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The Midnight Strider (The Chronomancer Chronicles Book 2)

Page 19

by Reilyn J. Hardy

  “Artemis!” Miko yells, but I don’t lose concentration.

  I push forward, pushing against the energy that surrounds me.

  The hellhound is thrown backward. I feel it land against the ground. I open my eyes and watch as the smoke lifts from the dirt

  Rhiannon lands on her feet, her dress is torn. Back in her human form. I shake my head, rubbing my eyes as the hellhounds disappear from sight.

  I turn around, Miko’s still holding onto her sai.

  “How did you do that?” she asks, running toward us.

  “I — I — I don’t know,” I admit. I reach behind me and pretend to scratch my back while I make sure my collar is up. “It just — happened. I just knew.”

  It’s mostly true. But unlike previous times when I was told my eyes turned black, I had no recollection of what I did. This time, is different. I knew what was happening, I could see it, but I wasn’t in control of myself.

  That didn’t scare me as much as it should.

  I’m getting better at this, I’m getting stronger.

  Miko turns to Rhiannon.

  “That was so cool!” she says. “You looked so awesome!”

  I frown. Was she going to do this with everyone? I can still remember how excited she was to meet Jace, a real live werewolf.

  Kina steps out of the house just as someone jumps off of the roof. I grab my dagger, but it’s Vihaan.

  “I guess you guys didn’t need my help,” he says, he smiles at everyone, but it fades when his eyes land on me, even as he gives Rhiannon a hug.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” she says as she pulls away from him and looks up to catch his gaze. “The guardians are really doing everything they can to get you, aren’t they.”

  He sighs as he looks at Miko.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I never would’ve stayed if I knew they were gonna —”

  Miko shakes her head as she puts her sai away.

  “You’re practically part of my family now. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “We should go,” he says.

  “I don’t think we should use a Thirondel charm,” Rhiannon says. “Hellhounds can follow those, and they might come back. We can’t bring them to Nevressea.”

  I look at Vihaan. He rolls his eyes.

  “I have an idea,” he says.

  I look at Miko and her eyes begin to widen. “No,” she says in disbelief. “No, really? Really?” That answers my question. She is going to do it with everyone.

  “What’s happening?” Kina asks, looking between me and Rhiannon.

  “Step back,” Vihaan says.

  “He’s going to turn into a dragon!” Miko says excitedly as she grabs Kina’s shoulder and shakes it while she jumps up and down. I can’t help but laugh.

  Vihaan inhales deeply, smoke blows out of his nose as he slowly starts to change form. It’s not an awful transformation, like a werewolf or a vampire. It doesn’t look like it hurts him either. It’s slow at first, the smoke, horns emerging from his head, then it travels through the rest of his body like a ripple in water. He’s a human, then he’s not. His true form, dark red scales, nearly black, with piercing turquoise eyes. He still has his iron cuffs around his front claws. He blinks, the gloss covers horizontally before his lids close vertically, he nods toward me. Miko stares in awe as I nod back to him.

  “Wow,” she says breathily.

  Kina’s jaw is dropped.

  He’s bigger than the house Kina came out of. He starts to outstretch his wings as he tilts his head.

  “We’re going to fly back to Nevressea?” Kina asks, still staring at the dragon standing before her. “I’m sorry,” she says, shaking her head. “I’m — I’m staring — there’s a dragon.”

  “You’re not afraid of heights too, are you?” I ask.

  Kina shakes her head. “There’s a dragon standing in front of us.”

  “And he’s impatient.”

  She jumps behind me.

  “It talks! It’s a talking dragon!”

  “It’s Vihaan,” I say.

  “So everything Jace said, it’s all true,” she says, looking at me as I turn around to face her. “The Iron Realm of Mithlonde, you dying.” She looks past me and stares at Vihaan. “The dragons.”

  “You thought he was lying?” Miko asks.

