Sixth Army Group, 849, 860
Skoda works, 137, 144, 155
Skymaster aircraft, Churchill’s, 872, 877, 891, 938
Skyros, 891
Slamat, the, loss of, 418
“Sledgehammer”, Operation, 553
Churchill’s aide-mémoire regarding, 555–556, 607
considered impossible, 556–7, 580, 585
final discussions on, 580–5
Russia told of impossibility of, 587, 598, 600–2, 605–7
Slim, Field-Marshal Sir W. J., in Burma, 827, 829–31
Slovakia, autonomous, 136, 141–2
German satellite, 145
Smart, Air Vice-Marshal, 437, 439
Smith, Lieut.-General Bedell (U.S.), at Algiers Conference, 667–8
supports amphibious landing in Italy, 754–5, 758
and postponement of D Day, 779–80
and deflection of “Dragoon” landing to Bordeaux, 801
signs instrument of surrender, 927
Smolensk, 717
Smuts, Field-Marshal J. C, against regional arrangements, 16
and help for Greece, 409
Churchill’s correspondence with, 453, 847, 861
in Cairo to advise about change in Command, 589–93
before D Day, 778–80
visits Normandy front, 784–6
mentioned, 343
Snowden, Lord, 87
Snows, Lake of the, 700–1
Socialist Party, British. See Labour Party
Socialists, Austrian, Dollfuss takes action against, 45–6
Sofia, 913, 955
Soissons, 305
Hitler’s conference near, 789, 790 n.
Solent, ships awaiting D Day in, 779
Solluin, 376–7
Italians in, 379–80
Germans in, 423
Solomon Islands, 539, 541
Somaliland, French concede to Italy territory on border of, 54
Italian garrison in, 376
conquest of, 393, 395. See also British Somaliland
Sombernon, 802
Somerville, Admiral of the Fleet Sir James, at Oran, 316–18
convoy escort work of, 425, 484
at Washington Conference, 663
Somme, River, British supplies N. of, 186
retreat southward to, 247–8, 250
Germans on, 249, 421
need to hold, 251, 271, 285
British Division cut off south of, 285–6
Soong, T. V., signs United Nations Pact, 508
Soryu, the, 547
Sotelo, Señor, 93
South African forces, at Alamein, 626
South America, threatened by German conquest of Middle East, 584
South Beveland, 848
South Carolina, 566–7
South China Sea, U.S. ships in, 843
South-East Asia Command (S.E. A.C.), 696
estimates of, for Andaman landing, 749
Southampton, air raids on, 365
Spaatz, General C. A. (U.S.), 582
Spain, votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
Churchill in, 82
Civil War in, 92–4
need to include, in settlement with Italy, 106, 110
need to keep out of War, 270
possible dangers from, 321
possible German use of, 584
reaction in, to “Torch”, 603–4
defence of Gibraltar from, 666–7
Spanish Civil War, 92–4
Axis intervention in, 94, 105–7, 110, 123
Russian intervention in, 94
French intervention in, 94
Franco’s successes in, 119
Spears, Major-General Sir Edward, at meeting of Supreme War Council in Paris, 269, 271–2
on blockade and bombardment of French coast, 272
at Bordeaux, 310
de Gaulle leaves with, 311
mentioned, 152
Speer, Dr., on effects of bombing, 850
Speidel, General, 844
Spezia, 660, 704
Sphakia, 431–3
Spitfire fighters, 62, 136, 138
escort of, for Churchill’s plane, 286, 290, 301, 303
over Mediterranean, 661
in Burma, 824
Sprague, Commander D. V., 316 n
Spruance, Admiral R. A. (U.S.), at Battle of Midway Island, 545–8
takes Marianas, 834
S.S. (Blackshirts), 28, 48
in “Night of Long Knives”, 49–50
increased power of, 52
Stalin, Marshal, Laval’s interview with, 65
Beneš and, 125–6
conspiracy to overthrow, 125
appoints Molotov to Foreign affairs, 150
