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Under His Watch: A Brothers Synn Novel

Page 4

by Light, Victoria

  "Where'd you find this one?" she asked, and turned to Bau. "Hi. I'm Gianna McNamara."

  "Pleasure," he said, shaking her hand. "Bautista Synn."

  "Synn?" She smiled, and her eyes met mine for a split second with a very knowing look. "I like your last name. Alright, hop in, fellas. Let's get the fuck out of here. Bautista, you don't have any more luggage? No gear?"

  I suddenly remembered that Gianna knew about Bau, because I'd told her the entire damn story back then.

  "Wasn't planning on staying very long," he said, climbing into the back of the Jeep. "I'm only on contract for a day. I only agreed to give Ryan a way into the country."

  Gianna and I got up front and she fired up the engine. "I should've guessed you wouldn't want to keep a bodyguard around, Ryan."

  I held onto the ceiling grab handle as the Jeep bounced across the uneven asphalt, Gianna weaving wildly around other vehicles. If there were any rules to the road here in Puerto Tame, they were beyond my comprehension. The city was an assemblage of colorful multistory bungalows with roofs made of tile and corrugated metal, occasionally punctuated by a towering high rise or historic Gothic-era building. Surrounding the city were tall cliffs covered in thick jungle. We took the highway out and the buildings grew sparser until we were crossing through acres of farmland that had once been occupied by natural grassland. The highway narrowed and became regular road, and we soon came upon an encampment village filled with relief tents. A line of people hauling belongings on their back made their way down the road, entering the village.

  "They're all coming from the forest," Gianna said. "We had some major torrential rains the other day that wiped out an entire farming village. You might come across what's left of it, Ryan, when you're looking for that cat of yours."

  We watched the solemn caravan of refugees disappear behind us. The whole scene was a reminder of what I'd come here for, and it strengthened my resolve. I could see Bau in the rear-view mirror looking over his shoulder at the camp. I felt my chest tighten as an unexpected feeling of longing washed over me. I was remembering what made Bautista Synn such a great man—and how I was completely undeserving of his generosity.

  Gianna lived in a small town nestled into the base of a lush mountain. Her house sat on the outskirts, a small two-bedroom building with a clay-tile roof shaded by mango and rubber trees. An Isuzu SUV was parked out in the front and she pulled up next to it.

  "Is that one mine?" I asked. I'd had her assemble gear and supplies for my trip into the jungle, including a vehicle.

  "That one's yours," she confirmed. "Got it for a damn good deal and fixed it all up for you."

  We were greeted by two friendly neighborhood strays that Gianna called "Dog One" and "Dog Two." Bau crouched down and was immediately put on his ass by the eager pups. He happily scratched their ears, laughing as they licked his face.

  "Lots of strays around here," Gianna said. "These two get a lot of handouts from the neighbors. I'd let 'em inside, if it weren't for the fleas."

  Gianna had all of the gear I'd requested spread out and organized on the red tile floor of the living room—a sleeping bag, a mosquito net shelter, cooking gear, satellite phone and navigation, first aid, food, water, and other essentials. I brought in my photography equipment and went over my checklist, making sure everything was in order. Through the window I could see Bau outside, still playing with the two strays.

  "Correct me if I'm wrong," Gianna said, taking a seat on the floor next to me. She stuck a cigarette in her mouth and lit it with a Zippo lighter, turning her head to exhale the smoke away from me. "It's been a while since we talked, but isn't Bautista Synn the name of your soldier lover?"

  "It is," I said. I kept my focus on the gear, not wanting to let my emotions slip.

  "So, what's the deal? You guys back together?"

  I laughed. "No, absolutely not. It's just crazy coincidence. I had no idea he would be here. But thank fucking God that he was. I would've been screwed, otherwise."

  I could feel Gianna's eyes burning a hole into the side of my face. Out of the corner of my eye the cherry of her cigarette glowed with her inhale. "You were really into that guy, I do remember that. You were really torn up by that experience."

  "I was," I said. "That is true."

  "You alright?"

  "Definitely. Hey, I'm missing a Taser?"

  "Yeah, about that... I know you're aware of the dangers present in those jungles, but I’m wondering if you're underestimating. It wouldn't hurt to have a bodyguard, you know? Maybe you can convince him to stay."

  "I doubt that's possible," I said, quickly adding, "even if I wanted him to stay. It would only be awkward. He still resents me."

  "He agreed to fly here just to help you. That doesn't sound like resent to me, Ryan." She reached over to grab a coffee mug from a nearby table and tapped the ash off her cigarette on its edge. "Anyway. I don't want to get into your business. I know you know what you're doing. But I think it'd be best if you took one of these instead." She produced a holstered pistol and held it out to me.

  "I appreciate the thought," I said, placing it on the floor with my gear. "It is better to be prepared."