  Kina shakes her head. “He was away for so long, he could’ve said anything and I would’ve believed him, I just. I mean, I knew some of it was true — you’re Rhiannon,” she says, nodding toward her before turning to me. “And you’re the chronomancer, but. Hearing about it is one thing. Seeing it. I’m so glad I stayed.”

  Miko laughs.

  “Isn’t this going to attract a lot of attention?” Rhiannon asks as she climbs onto Vihaan’s back, sitting between black ridges. “I mean, by everyone?”

  “That’s the point,” he says, his voice is a low rumble. “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”

  Kina climbs up after Rhiannon, then Miko, and finally I get up. I hold onto the ridge, hoping this will be a smoother ride than the winged horses. At least this time we’re nowhere near the Ashen Hills, with no reason to go near them.

  When he starts flapping his wings, I quickly shut my eyes. Dirt and dust lift in the air, making it cloudier than it already was from the pollution.

  Vihaan flies over many smaller towns, but not low enough so that they can spot him in the air. We go over Barrowhaven — and then we go through it. He swoops right down in front of Barrow Hall, and I swear I saw Stanton in one of the windows. I look back and I can see him pressing his face against the glass.

  Vihaan turns around and flies us back to Nevressea. He lands in a clearing in the forest right beside the lake, since he wouldn’t be able to land in the town itself.

  “Are you crazy?” I ask him once I slide off of him. He shrugs his shoulders as he shrinks back down into his human imitation form once everyone else had gotten off of his back. In this form, he seems much smaller, but still towering over me at a high height. He was nearly seven feet tall, that much I knew.

  “Don’t worry,” he says. “I’m going to fly over a couple of other towns and throw them off. Dragon sightings everywhere. After a while, it’ll be cry wolf to Barrowhaven.” He places his hand on my shoulder. “I’m glad you’re still worried.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask, messing with my collar again. I’m sure it’s starting to seem like a nervous habit now. He just arches one of this thick eyebrows.

  We walk back to town and Miko lets out a loud squeal.

  “Aw, look at the big puppy!” Miko says in a baby voice when she spots someone grasping onto a large dog in their arms as they walk across the bridge. “It’s so cute!” she squeals. It catches me off guard. I’ve never heard Miko actually squeal over anything.

  “Seriously?” I ask.

  “It’s cute,” Rhiannon says, “but I’m more of a cat person.”

  Miko looks at me while Kina frowns. “Hey!” she sounds offended.

  We stop just before reaching the edge of the grassland that meets with the water. Just before we enter town.

  “This is where we part,” Vihaan says.

  “Could I get more dragon blood before you take off again?” Miko asks, and Rhiannon nudges her. “Oh,” she starts, “was that insensitive? Sorry. It’s just my dad was a little, I don’t know, he seemed weaker.”

  “Okay,” Vihaan says. “I’m starting to feel a little used —”

  “I’m sorry, forget I asked.”

  He raises one of his thick brows again. “Did you just apologize to me twice? It must be serious.” His index finger turns into a large, thick dragon toe, and he uses the tip to slice open his palm. “Don’t feel bad for asking,” he says, taking the vial from her. He squeezes his hand over the opening. “I understand the importance of family — and i
t’s nice to be needed. Even if it is just for my blood —”

  “Vihaan,” I start, and he grins.

  “I’m only joking.” He wipes his hand on his pants and looks at Kina. “It was nice to meet you,” he says. “You’re just like your brother.” She smiles like it’s the nicest thing anyone could say about her.

  “Where will you go?” Rhiannon asks.

  “Somewhere safe,” he says. “I’d advise you don’t come looking for me again. It’s too dangerous.”

  “We can take care of ourselves, Vihaan,” Miko says.

  “That doesn’t make it any safer,” he says.

  He steps closer to me. “Stay good,” he says. He taps my chest just over my heart. My first instinct is to frown, but I stop myself before it manages to surface on my face. I just nod my head instead.

