Book Read Free

The Rose Ring

Page 21

by Lucie Ulrich

  Sky glanced at the bowl of potatoes, trying to think of how creative she could be compared to the meals she’d just put away. “Are you sure you don’t want me to heat up something Winona sent over?”

  “Not a chance.” He kissed her, harder and longer than the previous two times. “I want to taste my wife’s cooking tonight.”

  Sky’s head spun. She couldn’t figure out what had gotten into Micah. He was different, attentive and uncharacteristically flirtatious.

  Morgan’s bottom lip dropped into the pout she’d perfected. “I come all the way out here with all this food and you’re not even going to ask me to stay for dinner?”

  “I’m afraid not.” He offered no other explanation.

  Morgan slipped into her coat and belted it not bothering with the buttons. “Well, it would seem I’m being thrown out.”

  “Nah.” Micah pointed toward the mud room. “More like politely being asked to vacate the premises.” He looked over his shoulder at Sky. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sky nodded. It bothered her that Micah was walking his ex to her car, alone. She was happy he was getting her out of the house, but anytime Morgan was around, Sky worried.

  She grabbed a knife from the drawer and set it on the counter before heading toward the vegetable bin for an onion and bell pepper. It took all of her willpower not to walk into the mud room and peek through the back window. The knot in her stomach was in a battle with the trust in her heart. She reached for the vegetables. “Don’t let me down, Micah.”


  The automatic light illuminated the area at the back of the house when Morgan and Micah stepped outside. Micah led the way to the driver’s side of her SUV. He reached for the handle, but Morgan placed her hand over his before he could pull it open. “Can’t you even give me a minute of your time?”

  He slid his hand free. The electricity was still there. “Sky is waiting for me. I should get back inside.”

  She leaned against the car door. “You know, I can’t figure the two of you out. Every time I see one or the other of you, it’s like you’ve got something to hide. I know you didn’t tell Sky about seeing me at the grocery store, which only adds to my suspicions, and I have no idea what to make of that little display of affection in there.”

  Neither did Micah. He hadn’t planned on kissing Sky tonight, but once he did he found himself wanting to do it again and again. Maybe Annie was right, and this was God’s plan all along. No, he didn’t trust God. God let people die and brought pain and confusion. But he couldn’t blame his confusion about Sky on God. That was all him, and he was going to have to figure it out on his own.

  “It’s not up to you to make anything out of it. I wanted to marry you, but you wanted something else. Why do you care what I do with my life now?”

  “Because I made a huge mistake.” She moved away from the car and stood toe to toe with him. The passion that lit her eyes wasn’t unfamiliar to him. “I still love you, Micah, and no matter what you do or say, I don’t believe for one minute you don’t feel the same.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed a feathery kiss over his lips.

  Despite the frigid temperatures, Micah broke into a sweat. He couldn’t let this happen. What would Sky think if she were to look out the window and see them like this? He wanted a chance get to know Sky on a level he hadn’t experienced before, and he couldn’t do that with Morgan hanging on his neck.

  He gripped her arms and pulled out of the embrace. “I did love you, but that wasn’t enough for you. You had your chance to find happiness away from me, and now it’s my turn.” He stepped behind her and opened the car door. “Thanks again for bringing the food.”

  Morgan spun around. She took a step forward and pointed to herself. “I screwed up, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fix it.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Okay, I get it. You’re angry. I deserve that.” She grabbed the front of his jacket. “But please don’t throw us away like this. It’s not too late. We can make it right and go back to the way things should be.”

  Morgan wasn’t the type to beg, so seeing her like this was hard to watch, not that it changed anything. He’d made a promise to Sky and was determined to keep it. Grasping her wrists, Micah removed Morgan’s hands from his jacket. His voice was calm yet firm. “There is no us anymore.”

  She took a step back. “You don’t mean that.”

  “I’m sorry, but I do.”

  Her pleading eyes turned cold. “Fine.” She slid behind the wheel, slammed the door, and lowered the window. “Just don’t expect me to be waiting for you when you come crawling back.” She started the motor. “And trust me, you will come back.”

