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Acting Happy (Texas Desires #2)

Page 19

by Rylie Roberts

  The game-changer came when Kenzie boldly cupped and massaged his hard cock through his jeans with one hand, while the other worked at freeing his belt.

  The moment was too much. He wanted her too badly. The spine-tingling release he’d been holding off for days threatened to erupt as his hips pitched forward into her caressing hand and he watched as Kenzie clumsily opened his jeans. She had somehow miraculously continued the steady roll of her hips against his hand.

  Instinctively, he moved his thumb, applying pressure to her wet clit about the same time she freed his zipper. It wasn’t until her palm gripped the shaft of his dick that he even realized she’d manage to shove his underwear down enough to free him.

  “Let’s get in the Jeep.” Ty begged his brain for reason that refused to come easily. His panicked gaze locked on her extraordinary face as she shifted again. His angel lifted her skirt with one hand, batted his hand away with the other as she pushed at her panties, dropping them to her feet. Seconds later, she hooked one long leg around his waist and brought both her arms around his neck, jumping up to straddle him in one swift move.

  He barely had time to adjust to the unexpected weight before she snaked her hand between their bodies, grabbed his dick, and positioned it at her entrance. Her mouth moved toward his, and she whispered against his lips, “Do me, Ty.”

  Her tongue dove forward, and she sat on his cock, taking him deep in the very first mind-exploding thrust. Ty lost his balance, slamming her back against the Jeep as she arched her hips and moved on top of him again. Her wet heat slid across his rigid cock as she sank back down again, this time taking more of him.

  “Jesus, Kenzie,” he managed as her strong thighs tightened on his waist and the arms around his neck turned into a vise. His woman was on a mission. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and gripped her thighs as she began to bounce up and down on his cock.

  He curled his fingers into her skin, digging at the soft flesh, begging his body not to blow its load until she managed to get off. He wasn’t sure that was going to happen.

  “I wanted to suck you…” she said on a sensual groan. Her movements caused her breath to puff out in small pants of air against his skin as she continued, “I planned it…”

  “Oh fuck.” Ty couldn’t take any more. His hips violently bucked as he forced her arms from around his neck and lodged her upper body back against the window for a better angle. He bent his knees, gripped tighter on her thigh as he slammed his cock deeper in his very first real thrust. The second had him balls deep in some of the hottest, wettest, tightest heat he’d ever experienced.

  “It’s too good,” he said when her wild eyes jerked open, her gaze landing on his. She didn’t breathe as he reared back again and slammed immediately forward. On the fourth lunge, her eyes slid slowly closed and her head dropped against the window while saying his name. Her thighs loosened and her body trembled. That was all right, he’d take it from here. Fucking this woman set his world right.

  He steeled his spine, forcing his orgasm back, and lifted her ass. He bent his knees and slammed forward over and over again. He watched his sexy angel pant, making small whimpering noises, and he locked his lips on her collarbone, sucking hard. All those primal urges that always came when he was with his Kenzie drove him to mark her as he lifted a hand and ripped at the bodice of her blouse. The buttons gave exposing a white lacy, half-cup bra, and he deftly shoved the material down, uncovering her breast while never breaking the rhythm of his hips.

  The visual stimulation of her breast bouncing with his movement became too much. Sweat trickled down his back, and he willed her to come for a second time before it was too late. As unexpectedly great as this moment was, he needed this to end. They were outside and he was currently fucking the most important woman in his life against his vehicle in a random public parking area.

  “Come for me, baby,” he whispered. Heat swirled in his veins as her body jerked, and she began to whimper, saying his name. That was all it took. He slammed forward, digging his fingers into her hips, holding her in place when his orgasm shot from his body, filling her tight passage.

  Darkness descended as his body tensed and his head fell forward. He was totally dazed and utterly lost to this magnificent woman in his arms. Lifting the fingers of one hand, he threaded them in her long hair until he formed a fist, tangling her silky strands in his hand. Kenzie Stanton was his perfect match.

