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Payton's Passion

Page 8

by Ruby Storm

  Velvet waved her hand indifferently. “On the bed stand is a phone list and menus. Feel free to order anything you like. That includes food, snacks, drinks, and masseuse services. It’s included in the weekend price. You’ll also find an agenda of different seminars that will be held tomorrow. Feel free to join in a group or reserve a time for just the two of you. If you’d like to try one of our Fantasy Rooms, call and ask for a time. I’ve never had customers who weren’t thrilled by creating their own fantasy and having it come true.”

  She closed the cabinet doors and turned to face them one last time. “If there is something that we haven’t thought of, something you feel you need while experimenting with sex, you simply pick up the phone and ask for it. I guarantee that it will be delivered to your room. You can eat meals with our other patrons, or have meals delivered here. It’s up to you if you’d rather stay closeted to enjoy one another or join in on some group sex. Any questions before I leave?”

  Payton sat stunned.

  Andy wondered if Velvet had spotted his hard-on yet.

  “Well, you two have the first part done. You subconsciously were looking for an answer. The proof is in the initiative it took to make the phone call to me.”

  Velvet brought her red-tipped fingers to her lips and blew them both a kiss. “Simply because it’s midnight does not mean that you can’t begin your new discoveries. The weekend is young. Happy orgasm.” Payton’s face paled at her host’s choice of words. “Don’t be shocked. You two are going to find yourselves energized.”

  With one last smile, she exited the room and closed the door quietly.

  * * * * *

  The door latch clicked. Payton didn’t know what to think. Andy did. He already had the cabinet open again.

  She eyed his backside as he rifled through the inner contents. “Pretty subtle, Andy.”

  He poked his head around the edge of one door with a grin that stretched across his face. “Come here, Payt. You gotta see some of the shit in here!”

  She heaved herself up from the chair, refusing to admit out loud that her interest was piqued. “So much for romance,” she mumbled.

  “Wow, this stuff is wild!” His muffled voice reached her ears from somewhere inside the cabinet. A second later, he pulled out a board game, held it out for her to see, and grinned even wider. “Foreplay! Can you believe there’s a game called Foreplay? Christ, K-Mart would make a killing at Christmas if they were smart enough to put in an adult sex aisle. Let’s play!”

  “You’re like a little kid in a toy shop.”

  “You got it, babe. And it’s right behind those oak cabinet doors.” Andy hustled across the room to a round table, shook off the cardboard cover, and pulled out a set of directions.

  “Aren’t we supposed to read a manual or something, then follow an agenda?”

  He shot her a quick, cursory glance before bringing his gaze back to the paper in his hand. “Go ahead and see what it says in the book by the bed stand. I’m going to run through these directions.” He glanced up again, this time his eyes glittered with hot anticipation and promise. “There’s no way I’m letting you out of this room until we’ve played this game.”

  Her heart did a little flip. I wonder how many months he’s been sending me that look and I’ve been too busy to notice it.

  Payton perched on the edge of the bed and flipped open a manual called, “A Weekend of Sex: Sex & Love, Inc.” The room became silent as both she and her husband read.

  Payton was engrossed in a list of experiences the Spa offered. She was on the third page when suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders, and she was gently shoved backwards to the bed’s surface.

  Andy stared down from where he lay on top of her. “So, what does the manual say? Do we fill out a questionnaire or just commence to screw like rabbits?”

  She gazed up at her husband, taking in the handsome line of his square jaw and the lock of wavy hair that rested across his forehead. His erection pressed against her. A sexy smile rested on his lips, and hot anticipation rested in his gaze.

  Payton’s tongue moistened her lips. “You know, Andy, I think I’m starting to warm up to this idea. I’m sorry it took so long.”

  She ran her fingers through his thick hair, pulled his mouth to hers, and kissed him softly. “The book says we can start however we want to. It just listed some examples.”

  “Like what?”

  She giggled at his eagerness. “Like your damned board game.”

  Andy levered himself from the bed, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to her feet. “Honey, I promise you this is going to be better than any Monopoly game you’ve ever played.” He gave her a peck on the nose before he turned for the game.

  “Where are we going to play?”

  “Right in the middle of the bed.” Andy set up the board and placed a pile of pink cards on her side and blue ones on his.

  “Don’t peek at the questions. I’m going to mix us both a drink.” He was back in a flash with two huge crystal glasses filled with vodka and orange juice.

  Payton took a sip. “Screwdrivers? I haven’t had one of these in years.”

  He joined her on the bed. “I know. Remember the first time we dated? That’s how I want you—like putty in my hands.”

  She simply shook her head and eyed him over the rim of her drink—and hid a smile.

  “Okay, the directions say that we’re supposed to have a drink first—I imagine to get us in the mood. We’re supposed to tell one another why we first fell in love and why we’re here. Do you want me to go first?”

  “Would I be able to stop you?”

  He smiled. “That’s what I like about you, Payt. You’re a cute smartass. Okay, let’s see.” He leaned against the footboard, crossed his arms, and heaved a sigh. His eyes swept the length of her.

  The quiet inspection heated her blood.

