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Freedom to Love [Freedom, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “You find that funny?” He pulled her to a stand and flattened his chest against hers, his body blocking the spray.

  “Not at all, Master.”

  “You don’t need to call me Master, but I do want your submission.” His eyes darkened and his cheer disappeared as if her response was critically important.

  A ton of snarky remarks slipped to the tip of her tongue. Most were to put emotional distance between them, which wasn’t what she wanted. “I’m a little scared.”

  He hugged her. “Oh, sugar. We’ll take it slow.” His voice was raw and tender.

  The slow kiss that followed seduced her. While his genetic makeup seemed to prevent him from letting her lead, he was giving her time to back away. The urge to grab his cock and slip it between her legs was great, but that would undermine what he wanted. Right now, pleasing him was what mattered, but in order for this relationship to work, she had to be honest.

  He dragged his lips to her ear and the spray wet her face.

  “Sugar, I want you.” He leaned back. “Want to know a secret, but if you tell Conner, I promise you your ass will be so sore you won’t be able to sit for a week?”

  Surely he was exaggerating, but from the way he was stroking her cheeks with his thumbs, he was serious. “Promise.”

  “I’m scared, too.”

  The air between them evaporated. “Oh.”

  “I tried to seal my heart, but every time I’m with you, you peel back another layer.”

  His words healed the cracks in her soul. “Thank you for telling me.”

  He grinned. “Now let’s finish washing because I have big plans.”

  So Holly had guessed correctly. Harper couldn’t keep his hands to himself. With his gaze on her face, he rubbed her nipples, twisting them in a certain way that made them tickle.

  She laughed and pulled away. “They’re clean.”

  He moved closer. “Is your pussy clean enough?”

  Dare she say yes? “I don’t think so.”

  He grinned. “Let me help.”

  “But no finger-fucking, or I’ll have to touch your cock.”

  “You’re in charge now?” He soaped his palm and cupped her pussy. “I have to keep you away from him, though if you disobey, I suppose clean up will be easy.”

  She shifted her weight on to one foot. “You’re telling me that if I rub my hand up and down your big, hard dick that you’ll go off prematurely.” She emphasized the last work so that pride would prevent him from coming.

  He furrowed his brows. “Just stay away.”

  His hand rubbed her clean. At the last second, he dipped a finger into her slit, causing a full-blown explosion to ripple inside her. She jumped back.

  “Hair trigger?”

  Holly refused to answer. She rinsed one last time, pulled open the shower curtain, and stepped onto the mat. Harper had the nerve to laugh. Using one towel, she soaked up the water from her hair, and with a second, she dried her body. A minute later the water shut off and Harper stepped out. He grabbed a towel, but instead of using it to dry off he flicked the end at her ass. The sting didn’t hurt, but she bet he meant for her to hurry.

  “I’m coming.”

  “I hope not.”

  The man had a way to make her laugh. Holly dried her body and had pulled the hair dryer from the wall, when Harper, who was mostly wet, removed it from her hand and placed it back in the holder.

  “I can’t wait any longer.”

  In one fluid move, he lifted her up and carried her into the room. She loved being the rescued princess to his white knight, though it did mean half of her was wet again.

  He placed her on the bed then walked over to his suitcase. “I have a surprise for you.”

  The zipper opened, but with his back to her, she couldn’t see what he’d taken out. Asking wouldn’t get her anywhere, so she waited patiently. In a way, it was fun to wonder if she could figure out how to please him. His mercurial personality was a challenge, but given his background, she understood he might have issues loving another woman.

  He turned around and not only waved a condom but also a package she suspected was lube. She scooted back on the bed as her pulse soared. “Did I mention that I haven’t had a cock in my ass?”

  “Don’t worry, sugar. I know you’re inexperienced but that excites me even more.” He placed the items on the nightstand between the beds, crawled next to her, and then tapped his chest. “I want to be the one to show you how truly exciting it can be.”

