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His Virgin Bride (Interstellar Brides: The Virgins Book 1)

Page 9

by Grace Goodwin

  Maybe he was. My new god. “The god of orgasms.”

  I laughed at my own joke and twirled once more, watching the skirt shimmer and dazzle in the light.

  “What did you just say?” Katie walked into my bedroom in her own gown, a deep blue that brought out the color of her eyes to perfection. Her hair was not up, like mine, but partially so, with the long fall of dark brown tumbling in thick waves down her back.

  Caught, I lifted my hand to my lips and pretended to cough. Hell. How was I supposed to cover that one up?

  “She said, the god of orgasms.” Dani walked in, her fair skin and pale blonde hair glowing like fire above her fitted black gown. She was so small, like a doll. Several inches shorter than me, she looked delicate and brittle, like a prima ballerina, so small I imagined her mate would be able to toss her into the air like a feather. “Mated to the god of orgasms. Lucky bitch.”

  I curbed my enthusiasm for Von, remembering I wasn’t the only one here because of the brides program. My heart sank as I watched her sit on the edge of my bed. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you earlier. No luck?”

  She sighed and picked at her skirt so she wouldn’t have to look at me. “No. He didn’t come. I keep dreaming about him, but nope. He’s not here.”

  Katie sat next to her, shoulder to shoulder in a show of womanly support. “Did he say, in his dreams, when he would get here?”

  “No.” Dani sighed. “I’m not sure he’s coming at all.”

  “What?” I rushed to her, kneeling on the floor in front of her as Katie wrapped an arm around her from behind. I couldn’t image dreaming about Von, and never meeting him in the flesh. And now that I knew what it felt like to be held in his arms, to feel his lips on mine, to feel his cock swell and release in my mouth, even more, the bliss of his mouth on me, the horror of not meeting him was all the more real. “He’ll come. Believe me. If he’s anything like Von, he’ll move heaven and Earth to get to you.”

  Dani shook her head and stood, shaking off both me and Katie, and our offers of comfort. “That’s just it, isn’t it? We aren’t on Earth anymore.”

  Katie looked at me and shrugged. There was nothing we could do to help. It wasn’t like we could go track down her mate and force him to come claim her. The area of proximity didn’t guarantee the guy wanted his mate, only that they were close enough to each other to share their dreams.

  Katie clenched her hands in front of her waist. “You could always choose someone else. There are a lot of men here. Hot ones.”

  Dani raised a brow. “Is that what you are going to do, Katie? Choose someone else?”

  She shrugged and I didn’t like the pain I saw in her eyes, the doubt. “I don’t know.”

  It was my turn to gasp. “What? Why? What happened? I thought you and Bryn were dream sharing.” I felt bad, being so focused on Von we hadn’t had time to talk.

  Katie looked away. “We were.”

  “But?” I asked.

  “But he’s an asshole.” Katie rose and shook out her skirts. “I don’t know about him, Lexi. There’s something he’s not telling me. And he’s acting like a real jerk.”

  Dani snorted. “Maybe, but you looked a little worse for wear last night when he brought you home. You were about as messed up as Lexi here with her ‘god of orgasms’.”

  Before Katie could reply, a knock sounded on the door to our suite and my heart leapt into my throat. Von was here. And tonight, god, tonight he said he was going to take my second virginity.

  While I hadn’t been with him all day, I’d avoided thinking about the whole three virginities thing. I’d been a complete hussy and sucked his cock. Something I never would have had done with the guys that hadn’t interested me on Earth. That had been an easy thing to do. I’d wanted it. Sure, I’d gagged a little because his cock was so dang big, but I’d liked the feel of him in my mouth. I’d liked looking up at him and watching him lose control.

  But my ass? I’d never even considered anal sex before. Not even anal play. Butt plugs? Nope. Nothing back there at all.

  Tonight, though, he’d take me there. As the crude guys used to say, he’d take that cherry. Was the ball a form of foreplay for all the couples who’d been matched at the event the day before? Were the males just working it so we’d give it up?

