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The Cursed Satyroi: Volume One Collection

Page 54

by Rebekah Lewis

  Ariston struggled to sit up. The bed sheets had different plans and he struggled against their constrictions. Lily helped rescue his legs and he was finally able to sit upright. If he felt less like he’d been hit by a bus, he’d have faked helplessness to keep her close. Unfortunately, he really did seem helpless at the moment, so it wasn’t an act.

  “Where is he? I want to talk to him.” Thank him is what Ariston meant.

  Artemis shrugged once again. “Gone. Left in the morning light. No telling where he may go now that his life lacks meaning. He may even look for Hephaestus and ask for a blade to end him. I really should go soon so I can watch for him this evening. It’ll be my new serial drama. All my other stories have gotten so dull. I was watching this outrageous celebrity couple, but they’re so predictable. I’m pretty sure they’ll end it soon, amateurs.”

  Lily opened her mouth like she was about to snap at Artemis, but she wisely chose not to.

  “Wait, Artemis,” Ariston said, and she lifted a brow. “Thank you for your part in this, did it happen? I mean, the Satyr Moon has passed and it was Apollo’s curse, so I don’t understand why he needed you involved.”

  “Oh, it’s no big deal, really.” She tossed her silvery hair over her shoulder and then studied her nails. “I didn’t have anything else to do. Twiddling my thumbs up in Olympus. It’s kinda dull there at the moment.” Her face went blank, as though she recalled exactly how boring. She shook herself and added. “I had Selene turn the moon chariot around and then put it in park so the sky darkened again and the eclipse happened twice. It reversed the moon and Earth’s orbit a bit. The mortals are spazing out about it, claiming the end is nigh and everyone is going to die because Satan has come. ‘Run! Run for your life!’ Seriously, who needs television when you can freak out the general population and laugh at their reactions?”

  “But,” Lily chimed in, “why not go to Selene himself and ask?”

  “I always forget how confusing the Greek gods are to modern timers. Apollo and I are often mistaken for Helios and Selene, the Titan-born drivers of the sun and moon chariots. When the rest of the Titans were imprisoned, Helios and Selene’s jobs were too important to abandon, so Zeus tied them to Apollo and me. That’s why Apollo usually comes out during the day and I at night. We’re, like, their supervisors and stuff. Someone’s gotta crack those whips! Plus, nobody else wants to be stuck driving chariots across the sky every day or night. Lame!”

  Artemis yawned and stretched, “I better make sure that bitch put the moon back in its proper orbit so I don’t have to kick her ass again.” She smirked, relishing the thought. “Goddess of the Hunt, bitches. I can throw down.”

  She vanished.

  “She’s like the mean girl from high school who is nice to you face to face, but then as soon as you turn your back...” Lily made a stabbing motion. Then she scooted into the bed next to Ariston. “So you’re human again. How do you feel?”

  Like he’d been beaten half to death. “I hate to complain, since this is what I wanted, but knowing what Melancton did kind of makes me feel like shit about it.”

  “Trust Melancton.” Daphne had said. Did she know he’d sacrifice his own happiness for Ariston? She was okay with that? Ariston glanced at Lily. He knew he’d never give her up, and he couldn’t imagine how he’d react if Apollo or another god used her as a way to control him. Knowing Melancton, there was no way he’d not tried to get her back himself before giving in to ensure Daphne’s survival. But to give up all together?

  Ariston needed to call Pan, let him know what had happened. If there was anything that could be done, Pan would know. Or Hermes.

  Lily swiped the hair out of his face. He’d not even noticed it was there. Gods, I’m like an invalid as a human. How can she stand me?

  “It’s his decision. While I hate that he’s hurting, I can’t not appreciate the gift he has given you—the gift he gave me. You’re human, Ariston. You can live among people, have a family. Be with me... If you still want me now that you’re free of your curse.”

  Ariston choked on the water he’d been sipping. “The fuck, Lily? I married you. I would have thought that promised a whole lot.”

