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Page 21

by Rachel Robinson

  “Hi,” I say, approaching her as I amble out of the edge of the forest.

  The girl startles a little and I know she at least has one of the six to her name. Fear. Maybe this won’t be a lost cause after all.

  “You should not be here,” Emmalina says, looking around warily. Her mother prepared me. I knew she would be different. “It is not safe and I will probably get in trouble.”

  Right away, I notice her extremely proper pronunciation and lack of conjunctions, and know she is one of the fated. If her blond hair and extremely blue eyes didn’t give it away, her speech pattern would. Those that are fated to be sent to the witch palaces all sound the same—robotic. Her mother didn’t want her to become a full witch and move to the palaces, but she never bothered to correct her speech. It just sounds odd to me. We are only ten human year olds, for crying out loud. I smirk at the girl, thinking how utterly tragic and beautiful she is.

  Her returning smile blinds me. It’s not a half grin. It’s this huge, happy, carefree smile. All of a sudden she could be speaking a foreign language for all I care. I’m done for.

  Some people know instantly. It just clicks. Others need to rationalize everything, make a list, stew with the possibilities for too long. Every important decision in my life is made in six seconds. No toiling or worrying—just seconds. I was a child, and I know how crazy that seems, when I knew I wanted Emmalina Weaver as my own. Anything less than six seconds wouldn’t do her justice. Any longer and it would have been wasted time without her in my heart. One tidbit of information my own mother gave me, and that I actually retained, was not to waste time. That time is infinite and not nearly long enough.

  As I tick through Emmalina’s seconds, I know she is right. One second: her huge smile fades as she notices me staring at her like an idiot. She laces her hands together in front of her. Two seconds: she kicks the ground, shuffling dirt around. She peeks at me curiously. Three seconds: her tiny finger comes up to twirl a strand of her golden hair. She stares into my eyes, like directly into them. She sighs. Four seconds: she walks toward me and stops to stand in front of me, inches from my face. Five seconds: she brushes my hair out of my eyes. She tilts her head sideways and scrunches her deep blue eyes in thought. Six seconds: I fall in love.

  Without breaking eye contact with her, I finally speak. “I’m Finn. Your mother actually wanted me to stop by. Say hello. Maybe be your friend.” I enunciate the word “friend” very thoroughly.

  She watches my mouth intently. I will talk all day long if it means she’ll stand this close to me. Her fragrant hair mingles with sweat and she smells indescribably good.

  “Want to play?” I say, hoping to distract myself. I toss the ball into the air to make my point. After I catch it, the worn leather feels familiar in my hands. I smile.

  Emmalina retreats a step or two. “Maybe I should ask first,” she says. Her blue eyes trained on mine.

  “I promise,” I lay a hand over my heart. “I would never lie,” I say.

  As if realizing my problem, Emmalina’s dark-haired mother sticks her head out of the back door and waves at us. Emma glances at her mother and waves stiffly. I think for one tiny moment she might run from me. When she focuses her attention back to me, her smile is blinding. I suck in a breath and try to control the nervous smile on my own traitorous face. I want to know everything about her. I crave everything inside her mind. For the first time in a long time I feel like I have a purpose.

  Emmalina reaches up to tighten her ponytail. “How do you do it?” Her question breaks the silence.

  I wasn’t ready for her to speak, it throws me off, confuses me—mingling with my own thoughts. I run a sweaty palm against my pants. “How do you do what?” My voice shakes. How do you protect her? How do you keep her from them? How do I turn away and stop staring at her?

  She giggles. “Play ball. How do you play ball?” Her eyes stray from my face to the leather ball in the crook of my arm.

  “Uh…i—it’s easy. Back up. I’ll throw it to you.” I motion with my hand and mime throwing the ball in her direction.

  “I should warn you. I will probably win. Beginner’s luck and all,” she says, stretching her slim arms over her head. A long strand of her blond hair comes loose, framing her face as she walks backwards.

  You already have won, I think. She definitely has more than fear, I realize. My fluttering stomach makes me feel something I never thought I’d feel again.

  I feel alive.

  The numb empty shell that formed the day Lana rescued me in the forest is melting, disappearing, being replaced by something else entirely. I throw the ball to Emmalina as gently as possible. She fumbles a bit, but catches it. Her laugh comes a second later. She shuffles a little dance and then hurls the ball back in my direction. I catch her surprisingly hard throw against my chest. I know exactly what the numbness is being replaced by…life. Her life to save, and mine to keep. When she catches the ball the second time, she rolls her eyes.

  “You can throw a little harder than that, you know?” she says, tucking the strand of hair behind her ear.

  I shake my head at her, squint my eyes, and take off. I run after her as quick as I can. “I was trying to be a gentleman,” I growl.

  She squeals as her boots kick up dirt. “You cannot catch me!” she tosses over her shoulder. I let her outrun me, but I know I’ll eventually catch Emmalina Weaver. When I do, I’ll keep her.


