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Freedom to Love [Freedom, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She refreshed her makeup and headed back to work only to find the office empty. A note sat on her desk.

  Sussman called. Nikki and I are on the case. Here’s the list of names we need you to run down—Dani

  Happy to have something to do, Holly began her search. She got so caught up in checking bank statements, property appraiser sites, and Google that time flew. Suddenly it was time for date night!

  The girls still weren’t back but that didn’t surprise her. While they had checked in a few hours ago to learn what she’d unearthed, they often just headed home after doing surveillance.

  Holly did a quick check in the bathroom to make sure she looked okay. She slipped her hands under her shirt, closed her eyes, and rubbed her naked nipples as she pictured the men feasting on them.

  Stop it.

  Her crotch dampened. That wasn’t good. The restaurant was only three blocks away on Ashford, so she decided to walk. The late afternoon air was brisk, but the sun made the stroll delightful. When she arrived, her men were waiting by the entrance.

  Harper was the first to reach her. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her like no one else in the world existed. Happiness filled every vein in her body. When he broke the kiss, she leaned her head back and studied his eyes. “You’re in a good mood.”

  “That I am.”

  Conner made a big issue of shoving Harper out of the way. “My turn.”

  She palmed his chest. “Are you two always going to fight like this?”

  Conner looked at his cousin. “Not if he doesn’t hog you.”

  She’d been about to defend Harper, saying that he had a reason for withdrawing and now needed to make up for the time he’d missed, but she never was given the chance. Conner planted a wet one on her that made her laugh.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist. “Come on.” He walked her toward their car.

  “I thought we were eating.”

  “We are, but after we do something else.”

  Harper slid to her other side. “Something that requires you to wear pants. By the way, you look extra hot tonight.”

  “Thank you.” She wasn’t even tempted to tell him that her pants made her look taller. She just accepted the compliment.

  Knowing they wanted to keep the destination a surprise, she didn’t ask where they were going. Conner opened her door then jumped in to drive. Harper climbed in back.

  She twisted around. “You should have driven. Then we all could have fit in the front seat.”

  Harper tapped Conner on the shoulder. “I’m driving next time. Our woman wants to snuggle with both of us.”

  Harper’s attitude pleased yet confused her. She faced him as Conner started the engine. “Did Bobby Usher’s arrest relieve a lot of your worry?”

  “Yes, but I had a revelation that I’ll tell you about later.”

  That must have been something. She leaned back, but before she could relax, Conner pulled in front of Skaterama. “We’re ice-skating?” She wasn’t sure she was ready to look like a fool.

  Harper rubbed her shoulder. “Don’t worry, sugar. We won’t let you fall.”

  Somehow she knew that would be true.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Not only was Holly still chilled, even after spending close to two hours resting at dinner her legs were like rubber. It had been a long time since she’d been skating. She had to admit, she had a blast. To her delight she never fell, but perhaps that’s because neither man left her side.

  Harper helped her out of the front seat and led her up to their house. “We’ll warm you up, sugar. Don’t you worry.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I’m counting on it.”

  They stepped inside and Conner came in right behind them. “I’ll get the fire started.”

  “I’m not that cold.” Perhaps she was, but she had a better idea. “A couple of warm bodies would do the trick.”

  He grinned. “Then let me grab a beer. You want one?”

  “A beer sounds good.” Sharing one with them, instead of drinking her wine or one of her fruity drinks, would be nice.

  Harper took her hand and led her over to the sofa. “I wanted to tell you what happened last night.”

  Her heart sped up. She figured whatever changed his mind about them being together had to be a good thing, but she still didn’t know where she fit into his life with Wendy seemingly on his mind.

  “Last night on my way back to Freedom, I spotted a bad car wreck.”

  The pain in his voice cut right through her, and she grabbed his hand. “Did it bring back all the memories?” After all, his wife had been killed in a car accident.

  He closed his eyes for a moment. “The truth?” She nodded. “I thought of you. What if you had been down in that ditch?”

  Her love soared. “Oh, Harper.” She wanted to kiss him so badly, but he seemed to need to tell her about his conflicting feelings. “Go on.”

  “When the slot machine shit started, all I could think of was that Marr was coming after you, like he did Wendy.” He dragged a palm down his jaw. She wanted to soothe his ache but didn’t know how.

  Her stomach tumbled at the memory. “I remember how scared I was when the man who killed Mark’s mom came after Dani. It was terrifying.”

  He nodded. “Thanks for understanding.”

  Conner came over, handed them their beers, and sat on the other side of her. He’d taken his time probably because he knew Harper needed to get this off his chest.

  “Go on, Harp. Tell her the rest.”

  Harper drank his beer and held the bottle to his lips for a long time. “I realize it’s time to move on.” He faced her. “I want the freedom to love again.”

  Oh, my God. Did he really mean it? “You don’t have to forget Wendy, you know. Your heart will always love her.”

  He smiled. “I know that now.” He took her hand. “There may be times when I withdraw because something reminds me of her or it’s Wendy’s birthday or something, but I want you to know that if I do seem off-kilter, it has nothing to do with you. Holly Morganton, I love you with my whole heart, and I’m not going to let a ghost get in my way of being with you.”