  I pursed my lips, realized I might just do that. What Von and I had done the night before had been incredible. It hadn’t even been scary. Why should I doubt Von? He wouldn’t hurt me. He’d said he’d only give me pleasure. If he promised to bring me pleasure by fucking my ass, then I wanted to try it. With him. Only with him.

  Taking a deep breath, I realized he was going to slide that hard cock into my tight little bottom. But that wasn’t all. No. He said he would fill me front and back, and make me scream for him. Front and back?

  My pussy clenched beneath my yards of ball gown and my hand lifted to cover my heart, which was racing like a gelding at the Kentucky Derby.

  I wanted that. I wanted everything.

  I wanted him.

  Katie, Dani and I all looked at each other, bracing ourselves for what was to come. Katie giggled first. “It’s just like prom night, only this time, we’re actually going to have sex after.”

  Dani rolled her eyes. “Some of us, maybe. Lucky bitches. I’ll have to watch your men lead you away, know you get to have a hot, hunk-a man-meat working you over until you can’t breathe.”

  I took her hand and squeezed. “He’ll come for you, Dani. Have a little faith.”

  “I’m all out of faith. Especially when it comes to men.” She plucked at an invisible piece of lint on the skirt of her dress and I bit my lip when I noticed her small hand shaking. “So much for the wonderful Interstellar Brides Program. I’m so fucked up not even an alien can deal with me.”

  “Me, too, Dani. It’s not just you.” Katie rested her hand on Dani’s shoulder briefly before heading to answer the door. There was more to Katie’s story, but she wouldn’t be sharing now.

  I followed her to the living room. When the door opened, my heart stuttered and restarted in my chest. Selfish as it was, I shoved Dani’s and Katie’s issues away for the night. I wanted to focus on finding my own way tonight. I had faith that things would work out for all of us. I had to. Otherwise, traveling seven light years across the galaxy to another planet was freaking crazy.

  And I didn’t want to be crazy. I wanted to be happy and loved. I wanted to feel like I finally belonged somewhere, like I had a home. I wanted my mate.


  My mate stood grinning at me from the corridor and I didn’t have the good sense to invite him in. Holy crap. He was sex on a stick. My entire body flooded with desire and I couldn’t breathe. All I could think about was his mouth on me, his fingers making me come. The taste of him. Watching him lose control. How was I supposed to remember to be polite?

  He wore a uniform very similar to the one he’d worn last night, but his boots were polished until they gleamed and his standard brown jacket had been replaced by jet black. His pants and shirt, a tan color the day before, were black as well. He still wore the insignia on his collar, the bars on his arm, the wicked-looking ion blaster strapped to his thigh. He looked dangerous, and so sexy I couldn’t tear my gaze from his.

  His vivid blue eyes found mine at once and I shuddered as he took his time looking me over from head to toe.



  He held out his hand and I walked to him eagerly, his companion and my roommates fading from my awareness like they were part of a dream and I was only now coming awake. Von was so real, so vivid in my mind that I didn’t have enough energy left over to keep track of anyone else. He was here. He was my everything.

  God, I was obsessed.

  I placed my hand in his and he smiled, bending low to kiss the bend of my wrist. Still bent over my hand, he raised his gaze to mine. “I do love to hear you say my name.”

  I knew I must have blushed a bright red, remembering all the tim
es I’d cried it out in pleasure the night before, but he only chuckled and pulled me to his side, tucking my hand in the crook of his arm as he led me down the hallway to the ballroom.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’d witnessed the traditional mating ball several times over the last few months, always patrolling from the walls or outside, watching decorated Hunters bow and scrape and generally act like idiots to please their women.

  Every time, Bryn and I scoffed when it was over, drunk ourselves into a stupor to ignore the lonely ache in our own chests and blathered on about what fools those Hunters be.

  And look at us now.

  Bryn wandered the edge of the room, clearly hunting for a woman. Katie, I was sure. I wondered what was between them, but he’d been even less talkative than usual, so I hadn’t pressed the issue. If he didn’t get things resolved before it was time to head back to our mountain fortress, Feris 5, I would need to intervene.