  She nodded over to the package. “So what’s in there?” While she was open to all sorts of things, she wasn’t a particularly brave woman. If her reaction wasn’t what he’d expect, she might disappoint him.

  He studied her for a moment. “I’ll show you. There’s nothing to be scared about.” With one quick tug, he opened the item and withdrew a large purple object, about four inches in length that had a cockhead on one end and a flat surface on the other. She guessed the material was plastic or maybe some kind of glass.

  “It’s missing the balls.” Crap. Her snark slipped out.

  He laughed. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen them with balls. This is a small butt plug. I’ll gently glide it into your anus, and in a few hours, your body won’t even know it’s there.”

  She doubted that. “Have you ever tried it?”

  His eyes widened and he guffawed. “No, sugar. I don’t swing that way.”

  Oh, shit. She hadn’t been thinking before she spoke. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  He stroked her face and slid next to her. “How about we do less talking and more loving?”

  She relaxed. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He lifted her chin. “There is one rule, though.”

  She glanced to the ceiling. “I know, I can’t climax until you ask.”

  He shook his head. “That would be nice, but no. If I make you uncomfortable at any time, you have to tell me.”

  She’d learned all about the ins and outs of a man being a Dom from Nikki and Dani. “Like a safe word?”

  “You’ve been getting secondhand stories from your girlfriends?”

  Was that bad? “Yes.”

  “I like to keep it casual. The word ‘stop’ or ‘no’ works for me. ‘Slow down’ is effective, too.”

  She liked that he wanted her to have a good time and that she didn’t need to worry about remembering a different word. “Okay.”

  “Now, let’s get to the loving part.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Harper’s gaze never left hers as he brought a lock of her hair to his nose and inhaled. “You smell so good.”

  Holly smiled. “You can thank the Lodge for providing nice shampoo.”

  He leaned back. “You know what I would like you to do?”

  His seriousness had tension rippling through her. Crap. Thirty seconds and she’d already messed up. “What?”

  “For the next hour, can you shut off the analytical part of your brain? When I tell you how much I love your sensitive nipples or how smooth your skin is or how much I love to delve into your mouth, I’m not asking for an explanation.”

  It was a bad habit she needed to break. “I think it’s my way of pushing you away because getting close is foreign territory.”

  “Go on.” He continued to play with her hair. “Tell me more.”

  “I don’t even realize I’m doing it, but I think I do it because I’m used to people mocking me so I toss back snarky remarks to protect myself.”

  His lips thinned for a moment then half of his mouth lifted. “Shields down, Mr. Spock.”

  His trekkie reference made her chuckle. “I’ll try, Captain.”

  He lowered his chin and tossed her what he probably believed was a mean look. “You’ll do more than try or I’ll tan your fanny.”

  She dropped back and laughed. “I’d like to see you try.” While he and Conner had lightly spanked her, she wanted to feel the pain, as she knew it would set her pussy on fire.

“Oh, yeah?” He rolled her over and spanked her.

  The two slaps he delivered were love taps. “That’s all you got?”

  “You sure, sugar?”

  “Yes.” She squeezed shut her eyes and waited for the delicious blow.

  The next three smacks heated up her ass and caught her breath in her throat. The ache swirled around her hot cheeks, turned sharp, then slowly receded. When he rubbed her rear, she relaxed. Then all of a sudden, a wave of bliss so strong ran down her hips and electrified her pussy. Holy fuck. That was intense.

  “You good?” Harper’s lips caressed her ass. “You are so fucking hot.”

  If by hot, he meant red, then she bet she was. “I am that.”

  He rolled her over and pulled her on top of him. She widened her legs enough to place the tip of his cock at her drenched opening.

  “I know what you’re doing, but it won’t work, sugar. We have a long way to go before I fuck your sweet pussy.”

  She dipped his head and kissed him with every ounce of her being. She adored this man. He might be sullen at times, but when he opened up, he was good and kind.