  Snow and gravel flew into the air as Morgan peeled out of the yard. Micah jumped back to avoid being pelted. It was hard to see her leave that way, hurt and angry, but what choice did he have? What choice had she given him?

  The aroma of onions and peppers hit him the moment Micah opened the back door. He yanked off his jacket and tossed it on the freezer. “I thought you said you couldn’t cook.”

  Sky adjusted the flame under the frying pan and flashed him a smile. “No, I said I’m not much of a cook, which I’m not. Besides, you haven’t tasted it yet.”

  “That’s easily remedied.” In seconds, he was at her side holding a forkful of the steaming potatoes. He blew across them several times before bringing them to his mouth.

  The mixture of crispy potatoes and crunchy vegetables permeated his senses. He swallowed and gave her a big smile. “Tastes even better than it smells.”

  Her smile vanished, and she stepped back. “And you smell like Morgan.”

  A punch in the stomach would have hurt less. Having her doubt him was exactly what he didn’t want. “I can explain.”

  She stirred some gravy in a small pot. “Will your explanation include why you didn’t tell me you ran into Morgan at the grocery store the other day?”

  He should have expected the second blow. It was foolish of him not to have said anything. “Yes.” He pulled her to the table and beckoned her to sit, adjusting his chair so that they were knee to knee.

  Where to begin? He took hold of her hands, glad she didn’t resist. “I smell like Morgan because she literally threw herself at me and begged me to take her back.” He squeezed her hands. “I told her that wasn’t going to happen.”

  Sky’s expression never changed. She wasn’t making it easy on him, not that he deserved it.

  “When I saw her in the store I was surprised by the pull she still had on me.”

  Sky eased her hands out of his and lowered her eyes. “And everything changed between then and now? Do you expect me to believe that?”

  He hooked a finger under her chin and waited for her to look at him. “No, I don’t, because everything hasn’t changed. I won’t lie to you and say Morgan is completely out of my system, but I will say that I’m committed to the next two years and exploring what that might mean for us. It’s the best I can offer at this point.”

  The gravy bubbled over, and Sky jumped up to pull the pot from the burner. She turned off the flame and reached for the sponge under the sink.

  “Let me do that.” Micah took the sponge from her, wet it, and cleaned up the mess while Sky poured the remaining gravy into a serving dish.

  “So, where do we go from here?”

  He tossed the sponge into the sink and washed his hands. Where indeed? His emerging feelings for Sky were so unexpected he wasn’t sure what to do with them. Well, he had some pretty good ideas, but shook those thoughts from his mind — at least until he figured out whether or not this was the real thing. He took the dishtowel she handed him and dried his hands. “I wish I knew.”

  “I see you’ve given this a lot of thought.” She scooted past him and put the sliced chicken in the microwave.

  “My thoughts are all over the place at the moment.”

  She set the timer on the microwave and turned. “I have an idea.”


  “How about we make this a date night?”

  His eyes widened. “Date night?”

  She flushed. “I meant movie night. You build the fire, I choose the movie, and we spend some quiet time together.”

  “I kind of like the idea of a date night better, but I’ll settle for a movie night. Got any particular movie in mind?”

  She dished some potatoes onto each plate. “Well, I happen to know Gaslight is on at eight.” The microwave dinged, and she scurried past him a second time. “What do you think?”

  “I think you have a thing for old movies.”

  “You’re right, especially if they combine suspense, deception, and a little romance.” She pulled the chicken from the microwave. “And after a crazy day like today, I think we both need some down time.”

  Who was he to argue? And when he stopped to think about it, a quiet evening at home, with nobody else around, sounded pretty nice. “I make great popcorn.”

  “Um, anybody with a microwave can make popcorn.” She added the chicken to their plates.

  He took the plates to the table. “Microwave popcorn is for amateurs. I’m talking the real thing. Peanut oil heated in a pot older than I am, melted butter, and sea salt. Sound good?”

