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The Dukedom

Page 15

by Dagny Aldan

  “Stay still,” and withdrew his weight from her. Isabel stiffened, trying to suppress her crying as a chill from his absence covered her. She shivered, listening to his movements, until finally he came back, his hot hands on her hips.

  “Roll over, my conquest.”

  Isabel obeyed, pressing the side of her face into the sheets of the bed. Ahmed climbed on top of her, and she felt his bare skin on the backs of her legs and the tip of his hard cock brush her ass. Ahmed’s tongue traced the bumps and ridges of her spine, just below her collar. Isabel let out a mixed sob and moan, curling her fingers into the sheets. She wanted but she did not know what she wanted. Ahmed’s weight came down on her, his hips pressed against her ass, his mouth sucking a bruise on her shoulder blade.

  “I can make the fear go away,” he whispered, voice honeyed and inviting. “I can make you into what you wish, the confident, strong monarch who will be able to rule like no other ever has. Is that what you want?”

  Isabel nodded, feeling the dampness of her tears on the sheets beneath her. Ahmed reached down between them, pushing her thighs apart so he could lower his hips between them. Isabel lay still, hardly able to breathe as she was breached and filled in a single, smooth thrust. When had she gotten wet enough to-

  “Oh…” she sighed, as he filled her up and stretched her walls. His balls brushed her clit and sent a fission of pleasure through her.

  “My conquest,” Ahmed breathed into her ear, “Do you know why I call you that?”

  Isabel could not speak, so she settled for shaking her head.

  “I call you that because I know what you want. I know you want to be conquered, owned by someone else, who can mould you to their purpose. You’ve been looking for that all your life, haven’t you?”

  Tears stinging her eyes again, Isabel nodded, biting her lower lip as he started to move his hips, slow, deep thrusts that made her whole body shudder.

  “I can give you exactly what you seek, what you need, and all you have to do is say yes,” said Ahmed, one arm resting across her back, pinning her to the bed, dominating her completely. Even if she wanted to move she could not, Ahmed was surrounding her, inside her, he was everywhere and she wanted to be engulfed by him. It was better than being herself.

  “Sir…” she whispered. Ahmed leaned down and nipped at her ear, then pulled on her hair and sank his teeth into her neck. Isabel cried out, more in surprise than pain, then again as her walls clenched around his cock. The orgasm had come from nowhere and penetrated every part of her, not with pleasure but with freedom. She felt like she was floating in a cocoon, surrounded by Ahmed. He would remake her the way she needed to be remade.

  “Say yes Isabel,” said Ahmed, moving his hips with more urgency, chasing his own release, “Say yes, and I’ll make you exactly what you should be.”

  Isabel opened her eyes, she could make his face out in her peripheral vision, he was looking down at her like she was the only thing in his world that mattered.

  “Yes. Yes sir, master, yes,” she gasped, reaching underneath her own body and touching the spot where his body entered hers, feeling the stretch of her flesh around him. It felt slightly unreal, that their bodies were joined and although she was the one physically engulfing him, he was the one who was surrounding her.

  Ahmed’s hand curled around her collar and pulled it against her windpipe, forcing her head back and her throat to close.

  “You understand that you are mine now? That I will be your master for the rest of your life? I will say what you do and what you think, who you fuck and when you sleep. Do you understand me Isabel? I will possess you, body, mind and soul. You will be mine forever.”

  “Yes! Yes sir!” she gasped, spots dancing in front of her eyes, her body tensing with an oncoming orgasm. She would give Ahmed everything he asked for, if he would only make the fear go away, make her useful for the future.

  “You’re going to come when I say so, only then, you’re going to learn to come on my command, and when you do, I’ll know you’re mine.” He dragged her hand away from their joined sexes, lifted her hips and sped up his thrusts. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh was almost obscene, yet Isabel did not blush. She was beyond shame now, as her worldview shrank and became totally focused on Ahmed. Her Master.

  Ahmed slipped his free hand under her, cupping her breast and fondling it as his thrusts grew harder, chasing his own climax. Isabel’s orgasm was building and building, her thighs trembled with the effort of holding it back.

