in Marrakesh, 82
on reoccupation of Rhineland, 87
seeks agreement with Russia, 151
attacks Chamberlain, 215
offered Ambassadorship to U.S., 372
Stalin on, 608
mentioned, 14, 22
Georges, General, wounded at assassination of King Alexander, 53
shows Churchill round Rhine front, 152
on French and German armies, 159
and Battle of France, 241–2, 248
at meeting of Supreme Council, 287–8
mentioned, 306, 314
German Air Corps, in Crete, 426, 429–30, 434, 441
could have been put to better use, 434, 440
German Air Force, prohibited, 10, 19
recreation of, 55–62, 84
achieves parity with British, 60
official constitution announced, 63
improves its lead, 92
compared to British (1938–9), 138
Hitler speaks of immediate attack of, 155
in Poland, 168
in invasion of Norway, 210–11
in combination with tanks in France, 240–1
bombs Rotterdam, 241
possible effects of raids of, on Britain, 261–2, 339, 342, 344
defeated at Dunkirk, 266–7, 328
sinks Lancastria, 307
and invasion of England, 328, 336, 338–340, 342
losses of, in Battle of Britain, 343, 346, 352
period of recovery of, after Battle of France, 343–4
compared with British, 345
daylight raid of, on N. England, 345–6
attacks airfields, 347–8, 353
fails to continue long enough on any one objective, 348, 353, 364, 390–1
night attacks of, on London, 348, 353–60, 391–2
heavy defeat of, in day attack, 348–52
use of delayed-action bombs by, 359
incendiary raids of, 362, 365, 391–2
bombs provincial cities, 364–365
bombs ports and harbours, 390–1
moves to East, 392
raids Malta, 392–3
blasts Belgrade, 415
in Greece and Ægean, 418–19, 428, 431–4, 438
in N. Africa, 423, 487, 626, 628, 642
attacks Suez Canal, 438
in Syria, 438
in Iraq, 440
in invasion of Russia, 448, 454, 484
withdrawn from Sicily, 484
sent back in force, 490
escorts Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 531
in Tunisia, 637
in reinforcement of Tunisia, 661
in Sicily, 683
attacks Italian Fleet, 704
Russian mastery over, 715, 717
diverted to West, 717
in Italy, 782
powerless in France, 791
in Rundstedt’s counter-offensive, 864–5
jet-propelled fighters of, 893
German Armoured Divisions (Panzer), 69
in Poland, 168–9
in France (1940), 239–40, 242, 279, 285–6, 305, 307
halted before Dunkirk, 255–7, 285
in N. Africa, 424–5, 442–3, 487–8, 620, 626–8
movement of, on Eastern Front, 449–50
in invasion of Russia, 451, 466
dispersal of, in France (1944), 787
in Normandy, 793–4
in Ardennes counter-offensive, 863–5
German Army, after First World War, 10
re-creation of, 36–7, 55, 69–70
based on compulsory service, 63, 69
strengthening of, 92, 112
breakdown of heavy vehicles of, in invasion of Austria, 117–118
left on Western Front in attack on Czechoslovakia, 124, 137, 144
increase in relative strength of, 137, 153, 203
high morale in, 137–8
strength of (1939), 159
overruns Poland, 168
on Western Front (1940), 188, 239–40
capture of invasion plans of, 191–2
in invasion of Norway, 210–11
strikes in West, 217–18, 238–41
surrender of (1945), 223
breaks through at Sedan, 240–3, 247, 249
lost opportunity of, at Dunkirk, 255–7
of Invasion, 330
and date of invasion, 331
dislikes invasion plan, 335–7
triumph of, in Paris, 339
prestige of, 341
invades Balkans, 407, 415
in Greece, 416–18
attempts invasion of Crete, 427, 430–1
massed for invasion of Russia, 447–8, 454
in Russia, 454–5, 465–6, 467, 657–8, 715–717, 740
clash between leaders on objective of, 465–6
held before Moscow, 471