  She licked her lips. “Can we skip dinner and go straight to the popcorn?”

  “No, ma’am. This is the first meal you’ve prepared in this house, and I’m eating every bite.” He kissed her cheek, which turned the prettiest shade of pink he’d ever seen. Movie night was sounding better by the minute.


  Dinner was barely over, and Sky already missed Micah’s smile. She could hear the shower running upstairs. Butterflies danced a slow ballet in her stomach. A quiet night was exactly what they needed, especially after Morgan’s unexpected visit. For the first time since he’d proposed, Sky allowed herself to hope for a possible future with Micah.

  She stacked the dishes in the dishwasher, washed the pot and frying pan, and set them on the stove to air dry. A quick swipe across the kitchen counter finished the job. “Done. I think you’d be proud, Annie.”

  Micah pushed open the kitchen door. “You always talk to yourself like that?”

  An embarrassed giggle escaped her throat. “Occasionally. Does that bother you?”

  “I can live with it.”

  He could live with it. And she could most definitely live with him. He leaned against the door jamb, wearing dark jeans and a long-sleeved thermal shirt that accentuated his broad shoulders and toned arms. Damp hair curled at the base of his neck, and Sky found herself wondering what it would feel like to run her fingers through his hair. The butterflies took on a tango. Once again, she was getting way ahead of herself. Breathe, girl. “So, you ready for that movie?”

  “I need to check on the horses first. We still have twenty minutes before it starts.”

  When he walked past her, the spicy scent of his soap prickled her nostrils. She would have preferred something a little trendier, but anything was an improvement over Morgan’s perfume.

  “Would you mind if I walked out there with you? I’d like to say goodnight to Ginger and Charlie.”

  “Sure, I’d be glad for the company.” He pulled out a chair, sat, and slipped on a pair of socks. “And I’m pretty sure Ginger would much rather see you than me.”

  “What can I say? We women have to stick together.” She went to the fridge and pulled out an apple. “Of course a little bribery never hurts.”

  He grinned. “Come on then, woman. Let’s go check on your two favorite animals.” He stood, placed his hand at the small of her back, and steered her toward the door.

  The crooked smile alone was enough to turn her insides to pudding, but when the heat from his hand sent a spark up her spine, Sky wasn’t sure her legs would support her. Thankfully, she made it to the mud room without making a complete fool of herself.

  After they’d put on their jackets and boots, Micah reached out his hand. She took it and relished the way he laced his fingers between hers. They strolled across the expanse of property between house and stable. A moonless night accentuated the blanket of stars twinkling overhead. Sky could have walked like this for hours.

  When they reached the stable Micah released her hand, and it stunned her how quickly she missed his touch. She suppressed a sigh, figuring there would be plenty of time for hand-holding later. “I’m going to check on Charlie.”

  “Why don’t you talk to Ginger first, while I check on the other horses? Maybe you can soften her up before I get there.”


  “Yep.” He walked toward the far end of the stable, chuckling as he went.

  She approached the horse’s stall with caution. “Hey, there, Ginger. You about ready to call it a night?”

  Ginger snorted and shook her head, but the sight of the apple Sky held out seemed to calm her. The horse stepped forward and gently took it from her hand.

  “Doesn’t take much to please you, does it?” Sky waited until the horse had finished eating before petting her. Ginger leaned into her hand, giving her a feeling of acceptance. “That’s my girl.”

  A high-pitched bark caught her attention. Sky peered down at the black-and-white ball of fur sitting at her feet. “Charlie, what are you doing so far away from Mom?” She bent down and scooped him into her arms. “Guess you’re growing up, aren’t you?”

  Micah joined the group. “So, did you soften her up for me?” He reached into the stall only to have Ginger toss her head back and snort. He sighed and moved away from the stall. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  Sky followed him to the other side of the stable. “I did my best. Guess it wasn’t good enough.”

  He rubbed Charlie under the chin. “Looks like he wants you as much as you want him. Now if we can just get Annie to agree.”