  “On my command,” panted Ahmed, pressing close again, “One… two… three… Come Now Isabel.”

  Isabel cried out in astonishment as her orgasm crashed inside her, whiting out her vision and wringing her out. At the same time, she felt Ahmed climax inside her, filling her up with his seed. Isabel choked on her own breath, clawing at the sheets as she focused on the one thing that would surely keep her from flying apart. Ahmed inside her.

  Ahmed collapsed on top of her, panting wetly in her ear, his hands sliding all over her torso.

  “My conquest,” he murmured almost reverently, “Mine.”

  “Yes sir,” she sighed, feeling like she was melting into the bed, smiling at the feel of his body against hers. This was where she belonged, owned and controlled by a man like Ahmed, who would make her useful at long last.

  Chapter Twenty –Luke

  Despite his faith in his friend, Luke found himself thinking about what Lena had told him. The idea that Ahmed had a fixation on Isabel would have seemed ridiculous to him a few weeks ago, but now…

  Since Isabel’s panic attack, Ahmed had kept her hidden away from the rest of the Dukedom in his rooms. Ahmed himself was not around very often either, something that Luke had never known to happen. After all, Ahmed liked to be as involved as possible in the program, each heir would get some of his attention to ensure they were being trained properly. Now, however, Luke knew that the other heirs were suspicious or even jealous of the time Ahmed was giving their last recruit.

  Luke knew Benjamin had told the others what had happened to Isabel, but he sensed that while some of the heirs, like Sandor, Adrian and Jingyi were simply worried, others were resentful of the attention. That was not good when the whole point of the project was to put these heirs on an even footing. Isabel getting Ahmed’s full attention was only marking her as different, either superior or inferior depending on how the heirs looked at it.

  Luke was also worried about the accusations Lena had spouted. The idea that his friend had let an innocent man go to prison just to get Isabel into the Dukedom was troubling him. Because all the heirs had been kept cloistered, there had been very few instances of them falling in love with someone outside the Dukedom’s control.

  What had the lie about Hans Mikaelsson done to Isabel? Had it made her vulnerable to Lena’s manipulation? Luke knew that part of a Duke or Duchess’ role involved some manipulation, but the intention was to gain the heir’s trust and open their minds to the experience. Luke believed in their goal, that teaching the heirs to submit was to teach them to respect their subjects, to recognise that they were still answerable to them, even if they had final say over much of their country’s laws and actions.

  Luke wished he could get a better measure of Isabel’s world view. She seemed to understand more than the rest that submission to the people was the best way of ruling them, but she seemed so fearful of everything around her.

  “Duke Luke?”

  Luke blinked and looked around. Adrian was kneeling at his feet, holding out the glass of wine he had been ordered to get. Luke accepted it, sipping a little before setting the book in his hands down on his lap. He sighed softly and glanced down at Adrian who kept his eyes on the ground, his half hard cock resting against his thigh. Luke had let Adrian free from his cock cage earlier, and it was a testament to Adrian’s training that he had not so much as twitched his hands near it. Luke considered his slave for a moment, then said,

  “Adrian, do you understand what stage we
are at now?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” said Adrian.

  “The Dukedom, do you understand where we are with it now?”

  “Since Isabel came in?”


  “Well… I suppose her being here means that the stage of getting the heirs to agree to the training is done. So that means that you can press on with the next stage.”

  Luke nodded in approval,

  “And do you know what that stage is?”

  Adrian did not answer straight away, he was clearly turning the question over, considering the various angles. Luke was pleased to see it, Adrian had often shied away from deep thinking when they had met, not confident in his own intellect. Luke had worked hard to teach Adrian to trust himself, and to be willing to admit when he did not know something. Finally, Adrian said,

  “I suppose that the next stage is readying us for leaving the Dukedom. I mean, I know some of the heirs are already out, but that was because their parents passed and they needed to assume the mantle of kingship or queenship. As for the rest of us, as much as we love it here, we cannot remain here for the rest of our lives, that would be ignoring the whole purpose of the Dukedom.”

