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Divided Worlds Trilogy 01 - Disconnect

Page 13

by Imran Siddiq

  “The locator beacon in your Intercom,” replied Rosa. “Alice detected the swap with the identity-chips when she spoke with you. She’s been tracking your movement ever since.”

  Zachary grinned. The bot had a heart.

  “We thought we were too late when you started moving left and right through the alleys, but, I’d have found a way to get to you. I wasn’t going to turn back.” Rosa grinned. “There’s something bothering me, and it’ll sound stupid, so I might as well not say it.” She clicked her teeth. “Alice! Come on!”

  “Frustration noted,” said her bot.

  Zachary acknowledged Rosa’s sudden tactic. “Say it anyway.”

  “Say what?” smirked Rosa.

  “What’s bothering you?”

  Rosa tugged strands of hair dangling over her shoulder. “When I was in my room, locked up, I had a chance to analyse everything, especially the connection that my father had to the attacks. He would’ve carried on in his study without the faintest idea if you hadn’t told me. And, how did you tell me? With my Raptor.”

  Rosa shook her head. “Can’t you see it? My Raptor gets stolen. You find it. We meet. We talk. We’ve then gone through the worst day of our lives, but we’ve escaped. We’re both here. Is it coincidence?”

  Zachary couldn’t reply. Her animated face pleased him better without the background crackles or the blue tint.

  “Do you think that fate brought us together?” She scattered hair from across her cheek. “I told you it was stupid. Alice.”

  “Almost there,” replied the bot.

  Rosa groaned. “When you escaped, did you mean to come to Overworld?”

  “I’m not sure. It just happened,” replied Zachary.

  Her eyelids fluttered. “So, you weren’t coming to see me.”

  Random thoughts perplexed him. “I was being chased, and I ended up here.”

  “But, not to see me.”

  “Not then.” Zachary sucked in. “But, now, yes. I was worried about your dad locking you up. I wanted to know that you were okay.”

  “Is that it? Just to check that I was okay,” Rosa murmured beneath her raised hand. “Well, now that you know I am, once we’ve helped you out, you can carry on with your tour of Overworld.”

  Zachary pulled back from the Confiner’s gap.

  Rosa’s fingers curled over her face. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m being stupid. Forget I said that.”

  “I already have,” whispered Zachary.

  “Look, I’ve got an idea. If the patrollers capture you, say you’re from Haven Hill, and that you’ve been mistaken for somebody else.” She clapped. “Say that you have a twin. Do not tell them that you’re from Underworld.”

  “Won’t they know?”

  “They might, but if you confuse them, it’ll buy you time.” Rosa’s eyes rolled. “Stay quiet until my parents get to you. We’ll help you.”

  Zachary swapped the knee he balanced on. Jordan’s lecture sounded in his head. “They’d do that for me?”

  “You did what I couldn’t. You made them listen. My father will convince the House to stop. You’ll be safe. You won’t have to worry anymore.”

  A niggling thought surfaced. “What happens to me after that? I’m still an Underworlder.”

  “Fate intended for us to meet. I’m doing things that I never dreamt of doing, and it’s because of you. You’ve given me something that makes me feel alive. Like I have a purpose in this Base. I don’t want that feeling to end.”

  Black pupils engulfed Rosa’s green eyes. “You won’t be returning to Underworld. I don’t know how, but we’ll find a way for you to stay with me.”

  Zachary stuttered. “With you?” It almost made him blush.

  “We’ll get you somewhere close to where I’ll be in Assayer. I’ll visit you, and I’ll help you in Overworld.”

  Zachary shivered, squeezing the excitement building in him to the tips of his thumbs. Was she telling the truth, or was she trying to raise his hopes? He had to believe she meant every word.

  “There’s a reason why I wanted to see you one last time,” he said.

  “There doesn’t have to be a last time,” said Rosa.

  Fighting the agitated flutter of his stomach, he continued, “I’ve never admitted to anyone that they’re beautiful.” The stomach fluttering flew upward into his chest. “I like you.”

  Eyes enlarged, Rosa’s hands clamped her mouth.

  “I cannot access the deactivation mechanism,” said Alice. She moved Rosa away from the barrier. “There is an alternative, possible solution.”