  Her heart stopped. “You love me?” Her throat closed up and tears welled. “No one has ever said that to me before.”

  Conner drew her close. “I love you, too, baby. For real. Just like Harper. He just got to say it first.”

  Her body shook from top to bottom and tears streamed down her face. “I love you both so much.”

  Conner swiped a hand down her cheek. “Then why are you crying?”

  His pinched brows and open mouth almost made her laugh. She hiccupped. “Because I’m happy.”

  Harper stood. “Phew. We all good then?”

  She appreciated that he was the one to lighten the mood. “Yes.”

  Conner got up and pulled her to a stand. “How about if we show you how much we love you instead of just telling you?”

  This was it—the time when she could finally love them both at the same time. “I want that.”

  Conner lifted her up and carried her toward his room. “We forgot to ask if you have any interest in having children.”

  Her chest pounded. “I’ve always wanted kids, but not if I have to raise them by myself.”

  He stepped into his bedroom and set her down. “We’re not going anywhere. I promise you that you won’t have to be like your mom.”

  Relief slammed into her. That had always been her biggest fear, but were they talking about marriage? She hoped so.

  Harper moved behind her and slid his hands under her shirt. Before his fingers reached her bare breasts, she planted her elbows above her belly to stop him.

  “I want to undress myself.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “But you always like it when we take off your clothes.”

  “I know, but I want to do something for you. Can you both sit on the bed?”

  They actually obeyed, which gave her hope this might work. These men gave her
to courage to like her own body and not see herself as a victim of her mother’s mistakes.

  She ran her palms down her pants and prayed she didn’t make a fool of herself, though she actually believed it wouldn’t matter. They’d love her no matter what.

  She tugged off her boots and then her socks. Now came the hard part. While she was working on Nikki and Dani’s case today, she spent a few minutes surfing the web on how to strip for a man. While she’d never considered such an occupation, these women had seduction down to an art. She, too, wanted to entice her men.

  “You can’t touch until I give the word. Okay?”

  Conner jabbed Harper. “Our woman wants us to be the submissives. Ain’t goin’ to happen, baby, but we’ll be good and watch—at least until we can’t stand it. Then, you’re all ours.”

  Her pussy gushed. “Okay, here goes.” That was tacky. She shouldn’t have announced her intention.

  She inhaled and lifted the top layer as slowly as she could over her head. When the material covered her eyes, she feared the men would make their move, so she whipped it off. To her delight, they were still seated but now were grinning. Her pulse soared.

  Next, she lifted off her undershirt. Once she slipped if over her head, cool air pebbled her nipples. Naked, she was tempted to cross her arms as their gazes latched onto her breasts. You can do it.

  Slowly, she laced her fingers behind her head and stepped closer to them. “Anyone want one lick?”

  Both scooted closer. Harper cheated by taking one step and pulling her close. Holding her with one hand his mouth latched onto one tit while Conner feasted on the other one. Streaks of pleasure burst all over her body and her pussy went wild. Violent contractions spasmed her inner walls, and she jerked back.

  “I’m not finished. That was just to tease you into wanting me.”

  “Baby, if you glance at our crotches, there’s no doubt about us wanting you real bad.”

  That made her look. Sure enough, their cocks made their jeans bulge. “I’m not finished yet.”

  Harper waved a hand. “By all means, continue.” He leaned back on his elbows, the smile on his face never receding.

  All she had left to remove were her jeans. To add to the show, she turned her back, undid the button and zipper, and wiggled her hips.

  “You better hurry, sugar. You’re testing our willpower to stay seated.”

  Their encouragement was probably for show, but she loved them all the more for it. As she eased her jeans over her ass, she wiggled her butt. She bent over and pushed the tight material down her legs. When she reached her ankles, she lifted her foot to take her jeans off one leg, and she lost her balance and had to plant her palms on the floor.

  In a flash, both men were on her. Harper swooped her up. “Let us help.”

  She didn’t know if they feared she’d hurt herself or if it was an excuse to touch her. Either way worked for her. Harper placed her on the bed and Conner quickly tugged off her pants.

  He whistled. “What happened to your panties, baby?”

  She laughed at his concern. “I though it would be easier if I had less to take off.”

  He crawled between her legs and spread them wide while Harper slid alongside her. It seemed like forever since she’d been with both men.

  “I think we should lock you in our house naked so we can drive home anytime we want and make love to you.”

  “I think I’d have a hard time doing my job.”

  Harper cupped her face and kissed her. “Not if we tire you out every night so much that you’ll need to rest all day.”

  Her brain would atrophy. From the twinkle in their eyes, they were kidding. “Let’s see what two you got.”

  Conner flipped her over and lightly spanked her three times. “Don’t question us like that. We’re fierce and powerful.”

  While she couldn’t see him puff out his chest and squint, she knew that was what he was doing. She laughed, causing the next three blows to redden her ass. “That’s better.”

  “Hear that, Conner? Our woman likes a little pain.”