  Regrettably, not even a minute later, with his heart still slamming in his chest, he felt her locked ankles begin to slip down his ass. His heavy breath pumped in short shallow bursts as his cock slid free, severing the newfound contact he’d cherished as the dearest of his life.

  “We need to go…”


  Ty used all his energy to lift his head and then smiled at the image that greeted him. Kenzie was fast asleep. His little tipsy angel had gotten some over-the-top hot sex and passed out on him. It took a second more for Ty to gain enough strength to adjust her in his arms. The move ended up jostling her too much while trying to yank his jeans back in place, and her confused, disoriented gaze locked on his.

  “Hi,” she said, smiling a wobbly grin.

  “Hi.” Ty smiled back. Using his lower body to keep her upright, he tugged his jeans back together enough to zip them in place, jostling Kenzie a little further. He watched as the happy, sated, sleepy expression turned into reality. She looked around, then down between their bodies, and immediately scrambled from his hold, dislodging her body as she hurriedly stood on her own two feet, trying desperately to pull herself together, and effectively created distance between them.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God! Ty! We’re outside.” Kenzie stumbled a step or two, and he reached for her, just barely keeping her on her feet. She was beyond panicked, searching the ground until she dove forward, grabbing her jacket. Not thirty seconds later, she was inside the Jeep, the door closed and staring at him through the window. If he read her expression correctly with the way she lifted her hands, she was very clear in asking why he was still outside.

  Ty chuckled at his naughty girl who wasn’t that good at being bad. He picked up the panties at his feet, rounded the hood, then got behind the wheel, trying not to laugh as he started the ignition.

  Chapter 19

  Ty pulled the truck under the covered drive of the local Hilton hotel and came to a stop before turning off the ignition. He looked over at Kenzie who was lying with her head slightly skewed, her mouth parted open with a small snore hitting about every other breath. He took his finger and moved a piece of hair out of her face. Even with the makeup running down from her eyes, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  Reaching for the door handle, Ty palmed the keys, deciding he should get their room before waking her up. The area looked well-lit, and from this angle, he could see the front desk just past the double doors. Quietly, he opened the door, got out, then hit the key fob to lock everything before going inside.

  The whole process of booking a room took a little longer due to his deep-rooted protectiveness where Kenzie was concerned. He positioned himself at the best possible angle to keep an eye on her while they took care of his registration.

  “Your room’s on the third floor. The elevators are on the right.” The clerk pointed to somewhere down a hall to the side of the desk, and Ty cocked his head to see the direction she pointed.

  “Can we get there from outside?” he asked, turning back toward the Jeep.

  “These cards will let you in the back door, and the elevator is just to the right of that entrance. There’s also a lot more available parking around there.”

  Ty tucked the keycard in his pocket and went for the Jeep. Kenzie was still sound asleep. Ty drove around the side of the building, finding the entrance, and parked as close to the door as he could. He grabbed both their bags from the backseat and tossed them over his shoulder before he went to the passenger side.

  Ty carefully opened the door and stared down at
Kenzie with all those newfound primal sensations flowing through him. More than anything, he wanted to scoop her up in his arms and carry her to their room. He might have been able to manage it if he didn’t have to deal with the key card at every single door.

  “Baby, we’re at the hotel,” Ty said, running his palm up and down her thigh. He smiled when she didn’t budge and tried again. “Kenzie, wake up. We’re here,” he said a little louder, moving his hand to shake her arm. She still didn’t move.

  Hiking their bags farther onto his shoulder, Ty placed a hand on her knee and one at her arm, shaking solidly this time. “We’re here, babe. Wake up.” Surprisingly with all that jostling, she still didn’t budge. Okay, well, she was clearly a sound sleeper, and after a second more, he shook her harder and yelled, “Kenzie! Wake up.”

  “What?” she startled, lifting quickly, blinking at the brightness of the overhead light.

  “We’re here, babe. Come on inside with me.”

  Kenzie used the back of her hand to wipe the small trail of drool off the side of her mouth.