  This time, it was Harper who pulled away. “I need to take care of someone’s ass first, then I plan on playing with your tits until you are on the brink of self-destructing.”

  She waited for his promise to fuck her pussy. “And then?”

  Harper shrugged. “We’ll take it one step at a time.”

  There were times like right now where she wanted to beat him.

  He slid her to the side. “Roll over onto your elbows and knees.”

  Holly inhaled and did as he asked. If she didn’t like what he was doing, all she had to do was say “stop.”

  Harper moved behind her, leaned over her back, and rubbed her nipples. Joy speared her. “Hey. That’s supposed to be step two.” If he turned her on too much, she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the plug.

  “Never you mind the order. Why don’t you close your eyes? You’ll sense what I’m doing better.”

  She nodded. When a strong cherry scent filled her nostrils, she pictured the small garden she tended when she was around ten. They had strawberries as well radishes, lettuce, and carrots. Growing their food helped bring nutrition into their meals.

  When he pressed a gooey finger to her back hole, she leaned forward.

  “Easy, sugar. The lube will make the plug glide in easier.”

  She nodded. Dani and Nikki both loved anal sex, so why shouldn’t she?

  He rimmed her tight muscle over and over again in a nice, easy rhythm. But it was when he dragged his palm to her breast that she forgot all about what he was going to do with the tiny plug.

  He stroked her nipple in the same way he soothed her rear. He’d move from one breast to the other, rubbing the tip then pulling the tiny nub taut. Desire flooded her. When his thumb punched into her back hole, she barely moved. Knowing that he wanted to have sex in her ass and that she could give him what he wanted was enough for her.

  “You’re doing great, sugar. I’m licking my lips in anticipation and my cock is dying to take you.”

  He withdrew his hands. More lube filled the air. When he pressed this huge object against her asshole, she stiffened.

  He lightly patted her rear. “Don’t make me discipline you. You have to relax or I won’t be able to get this little thing in you.”

  She heard the pout in his voice and then smiled. The man could be a charmer when he tried, though usually it was Conner who played that role.

  “Ready, sugar. It might pinch a little, but if you push instead of suck, it will ease in better.”

  She inhaled and forced the tension from her ass. “Go ahead.”

  He slowly pressed the plug inward while he stroked her back with his other hand. His warm palm would press and release as if he was silently telling her what to do. The small pinch didn’t bother her, but the action felt odd. Now, if he had a real cock, she might have a more positive outlook.

  “You okay?”

  She loved that he asked. “Yes.”

  Harper twisted and pushed at the same time, and she was just getting used to the process when he hit some nerve that had her pussy leaking. What was up with that?

  She must have moaned because Harper leaned over and kissed her back. “You make me happy.” His words were so soft she bet he hadn’t meant for her to hear them.

  His fingers returned to her tits and pressed and rubbed and pulled until her mind splintered. He tapped on the plug, probably to ensure it was fully seated, and she squeezed her cheeks. Yikes. She was all cock.

  “I’m supposed to leave this in?” Surely, she’d misunderstood him.

  “You’re so tiny that I have to stretch you out. Did you forget the size of my cock?”

  She debated on whether she should say yes or no. “Since you didn’t let me suck on him, my memory has turned faulty.”

  “They let me refresh your memory.”

  Finally. He flipped her over, and she opened her eyes. He was donning a condom and smiling. She swore his cock had doubled in size.

  “But first,” he said, “my mouth wants to devour your breasts and your lips and then your pussy.”

  She sucked in a breath. “You’re going to make me wait?”

  He laughed. “It’s not all about fucking. I want to love every inch of you first.”

  She’d never last.

  When he slipped between her legs and held them wide, she summoned every ounce of strength she had to resist the prurient urges. She still didn’t understand why coming more than once would be so bad. Though if she did, maybe Harper would be forced to spank her. Hmm. She didn’t know she liked pain so much. It’s the pleasure that follows that’s so divine.