  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Ten years later

  I have come to recognize life is not about the happily ever afters. It is about everything you gain getting to that point—to the place where you know that silly notions are not silly. They are what fill life. Life with immortality is long. Yet the perfect moments are no longer marred with anything sour from my past. My losses make me who I am. The sorrow has shaped me. Joy makes anything bearable. Fear and anger cause the other emotions to seem that much sweeter. Surprise balances. And love? Well, it truly conquers all. Lana would call that sentiment corny, but I think deep down it was the core message she wanted me to appreciate.

  I watch her deftly climb the large tree in our front yard. Though she is human, our darkling DNA gives her an edge and the spells that encase the earth give her immortality. The tire swing no longer occupies her body or mind. She shimmies out onto a spindly limb and balances keenly on the balls of her feet. The limb she stands on bows down from her light weight. I gasp and slam one hand over my eyes. Finn, standing next to me, wraps his hand in mine. It feels like home, like sanctuary, like my world is complete.

  One finger taps my hand three times as he shouts, “Careful, Lena. You’ll give your mother a heart attack.” I drop my hand and watch her, half with pride and half with motherly concern. She pulls the bowstring back and releases a sleek arrow. It hits her target dead in the center. Her laughter, the most beautiful sound in the world, rings out. She looks to us for approval. I smile. Finn releases his grasp on my hand and strides to stand under her in the tree.

  “What’s a heart attack, Daddy?” Lena asks. She wipes her golden ringlets, cut short by preference, out of her eyes, and then makes a purposeful leap out of the tree into Finn’s outstretched arms. He raises our little girl over his head. They spin around in one full circle, her arms out, cutting the air as she turns.

  I love them.

  Lena’s giggling echoes and her sharp gaze finds mine. I see so much in her eyes. Feeling nothing is simplistic. Blinding numbness. True frailty is feeling and enduring everything and understanding that somehow, no matter how odd or unexpected, everything will be okay.

  Her eyes are blue.



  “What the fuck did you do now, Lana?” I yell. My voice echoes, sending my question right back to me. I never swear out loud, but understanding what Lana’s done infuriates me. I know exactly what she’s done—I just want to hear her say it.

  Another one. Another fucking darkling that will be b
eyond saving. I can’t see past that. Dealing with that again is too much. Lana is the queen of doing stupid shit. I tell her all the time she’s going to get herself killed because of her lackluster decision-making.

  I take a closer look at the stray darkling and startle. She looks different…really different and not in an unattractive way. The complete opposite is true. Her curves are perfect from her calves all the way up to her neck. Staring isn’t optional. It’s like this darkling was made to torture my senses.

  Then I see them—her eyes. They’re blue. Like hers. But there is no way in hell this is her. My fucking heart doesn’t know that. It’s slamming against my chest. I feel exposed without a shirt, like maybe the girl can see what she’s doing to me by just standing there. Staring at me.

  She extends her small hand toward me and it takes all my control not to jump back, away from this Emmalina ghost.

  “I am Emma, Finn. I am pleased to meet you,” she says.

  That voice. It pulls at me. She smiles and it lights her entire face. Everything shifts. All I see or hear or sense is her…this girl. This fucking nightmare of a girl named Emma. If I was confused before, it just got worse because she laughs.

  I can’t breathe. I can’t think straight. I scrub my hand over my mouth because I’m afraid of what might come out without my permission. I glance back at the circle, full of darklings that depend on me. Because I’m strong and reliable, and not fucking living in a past delusion. When I turn back to look at this darkling, I’m even more enraged than when I first saw her. It’s not a nervous stomach she gives me. It’s like a damned knife twisting in my gut. I’m out of control…completely undone.

  “She’s not gone yet, Finn,” Lana says, though I barely hear or understand what she’s said, with my heartbeat pulsing in my ears. I think this darkling’s resemblance to Emmalina is a punishment of sorts.

  You failed her, too. I think to myself. With that wretched thought, I stagger back a few paces, unable to control my own legs. I obviously can’t control my gaze either, because if I look away from the darkling I think I may cease to exist, or self-combust, or just fucking lose my mind. Maybe when I turn away she will turn to dust and I’ll never get to glimpse the girl who looks so much like a person who actually meant something to me. It’s too much. All of it. Every skin cell and fiber of her being is calling to me.

  “She is in control…she still feels.” Lana’s words slice through the silence.

  I still can’t bring myself to speak. I don’t trust myself enough even to move. The darkling stares at my stomach openly, not even trying to hide it when she knows I’m watching. When her huge blue eyes rise to meet mine, I slam my teeth together. The attraction I feel for her is unwelcome and it stirs in my body in an unfamiliar way. Lust. Want. Love. No, it can’t be love. I don’t love this girl. I love what she reminds me of. In fact, I think I fucking hate this girl.

  “You’re wrong about one thing, Lana. She is gone. She’s not staying here. She can’t. There isn’t enough room in this circle for her. If you want her to live, get ready her ready to go to the next circle over. I don’t want to see her again.” I don’t have to look at Lana to know she is pissed. She can dish it out, but I won’t give in this time. Even for Lana. I can’t.