  “Very good,” said Luke, running his hand over Adrian’s shoulder. Adrian smiled, then tilted his head in a questioning way. Luke nodded, “You may speak.”

  “Duke Luke, will Isabel end up being the only one left? When the rest of us leave, will she still be here because she was so late to be brought in?”

  “Well that depends on Isabel. She’s clearly submissive, but she definitely needs help finding a contented centre.”

  “She was always like that,” sighed Adrian. “She never seemed to trust us completely. Even when we said nice things about her to her face, she always seemed to be looking for the underlying sarcasm.” Then he sighed again, more weary and frustrated.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m a little tired of talking about her,” Adrian admitted, “It feels like she’s taken over the Dukedom. The others… some of them are not happy about her… privilege.”

  “You are all privileged,” said Luke in a firm voice, “You are the most privileged group of young people in the world.”

  “I know that! But the others don’t see why she should get the attention of the Grand Duke, no one else ever got locked away with him for days.”

  “None of you ever had such a severe panic attack before,” said Luke. Adrian flinched.

  “Benjamin said she was afraid of us. I don’t understand why!” His voice rose in frustration and he looked straight up at Luke, “What did we ever do to deserve her fear? Were we that awful to her? I thought we were friends!”

  Luke curled his hand into a fist, thumb out and popped it into Adrian’s mouth. Automatically Adrian started sucking, his expression relaxing as the act distracted him from his upset. Adrian was no little needing to be babied, but he did have something of an oral fixation.

  “If I’d had time to assess her I might be able to tell you exactly what’s going on in her head. However, I do have a theory.” Luke waited until Adrian looked up at him again before speaking, “Something drove Isabel to run away from school and join the military, even though I doubt it was something she was suited for at all. Since she never confronted whatever it was that drove her away, it’s likely that distance and time have only exacerbated her anxieties. What might have been very minor at the time has become a massive, all consuming fear and such things are very hard to fight when no one knows you’re battling it. You told me before that Isabel never expressed to the school that she wanted to join the military, but you knew.”

  Adrian hummed a confirmation around Luke’s thumb. Luke gently drew his hand away with a soft pop as he asked,

  “Did you take it seriously?”

  Adrian pouted at the loss, but said,

  “Not really. I always thought she sounded unhappy when she talked about it. Like it was something she would make herself do, not because she wanted to, but because she had to.”

  “Was she afraid?”

  “She was always nervous, a scolding from a teacher might make her cry, but she never let the teachers see.”

  “So she tried to hide herself from the people who were meant to be looking after her.”

  “I liked our teachers, but Isabel never seemed to see them as anything other than frightening authority figures.” Adrian sighed again, “Why was she so afraid of everything? And if she was afraid, how did she join an active military? Wasn’t that worse? Wasn’t she scared in the Caliphate? People were trying to kill her!”

  “Did you ask her? That night when you two went to see her and dominated her without my permission?” Luke watched Adrian squirm, he had already forgiven the two for their error after punishing them, but it was still worth reminding them of their breach of etiquette.

  “No sir, not really. We asked her how she could leave us, we were her friends and she just left us!”


  “And all she said was she had to go.”

  “Hmmm,” Luke considered the information. Nothing really added up. How did the school never catch on to the fact that Isabel was clearly suffering with severe anxiety? From what Adrian had said, it was borderline pathological, she should have been counselled and perhaps even given medication. Yet no one had done anything to help her and she seemed to have done her best to keep it a secret from everyone. True, it was hard to help someone who was hiding things so well, but surely someone must have noticed something. The children had all been under close surveillance to catch these sorts of things. How had Isabel slipped through the cracks so much?

  A tiny, nasty thought crept into Luke’s mind as he pondered. Could Ahmed have had something to do with it? Luke tried to dismiss the idea as completely ridiculous, but it would not let go. After all, Ahmed was clearly willing to go to extreme lengths to get her here, was influencing her at school really any further?