  Zachary saw them move to the Trojan.

  Rosa spoke without tone. “Alice, what are you doing?”

  The Trojan roared forward. It collided against the Confiner’s wall causing bolts to clash midair. The bike’s front panel crushed inward. A small hole emerged between the wall and the bike. Alice appeared, ramming her arm through the hole into a thin upright vent. The Trojan bounced backward into the street, returning the Confiner in full.

  “NO!” shrieked Rosa.

  Shuddering on the spot, Alice twisted her hand. Fabric on her sleeve burned back before the pale covering of her arm melted to a metallic frame of components. The bot yanked her hand out of the wall.

  A beep sounded.

  The barrier’s walls ahead of and behind Zachary switched off.

  Alice staggered, holding her limp, deformed arm. “Do not worry. I am still functioning, however, this will take some explaining to Mister Kade.”

  Zachary blinked, looking into Rosa’s teary eyes. She pounced forward, enveloping his shoulders with her arms. He returned the embrace. A fresh scent filled him as Rosa’s face buried below his. The warmth of her body removed the cold dread of patrollers charging in. He didn’t know what to do. When was the last time he’d hugged anybody?

  Taking her time, Rosa faced him. “Did you mean it, that you like me?”

  Hands pressed against her back, Zachary’s heart beat fast. He wanted to show her that he meant every word. His mouth tingled amidst the blood rushing up to his head. Intrigue filled Rosa’s eyes, as her lips separated with a small gap.

  “What are you waiting for?” she whispered, invading the lingering space.

  “Stand apart,” demanded a voice behind the smoking Trojan.

  Keeping Rosa clutched, Zachary turned toward handguns raised by three patrollers.

  “There is no need for this action,” said Alice.

  “Stop,” said a patroller.

  “I can vouch for their –”

  A gun fired.

  Black liquid gushed out as Alice’s head rocked off her neck.

  Chapter 19 - The Target

  Rosa’s scream rang in Zachary’s ear.

  “They killed her,” she whimpered, reaching out to the darkened orbs of the bot’s eyes.

  “You have to be alive to be killed,” said the firing patroller, identified by the wispy trail coming from his handgun. “Stand apart.”

  “Don’t move,” muttered Zachary.

  Rosa’s arms hung loose. “She was only an android. She never hurt anybody.”

  Zachary scanned for options. Even if the Trojan wasn’t broken, trying to reach it would be impossible with the patrollers ready to pick them off in a second.

  The leading patroller spoke into a collar-mounted Intercom. “Target acquired, with another.” He cocked his head. “You two are really trying my patience.”

  Overworlders in the streets scattered away from the growling engine of a six-wheeled truck with a large rear compartment that arrived. Additional patrollers descended from it.

  “We’re going to do this properly.” Rosa gripped Zachary’s vest. “No more running.” She faced the leading patroller. “My father is Ambassador Jordan Kade. You have no right to behave in this manner around me.”

  “We know who you are,” replied the patroller. “Separate them.”

  The new patrollers sprung, arms positioned.

ary spun Rosa, keeping her stuck to his chest. Something whacked his spine. Sharp pain dropped his jaw. A metal stick lashed his thigh. Sudden weight plummeted onto his back, shoving him hard onto the ground. Rolled over, Zachary saw Rosa being held by a patroller.

  “Let her go,” cried Zachary.

  A patroller lifted him to his feet with a handful of hair.

  “Release him,” snapped Rosa.

  Cold metal slapped against Zachary’s wrists, locking them tight to an overhead chest-lock. Tiny teeth bit into his wrist.

  “What do we do with this one?” asked his patroller.

  Zachary threw a puzzled look. Didn’t they know he was?

  “Scan him,” said the lead patroller next to Rosa. “Is he from your home?”

  Rosa blinked. “Yes.”

  “No match on the iris scan,” said Zachary’s patroller. “Broadening parameters.” What – they weren’t here for him?

  The lead patroller tightened his grip on Rosa’s arm. “I prefer it if you didn’t lie. Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough already?”

  Rosa squirmed. “My father sent you.”