  I finally tear my gaze away from the ghost. “What’s your deal, Finn?” Lana hisses. I see her right eyebrow slant inward and can tell I’m in for it. Suspicion lurks in her features and I know she knows something is wrong. She knows me better than anyone else. She sees through my thick armor.

  I shake my head, signaling her to just leave it alone. I chance a quick look at the stray darkling, wondering if she still holds the same appeal. Yep. Fuck. Protect her, the fucked up part of my brain urges. I can’t though. If I fail this darkling, it would be like failing her. Some mistakes you don’t dare make twice.

  I look back to Lana, but speak to the stray. “I said get out of my sight.” Every muscle in my body thrums, wanting to watch her walk away, but I don’t move. I stare at Lana’s familiar, comfortable face. It doesn’t take long for that comfortable face to turn into a pissed-off scowl.

  A small, sarcastic grin pulls at the corner of her mouth. “Well sweet-baby-witch-decree-abiding Finnegan. You want to fuck her, don’t you? You just did her with your eyes. You know that right?”

  I sigh loudly. “Shut up, would you? Of course I don’t want to. I didn’t do anything with my eyes. You’re just insane. Everyone knows that.” They do. She is.

  Lana readjusts her quiver on her back. “I don’t care what the fuck you say, I know the truth. She’s not going anywhere. I saw the way you looked at her and that is your problem. Not mine and definitely not hers.” Her silver eyes are wide, challenging.

  “I don’t want to take the risk. She’s different. They’ll come for her. You want the entire circle to suffer through that?” Knowing my logic is too sound, I ready another reason. Lana huffs.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have taken a risk the day I saved your ass,” Lana says.

  “That’s not the same.”

  “It is. She feels. She wants to feel six. Avoid her if you get all fuck-me-till-my-head-pops-off. Just let me help her, Finn. I want to try,” she pleads. I feel my resolve faltering and curse my attachment to this foul-mouthed creature. She knows it, too. She grins.

  “Fine. Don’t make a spectacle of her magic. Don’t let her use it at all. I don’t like this,” I say, flicking the hair out of my eyes. “I don’t like it one bit.” Lana’s gaze sweeps down to my bare chest. I cringe inwardly at her obvious perusal.

  “I like it,” she says. I shake my head.

  “What happens when you can’t fix her?” I ask. I take a deep breath. My heart seems to have finally stopped slamming. I feel disgusted because I actually miss the sensation. I glance behind me and try to pick her out in the crowd.

  “What happens when I do?” Lana counters, noticing where my gaze has strayed. I remain silent. I swallow audibly when I spot her. It can’t be her. It can’t be her. I know it can’t.

  “You’ll get a happily ever after. That’s what, Finny Fish.”

  Maybe it can.

  About the Author:

  Rachel grew up in a small, quiet town full of loud talkers. Her words were always only loud on paper. She has been writing stories and creating characters for as long as she can remember.

  After living on the west coast for many years she recently moved to Virginia Beach, VA. She is the Author of the bestselling Samantha Scott Series.

  Escaped A Samantha Scott Novel

  Embraced A Samantha Scott Novel

  For more information and to keep up with her novels, you can visit her online at:

  Also by Rachel Robinson:


  by Rachel Robinson

  eBook ISBN: 9781615729999

  Print ISBN: 9781629290003

  Paranormal Romance

  Novel of 53,894 words

  Book 2 of The Samantha Scott Series

  Some decisions change everything…

  Samantha digs deeper to find out about her witchy past. Her discovery sends her world and magic into overdrive. She discovers secret realms and uncovers a truth she always anticipated. While she is half-Bruxa—a light witch, something more sinister may lay claim on her other half.

  After the stone curse wears off, Jade returns to Cadiza to assert her rule. Blythe, the dark magic ruler pleas for her help, Samantha must choose a side. Should she embrace the known—a life she’s loved and revered since birth. Does she stay true to her vendetta against the Elders council?

  Swaying her decision are her omnipresent match, Xander and the human love of her life, Malakai. With both men still vying for her affections, Samantha has bold decisions to make before time runs out. The threat of war between light and dark witches is scary, but magic bleeding into the human wor
ld is disastrous. Will Samantha be swayed by her heart or her head?

  Also from Eternal Press:

  Blood Moon

  by Heather Kuehl

  eBook ISBN: 9781615723065

  Print ISBN: 9781615723072

  Paranormal Romance

  Novella of 21,841 words

  Book 3 of the Sarah Vargas Series.

  After she broke her contract with the Blood Moon Corporation, Sarah Vargas knew that it was only a matter of time before they came for her. What she didn’t know is what lengths they would go to make sure that she had no where to run. Everyone Sarah has every relied on is in danger during a time when friends become enemies, and Sarah quickly realizes that the Blood Moon Corporation will never give up until she is dead. The Blood Moon Corporation is coming, and even Sarah doesn’t think she can make it out alive.

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