on Russian position with Britain and France (1939), 156–7
pact of, with Hitler, 157–8, 213
makes “Mutual Assistance Pacts”
with Baltic States, 195
and German victories, 280
blunders of, in permitting German conquests in Balkans, 447
Churchill seeks to warn, against German attack, 450–1, 454, 609
concessions of, to Germany, 451–2
becomes head of Soviet Government, 452
assurances of, that Germans will be held, 461
demands “Second Front”, 463–4, 467, 469, 555, 601–2, 659
Churchill’s correspondence with, 464, 467–9, 587–8, 659, 718–21, 783–4, 817–819, 908–12
Anglo-American Supply Mission to, 467, 569–71
Hopkins’s mission to, 475
accepts “religious freedom”
in United Nations Pact, 507
Churchill visits, 587–8, 598, 600–4, 605–613, 851–3, 956–8
told of impossibility of “Sledgehammer”, 600–2
told of 1943 plan, 600
told of “Torch”
plan, 602–4
told of scheme to send Anglo-American Air Force to Caucasus, 604
taunts and recriminations of, 606, 608
Churchill’s private talks with, 608–9, 610–12, 732–4, 737–40
at dinner at Kremlin, 608–9
home of, 610
on Arctic convoys, 611, 720–1
on Collective Farm policy, 611–612
sends film of Stalingrad, 656
Churchill refuses to receive telegram of, 721–2
careful not to compromise relations with Japan, 726
at Teheran Conference, 731–6, 737–46
on post-war treatment of Germany, 732–3, 880
and Polish question, 733–4, 882–91
Roosevelt’s private talks with, 734–5, 737
on government of post-war world, 734–5
presented with Sword of Honour, 735
suspects British sincerity regarding “Overlord”, 736, 737
promises Russian aid against Japan, 738–9, 745, 748–9
on Red Army’s need for “Overlord”, 739–740
promises offensive in May or June, 740–1
safety precautions of, 741–2
at dinner in British Legation, 741–4
and Brooke, 742–4
on success of “Overlord”, 784
approves of strong “Anvil”, 797, 799
and division of responsibilities in Balkans, 813, 852–3
refuses help to Poles in Warsaw, 817–19, 821–2
Mikolajczyk and, 818
Churchill drafts letter to, 853–5
expresses regard for Churchill, 858
adheres to agreement about Greece, 870, 901–2
at Yalta Conference, 880–1, 882–91
and Veto, 880–881
Eisenhower communicates his plan of advance to, 898
and advance on Berlin, 898–9, 919
accuses Roosevelt of bad faith, 905–6
Truman-Churchill declaration to, on Poland, 908
on missing Poles, 910–12
need for conference with, 912, 914, 922, 930–1
and occupation zones, 922
Hopkins’s mission to, on Poland, 933
told of atomic bomb, 941, 945
at Potsdam Conference, 944–7
as autograph-hunter, 944
and Fulton speech, 956
death of, 965–6
Stalingrad, 657–9
film of victory of, 656
Sword of Honour to commemorate, 735
Stammers, Surgeon-Lieutenant H. J., 213
Stanley, Rt. Hon. Oliver, 147
Stanmore, Fighter H.Q. at, 347, 349
Stanning, Lieutenant, 209
Stark, Admiral R. H. (U.S.), 582
Staten Island, 664
Statistical organisation (1939), 164
Stauffenberg, Colonel von, 790
Stavanger, 200, 202, 207
Stephen, C., 570
Stephenson, Sir Ralph, Ambassador to exiled Yugoslav Government, 762
Sterling payments, 369
Stettin, German shipping at, 203
Stettinius, E. R., Jn., his Lend-Lease quoted, 367–8, 370
lends villa at Palm Beach, 511
deplores strong action in Greece, 870
at Yalta, 890
and Polish question, 908
mentioned, 907, 912
Steyning, 325
Stilwell, General J. W. (U.S.), 824–5, 827, 830
Stimson, Henry L., at Disarmament Conference, 32
and MacArthur at Corregidor, 268
and Second Front in 1942, 561, 582