  “I’ll never forget the first time I saw you. I don’t think you had a clue how beautiful you were. You swept into Psych class and gave me an instant hard-on.”

  “What!” she burst out.

  “Yup. Never told you that, did I? You sat down at the front of the class with your tight red top and all I could think about was getting my hands on your breasts.”

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “I can’t believe that you remember what I was wearing. I can’t even remember that.”

  “Man, Payton, I don’t think I’d ever seen a woman as sexy as you. Tony wanted you, but I told him to back off. I told him you were mine.”

  “Tony? He doesn’t want me anymore, does he?

  “He damn well better not. If he or any other guy would have tried something with you back then, I think I would’ve knocked them flat on their asses.”

  “My knight in shining armor.”

  He grinned at her observation. “It’s almost embarrassing how badly I wanted you. At first, having sex with you was the only thing on my mind until that following Friday when I finally got you in my bedroom. After having listened to you at dinner, how eloquently you spoke about family, your goals in life, and the future, I realized there was a lot more to Payton Jamison than just a beautiful body. I was starting to feel guilty with my earlier, lurid thoughts of what I had planned for the evening. You already had become an important part of my life.”

  Payton blinked back the few tears that threatened to appear. Andy’s last words were spoken from the heart.

  “I still find it hard to believe that at twenty-four, I had this beautiful, totally drunk blonde in my bed, begging me to have sex, and instead I brought you home—although, I couldn’t help myself—I had to play around a little. But, as the session on the bed wore on, I suddenly didn’t want to take advantage of you, because by that time, I had decided then and there that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  A stunned Payton sat quietly for a moment before she spoke. “Are you saying you fell in love me the first week?”

  “Love—or lust—a combination of both.” Andy shrugge
d his broad shoulders. “I just knew I didn’t want to scare you away.” He took a swig of his drink.

  Payton leaned forward and rested her elbows on her bent knees. A breathless question soon followed. “And why do you still love me now?”

  His green eyes narrowed in thought. “Because I have a deep respect for you. You’re a great mom. Even with the work schedule you’ve insisted on keeping, those kids always know you love them. You constantly rearrange your schedule so you don’t miss a single Little League or soccer game. You’re also smart, you’re a hard worker, and you’re even prettier than when we first married. You make my life complete.”

  “But, what about the reason we’re here?” She suddenly felt small and undeserving of his compliments. “What about how I’ve neglected you?”

  Andy’s chuckle rattled across the space between them. “You haven’t really neglected me, Payton. You just got caught up in our dreams and goals. I have to admit there were many nights when I wanted to scream at you for not responding to me in bed. That’s my male ego problem. But, how could I point a finger at you when really what you were doing was working your ass off and trying to juggle everything in our lives? I loved you when we got married, and I love you now. Even more. I wanted this weekend because we just haven’t given enough time to you and me. I plan to remedy that over the next few days. Okay—your turn.”

  Payton took a sip of courage, and then ran a slender finger around the rim of her glass. Finally, she looked up. “You’re a tough act to follow. Okay, let’s see. I fell in love with you despite your boyish charm that first three months. I saw beneath that flamboyant exterior of yours. You were always funny and had me in stitches, but you actually possessed more maturity than most of the boys—men—that we attended grad school with. You had goals; you worked hard at your studies, despite all the parties.”

  She cleared her throat and took another sip. Payton nibbled her bottom lip. Andy wondered how many times he had seen her do that endearing little action over the years. She glanced back up and met his gaze squarely.

  “Your love for me was expressed by the way you stood by my side when I discovered I was pregnant. You supported me when my parents treated me like a piece of shit because I’d suddenly become an embarrassment in their eyes. I know how hard it must have been to continue school, work two jobs, and give up the college party life because we were young parents with tons of responsibility. You never walked away from me—even over the last few years when I haven’t acted like a wife should—a wife with a totally handsome, sexy husband who makes me feel special by all the extraordinary little things he does to make my life easier.”

  Payton’s eyes glistened with happy, hidden tears. “I love you, Andy. I always will. I’m so glad you concocted this weekend to be alone with me so I can prove it to you.”

  “Come here. We’re not supposed to kiss yet—the directions say so—but fuck the rules.”

  They leaned across the board and pressed their lips against one another. Payton was warmed by his touch.

  Andy leaned back, took another sip of his drink before he set the glass on the bed stand, then rubbed his large hands together, his earlier seriousness suddenly gone. “All right, let the game commence.”

  Payton burst out laughing at his obvious anticipation of the sex game. “All right, let’s play. No cheating. I just want you to know that I’m going to show no mercy.”

  His dark brows literally bounced over his green eyes. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He picked up the dice and tossed them onto the board with a flick of his wrist. The total of the roll was five. “Now you roll. Whoever has the higher number picks the first card. Oh, when we get through these first piles, then we use a second set of cards. That’s when the real fun begins.”

  Payton rolled her eyes, grabbed the dice, and tossed them back onto the flat surface. “Boxcars! I’m first.” She selected a pink card from her pile and read out loud. “Have your partner tell you, of the following three, what you like most to be done to you.” She hesitated and blushed slightly.

  “Come on, what does it say?” Andy urged her on.