  “That’s right. You’re the target. Ambassador Kade isn’t impressed by your escapade, and ordered your collection. He’ll meet you at Hadrian Tower.”

  Zachary shuffled forward a step. Wasn’t Jordan meant to be helping them?

  “Sir,” said Zachary’s patroller, holding up a digital display-pad. “The boy checks in as the Wanted Criminal. ID 43-728. Diego Reyes.”

  The lead patroller teased a smile. “Our luck just changed.”

  “Sorry, sir?”

  “He’s wanted for something else. This here is the rogue infiltrator.”

  “Infiltrator?” Rosa elbowed off the patroller guiding her to the truck. “What are you talking about?” Her fingertips touched her chin. “His name is Diego?”

  “Your friend’s been causing some trouble for us,” said the lead patroller. “Seems like he has a problem with following orders. Lock him in guys, and keep him under watch. He’s a nifty bit of work.”

  “Orders?” said Rosa.

  Frozen on the spot, Zachary mumbled, “No. It’s a lie.”

  She eyed the lead patroller. “What were his orders?”

  “To aid the negotiation efforts in Underworld. He defected after getting a little cosy with the dirt-bags.”

  Rosa’s legs shook. “You lied to me?”

  “No,” said Zachary. Strong hands tugged his head back. “It’s not what you –”

  A band lashed over his mouth reducing sound to slurs. All the time, water built up in Rosa’s eyes.

  “Save it for the inquest,” said his patroller opening the black bag. “Sir, he’s still got the Intel-Depository on him.”

  “Excellent. I say we nip this in the bud and score extra points.” The lead patroller breathed down onto Zachary. “Where were you heading with this? Were you meeting somebody? Huh? Are you a covert protester?”

  Zachary eyed Rosa’s bitter glare. She’d been sucked into the lie.

  Walking away, the lead patroller spoke into his Intercom. “Sector 18B has been secured. Notify General Sokolov that we have the Wanted Criminal.”

  A cross-shaped device shot down onto the lead patroller’s abdomen. It clicked with a bleep. Retching, he looked up in shock. The device dispersed currents from either end of the device. As if knives had been connected to it, the patroller’s body sliced open. Burning intestines unravelled onto the ground.

  “Skirmish alert,” shouted Zachary’s patroller.

  A smoke bomb burst up between them and Rosa. Zachary fell onto his side. Piercing through the smoke, he saw Rosa on her knees, coughing.

  A gun went off.

  “Get up.” A masked figure in black hauled Zachary up onto his broad shoulder. Dust made the direction that the figure had come from undistinguishable.

  What in Europa!

  “Got him,” announced the figure. “Go!”

  Wait! Rosa! Let me go!

  A smaller masked figure overtook them. Another blast of smoke caught Zachary in his face. He gasped at the irritation creeping into his eyes. Large hands pulled him down off the shoulder.

  A machine with pumping pistons chugged against the wall of an alleyway. The smaller figure clicked a lever on the machine, causing a panel to open out.

  Zachary felt the rush of dropping after a thumping push into a dark tunnel. He reeled off the tar-covered ground into hands that pulled him through a cavity behind interlacing pipes.

  “What is going on?” mumbled Zachary.

  Bright light shone onto his face. Keeping one eye shut, he looked up at the big masked figure and the other person holding the torch who’d now removed their mask.

  The woman scraped her hair back. “We’ve been sent to rescue you.”

  Chapter 20 - Underground

  Zachary fought the gnawing teeth of the cuffs. What the heck did they mean by a rescue?

  Rosa had been in his arms. She’d rushed to embrace him. He had her. Then.

  In the dark of the tunnel, Zachary imagined Rosa standing close. Her lips twinkled. He’d almost had a kiss. She’d wanted the same – right?

  A brief scent of her fresh hair remained on his fingers.

  Light from the torch demolished his dreams and brought him back to reality. Rosa was held captive by the patrollers, but the realisation that she hated and thought of him as an infiltrator, irritated Zachary.

  “Later, Bhavini, keep moving,” said the larger figure.

  Zachary scowled at they pushed him to keep him walking in the tunnel. Cuffed hands clasped against his heaving chest, his feet dragged. For rescuers, they weren’t very considerate about his current state.