  “I don’t feel good,” she said and didn’t budge.

  “I brought some hangover cure. Come on. It’s late. Let’s get you inside.” He reached for her arm to try to help, which was really more forcing her from the Jeep. She participated, not totally steady on her feet. Ty shut her door and clicked the key fob. He kept his hands ready to catch her when she took a step, then another, before she reached out to hold her stomach. She gave him a horrified look over her shoulder then began to sprint toward the door. He followed at a slower pace, making it over to her as she finished throwing up in the trash can to the side of the entrance. He couldn’t help the smile. Watching her, he suspected this wasn’t the first time she’d done this. She held her own hair out of the way like a pro and lifted slowly with a hand over her mouth, her eyes closed.

  “I just did that in front of you, didn’t I?” She groaned dramatically, dropping down, with her butt near the heels of her boots and wrapping her arms around her legs as she laid her head on her knees. He pushed the key card into the reader and opened the door.

  “You’re sweet,” he chuckled, not even trying to hide his laugh.

  “Ty, I don’t feel good,” she mumbled, still bent over in what looked like a ball with feet.

  “I know, babe. I can see that. Come on. Let’s get to the room.” He put a foot by the door to keep it open and reached down to grab her arm. “Come on. Let me help you up.”

  Ty managed to hoist her to her feet, and his sweet angel looked terribly pale and perhaps not quite finished with the whole throwing up process.

  “I don’t really drink,” she said somewhat lamely. Her big blue eyes implored him to either understand or to make this better. He wasn’t sure which one.

  “I know, beautiful.” Ty guided her along the length of the short hall toward the elevator. Luckily, it opened immediately when he pushed the call button. When they got inside, Ty dug through his bag for his bottle of No Hangover, a product Bray swore by.

  “Drink this.” He twisted the cap and held the bottle out to her as the doors opened on their floor.

  “I can’t. I’m too sick,” she said, refusing to take the drink as they got off the elevator. Ty looked for the guide, found the directions to their room, and started down the hall.

  “I promise it’ll make you feel better. You gotta try to drink it.”

  “Ty, I can’t,” she said, following slowly behind him. He used the key card to open the door with her still trailing down the hall looking incredibly pale. Once inside, she went for the bathroom as he dropped their bags on the bed.

  “You can do it. Drink it and let’s get you in the shower. It’ll make you feel better.” He went inside the bathroom with her, placed the bottle on the sink, and pulled her panties from his back pocket, tossing them on the counter.

  “Why do you have those?”

  “You left them outside after you jumped me,” he said, letting that sit there between them while he went for the shower, turning on the faucet. After a second more, he turned his head back to her while using his hand to feel the warmth of the water. By the look on her face, the details were at best a little fuzzy, but probably more like nonexistent. “It was a magical experience. The best sex you ever had.”

  “Is that what’s going on down there?” She used her hand to circle the front of her skirt.

  “It was unexpected and rushed, so probably. Drink that, Kenzie,” Ty said and lifted the knob to start the shower. “It’ll make you feel better. I’m gonna grab some ice and water. Hydration will help, too.”

  Ty turned back to her as he got to the doorway. “Drink.” He paused, watching her plug her nose with her fingers and turn the bottle up, chugging the contents down. “Good girl, I’ll be back.”


  Remarkably, between the warm spray of water and the hangover cure, she did feel a little steadier. After washing her hair, she turned off the faucet and yanked open the shower curtain. She got a solid startle to find Ty standing there, his back to her, wearing nothing but a pair of athletic shorts. She immediately grabbed the shower curtain and wrapped it around her body.

  He didn’t hide the smirk as he looked over his shoulder, saw what she had done, and extended an arm toward the towel rack, handing one to her. “I need to brush my teeth and I brought your bag in here. I didn’t know what you’d need out of it.”