  As it was, I had my hands full with my own beautiful bride. Her black hair was draped atop her head in a style that showed her long neck and ample curves to perfection. Her gown was a pale gold, the color glowing softly against her creamy skin. Her shoulders were bare, the dress clinging to every curved inch of her perfect body. A body I hungered to possess completely.

  Unclaimed males hovered around the edges of the dance floor, watching and assessing the connection between mates. Not all matches were marked, and one wrong move from a male, should he anger or disappoint his potential bride, there were others waiting and watching for an opportunity to swoop in and steal the woman’s affections.

  I pulled Lexi close and wrapped my arm around her as we danced. No one would get near her. She would want no other. I made sure of that, wringing pleasure from her body like a man possessed.

  In fact, I was. Nothing made my cock harder than hearing her lust-filled cries, her loss of control, a gift she gave to me. Only to me.

  “You are beautiful, mate.”

  Her cheeks blushed pink and I held her gaze, willed her to see and understand my commitment to her, to us.

  “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  I looked as I always did, my uniform dress black instead of work brown. “I am nothing special, Lexi. And without you, I am nothing.”

  “You are so dramatic.” Lexi’s dark eyes softened at my words and she melted into me as I swirled her slowly around the dance floor. “So, I guess you better keep me around.”

  “I intend to stay by your side forever.” I lowered my head and brushed my lips along her cheek. “Even if I have to beg for the right.”

  Lexi lifted her arms to wrap both around my neck in a strange but not unwelcome movement. This new position pushed the tops of her ripe breasts up and placed them on display. Her delicate fingers twined together in my hair, tugging gently and my entire body went on high alert at the subtle, very feminine claim. “You can’t be real.” Her gaze dropped from mine and scanned the elaborate decorations, the beautiful gowns on the other women and the dangling lights. “None of this can be real.”

  Hands on her waist, I lowered my forehead until it touched hers. “That is exactly how I feel about you.”

  Her soft sigh melted the last bit of tension in my body that remained from the day’s mission. We’d been sent on an emergency transport into Sector 17, under Commander Grigg Zakar, where the mates and children of several Prillon warriors had been taken captive by Hive Scouts aboard a civilian transport vessel.

  They couldn’t send in the Atlans, the beasts were too volatile for such a mission. And the nearest human recon team was busy on another op. There had been no time to waste, and no better Hunters to send to retrieve them.

  I was the best. Me. Bryn. Our team. We were fast, efficient and deadly. Hive rescue missions had become something of a specialty and we all welcomed the challenge. Keeping the peace and hunting down petty criminals on Everis kept us from death by boredom, but was not enough to satisfy our Hunter blood. We were Hunters. We needed to hunt.

  I had served my time in the war, was officially no longer a member of the Coalition Fleet, but I was a Hunter first and always. Bryn and the rest of the men who’d served with me all felt the same. When they needed us, we answered the call. No question.

  Although, for the first time, I had hated to leave Everis behind. The adrenaline that spiked in my blood had been unwelcome and tasted shockingly similar to fear.

  For the first time on one of these missions I’d had something to lose.

  Lexi. With her soft scent and luscious curves, her shy smile and gentle nature. Passionate and trusting, intelligent and kind. She was everything to me now. Risking my life meant something, not because I cared whether I lived or died, but because I cared about leaving her.

  The music ended and I took my mate by the hand, gently leading her to a long table set with sweet treats and refreshment. Away from the dance floor, the lights shone a bit more brightly, making every part of her golden dress shimmer and sparkle as if she were a creature of fantasy and magic, not flesh and blood.

  By the divine, I could not take my eyes off her.

  “I missed you today.” Her whispered confession made my heart lurch. Could it be true? Had my absence affected her as it did me?

  “I’m sorry, mate. I was called away on an urgent mission. The Coalition Fleet requested a Hunter Unit. They only do so when there is an extreme emergency.”

  She stopped walking and tugged on my hand to cease my movement as well. She was so small that I could have tossed her aside like a feather. But the slightest touch of her hand stayed me and I knew it would always be this way.