and commander of “Overlord”, 750
brings report on atomic bomb, 939–940
mentioned, 566, 942
Stopford, General Sir M. G., 825–6
Storch aircraft, 792
Stordy, the, 723
Strakosch, Sir Henry, 95
Strang, Sir William (Baron), mission of, to Russia, 155–7
on European Advisory Council, 921
“Strangle”, Operation, 782
Strasbourg, 153, 860, 963
Strasbourg, the, 316, 318–19
Strasser, Gregor, 47–8, 50
Stresa, League of Nations Conference at, 64
Stresemann, Gustav, 18, 28, 30
Stumme, General, 626
Subašic, Dr., 763, 801
Submarine(s), abolition of, 68
restriction of use of, 68–9
piracy by, in Mediterranean, 106–7
work in detection of, 164
Polish, 206
Italian losses of, 224, 226
Japanese losses of, 226
Italian, at Alexandria, 490
U.S., of Asiatic Fleet, 495
midget, disable Tirpitz, 718
midget, at “Overlord”, 779
U.S., in Pacific, 834, 837
sink Japanese ships off China coast, 834–5
Japanese losses to, 943. See also U-boats
Suda Bay, British occupy but fail to fortify, 381, 427
German graves at, 433
Sudetenland, Germany foments agitation in, 124
Beneš-Henlein negotiations on, 127–8
Times suggests cession of, 129
Hitler demands, 132
cession of, 133
Suez, 278
Suez Canal, Italian troopships in, 74, 77
Germans bomb, 438
and nuclear warfare, 964
Suffolk, Earl of, 360
Suicide bombers, 841–3
Sultan, General D. L. (U.S.), 830–1
Sumatra, 823, 829
“Supercharge”, Operation, 628
Superfortress aircraft, 942
Support Groups, 536, 676
Supreme Headquarters Atlantic Powers Europe (SHAPE), 960
Supreme War Council, decides to mine the Leads, 201–2
meets in Paris (May 1940), 269–72
meets at Briare (June 1940), 286–90
Surcouf, the, 316
Surigao Strait, 836–7, 841
Sussex, airfields of, 338, 353
simulated troop concentrations in, 777
Suvich, M., 45–6
Suvla Bay, Battle of, 705
Swansea, air raids on, 391
Sweden, concerned about naval balance in Baltic, 65
iron ore for Germany from, 193, 201–2
and passage of supplies to Finland, 197–8
sterling payments to, 369
Swilly, Loch, 120
Swinemünde, German concentration at, 203
Switzerland, possibility of German invasion through, 189
meetings with German envoy in, 904–6, 917
Swordfish aircraft, 531, 536
Syfret, Admiral Sir Neville, 701
Sylt, scheme to capture (1917), 297–8
Syria, “sticky” bombs used in, 294
German threat in, 438
Franco-British action in, 440–1
preparations for defence of, 461, 483
New Zealand Division brought from, to N. Africa, 560–1
departure of French from, 971
Takoradi, on flight route to Cairo, 587
Tana River, 376
Tangier, Spain occupies International Zone of, 321
Tank-landing vessels (L.S.T.), 297–300. See also Landing-craft
Tanks, breakdown of German, on entry into Austria, 117–18
vast production of, in Germany (1940), 138
obstacles against, 188
British neglect of, 191, 240, 573
with B.E.F. in France, 191
Finnish defence against Russian, 196
German, in attack in West, 239–40, 249
lost in Calais, 257
protecting Britain against invasion, 294–6, 325
transport of, overseas, 297–300
British manufacture of, 327
for defence of Egypt, 378, 380
sent through Mediterranean, 423–5
for Crete, 425
American, in Egypt, 481, 565, 625
Auchinleck on need for reserve of, 481
warfare of, 485
at Alamein, 625
German Tiger, 715
Russian use of dummy, 741, 746
impeded by Normandy bocage, 788
rapidity of landing, 791–2
German, in Warsaw, 817, 819–20
in Burma, 830–2. See also Armoured Divisions
Taranto, landing at, 683, 706