  Vihaan nods too. He begins to walk away until Miko calls his name and he turns around again. She runs toward him and jumps onto him. She has her arms around his neck while she hugs him tightly. “I’ll miss you too,” he says to her. “But this isn’t goodbye.” He looks at each of us as Miko releases her hold and drops back onto the ground. “We’ll all meet again, I’m sure.” He turns back to Miko. “Take care of your family.” She gives him a stern nod.

  “I’ll be seeing you.”

  Chapter NINETEEN

  courage to resist

  Miko excitedly tells everyone about the hellhounds, Rhiannon's transformation, and what I did, while Kina can’t stop talking about dragons. I sit at the table, running my finger around the rim of my mug while they all talk about the Shattered Lands. I look up when Jace approaches Rhiannon.

  “It sounds like you were — you did —” he clears his throat. “It sounds like you did good.”

  “Thanks,” she says. Pressing her lips together, she glances at me before walking away from the table. I stare at him.

  “If I put a bag over her head, can you stop doing that?”

  “Does it cover her body too?” he mumbles to himself as he sits back down on the bench. He rolls up his sleeves and crosses his arms as he slips into the chair beside me.

  “She’s just Rhiannon,” I say, leaning forward in my seat.

  “She’s never been just Rhiannon, Mae. But it doesn’t matter. If I try anything, my dad will probably know. My dad knows all about her. He thinks she kept me from them, you know. Thinks she was trying to brainwash me to be on their side.”

  “A werewolf? On Drarkodon’s side? I don’t believe it.”

  “That’s what I said, but it seemed like he’s keeping something from me. But every time I asked, he said it wasn’t for me to know.”

  “I wonder if it has something to do with the speculation. People thinking the wolves switched sides and all.”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  “What about your mom?”

  Jace just shakes his head. I don’t press. Nadia comes to sit beside me. “I said hello to Rhiannon,” she says with a smile. She tucks a few strands of blue hair behind her ear and crosses her legs.

  “And you two didn’t hurt each other?” I ask.

  “I said I would try and I am. I don’t think she wants me to, though. If you’re expecting us to be friends, I don’t think it’ll happen. We’ll see if she and Jace even happen.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks.

  She nods her head in another direction and the two of us look. Someone was with Rhiannon.

  “That’s Dagon — tall, dark and handsome —.”

  I shake my head at Nadia. ‘What are you doing?’ I mouth at her and she shrugs her shoulders.

  She starts nodding her head toward them. She starts to whisper, “I’m trying to —”

  I put my hand up and turn to Jace.

  I nudge him with my elbow.

  “They look like they’re just talking. I’m sure he’s just being friendly,” I say, but then Dagon puts his arm around her. “Or — you know what — I don’t know anything about romance.”

  “That’s not romance,” Jace grumbles.

  “Well, go over there.”

  “Yeah, go over there,” Nadia adds. She reaches behind me to shove Jace’s shoulder, but he doesn’t budge.

  “She doesn’t want me.”

  “Will you cut it out?” I snap as I get up. “You’re in love with her, Jace. We all know you are — all of us. Quit being a coward and show her.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “You don’t get it,” he tells me as music begins to stream through the pub of the inn and pairs once more head for the dance floor. He starts to raise his voice. “You aren’t attracted to anyone. You don’t know what it’s like.”

  “Yeah, I’m not, but I’m not stupid either. If I want something, at least I do something about it. You used to do the same.”

  “Are you calling me stupid?” He gets up from his seat.

  “Is that all you heard? Show her how you feel! I’m sick of this back and forth crap you two are pulling. You want to know why she’s not doing anything? She doesn’t want to come between you and your family. But she’s your family too! What about her?”

  I shove him. To my surprise, he falls. He breaks right through the chair.

  Jace looks up at me from the ground before he brushes himself off. He scoffs and shakes his head, walking away from us. I look over at Rhiannon who’s still standing with the same guy, and they’re both staring at me, only she sweeps her eyes to look at Jace.