  “Yeah, but...” She tinkered with a button on the quilt. “Oh, come on, Ariston. How certified of a priest do you think Hermes really is?” She bit her lip, like she wanted to give another reason, but she didn’t say it.

  “I said a lot of things to convince you to stay, but I never lied to you. I did need you. However, I married you because I wanted to, not because I needed you to break a curse.”

  “You don’t need me now.”

  Ariston noticed she was playing with her bare ring finger. “I need you now more than ever before,” he replied softly.

  She looked wary. “You’re only saying that because you’re in bed and need a nurse maid.”

  “I don’t need a damned nurse maid.” He jarred one of his ankles and silently rethought his statement. Not healing right away would take some adjustment. He’d have to learn to live as a mortal all over again. “Where’s my pants?”

  Lily blushed. “Um, Artemis made me strip you before she hovered you from the floor to the bed. Said you’d wake up feeling constricted.”

  Ariston gave her a blank stare. “She was being what you would call a pervert. I didn’t need to be naked for her to move me.”

  “I figured as much when she argued I shouldn’t cover you with a quilt after,” Lily said dryly. “You don’t need your pants. You’re staying in bed and not going anywhere.”

  “Check the right-side, front pocket.”

  With a suspicious glance at him, Lily retrieved his jeans and rummaged in the pocket. She pulled her hand out and stared at what she’d extracted.

  “You went back for it.” Her voice wavered. In her palm, a petite gold circlet rested. The ring he’d given her when he took his vows.

  “I don’t need you here to care for me now that I’m human. I need you here because I love you.”

  When Lily didn’t reply, Ariston prodded, “I’d prove it to you if my head didn’t feel like someone had used it as a jackhammer.” He wiggled his toes. They were sore and stiff, but it was the first time he’d had real toes in such a long time. Such a simple movement made him want to weep like a little girl for the joy of it. He didn’t though.

  Lily stared at him.


  “Say it again.”

  “My head feels like someone was using it as a jackhammer?”

  “No. You said the L-word. Finally said it. Say it again.”

  Had he really not said it to her out loud? He tried to recall it, but couldn’t. Gods, no wonder she was uncertain of him. “I love you, Lily.”

  She shuffled back to his side and placed a hand against his chest, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “I love you too.”

  “Oh, and Lily,” he addressed her a second time, enjoying the way her name tasted on his tongue.


  “We are not seeking an annulment. Besides. We already consummated the marriage.”

  She shook her head mockingly as she replaced her ring on her finger. “Wouldn’t dream of it. Anything else, husband?”

  “Yes, wife. If you can get naked again I would feel tons better. And if you stop thinking I don’t need you I might make a miraculous recovery.”

  Ariston pulled Lily into his lap. He kissed her, ignoring the waves of dizziness moving caused. When he leaned back, Lily appeared a little breathless. “I love you,” he said again, like he owed her the sentiment more frequently. “If you leave me, I’ll hunt you down. I know people who can help me find you, no matter where you go. Being human again means nothing if I have no one to share my life with. You want me to seize the day? Seize it with me! There are so many places I want to show you, and so many things you could teach me to help me readjust. Stay with me. Please.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek, and he wiped it away.

  Ariston was aghast. “Don’t cry

  “Happy tears, idiot.” Lily sniffled and flung her arms around his neck. He grimaced under the assault which jarred his aching head, but he hugged her tightly to him. “You may find this hard to believe, but I just ended a bad relationship,” she whispered. “I can’t help but be a little nervous.”

  Ariston frowned, his shameful behavior the night before still too recent. To lighten the mood he said, “I can still kill him if you want. No DNA records on police file. We can fly back to Greece and be home free.”

  “No murdering.”

  He sighed. “Fine. I will let the asshole live. Now get naked. You’ve been flaunting that body at me all week, and nobody got to enjoy it then. I think my head will stop hurting if you appease me.”

  Lily snorted. “That’s not true. Pegasus got a piece of ass the first night.”

  Ariston’s rear throbbed from the reminder where the horse had bitten him.

  “That doesn’t count.”


  “Well?” Lily asked as Ariston punched a button on the cell phone and placed it on the table.