escapes from Alamein, 628–9, 643
in Tunisia, 637, 642–3, 660
defeated in Russia, 656–9, 810, 815
surrenders in Tunisia, 661–2, 670
held in Balkans, 664–5, 689, 712–13, 735
diversion of, from Russia, 664–5, 688, 712–713
Hitler’s faulty use of, 689
in France, and “Overlord”, 693, 697, 735–6, 740, 787–8
in Italy, 698, 710, 712–13, 729, 735, 769–74, 798, 803, 808–9, 915, 917
enters Rome, 703–4
treatment of Italian forces by, 767–8
Hitler refuses to permit withdrawal of, 789, 794, 915
losses in, in Normandy, 790, 794, 796
reinforced in Normandy, 792, 796
in Brittany, 793–4
driven back, 792–5, 844–5
defeated in S. France, 802, 808
driven from Roumania, 815
and Warsaw rising, 816–17, 819–20, 822
stiffening resistance of, in West, 849, 861
counter-offensive of, in Ardennes, 863–865
seeks to negotiate surrender, 903–6
surrenders in Italy, 917
surrenders in Germany, 919, 925, 927
German High Command, realises difficulties of invading England, 323, 335–7, 339–41
disagreements in, 336, 341
urges caution on Rommel, 442, 484
German Navy, after First World War, 10, 19
rebuilding of, 55, 60, 67–9, 84
in 1939, 165
capital ships of, as commerce-destroyers, 178, 399
in invasion of Norway, 206–9, 212–13
practically destroyed, 213
plans invasion of Britain, 333, 335–8
postpones invasion, 339
Goering fails to co-operate in plans of, 345
ordered to attack U.S. ships, 495
ships of, withdrawn to Germany, 531–2
threatens Arctic convoys, 715, 718, 722
final defeat of, 722–3
German Parachute Division at Cassino, 774
German Workers’ Party, 25
Germany, defeat of (1918), 3, 24
French fears of, 3–5, 7
reparations from, 5–6, 8
loans to, 6–8, 28
attempt at democratisation of, 7
disarmament of, 8, 10–12, 17
collapse of mark in, 8, 25, 30
Communist threat to, 10
rise of Nazism in, 10
infringes disarmament clauses of Treaty of Versailles, 11, 41, 63–5
crimes of, under Hitler, 12, 35
under Presidency of Hindenburg, 15–16
suggests non-aggression pacts, 16
enters League, 16–18
and Locarno Pact, 17–18, 28
danger of rearmament of, 17–18
and Eastern frontier, 18
recovery of, 19
revolution in, 24
pillars of Hitler’s policy regarding, 26–7
increased hold of National Socialists in, 27–8, 34–5
“Economic Blizzard” hits, 30
Bruening’s policy for re-creation of, monarchy for, 31
equality of armaments for, 32
Hitler becomes Chancellor of, 34
Hitler granted emergency powers over, 35
rearming of, 35, 37, 41, 51, 53, 55–62
withdraws from Disarmament Conference, 36–7
withdraws from League, 37, 55
sources of Churchill’s information about, 39, 95
clash of interests between Italy and, 45
divided about Hitler movement, 46
Roehm’s aims for, 48
Dictatorship based on terror in, 50
opposed to Eastern Pact, 52, 85
managed election in, 52, 56
openly arming, 63, 84–5
conscripted Work Battalions in, 69–70
Italy joins, 72, 80, 92
growing strength and repute of, 82
inevitability of war with, 84–5, 90, T03
munitions production in, 85, 92, 136–7
suggests twenty-five-year pact, 85–6
re-occupies Rhineland, 86–9
question of colonies of, 88, 103, 105
Four Years’ Plan for, 92
and Spanish Civil War, 94
expenditure of, on armaments, 95–6, 137
seeks free hand in E. Europe, 103, 112, 148, 313
annexes Austria, 112–13, 116–18
threatens Czechoslovakia, 123–125, 127, 130
Russia turns against, 126
increase in comparative strength of, after Munich, 136–7, 155
increased population of (1938), 139
threatens Poland, 141, 145, 152
