demands Second Front in, 464, 468, 659
fortunate deferment of invasion of, 502
lost opportunity of, in 1940, 505
Second Front in (1943), 550–553, 600, 602, 641–2
Second Front in (1942), 551–3, 580–5, 600–1
possible reaction of, to “Torch”, 603–4, 631
Giraud leaves, 631
Giraud presses for landing in, 633
occupation of Unoccupied, 635, 638–9
plans for landing in, 693–5
inadequate harbours on Normandy coast of, 693–4, 785
landing in S., 729–30, 737, 739, 741, 745 (See also “Anvil”); German coastal defences of, 787
Resistance Movement in, 793, 795–796, 802
Anglo-American supply difficulties in, 794, 845
advance up, from Riviera, 802–3
Allied Armies’ advance through, 844–5
and United States of Europe, 957–8
in Western Union, 960
and N.A.T.O., 960
and rearming of Germany, 960–1
loses IndoChina, 970. See Vichy Government.
Franco, General, 93, 119
Franco-British Union, Declaration of, 308–310
Franco-Soviet Pact (1935), 65
ratification of, 85
Russia seeks means of implementing, 119
François-Poncet, M., 278
Frankfurt, 893, 897
access to Berlin from, 937
Fraser, Admiral of the Fleet Sir B. A. (Baron Fraser of North Cape), 722–3
Free French, in Syrian operation, 441
not told of “Torch”, 631
need to unite with French of N. Africa, 645
from Equatorial Africa, join Eighth Army, 654
in Paris, 795–6
Freetown, convoys from, 171
U-boats near, 534–5
danger to ferry route through, 584
French, help Commandos at St. Nazaire, 533
French Air Force, reputed strength of, 11, 87
in Battle of France, 240, 246
French Army, retention of regular, 9
strongest in Europe, 10–11
plans to reduce, 36–7
two-year military service in, 63, 65
Russian interest in, 65
in Czech crisis, 132, 144
alteration in relative strength of, 137–8
lost morale of, 138, 191, 203, 213
acceptance of defensive by, 153, 159, 170, 186–8
strength of (1939–40), 159, 239–40
prepares for last war, 188
collapse of, 223, 249
armour of, 240
no strategic reserve in, 243–4, 287
finding reinforcements for, 244, 251–2
retreat of, 246–7
in retreat to Dunkirk, 258–60, 263
surrender at Lille, 260, 263
evacuated at Dunkirk, 267–70, 272
surrenders at Dunkirk, 272–3
Alpine units of, against Italy, 278–9
surrenders at St. Valery, 286
Churchill urges guerrilla action on, 288
at end of resistance, 290–1, 302
in last phases of battle, 305–6
final surrender of 305–7
in Syria, 438
resistance from, in N. Africa, 635–6
joins Allies in N. Africa, 642
in Italy, 773, 782, 800
in “Dragoon”, 802
First, 849
prepares attack, 859
reaches Rhine, 860
in occupied Germany, 931–2. See also Free French.
French Equatorial Africa, Free French from, 654
French Navy, and Anglo-German naval agreement, 69
strength of, under Darlan, 165, 639
in blockade of Germany, 173
Darlan’s promise regarding, 290–1, 314–15, 639
importance of, 303–4, 308, 315
Britain asks that it should sail for her ports, 309–10
Britain’s action to prevent German mastery of, 315–20, 375
at Toulon, 316, 321, 638
resistance from, in N. Africa, 636–8
surrender of ships of, at Bizerta, 638
scuttling of, 639
French Zone of Germany, 922
Frère, General, 251–2
Freyberg, General Sir Bernard, in comman
d in Crete, 428, 433
in “Crusader”, 487, 489
wounded, 578
Churchill visits, 616
at Cassino, 771
Friedeburg, Admiral, 925, 927
Fritsch, General von, 112–13, 118
Fuka, 629
Fulham by-election, 56, 98
Fulton, Churchill’s speech at, 954–6, 959
Furious, H.M.S., 723
Furnes, 260
Gamelin, General, invites Churchill to visit Rhine front, 152
Plan D of, 189, 254
and Battle of France, 241–6, 254
reports no strategic reserve, 243–4
Weygand replaces, 246, 254
final Order of, 247, 254–5
Gandhi, Mahatma, 20, 967
Garda, Lake, Mussolini’s headquarters on, 767, 769, 918
“Garibaldi Divisions”, 768
Garigliano, River, 712–13, 774
Gas warfare, 474
Gaulle, General de, 646
book of, on armoured warfare, 187, 573
at meeting of Supreme Council, 287, 289–91
favours guerilla warfare, 290–1
“l’homme du destin”, 303
visits London with Monnet, 308
escapes from France, 311
understands British action at Oran, 320
British support for, 374–5
rudeness of, 375, 645
Vichy French antagonism to followers of, 603
not told of “Torch”, 631
at Casablanca, 634–6
and Giraud, 646–7, 650, 667
in France, 786, 795
enters Paris, 796
entertains Churchill, 859–60
Stalin on government of, 885, 888
Gazala, 516, 559
General Election (1924), 14
(1929), 19
(1931), 22, 33
(1935) 76, 78–9
(1945) 934, 938, 944, 949–50, 953
Geneva Disarmament Conference (1932), 31–2
Genoa, bombing of, 270
Italian Fleet leaves, 704
surrender of Germans in, 917
Gensoul, Admiral, 317–18
George V, King of England, death of, 82
George VI, King of England, coronation of, 100
letter from, 101
asks Churchill to form Government, 219
and air raids on London, 365
Churchill’s relations with, 365–6
his grasp of affairs, 365–6
agrees to Churchill’s foreign visits, 493, 587
sends Sword of Honour to Russia, 735
at final conference before D Day, 778
George II, King of the Hellenes, 394
and Greek will to fight, 394, 408
and British evacuation, 417–18
evacuated to Egypt, 433
in exile, 763–4
forms representative government in Cairo, 765
Churchill’s support for, 813
and Regency of Damaskinos, 872, 874–5
George, Rt. Hon. David Lloyd (Earl Lloyd George), signs Treaty of Guarantee, 8
quarrels with Poincaré, 9
on Hindenburg, 16
failure of, 44
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