  “Pan said he’d talk to Hermes, and they’d let us know when they found Melancton.”

  She nodded. That was as good as anything, she guessed. She’d find a way to repay the satyr somehow.

  “So what’s on the agenda today?” Lily asked, stretching. Her body sore from their day in bed, and out of it. True to his word, Ariston had been up and moving again once they’d gotten frisky. If she wasn’t crazy for thinking it, she wondered if Ariston had residual satyr traits from the curse. Had sex sped up his recovery? He could barely move at first, and after she’d made love to him he’d been perfectly normal.

  “I thought we’d head out to the creek if you wanted. See if you do anything fancy with your nymph-ness.” Yeah, there was seriously some residual satyr traits. His stamina may not be over the top, but it was still stuck in on mode. He’d not had to wait long before he’d started getting frisky again either. Lily thought there were worse things to have been left with, and she didn’t mind in the least.

  “You’re not jealous, are you?” she asked, hopping to her feet. She’d longed to test out water-sex to see if being a nymph made a difference. At the notion, Lily barely avoided rubbing her hands together in glee. She also wanted to test out different types of water, pools, beaches, rivers. Research, she assured herself, to test her limitations.

  “Of your nymph magic? Hell no, I’m not jealous. It turns me on knowing you’re going to be taking it all out on me.”

  “My word, did you just sprout a horn in your trousers or are you happy to see me?”

  Ariston grinned wickedly, “I don’t know. Maybe you should investigate. It sounds serious.”

  “Patience, my human satyr man. First we find a body of water and then investigation will occur. If you distract me now, we will never leave. I can’t believe I haven’t worn you out yet.”

  Ariston chuckled behind her as she led the way outside. She didn’t know where she was headed, but she could feel the pull of water from the south, dragging her forward. The Tesla-esque nymph-orb, as she referred it, thrummed with anticipation within her gut. Yes, Lily knew where to find the creek.

  She bit her lip and wondered if Ariston truly was okay with her supernatural powers now that his were lost. Earlier, he’d experimented with his panpipes, but they only played pretty music, but nothing magical had occurred. Ariston smiled and said he was “one hundred percent, grade-A human.” He’d gone from magic at his fingertips to no magic at all in the blink of an eye. She’d have thought he’d be a little sore about it, yet Ariston seemed chipper and full of vitality.

  “Hey.” Ariston came up beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “I’m not jealous,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. “Magic is a way of surviving as a satyr. If Pan hadn’t given us the panpipes, we’d have nothing to help us stay hidden all these years. It’s a necessity I no longer require. I’m happy to no longer need them.”

  “Because you no longer need to entice chicks to have sex with you.” Lily teased.

  “That too...but I was lazy with it, dependent. Tired of doing the work. Wanted it over with before it began, and magic made it easy.” Ariston shuddered. “Then you came along and made sex mean something again.”

  “You say the sweetest things. Tell me, when girls ask you if they look fat, do you tell them the truth?” She bumped her hip against him playfully as they hiked on.

  Ariston frowned. “Why would a woman ask me if she looks fat? That’s pretty random.” When Lily laughed, he added, “Give me a break here. I don’t have social skills with women of this century.”

  “I figured that out when you kidnapped me. Was that our first date?”

  “You’re the one who knocked herself out. If I left you there, you may have died. You could’ve strolled along home with me like a good little nymph, but no. Had to play hard to get.”

  “You’d have thrown me over your shoulder and ran off with me regardless. You were determined to break the curse.”

  “So I was. Looks like being determined worked out for me.” He seemed to zone out for a moment and then added, “Does it bother you that I’ve been with so many women?”

  Lily considered it. “Yes and no. I mean, you probably hold a universe wide record, which I find irritating, but you were cursed to be insatiable. It doesn’t matter though because you’re mine, and if you look at another woman I will cut you. Understand?” She repressed a giggle when he nodded solemnly.

  “Good thing I don’t care about anyone else. We could live out in the boondocks and never see another human being, and I’d be fine with that.”