  She nodded, took a final drag and dropped the cigarette into the mug where it went out with a hiss. "So... You still into him?"

  I opened a topo map of the forest and spread it out onto the floor. "Thought you weren't going to get into my business?" I'd marked the map up with the route I was planning to take to find the jungle cat, based on my research and prior trips I'd done to the region.

  Gianna grinned, pulling out another cigarette and putting it behind her ear. She got up and went to the kitchen, placing the mug by the sink and pulling out a bottle of aguardiente, the local fire water, from the cabinet. "Sorry. You know those of us who've a career out of asking questions can't help being a little nosy. You want some of this?"

  "I'm good," I said. "My stomach can't handle that shit."

  I didn't know how to answer her question. Bau was just as attractive as he had been back then, for all the same reasons. Seeing him again had brought back so many memories, carrying with them feelings that'd been pushed into the very back of my mind so that they'd been nearly forgotten entirely. But that was all this was—old memories. It didn't mean I actually still felt anything for him, did it? I was about to respond to her when Bau came back into the house. The two dogs stood at the back door, tails wagging furiously.

  "Cute dogs," he said, grinning. "They remind me of dogs I met while in Iraq. Lots of strays. So many I wish I could've brought back home with me."

  "Hey," said Gianna, "if you're looking to adopt, there's plenty of dogs around here. Care for a drink?"

  "Sure," he said.

  I brought my maps over to the kitchen table to continue checking my plans. After downing a shot of aguardiente, Gianna joined me to go over the plans, which she'd helped to formulate. She laid a sheet of transparent plastic over the map and began to draw on it with a wet-erase marker.

  "Alright, so I know you were thinking of taking this old logging trail into the jungle, but I don't think that's such a wise idea anymore." She circled another road several miles to the east. "This road is much less direct, but it's safer."

  "Why's that?" I asked. Bau came over and peered over my shoulder at the map.

  "The landslide crossed right across the old road. That's one. Two, is that I've heard reports of bandits and criminal activity in that area. Drug runners are using the disruption and pushing their men into that route."

  I rubbed my forehead, making a quick calculation. "Shit. That could mean adding another week onto the expedition with the added distance."

  She nodded. "Yeah. I don't doubt your ability to navigate difficult areas, but it's something to consider."

  "There's no other way? What about cutting through the jungle?"

  "Way too treacherous, you know that."

  "Shit. I don't have much of a choice. I'm going to need to risk it."

up," Bau said, sounding surprised. "You're going to risk it? Knowing it's a hot zone?"

  "The other option would require resources that I don't have. Anyway, I have plenty of experience. I'll do what I have to do."

  Gianna nodded to herself. She'd already known what I was going to choose. Bau, however, was obviously not happy with my decision.

  "You don't at least have an escort? A guide?"

  "I've been through these parts a few times, Bau. I know how to navigate this area."

  "It's true," Gianna said. "I helped to plan it, but Ryan has enough experience and knowledge to qualify as his own guide." She plucked the cigarette out from behind her ear and lit it.

  I folded up the map. "Anyway. Gianna, have you heard any info recently about my little jungle kitty? Any sightings?"

  She shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Shit's been all over the place because of the land slide. The good news is that the logging operation was temporarily halted. But with everything else going on, you've got your work cut out for you."

  "Well, that's how I like it," I said. "Harder the better."

  Gianna smirked, and I realized what I'd just said. I was about to defend myself from the incoming barb when Bau spoke up and interrupted me.

  "You really do need a bodyguard for this expedition."

  "I don't have one. I'll be fine."

  Then he looked me in the eye and said, "You have one now. I'm not going back to Los Angeles."



  After learning the details of the expedition, how the fuck was I supposed to leave him? I knew he was capable of looking out for himself, but at that moment, nothing could've changed my mind. I couldn't just leave him, knowing someone wasn't going to be watching his back.

  He protested at first, saying I'd already done enough to help him, but it didn't take much time for him to agree. He wasn't stupid; he knew that having me there was only going to make things easier for him.

  "I can't afford to pay you anything now.”

  "We'll think about financials afterwards." I got out my cell phone and dialed my brother Sylus, who was in charge of operations for the company.

  "Bau," he answered.

  "Hey, bro. I need you to start a work order. I'm extending my operation in Los Llanos."

  "I figured you would. Mission time?"

  "One week, minimum."


  "Whatever can be assembled in less than a day. Aim for a Class 2. Body armor. Skip the explosives."

  "Copy that," Sylus said. "I'll reach out to my contacts and see what they can do for you."

  "Thanks. Drop to current GPS coordinates."

  "Affirmative. Anything else?"

  "Yeah. How're you and Chris?"

  He laughed. "We're good, dude."

  "Proposed yet?"

  "Not yet... I haven't found the right time. Chris has been busy as fuck with his new album, and I don't want to interrupt his focus, you know?"

  "Just gotta do it, bro. You've been waiting for a while."