  “What did they need you to do?” Worry clouded her gaze and I wanted nothing more than to kiss it away, but I didn’t dare. If I took her lips, I would not be able to stop. And I did not want to share her fire with anyone. Her kisses were for me and me alone.

  “The Hive boarded a civilian vessel and took the mates and children of several Prillon warriors captive. They needed a rescue unit.”

  “But, how is that possible? The Officiates said the Hive hadn’t been close to Everis in over a hundred years.”

  “Don’t worry, mate. They were nowhere near. We transported to Sector 17 for the mission.”

  She blinked more than once as my words sank in. “So, while I was eating breakfast with my friends this morning, you were transporting halfway across the universe and saving a bunch of women and children from the Hive?”


  “That’s insane.” Her gaze darkened and she stepped back, the light directly above her shining down on her hair and shoulders like a golden halo. “Are you hurt? I had no idea. You could have been out there dying, and I had no idea.”


  “No. You shut up right now. I’m mad at you.” Her hands shook as she ran them over my body as if inspecting me for injury.

  “I am unharmed.”

  “You better be.” Her hands fluttered over my chest and I took the opportunity to capture her wrists and pull her close, but she resisted, her arms straight and locked at the elbows.

  “It was nothing.” I could not resist inspecting every inch of her skin and admired the long line of her arms, imagined them wrapped— “What is that?”


  Holding her wrists with one hand, I lifted my fingertips to a mark just above her elbow. A mark that looked like bruises, from a man’s hand. With gentle fingers, I traced the faint purple blemish on her flesh. “Lexi? Who did this to you?”

  She yanked her hands free and spun away from me. “It’s nothing. Let’s get some punch or something.”

  “Punch?” My protective instincts flared to nearly uncontrollable levels. Lexi was mine, and another had dared raise a hand to her.

  “You know, something to drink.” Head down, she scurried away and I followed.


  She found the beverages and ladled two cups to the brim before sipping at one and handing the other to me. �
�Let’s just enjoy the dance, shall we?”

  Gulping down the drink, I emptied my glass and set it aside. Lexi was using hers to hide her face from me, so I gently removed the ornately sculpted glass from her hand and set it aside as well. Fingers beneath her chin, I lifted her face to mine. She was so beautiful, so fucking beautiful. “Lexi, tell me, or I will challenge every Hunter here until I discover the truth on my own.”

  She rolled her eyes and lifted her hand to wrap her small fingers around my wrist. “It was nothing, Von. Just forget about it, okay?”

  “No. You are mine. Mine to protect. Mine to love. Mine, Lexi.” I traced her bottom lip with my thumb and thought about what I would do to her later, stretching her virgin ass and filling her with my cock. “You’re mine, and later, I’m going to make sure you never forget that fact again.”

  “God, you are such a caveman.”

  “I am not from the caves, mate. I am a Hunter. I am not like your Earth males.” Lowering my nose to her flesh, I called upon my advanced Hunter senses and drew the essence of her, of the bruised flesh, into my body. The scent was faint, but there, and one I was all too familiar with. “Cosmo.”

  Lexi’s gasp confirmed what my senses told me. I also knew my prey stood on the far end of the room, leaning his shoulder against one of the large pillars as he watched the ball in his sanctioned role as one of the Officiates, and a protector of the females in attendance. All the females, it would seem, except mine.

  Turning, I strode toward him without pause as Lexi hurried along behind me.

  “Von, wait!”

  I ignored her. Cosmo saw me coming and straightened to his full height. He was large and strong, but I did not fear him. In fact, I felt the opposite. I could not wait to get my hands on his flesh. I would make him bleed. I would rip him to shreds and teach him his place. For years, I’d refused his challenges. He was no Hunter, and there was no honor in defeating a weaker opponent. But he’d injured my mate and forced my hand. I would not show him mercy, suspected he wanted none. “I accept your challenge, Cosmo.”

  Cosmo’s smirk confirmed what I already knew, this wasn’t about Lexi, this was about the past. About him…and me.


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