  I back away. Looking around, Nadia disappeared.

  Everyone’s staring at me now. The music’s stopped. I feel like I just became the chronomancer again. Back then, I didn’t know whether or not people were staring at me in amazement or out of fear. This time, I can tell.

  “Dude, your eyes,” Benny says, he’s only half visible from across the table. “They were black, Artemis.” I take a step back, backing away from him.

  I need to get out of here. I need to get away from these stares, burning holes into me. I feel like they see everything. All of my secrets. Everything I’m hiding, from everyone.

  I back right into Nova.

  “Artemis, what are you doing?” he asks me, his eyes narrow when I turn around.

  I cross my arms and shrug my shoulders.

  “What do you mean?”

  He reaches for my neck and flips my collar over before I have a chance to stop him.

  “I knew it,” he says, shaking his head at me. I flip my collar back up and push him away. “You can’t become both.”

  “Why not?” I ask. “It — it could be a good thing.”

  “It’ll ruin you,” he tells me.

  I take a step back. “What'd you say?”

  It was the same thing Apollo said to me in the bathroom when I told him I was going to save him. It can’t be a coincidence, can it? No, Nova's from Glasskeep. It has to be a coincidence. There’s no way it can’t be.

  “There’s a reason there’s been twins since your grandparents fled. All that power can’t fit inside of one person. It’s going to ruin you, Artemis. It will destroy you from the inside. It will literally tear you apart. Norhurst and Glasskeep could never cooperate. What makes you think all that power being in one person will change anything?”

  I shake my head.

  “It won’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrug off his words. It’s the most dramatic thing I’ve ever heard. Power can’t tear me apart. Power can fix this. Power can fix everything I messed up.

  “You have to stop whatever you’re doing before the ouroboros completes itself —”

  “Or what?” I ask. “You’re going to tell on me? Gonna tell my dad?”

  “Why are you — this isn’t you.”

  “You suddenly know me, now?” I take a step t
oward him. He doesn’t move.

  “Are you trying to provoke me?”

  I grab my dagger and reach for the stockstill hanging around his neck. I hold the blade close to the string that it hangs from — it’s not something I want to do — I can feel it deep down. But I can’t stop myself either. He inhales deeply, sucking in air sharply through his nose. The feathers of his hair that are usually sticking up messily, have pulled back, pulled down.

  “Provoked?” I let it go and take a step back. “I know what I’m doing. Leave me alone.” I tell him and I walk away. He grabs my arm. I turn around and point the tip of my dagger to his neck. “I said to —”

  “This isn’t you,” he interrupts me. He doesn’t care that I can shove my dagger through his throat. I don’t know what would happen. Phoenixes aren’t supposed to be able to be killed. But this is isn’t any blade, and I’m not just any person. “Not the kid who wouldn’t leave Mithlonde without me.”

  “I’m not a kid,” I tell him. “And Mae’s dead.”

  “You’re supposed to have the courage to resist,” he tells me, looking down at the blade.

  I pull away from him.

  “I do.” I put my dagger back in its sheath and walk away from him. I can’t shake the feeling that’s overcoming me now. My head is throbbing.

  I can’t listen to them, I can’t let them get in the way.

  I need to find Nadia, and soon. I need more blood. Now that Nova knows, I don’t know what he’ll do. I don’t know who he’ll tell. I don’t know how much time I have, but I doubt it’s much. I need to complete the ouroboros symbol on my neck. That’ll do it. That’ll change everything.

  Chapter TWENTY

  unpleasant surprise

  I should feel some kind of shame for my actions.

  My outbursts.

  I feel like I'm being sucked into a black hole and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. There are things I know I shouldn't do, but I do them anyway. There are people I know I should apologize to, but I don't. I know all of these things, but I can’t do them. It’s not that I don’t want to, I just don’t. I don’t see the point.


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