  As he spoke, he’d already turned away and started to brush his teeth. Kenzie stepped back behind the shower curtain, unfolded the towel and draped it around her body, tucking the ends in tight before reaching for another towel to dry her hair. She did all that before ever stepping out of the tub. Ty reached over, opened the door a crack, letting some of the fog out before dropping his shorts, using his foot to kick them to the side. Feeling like she was in some sort of Twilight Zone episode, she watched him go for the tub faucet, turning the water back on. Only then did he look back, his eyes narrowing at whatever he saw on her face.

  “I thought I’d shower,” he explained, clearly not sure why he even had to. He stood to his full height, facing her. Of course she’d seen him naked before. They’d showered together at his house, but there was something very intimate about this moment that had nothing to do with sex.

  “Okay…” She used her hands, motioning wildly as she spoke. “I need to dry my hair, but I can do that out there.”

  He nodded, giving her another strange look as he bent down, testing the warmth of the water. Ty pulled the knob, the shower started, and she heard the rings of the curtains sliding across the rod. She quickly dug through her bag, found a toothbrush, and almost gagged herself quickly scrubbing her mouth clean. She hurried to grab her brush and hairdryer to finish in the room. The haze of too much alcohol settled as she stood in front of the mirror, drying her hair, and concentrated on one of the two reflections staring back at her.

  Moments later, Ty came out of the bathroom with a wet head and still completely naked. She watched him toss a couple of condoms on the nightstand with a bottle of something. He went to the ice bucket, poured a large glass of ice water, placing the glass in front of her before he climbed on the bed, tucked the pillows behind his back, and reached for the remote control to turn on the television. Only then did she turn off the hairdryer with her hair still slightly damp. He still never really looked her way as she went back to her bag in the bathroom. It wasn’t until she came back out of the bathroom with her nightgown on that Ty’s concentration focused on her. He gave an unexpected laugh as he rolled off the bed and came toward her.

  “No clothes. I’ve been waiting to get you alone. I love your body,” he said, reaching down to pull her nightgown over her head, tossing it on the chair in the corner of the room. He reached for the half empty glass of water and handed it to her to drink right in front of him. “Hydration will help the hangover. I force myself to drink water every time I drink too much. ”

  “I’m not really used to being casually naked in fron
t of people,” she said, not taking the glass he held.

  “You were married, of course you are,” he said as if that were a no-brainer.

  “No, not really. We didn’t do that so much.”

  Ty gave her a disbelieving look and lifted her hand to take the glass from him. When she did, he reached out to cup both her breasts in his palms, lifting his thumbs to gently caress each nipple as he spoke.

  “Don’t deny me, Kenzie. I love your body. Come get in bed and let me give you a massage. It’ll relax you,” he said, his voice sweet and encouraging. The problem was that he continued the sensual touch as he spoke, his handsome face leaning in to kiss her lips. “Drink that and come lay down.”

  “I can’t while you’re doing that.”

  He looked indecisive before reluctantly dropping his hands and turning away, going back for the bed. Funny how just a few strokes and some well said words by this particular man could chase her anxiety away. Ty moved the bedcover back, rearranged the pillows, watching her as she drank the rest of the water.

  “How do you feel,” he asked, going around the room and turning off all but one light, and he dimmed that one to a soft glow.

  “I feel better. My head started to hurt a little. When I close my eyes, there’s only a slight spinning.” The television was next. He flipped that off before moving behind her, his hands on her hips, guiding her to the bed.

  “I’ll rub your neck and shoulders. I think I give a pretty good massage. Get in the middle of the bed,” he said and gave a soft slap to her bottom. She climbed on top of the mattress, crawled to the center and looked back over her shoulder to see if she was where he wanted.


  Kenzie was one of the most naturally erotic creatures he’d ever met. When she crawled on the bed, her ass in the air with her legs slightly parted with all that pointed in his direction…honestly, the neurons stopped connecting and he kind of lost his mind for one maybe two long seconds. It took everything he had not to grab her hips and pull her backward. His dick grew instantly hard. Not just the annoyingly plumping that never seemed to leave when Kenzie was around, but a full-fledged throbbing ache that might not ever get enough of this woman.


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