  No, no it was ridiculous to think that Ahmed would have done that. Why would he have done that? What was it about Isabel that would make him do such things? Until she had run away she had just been one of the many heirs to think about, there had been nothing about her to make her stand out. In truth, Luke had barely noticed her when they were putting the plan together, assessing each of the heir’s school records. He had been more interested in heirs like Rawiya and Benjamin. In truth he had not even noticed Adrian back then, and now was amazed that he could have done so.

  Luke looked at his favourite, who was drawing little circles on his thigh, looking rather despondent. He smiled at him, a surge of fondness warming his chest.

  “I think I could do with a distraction.”

  Adrian looked up curiously, his blue eyes alight. Luke crooked a finger, beckoning him closer and smiling slightly when Adrian crawled closer and rested his chin on Luke’s knee like a puppy. Adrian was taller and broader than Luke, so he had to stoop to do it, but it was always a lovely sight.

  “How can I help?” Adrian asked, grinning faintly. Luke ran his fingers through Adrian’s red hair, enjoying the soft strands slipping between them.

  “Let’s start with something easy. Suck me.”

  Adrian reached up and undid Luke’s trousers, grinning faintly as he pulled out Luke’s soft cock. He crawled between Luke’s thighs and lowered his mouth, wrapping his full lips around the tip. Luke hissed softly and closed his eyes in pleasure. Adrian knew exactly how to please his master, starting slow. Luke felt the blood pool in his pelvis and opened his eyes to watch.

  Adrian liked sucking cock a lot more than his brother did. Sander could perform on command, but he definitely did not enjoy it as much. No, Sander liked having his ass used more than his mouth.

  It had occurred more than once to Luke to test the two by ordering them to pleasure each other, but he had never gone further than imagining it. Some barriers were best left alone, and he would hate to do anything to damage the brothers’ close bond.

  Adrian st
arted to move his mouth up and down the length of Luke’s shaft, every now and then angling his head to the side so the head rubbed against the inside of his cheek. The soft flesh rubbed against Luke’s skin and he shuddered slightly.

  “Good boy,” he sighed, petting Adrian’s hair to help focus his attention. It would not do to come too quickly. “Swallow me down.”

  Adrian sank down all the way so Luke’s cock bumped the back of his throat. Luke groaned as he felt him convulse a little, the gag reflex never quite went away. Adrian’s nose was pressed to Luke’s stomach and Luke held him there for a moment, breathing heavily as he listened to the muffled grunts and gasps Adrian was making through his nose.

  “You like feeling my dick in your throat don’t you Adrian? You’re a good little slave who wants to be filled all the time, don’t you?”

  “Mmm!” Adrian grunted again, swallowing around Luke and drawing a sharp gasp from him. Luke pulled on his hair and dragged Adrian off him, grinning as Adrian coughed softly, blinking up at him in dazed adoration.

  “Stand up,” Luke ordered, admiring the fine body before him as Adrian stood, his cock arching towards his stomach now. Luke reached out and caressed his balls, watching the way Adrian’s stomach muscles twitched and his head tipped back. Luke loved the way Adrian’s strong form contrasted so perfectly with his honest and sweet submission. He sat forward and licked a strip up Adrian’s abs, pausing to tickle his belly button. Adrian giggled, his body twitching again with the effort to hold still. Luke stood up, wrapped his arm around Adrian and kissed him deeply, his hands trailing over the broad shoulders.

  Adrian was smart enough to recognise that this was not an extreme game, that he was allowed to touch Luke in turn. The feeling of his big hands sliding up his sides and then resting on his lower back was a heady sensation. Adrian would easily have manhandled Luke into whatever situation he wanted, but he submitted as sweetly as any skinny youth or small maiden.

  Luke loved all his slaves, but Adrian was special. Adrian was someone he could not get enough of. It was a challenge to Luke’s principles as a dedicated Dom because he could easily have given Adrian all his attention and forgotten about Sander or the others. Not exactly a good thing when Sander was the needier of the two. Luke wasn’t sure where Sander was right now, probably with one of the Esquires, who seemed to enjoy playing games with him.


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