Czechoslovakia incorporated in, 142, 145–6
lost opportunities of opposing, 144–5
possible effect of Triple Alliance on, 149
Russia turns towards, 150–2, 156
Baltic States sign non-aggression pacts with, 152
“secret weapons” of, 154, 175, 918
Russian Non-Aggression Pact with, 157–8
attacks Poland, 159, 161
British ultimatum to, 161
Blitzkrieg of, in Poland, 168–9
blockade of, 173
iron-ore supplies to, 193, 197–8, 201
invasion of Norway by, 193, 195, 199–200, 206–13
oil supplies to, 201
invades Denmark, 206–7
invades Holland and Belgium, 217–18
defeats France, 223
bombing of, 226, 262, 323, 353, 360, 469, 580, 602, 696, 713, 717, 849–50, 865
chances of success of invasion by, 261
French armistice with, 279
relations between Russia and, 279–80, 447–53
attacks Russia, 281–1, 494–7
advises Roumania to yield to Russian demands, 281
raids planned on territories occupied by, 296–7
denial of French Navy to, 315–20, 638
Russian aid to, in raw materials, 321, 449, 452
air-raid shelters in, 360
Balkan adventure of, in relation to Russia, 393, 407, 448–51
and Yugoslavia, 409–12, 415, 449–51
and Iraq, 437–8, 440
declares war on Russia, 453–4
declares war on U.S., 495
priority given to defeat of, 500, 553, 581, 584–5, 650
loses opportunity in Atlantic, 530, 534—5
atom bomb experiments of, 563
occupies all France, 635, 638–9
need to step up air war against, 60
effect of loss of Italy on, 668
dangers of stalemate with, 675
deceived as to Allied intentions in Mediterranean, 682
loses last opportunity, 689
takes Ægean Islands, 709–11
bombing of, from Italy, 729, 797, 894
discussions on post-war treatment of. 732–3, 746, 879–80
partitioning of, 746
optimism about imminent collapse of, 751, 829
toughening resistance of, 829, 849, 861
Allies on frontier of, 849, 860
crippled industries of, 849–50, 893
question of E. frontier of, 884–5
transference of populations in, 884–5, 943, 945, 955
collapse of Western Front of, 897
possibility of last stand in, 897, 915, 919, 924
meeting of Western Allies and Russians in, 897–8, 900, 918–19, 925
makes secret approaches to Western Allies, 903–6
need for meeting of Big Three in, 912, 914
Russian occupation of, 912–13, 932, 934, 936, 955
zones of occupation of, 912–13, 919–23, 934–7, 946, 949
surrender of, 919, 925, 927–8
distribution of food in occupied, 923, refugees from E. in, 924, 927, 932, 949
building of U-boats in, 927
deprived of grain lands, 944, 947
coal of, 947
pro-Communist Russian zone in, 955
and United States of Europe, 957–8
meeting dangers of resurrected, 959–60
association of W., with Atlantic Treaty, 960–1
Russian-promoted Communist State in E., 961
Gestapo, 52, 207
Ghent, 846
Ghormley, Admiral (U.S.), 473–4
Gibraltar, British Fleet at, during Abyssinian War, 75
convoys from, 171
and concessions to Italy, 278
danger of Spanish demands on, 321
German need to strike at, 323
Admiralty on defensive at, 378
U-boats near, 534
Churchill’s flights to and from, 587–8, 618, 758
Eisenhower at, before “Torch”, 633–4
Churchill and Marshall at, 666–7
protective rock gallery at, 666–7
Gibraltar, Straits of, 604
Gibson, Wing-Commander Guy, 692
Giraud, General Henri, and “Torch”, 631, 633–4, 638, 645
fails to rally N. Africa, 637
orders execution of Darlan’s murderer, 639
at Casablanca, 644
and de Gaulle, 646–7, 650, 667
mentioned, 187
Givet, 189–90
Gladiator fighters, 138
Glasgow, air raids on, 364–5
Glorious, H.M.S., 212
Gloucester, H.R.H. the Duke of, 570, 575