  Harper growled. “I wish this bed had posts so I could tie open your legs.”

  Her pussy gushed at the thought. “Me, too.”

  He looked up and smiled. “Oh, yeah? You also into sex toys?”

  She imagined canes and crops and ropes. Some of it appealed to her, some didn’t. “I’m not sure.”

  He grinned. “Good enough for me.”

  He pried open her lower lips with his fingers and dragged his tongue up her slit. Her body reacted violently to the gripping pleasure. She tightened her belly in response, but that caused her to clench her ass. Whoa. Her ability to tighten her muscles had nearly disappeared as that plug took up too much real estate.

  Harper lifted his head. “From your groan, I see you’re understanding firsthand the beauty of the plug. Just wait until I’m in your ass and Conner is in your pussy.”

  His words were like an electric current coursing through her. Even her nipples pebbled at the idea. She couldn’t imagine both men’s cocks even fitting. She was too small and too tight.

  Harper stroked her clit as he licked her cunt. When she lifted her rear to get more, once more the plug made its presence known. He plunged two fingers into her pussy, and she went off like a firecracker. Her climax slammed into her with the full force of a hurricane.

  Damn, damn, damn.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Harper rose to his knees. “Sugar, never be sorry when you’re doing what comes naturally. I know you are easily excitable. It’s one thing I adore about you. It will take time for you to develop some stamina.”

  Ooh, stamina. “I’ll need a lot of practice.”

  He grinned. “Is that why you went off like that?”

  “No. I couldn’t help it.” That was the truth.

  “I guess I’ll have to move to a less sensitive area, though I’m not sure there is any part of you that doesn’t have a hair trigger.”

  “I think the inside of my pussy isn’t very sensitive.” She so needed his cock.

  He laughed and tapped her nose. In a flash, he was on top of her, his cock at her entrance. But he didn’t press into her. Instead, his mouth captured hers. She grabbed his shoulders and pressed her hips upward but quickly relaxed back down. The pressure from her rear surprised her in its i

  Harper’s tongue dove into her mouth and swirled it around so fast, it was as if he needed her to live. Her nails dug into his skin, and she returned the favor. He tasted like the cheese and crackers he’d brought as a snack. They dueled and explored as if they were really kissing for the first time.

  His passion brought incredible pleasure. He closed his eyes and groaned then slipped his cock into her an inch before breaking the kiss. “I have to have you.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I’ll go slow.”

  She didn’t want him to. “No. Fuck me hard.”

  “Trust me.”

  He edged in another inch, widening her pussy walls so far that she now understood his concern. “Oh, oh, oh. No room.” Air entered in limited amounts.

  Harper stroked her forehead. “Breathe, sugar. I’ll fit. It’ll take a little getting used to.”

  He slipped a hand lower and pressed on her nipple. Shards of bliss shot straight down her belly to her clit. She closed her eyes, wanting to heighten the amazing experience.

  “Sugar, I can’t wait any longer. You make me weak.”

  That wasn’t true, but she appreciated him saying it. With a strong push, his cock forged his way into her. The two cocks created an unbelievable sensation of lust, passion, and even love. Full and stretched, she’d never been more turned on.

  As he pulled out, Harper kissed her again, but this time, his lips barely touched hers as if he wanted to savor the moment. His groan convinced her she was right.

  He eased back in and dragged his lips down to her throat. “What you do to me, sugar.”

  His words seeped deep within her, and she fell more in love with him.

  Love? Was that what this funny, achy, wonderful feeling was? She’d have to say that was a yes.

  Harper wasn’t moving. “I won’t break.” He seemed to be holding himself back.

  “I’m so damned close.”

  She was ready to topple, too. “Go.”

  That must have been the signal he was waiting for because the next thrust had his cock slamming into her back wall. The friction overjoyed her and swamped her with such desire that she had to force herself not to come until he was ready.


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