  Yes, I do.

  Conner flipped her once more, leaned over, and lifted her legs onto his shoulders, then rose to his knees. Her butt shot into the air, but Harper slid a knee under the back for support.

  “How’s that feel, sugar?” Harper pushed an errant hair from her face.

  “Good, but a kiss would feel better.”

  The men exchanged glances. “I think we need to show Holly that we’re in charge.”

  She glanced down at Conner who nodded and then grinned. The bed dipped and Harper ran out of the room. She wasn’t worried. Whatever he had in store, she’d like.

  “You remember that climaxing is forbidden until we say so, right?”

  Conner could ask all he wanted, but her body ruled, not her. “Of course.”

  He rubbed a palm over her belly. “Trust me when I say that both Harper and I will have to draw on all of our strength to last long enough to love you properly.”

  Which meant if she loved them, she’d have to work just as hard. “Make me feel guilty.” She tossed him her best pout.

  “Did it work?”

  “I hope so.”

  Conner dipped his head, but kept his gaze on her as he licked her needy slit. The first swipe made her buck her hips. “It’s not fair.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I didn’t get to suck on your cock.”

  He grinned. “There might still be time.”

  He returned to loving her cunt, but this time he reached out and pressed on her nipple. The combination had her soaring. Already her climax was threatening and Harper hadn’t even joined them.

  His footsteps pounded down the stairs, and he rushed into the room waving a velvet-covered rope. “Bought this for you. Tape just didn’t seem to be good enough. You want?”

  She glanced at Conner but his eyes were closed.

  “Yes, please.” Being at their mercy heightened the whole experience. She hoped that wouldn’t be a mistake as she already was so close to coming.

  As if he’d done it a hundred times, Harper had her roped and tied to the bed in no time. “That comfy?”

  She tugged on the restraint. While there was some give, she didn’t think she could break free even if she tried. Her pussy creamed more. “Yes.”

  “I’ve been dreaming of this.” He shucked his clothes and left them on the floor then climbed onto the bed.

  He resumed his position of supporting her back with his knee and then kissed her. The intensity overwhelmed her. She loved the combination of tenderness and desperation and returned the affection. Their tongues danced and loved, explored and tasted, and when they’d had their fill for the moment, they leaned back at the same time, looked in each other’s eyes, and smiled. She would have been content to watch all the wonderful emotion crossing Harper’s face had not Conner slipped two fingers into her pussy and totally ripped her attention back to him.


  “What, baby?” He had the nerve to laugh.

  Harper must have decided it was getting close to the end of the fourth quarter because he went all out loving her tits. One hand kneaded her breast while his mouth sucked and plucked her sensitive nub. She tugged on the rope. Not being able to touch either of them drove her crazy, but she loved it too much to ask them to undo her.

  Conner rubbed her belly while he finger-fucked her pussy and licked her clit. Between the two men, she didn’t think she could control her body for much longer.

  “I’m getting close. Please. I need a cock.”

  Harper moved away from her breasts and returned to kissing her. How was that supposed to help control her libido. Her hormones were crashing through her body, and when mixed with adrenaline from the excitement of being with two men, she was barely hanging on.

  Harper sat up then got off the bed. He must have tossed something on the floor because he returned with two condoms and a tube of lube.

  “I can’t t
ell you how much I want to sink my cock in your sweet ass. Are you ready to welcome me?”

  She wanted him worse than anything. “Yes.”

  Harper looked at Conner. “Put her down.” Harper then untied her arms. “It’ll be easier to ride the cowboy if your hands are free.”

  Ride the cowboy?

  Conner exchanged positions with Harper. He stretched out along side her then pulled her on top of him. He then shifted to the middle of the bed and kissed her hard and fast. The luscious kiss reached down to her belly and then to her pussy. She wanted him bad.

  Harper lifted her shoulders, forcing her to scoot her legs under her until she was sitting on Conner. Harper leaned over her back and nuzzled her neck. “Would you like something to bite on to help keep you from coming?” He drew back on her arms, pulling taut her chest.

  “Yes.” At least she thought she’d like that.

  Conner cupped her breasts. “Harp. No. She’s not ready yet.”

  Was there something she wasn’t aware of? “What am I not ready for?”

  “Oh, baby. Now is not the time to discuss you being our submissive because my cock is throbbing something fierce, and I’m dying to bring you the ultimate climax.”

  That sounds wonderful. “I’d like that, too.”

  Harper leaned closer. “What my cousin didn’t say is that he wants you to give over all control of your body to us.”

  She opened her mouth to say she was ready when Conner tweaked her nipples. “Baby. We don’t want to push you. It takes months of being together to develop the trust. I won’t allow it.”

  Didn’t she have a say? “How about if I want it?” Both Dani and Nikki loved being submissives—in the bedroom at least.

  He flexed his cock. “You’re both killing me. Can I get some loving first and then we can sit down and explain what’s involved with our roles?”

  She swallowed a laugh. “I can wait.” There would be time to experience all of their loving ways.

  Conner grinned. “Now how about if you sit on my cock?” His voice cracked.


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