need to gain port of, 698
Italian squadron sails to Malta from, 704
Taranto, Battle of, 384–5
Tardieu, M., 32
Taylor, General Maxwell D. (U.S.), 703
Taylor, Mrs., villa of, 650–1
Tedder, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir A. W. (Baron), 625
with Churchill in Egypt, 589
flies to Moscow, 597, 605
in Moscow conferences, 605
in command of Air, N. Africa, 660
at Algiers Conference, 667–8, 670
in command of Air in Sicily, 682
Deputy Commander of “Overlord”, 752
supports Anzio landing, 754–5
signs ratification of German surrender, 927
Teheran, German mission in, 480
occupation of, 481
Churchill in, 597–8, 613
Teheran Conference, 731–6, 737–46
Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings at, 509, 734–5, 741
difficulties preceding, 725
need for Anglo-American talks before and after, 726–7
informal talks during, 732–4, 737–40
Churchill’s dinner party during, 741–4
conclusions reached at, 744–6, 797–8
Yugoslavia discussed at, 762
Teitgen, Pierre, 320
Tel el Aggagir, 628
Teleki, Count, 412
Tennant, Vice-Admiral Sir W. G., 267
Territorial Army, in Home Defence, 294, 327
Teschen, 133, 136, 145
Thaelmann, Herr, 15, 31
Thames, Riv
er, convoys from, 171
ships mined in approaches to, 175
Thermopylæ, withdrawal to, 417
Third Army, U.S., in France, 793–5, 849, 860
in Battle of Ardennes, 864
in Germany, 897, 919
Thoma, General von, 620, 629, 689
Thomas, General, 452
Thompson, Commander C. R. (Tommy), 651, 806, 860, 877, 894
Thompson, Inspector, 160
Thorez, M., 63
Three-Power talks, at Teheran, 731–6, 737–46
at Yalta, 778–81, 782–91
need for, in Germany, 912, 914, 922, 930–3
at Potsdam, 934–5, 943–9
Tiber, River, amphibious landing near, 739, 754, 756. See also Anzio
“Tiger”, Operation, 424–5
tanks delivered by, 442, 444
Tiger tanks, in Russia, 715
in Warsaw, 817
Times, The, on Hitler’s offer of non-aggression pacts, 88
suggests cession of Sudetenland, 129
on size of War Cabinet, 165–6
censures strong action in Greece, 870
Timoshenko, Marshal, 465, 471
Tinian, 834
Tirpitz, Grand-Admiral von, 15
Tirpitz, the, under construction, 68, 165
use that could have been made of, 399
in Norwegian waters, 530–1, 715
blocking of St. Nazaire against, 533
disabled by midget submarines, 718
destruction of, 723
Tiso, Father, 141
Tito, Marshal, 759
Partisans of, 759
military strength of, 761
Italians in forces of, 761, 768
sets up Provisional Government, 762
Churchill meets, in Italy, 763, 801–2
goes secretly to Moscow, 857
agrees to observers at elections, 889
and Trieste, 935
mentioned, 593
Tobruk, Italian stores at, 376
garrison surrounded at, 422–4, 442
need to relieve, 444
Auchinleck on, 481
threat to Rommel’s rear, 484, 487
sortie from, 487, 489
raising of siege of, 489
British retreat to, 516
Rommel fails to take, 559
need to hold, 560–1
surrender of, 564–5, 568
results of fall of, 577–8
Togliatti, Signor, 805
Tojo, General, 834
Tokyo, air attack on, 540
America gains base within flight of, 834
Allied Fleet in bay of, 942
Toledo, 93
“Torch”, Operation, Roosevelt supports idea of, 502
Churchill’s idea of, 552–3
decided upon, 585–6
changes in British command in, 592–4
importance of victory over Rommel to, 592
Stalin told of, 602–3
Stalin on, 603–4, 607–8
choice of commander for, 618
date for, 619
Free French not told of, 631
concentrating forces for, 631, 633
landings of, 635–6
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