  “Okay, A: lick my nipples.”

  “Oooo, I love this game already.”

  “Oh, shut up. B: rub my breasts or C:” she giggled, “tit-fuck.”

  “Definitely tit-fuck,” he responded.

  “You’ve never done that.”

  “But, I’m going to before the night is over. Definitely tit-fuck is my answer. Do you agree?”

  Payton giggled louder. “Once again, do I have a choice?”

  Andy grabbed a card from the blue pile. “My turn. Oooh,” his lips smacked together. “I got a bonus card! You have to strip from the waist up before I can ask the question.”

  “Give me that card, you liar!” Payton made a grab for it, but Andy pulled his hand away.

  “Strip, baby.”

  “I don’t know why I have to be the first,” she mumbled as she pulled her t-shirt over her head. Payton unclasped the hook between her breasts. A moment later, her chest was bare for his viewing. Dark pink nipples puckered instantly when he whistled. “Now, ask your question, you cheater.”

  “It’s kinda hard to think when all the blood is rushing to my other head.”

  “Would you stop already?”

  “Okay. Which position will your partner say she loves most? A: Missionary style, B: Doggy style, or C: on a chair.” He glanced up, breathlessly waiting for her answer.

  Payton pretended to ponder deeply. She pursed her lips and glanced around the room. “Hmmm. I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to try all three later on. Then I can give you my final answer.”

  “You’re a shit, Payton. I’m getting hornier than hell. Let’s screw this game.”

  “No way! You’re the one who wanted to play. Besides, I can’t wait to get to the second pile.”

  This was the other Payton whom Andy had missed so much; the one from years ago who never told him no to anything he suggested. It was going to be a great weekend.

  Chapter 13: Discovery

  They played on, laughing, giggling, and drinking their way through the first set of cards. By the time Andy reached for the next set, both were completely naked, slightly drunk, and ogling one another’s body across the bed.

  “Okay, my turn to go first.” Andy grabbed the blue card from the top of his pile and licked his lips. He studied his card as a wide grin split his face. “Looks like there’s no more questions. Now, we have some scenarios to play out. Shit—we should’ve used this pile first.” His gaze scanned the card. “Wow! We definitely should’ve started here.” He glanced up, his eyes dark with desire. “Have your partner spread her legs. Run a finger gently down the outside length of her vulva.”

  Payton breathed deeply to clear her head. Her drinks and his constant ogling fueled her courage. She leaned against the headboard, never taking her eyes from her husband’s glittering ones. Slowly, she bent her knees upwards, spread her legs—and waited.

  Andy moved the board and cards to the edge of the bed and crawled forward, stopping an arm’s length from her splayed knees. He reached out tentatively with a finger. When her touched her, Payton jumped slightly, and then chewed nervously on her bottom lip.

  She was hot to his touch. Andy ran his finger down the outside of her labia, stopped just before he reached her anus, then traveled back up the other side. Payton’s chest inflated with the next deep breath she took.

  “God, you’ve got a beautiful pussy. Want to say to hell with the game?”

  Her blonde head shook slowly from side to side. As much as she wanted to be done with the play, the intimacy forced upon them by a simple few slips of paper promised to be too much fun.

  “Okay,” he muttered as he sat back and reached for a pink card. “Here you go.” He held it out so she could read it. Payton scanned the writing.

  She sat up. “Lie on your back.”

  “What else does it say?”

  A secret grin was instantly displayed
on her lips when she snatched it from his grip. “Don’t worry, I won’t cheat. Lie on your back.”

  Andy settled himself on the bed. Payton moved between his legs and pushed his thighs apart. His erection was rock hard. Slowly, she massaged the insides of both thighs, each time brushing closer to his pubic area. Soon, she lightly swept her hand across his pubic hair, careful not to touch his penis. Andy groaned.

  She continued the massage until she ended it with a quick, gentle roll of his testicles in her hand, and then sat back.

  “What the hell? You’re not going to stop now, are you?” Andy was immensely turned on.

  She shrugged. “Just following directions. I wasn’t supposed to touch your penis.”

  Andy grabbed her used card where it lay on the bed. He quickly read it. His wife hadn’t lied. “Fuckin’ game.”

  Payton giggled at the look of remorse on his face. “It’s going to last forever if you don’t pick another card. I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

  He sat up, selected another blue card, studied it, and then tossed it to the floor, never taking his eyes from her heavy-lidded gaze. “Oh, you’re gonna get it now. Lie on your back.”

  She did.

  He stood and gently dragged her body closer so she lay across the bed with her hips near the edge. Her blue gaze smoldered.

  Placing a hand on each of her calves, he positioned her feet on the edge of the mattress, which raised her knees slightly.

  “Spread your legs wider, Payt. I want to see you.”

  Her knees dropped open for his viewing. He reached out with trembling hands and kneaded the inside of both her thighs.

  To hell with the card telling me to simply French kiss her for two minutes. She’ll never know—and I never promised not to cheat…

  Her pink, down covered lips now glistened before him. Andy ran a finger the length of her slit again, and couldn’t help himself when he inserted a finger into her pussy. He was done with the stupid game.


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