  Now unmasked, the stubble-headed man squashed Zachary’s shoulder. He was like a taller version of his dad. Neck muscles bulged under a blocky jaw. “Stop dragging your feet. The patrollers will be scanning. Do you want to get caught?”

  “You’re not helping, Caine.” The woman eased the brute’s hand off Zachary.

  It was an odd pairing. One, tall with strength showcased by a puffed chest, whilst the other, less than an inch taller than Zachary. Although thin, her smooth skin presented her as somebody who didn’t live in Underworld. Zachary rolled his eyes as a memory surfaced. They were the same couple that’d been searching for the android in the bartering camp. Zachary looked back and forth between them. The rescuers couldn’t be part of the army, otherwise why would they snatch him from the patrollers? What if Bhavini and Caine were part of the infiltrating Snakes? Maybe Sokolov had ordered them to ensure the Snakes remained a secret.

  The tunnel shrank, giving a wider spread of the torch’s beam. Hooks and cross-shaped objects protruded from the thin rucksacks the two rescuers carried.

  “Okay, that’ll do.” Bhavini shone the torch on Zachary. “Don’t make a sound.”

  Caine’s butch frame loomed over him as he cut the cuffs with pliers. The chafed skin of his wrists was the least cause of Zachary’s anger.

  “What the hell were you doing?” He stepped back from their glares, quietening his tone. “Why did you leave her behind? Who sent you to rescue me? Who are you?”

  Caine snorted. “Talk about ungrateful. We saved your behind back there.”

  “I never asked you to. I’m going back.”

  “No, you’re not. We didn’t cross the line up there for nothing. The streets will be swarming.” Caine turned to Bhavini. “I told you he was with her.”

  “What?” Zachary shook his hands midair. As if they cared about crossing lines when they’d come down hunting for an android.

  Bhavini lowered her torch. “Calm it, Zachary, I’ll explain.”

  Their knowledge of his name irked Zachary.

  “Caine, backtrack twenty-steps. Keep watch. I can handle him. Go – this will be quicker without your testosterone.”

  Bhavini waited until the brute left. “Take slower breaths or you’ll pass out.”

  Zachary looked
deeper into the tunnel. Could he dart off and gain a head start?

  “Don’t even think about it. We’re not the bad guys,” she said, as if reading his mind.

  Zachary snorted. “I bet that’s what everybody says.”

  “Trust me. Okay, I’ll keep this short. We were told that you’d be in the vicinity of the mall. It’s a good thing you were. Caine wasn’t lying about us putting ourselves on the line for you.”

  “Like I said, I never asked you to.”

  Bhavini sneered. “Sure, because you had it all in hand. Got to give it to you, though, you’re something else for getting out of Underworld.”

  “It wasn’t easy.”

  “I’ve heard.” She tipped forward her earlobe, showing an embedded tube. “We intercepted alerts that you’d been spotted. The name change did confuse me.”

  “I’m not Snake Seven, Diego or Santos. I lied.”

  “Smart move. We lost you outside the mall. Next thing we know, the patrollers are on strict orders to collect somebody entering Assayer. We took a chance and followed. Luckily, you were in the same Sector.”

  Bhavini’s heel clicked on the ground. “One part doesn’t fit. What were you doing with that girl?”

  Zachary kneaded the strain crushing either side of his head with his hands. “She came here to help me. I should be with her, and if you hadn’t interfered –”

  “You’d never see her again, if we hadn’t. And you can forget the heroic drama of going back. We came to collect you. She was never part of the equation.”

  Zachary met her gaze. “There wouldn’t have been an equation without her.” He sighed bringing his hands up. “I’m begging you. Please, help me.”

  Bhavini’s eyebrows arched. “Right now, they’ll be hunting high and low for us, and she’ll be under strict observation because of her link to you.”

  “Will they hurt her?”

  “Their last order was to bring her in unharmed.”

  That didn’t decrease the annoyance soaking his mouth. Zachary kicked out, banging a pipe. “Are you protesters?”

  “If you mean ROM, then yes. The Right Order Movement. Pirates, protesters and troublemakers are terms the House of Representatives use to portray us, but it’s not what we stand for. We fight for something bigger.”


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