  Birds sang jovial songs as they marched onward. In the morning, they would pack up the essentials and load up his truck. Ariston’s solitary life needed a makeover, and she wanted to reintroduce him to humans again. Lily would help him adjust. She’d invited him to stay with her until they had plans set in stone, and Ariston seemed happy enough to oblige. The apartment was in her name, so Donovan was crazy if he hadn’t removed his belongings and left yet. Lily had no ties at home, no family. She didn’t have many possessions she really cared about. Traveling the world with Ariston? She was all in.

  Ripples of running water whispered from a distance and tickled her eardrums. Her body perked up, and her steps became more hurried. Lily had always been happiest around water, even before discovering her powers. Perhaps it was the reason she never needed the rain before. She’d grown up next to a lake, and took to swimming like a fish. Her apartment had a pool view from the balcony. Even if she wasn’t in the pool, seeing it there relaxed her.

  They approached the creek bed, and she closed her eyes to savor the briny air around her. The creek didn’t contain salt water, but it had a similar scent. The water’s surface was dark, almost black, and she wanted to dive into it with reckless abandon. She began untying her shoes and noticed Ariston hadn’t worn any. How had she been so caught up in her thoughts that she’d not noticed?

  “You’re going to hurt yourself and catch an infection before you even have time to enjoy being human again.”

  He grinned. “I haven’t felt grass, dirt, and water between my toes for thousands of years. It would be worth it just to have the sensory reminder of what I’ve been missing. You’ve no idea how strange it was to see toes when wearing the glamour, and not feel them there.”

  “I bet.” She paused and regarded the water warily. “Speaking of infections. You don’t think I’ll catch anything if I go into that water naked, do you?” Once again her human understanding of biology was at odds with the magical elements of her new life.

  “You’re a nymph. Water is yours to command, so you shouldn’t have to worry about any, uh...cooties, swimming in it.” He searched the grass beneath his feet, seeming to realize as a born-again human, he’d remain susceptible to the terrifying cootie creatures.

  The expression of horror across his features made her laugh. She explained that cooties were technic
ally make-believe creatures parents created to scare little boys and girls away from each other, and Ariston found it beyond barbaric and traumatizing for a child.

  “Sometimes I use the word to describe things that can’t be seen like the kinds of bacteria that floats around in water or lives in dirt.” She stripped down and studied him. He was still clothed in jeans and a T-shirt, which wouldn’t do. She crooked her finger in a beckoning gesture as she strolled backward into the water. The surface was warm from the sun above, but beneath was chilled. She wondered if Apollo watched them and fought the urge to flip the bird at the sky.

  Ariston followed her to the water’s edge, but remained unsure. My god, he’s now worried about cooties. “Ariston, if they won’t affect me, I’ll just concentrate on making them not affect you. I’d have that power right?”

  He nodded. “You can also send wildlife away so they won’t bother you. I’ve never heard of a nymph attacked by an animal while, uh, in the act.”

  “Damn it, really? All this time being attacked by ants and mosquitos and I could have willed them away?”

  He squeezed his lips together in an effort not to laugh. He failed.

  She swatted him and ambled farther into the creek. The water reached the tops of her thighs at the highest point, but she submerged herself to her chest. “Ahhhh. I’ve missed swimming.” She willed any fish and underwater creature to remain elsewhere and shuddered at the thought of alligators and water snakes. The gentle current tickled her as it rushed past, but it was nowhere strong enough to drag her under.

  Ariston stripped, giving her a glorious view of his tawny skin in the sunlight. He really was gorgeous. She could almost sympathize with Aphrodite for seeing Ariston’s twin bathing in the nude and wanting him. Ariston took Lily’s breath away.

  And he’s mine.

  “Sit on the edge and put your legs in.” She watched Ariston maneuver himself the way she’d demanded, and she swam, as much as she could in the shallow water, to where his toes brushed her knees. She used his legs to pull herself up his body, dragging her breasts along his skin as she glided over him, until she was level with his dick. Lily licked her lips. She’d wanted to do this since he’d whipped that baby out and started stroking it in front of her a few nights ago.


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