  It didn’t matter whether Charlie lived inside or out. As far as Sky was concerned, Charlie was already hers. Annie’s decision would have no bearing on that. She kissed the top of the puppy’s head then stole a look Micah’s way. “Some things are just meant to be.”

  Micah cleared his throat. “I get the feeling you’re not just talking about the dog.”

  She held his eyes, hoping she’d hold his heart one day. “No, I’m not.”

  Taking the dog from her hands, he held it close to his chest. “Loving something like this is easy. It comes naturally to most people.” His gaze shifted from the dog to her. “But why me? I’m not an easy person to love.”

  “You didn’t seem to have any trouble loving Morgan.”

  “Wow.” He set Charlie on the ground and made his way toward the back of the stable.

  Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Whatever possessed her to bring up Morgan’s name? Now she didn’t know whether to go to him or run away.

  Micah leaned his arms across the top on an empty stall. “Morgan made it easy for me to love her.”

  “I see.” Sky stood rooted to her spot. Apparently she didn’t make it easy, while Morgan did. Sky refused to cry, despite the ache building in her chest.

  “No, I don’t think you do.” He turned to look at her. “Morgan made me forget about the craziness of living with my grandfather and being abandoned by my brother, if only for a moment at a time. She was wild and unafraid of anything and challenged me in ways others never did.”

  Sky’s chest squeezed so tight she found it hard to breathe. Doubt crept in that he’d be able to give their marriage a real chance. She shivered, the warmth of Micah’s touch long gone. “You know, maybe we should save the movie for another night.”

  “No.” He headed her way. “Please don’t let my ramblings spoil the evening. I can be a real idiot at times. I don’t always know when to speak or when to keep my mouth shut, but it’s only because I want to be as honest with you as I can.” He stopped a few feet in front of her. “Please, Sky. It’s important.”

  In seconds, she had her arms wrapped around his waist in an attempt to reignite the spark of
hope she’d felt earlier. Micah slid his arms around her, enveloping her in a cocoon of warmth and security. His heart beat a steady rhythm beneath the layers he wore. She wondered if he felt hers beating twice as fast.

  They remained like that for several minutes. When her heart rate slowed, Sky dared lift her head. Micah stared down at her, touched her cheek, and leaned in close. His lips barely brushed hers when the distinctive ring of his cell phone shattered the moment.

  Sky groaned. “I thought that only happened in movies.”

  He touched his forehead to hers. “It might be Annie.”

  Neither of them moved until the phone rang a second time. She released him and took a step back. “You’d better check.”

  Micah dug into his pocket for the phone. After only a quick glance, he punched a button and stuffed it back into his pocket.

  “I take it that wasn’t Annie?”




  It seemed there was no getting away from the woman. Or was it a sign? Sky pasted on a smile. “Perhaps that’s our cue to go inside. The movie’s about to start anyway, and I’m ready for some popcorn.”

  He slipped an arm around her waist, pulled her to his side, and kissed her temple. “Let’s go before this day gets any more complicated.”

  They hadn’t taken two steps when the phone rang again.

  Micah released his hold and stared at the number. Sky’s heart sank. “It’s her again, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, never taking his eyes off the phone.

  “Answer it.”

  “Not a good idea.”

  “If you don’t, she’s just going to keep calling.”

  He pushed a button and brought the phone to his ear. “Listen, Morgan…”

  Sky watched his hard eyes go soft. Her pulse quickened. “What is it?”

  With a wave of his hand, he shushed her. “What’s wrong? I can hardly hear you.” He paced in front of Sky, who held her breath. “Morgan? Can you hear me? Stay with me. I’m on my way.”

  “Please, Micah, tell me what’s going on.”

  He never took the phone from his ear. “From what I can make out, Morgan’s been in an accident. I’m not sure where, so I don’t want to get off the phone. Call 9-1-1 and tell them I’m searching between here and her place.” Without another word, he dashed out of the stable. His truck flew past her just as she reached the back door.


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