Gneisenau, the, size of, 67, 165
sinks Rawalpindi, 176–7
at taking of Narvik, 207
sinks Glorious, 212
in N. Atlantic, 399
air attacks on, in Brest, 405–6
returns through Channel to Germany, 531
Godefroy, Admiral, 318, 638
Goebbels, Joseph, organises 1933 election, 34
and “Night of Long Knives”, 49
propaganda of, in France, 191, 201
end of, 924–5
Goering, Hermann, in Putsch, 26
arrest of Communists by, 34
in “Night of Long Knives”, 49–50
Laval’s indiscretions to, 66
and occupation of Austria, 116
assurances of, on Czechoslovakia, 123
meets Mussolini and Ciano in Rome, 146
and lost invasion plans, 192
confident of defeating Britain by air, 338–9, 341–2, 344–5
fails to co-operate with other Services, 341, 345
faulty tactics of, 348, 353, 364
takes command of air battle over Britain, 353
expends his Air Corps on Crete, 429, 434
taken prisoner, 924
mentioned, 411, 689, 859
Gold Standard, abandonment of, 23
Gomel, 810
Gort, Field-Marshal Viscount, contemplates retreat to coast, 246, 248–9, 254
instructed to go south, 248–9, 252, 258
and visit of Weygand, 249
left without orders, 252
forms bridgehead ro
und Dunkirk, 255, 259
withdraws to coast, 258–60, 263
told of capitulation of Belgians, 262
returns to England, 268–9
and return of B.E.F. to France, 274, 306
Gothic Line, 803, 808
Gott, Lieut.-General W.H.E., 442, 590–1, 593
Gousev, M., Soviet Ambassador, 721–2, 921
Government of India Bill, 66
Grabski, M., 852, 885
Graf Spee. See Admiral Graf Spee
Grandi, Count Dino, Chamberlain’s conversations with, 105, 110
and fall of Mussolini, 686–7
Grant tanks, 625
Grave, 846–7
Gravelines, 218, 259
waterline, 257–8
Gravesend, 337
Graziani, Marshal, 379–80
Great Britain, loans of, to Germany, 6
and Versailles, 7–8
changed attitude of, to Germany, 8–9, 16
disarmament by, 9–10, 17, 41, 55–6
ends alliance with Japan, 9, 43
recovery of (1924–9), 15
seeks end of Franco-German enmity, 16–18
at Locarno, 17–18
financial crisis in, 21–2
under Coalition government, 22–23, 33
puts pressure on France, 36, 41, 46
foreign belief in decadence of, 36, 41, 73, 78
ignores German rearmament, 41
and Japanese aggression in China, 42–3
ill-led (1931–33), 43–4
declaration of, on Austrian independence, 46
and Italian aims in Africa, 52, 64
in poor repute in France, 53
desire for peace in, 56, 98
loses parity in air, 56–62
half-heartedly challenges German open rearmament, 63–4, 67
makes private naval agreement with Germany, 66–9, 84
Hitler determined on war with, 68, 112–13
incapable of drastic action, 71
and League action against Italy, 73–5, 80
reaction in, to attack on Abyssinia, 73, 75–7, 81
lost prestige of, 82
changed attitude in, 84
fails to support France over reoccupation of Rhineland, 87–9
fails to call German bluffs, 92
and Spanish Civil War, 94
air defences of, 98
movement in, towards rearmament, 99
asked to give Germany free hand in E. Europe, 103
position of Foreign Secretary of, 104
anti-submarine patrols of, 106–7
effect on Axis of French cooperation with, 107
Hitler confident of inaction of, 114
unable to give guarantee to Czechoslovakia, 119
renounces rights in Irish ports, 120–1
encourages Czechs to give way, 124, 127
reaction of, to Czech crises, 129–30, 132
help to be expected by France from, 130
mobilisation of Fleet of, 132, 135
unprepared at time of Munich, 135–6
munitions production in, 136–7
Polish guarantee of, 143–5, 148, 158
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