  "Don't worry. You'll know when it happens."

  "Copy that. Good luck."

  "Be safe out there," he said, and disconnected the call.

  A Class 2 equipment package was similar to my Ranger loadout and consisted of a sidearm, assault rifle with optics, armor and extra ammunition. With such short notice a remote assembly of good quality gear would not be easy, but Synn Services was well connected and could call on favors from many different people. Sylus's old Marine Special Forces contacts would be especially handy in finding a way to get me what I needed in a timely manner—but I didn't realize just how efficient they would be. An hour after making the call I heard the sound of a helicopter approaching the house. The three of us went outside to see a Los Llanos military chopper slowly descending to the open field nearby. I rushed to greet the soldier who climbed down from the chopper's side door, ducking my head as I crossed beneath the rotors.

  "You must have friends in very high places, friend," the man shouted in Spanish. He handed me a long rifle case as two soldiers hauled out a sizable shipping crate. Soon they were in the air again, disappearing towards the horizon. The sound of the chopper faded, leaving nothing but the noise of barking dogs in the distance.

  Gianna and Ryan helped me bring everything back to the house. Inside I found everything I needed, all military spec and excellent quality. An M4 carbine with holographic sight, a locally manufactured pistol that was standard to the Los Llanos military, two armored tac vests, several spare magazines for both and several hundred rounds of ammunition.

  "Okay," Ryan said. "Your company isn't as small an operation as I thought it was."

  "Impressed?" I asked, and he answered with a slight smile.

  After Gianna had gone to bed I sat at the dining table and did a full inspection of the gear. Ryan sat across from me and studied his map. I said nothing, focused on my task and not wanting to disturb him—even though I did want to talk to him. Ryan was the one who broke the silence.

  "Bau," he said without looking up from the map. "Look, uh, thank you. I just wanted to let you know how much I do appreciate what you've done. It's far beyond what I deserve from you."

  "No worries," I said, a thousand questions floating on the tip of my tongue. I was unable to bring myself to ask them. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you."

  Now he looked at me. I didn't break my attention from what I was doing, pretending I didn't notice his gaze. I wondered if he was going to say something, if he had something he wanted to ask me... but he was silent.

  Why was my heart beating so damn fast?

  How the hell did this man have this power over me after all this fucking time?

  I slid the bolt back into the upper receiver and slapped the rifle closed to reassemble it, completing my inspection by pulling back the charging handle and squeezing the trigger. The rifle clicked, and I placed it on the table and moved onto taking apart the pistol. "It's dangerous for anyone to be out there alone," I added. "Doesn't matter how good you are. You need someone watching your back."

  "Thank you."

  I sprayed some lubricant along the pistol's frame before piecing it back together and racking back the slide. I pointed the barrel at the floor and de-cocked the hammer. "Don't get too excited about it. You're the one who's paying for this, remember?"

  He laughed and got up from the table. "Oh, trust me. I know you're only doing your job." He flipped off the lights, leaving only the single lamp hanging above the dining table where I was sitting. "We've got an early morning. Get some sleep."


  Ryan disappeared into the bedroom. I sat alone at the table, still holding the pistol in my hand. I cocked it one more time, pointed it at the floor, and pulled the trigger. The hammer snapped down with a solid click. I'm just doing my job, I told myself. I would've done this for anyone in need.

  The next morning I woke before sunrise, rolling off the couch to load the gear into the car. The air was hot and humid despite the early hour. Huge moths fluttered around the patio light, and the croaking of frogs joined with the strange whirring of jungle insects. When I went back inside to grab another case of supplies, I found Ryan in the kitchen prepping a kettle on the wood-fire stove. He looked over at me, eyes half-closed and groggy. His hair was tousled from sleep and his chin was dark with stubble.

  "'Morning!" I called.

  He replied with a dismissive grunt and finally got the fire going. Ryan had never been a morning person. I used to give him so much shit for it, pranking him in dumb ways like shaking his cot and shouting "EARTHQUAKE!" at the top of my lungs. I'd forgotten how fucking adorable his reactions were. I smiled to myself, recalling the memories.

  "Need fucking coffee," he muttered.

  Gianna emerged from her bedroom, lighting a cigarette as she cracked a few eggs into a cast-iron skillet on the stove.

  "You ladies get enough beauty sleep?" she asked. "Hope you're hungry. One of the neighbors k
illed a wild boar and made a ton of bacon."

  Ryan grunted in approval, and I announced that I could, without a doubt, eat that entire fucking boar.

  We sat at the table to a spread of huge eggs with bright orange yolks, flatbread covered in crumbled goat cheese, thick cuts of boar bacon seasoned with chilies, and slices of tomatoes and rich avocados. Ryan gulped huge amounts of coffee and I tore into the food, quickly cleaning my plate.

  "You weren't lying," Gianna said, offering me more food.


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