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Emerald Dreams (The Dream Traveler Series)

Page 7

by Nicole Knight

  Then to see her breaking down afterward, it broke my heart. I didn’t know I could feel any kind of sympathy or emotions for anyone besides my family. It felt like I was watching my sister cry in front of me.

  But she wasn’t my sister, and I didn’t want to think of her in that way. I wanted her to be a different kind of family.

  I wanted to take all of her pain for her, take those visions for her. From the moment I met her, I knew my life was going to change.

  She carries herself like she does not take nonsense from anyone, like she hates to be weak and ask for help. For her to admit that she isn’t well-liked back home made me feel like she was just trying to be modest. She is strong, and for the events of yesterday to break her down like that, it had to be horrible for her.

  I took comfort knowing she was resting peacefully. I couldn’t wake her up, just like yesterday. If she was telling me the truth about her travels, what is the strange magic that transports her here?

  As I contemplated it more, I came to the conclusion that she isn’t crazy after all.

  I have to trust her now. She saved my life from that dragon after barely knowing me...

  I wasn’t very nice to her in the beginning either, which only proves she is of good character. She is someone who can be trusted. I will show her that she has earned the loyalty of the best knight in the Kingdom.

  Or the former best knight...

  She promised me that she would come back here, and I hope she was telling the truth. The thought of this being the last time I saw her had me sick to my stomach. For some reason I cannot explain, I am growing attached to this woman. The urge to be kind to her keeps growing.

  Hopefully, Wisdom will tell us what is happening. He will make everything clear for us if he decides to help us or, more specifically, me.

  I used to work for the King, but he wouldn’t turn us away for that, would he?

  The King hates anyone who uses magic, aside from the few he lets counsel him and do his bidding. He plans to wipe out all magic users that don’t swear loyalty to him. He hopes to prevent the coming of the second reincarnation of the Goddess.

  I am growing a soft spot for this girl who is curled up against my side. She may still have blood in pieces of her hair and on her clothes, but she still looked like she could be sent from the Goddess herself, and I’d make sure she was safe here.

  Chapter Nine


  As I wished, I woke up with Axel still trying to keep me warm. I couldn’t feel much of his body heat though, my layers had followed me here.

  “You returned so soon, sleepyhead,” I heard.

  He just used a nickname; he called me sleepyhead?

  I was in disbelief. Every time I saw him, he seemed to be getting nicer. I would be lying if I said it bothered me.

  “Yeah, Mom thought I was sick, so she didn’t wake me for school. So I got a few hours of normal sleep after I showered. I ate and read a little from my Great Grandmother’s diary,” I said.

  “What do you mean, you got a few hours of normal sleep? And what is a shower?” he asked.

  “I took the necklace off. I believe it is what brings me here. And a shower is clean water that flows on top of you. It helps get you cleaner and feels amazing,” I said.

  “The shower sounds interesting. Maybe you can show me sometime?”

  I immediately blushed.

  Does he realize you shower naked?

  Axel continued speaking despite my blush, “But having the necklace bringing you here is convenient. Do you think that if you took it off here, you would stay here and not go back to your land?” he asked me.

  “That’s the theory I’m going to go with,” I answered without being sure.

  Maybe that’s what happened to Great Grandmother Victoria? One thing is for sure, I am not taking this necklace off while I am here. I couldn’t afford to lose it and be stuck here forever.

  There was a moment of silence, and it looked like Axel was struggling with something. Finally, he said what was on his mind.

  “How are you feeling?”

  His face transformed to mirror his concerned tone.

  “I don’t feel as tired, but my throat and body are sore. How are you feeling?” I asked to be polite.

  “Let me see your neck,” he told me.

  He reached for the top of my sweatshirt and pulled it down revealing my nasty looking bruise. He immediately pulled back and a look of intense worry formed on his face.

  “Are you sure you are okay? That looks very painful,” he said with deep concern in his eyes.

  His handsome face turned to me in worry was enough to make my heart beat faster.

  I’m not used to attention from someone like him.

  I grabbed the collar of my sweatshirt and pulled it back up. I then raised my gaze to meet his eyes.

  “I will be fine. You never answered my question. How are you feeling?”

  I reached for the back of his shirt and lifted it up. I untied the bandage and pulled the moss away from his skin. The bleeding had stopped and it was starting to scab up. There was still some bruising around the cut, but it looked like it wouldn’t get infected. I put the moss and bandage back on and pulled his shirt back down.

  “I feel much better. We need to make it to Wisdom today; we don’t have much time left before the King’s knights start looking for us over here. He can shelter us.”

  “Okay, then let’s get moving,” I told him.

  He looked relieved to have me agree. Maybe he thought I had changed my mind. He stood up and gathered his belongings. I pulled back the blanket and stood up.

  “You look much better and warmer. I do question why you dress so funny, but it looks like it will protect you from the cold,” he said.

  Why does he always have to comment on how I dress. Why is that so important to him, or is that just how it is here? Either way, I don’t like it.

  “This is a very casual form of dress from where I am from. This is something you would wear around the house to be comfortable. Remind me sometime to come back wearing something nicer. I’ll show you some of the prettier stuff like the dresses.”

  I was only joking, why would I wear a dress here in a place full of so much adventure? It seems to be a theme, every time I come here, I almost die. I’m running around or crawling, or nearly drowning. It would be uncomfortable to do all of that in a dress, even if I would look cuter doing it.

  “I’ll look forward to it,” he said with a smile.

  Now I have to do it, great, me and my large mouth. I’m going to need to watch what I say, or it’s going to get me into trouble or make me embarrass myself more than I already have.

  I started walking, but my muscles were stiff. I was moving slow and making a very conscious effort not to complain. I didn’t think Axel would appreciate my bitching. I had only taken a handful of steps when Axel caught me off guard.

  “We won’t get very far with you like that. Put my bag on your back,” he said.

  I did as he said, and he squatted down in front of me.

  “Hop on,” he commanded.

  I climbed onto his back, and he started carrying me piggyback style.

  I took a moment to appreciate the hard muscles under my hands and my legs.

  I don’t think there is an ounce of fat on him.

  I caught the hint of cotton, rain, and driftwood. The smell immediately put me at ease.

  I could put my nose to the back of his neck and sniff him all day long. However, that would make me creepy as hell, so I need to rein in my thoughts before they put me in a weird situation. This is the closest I have been with a guy and the most physical contact. So my lack of experience has my hormones going crazy.

  We didn’t get very far before the sky around us began to get dark. There was only the light from the one moon guiding us after we got deep into the forest. We were only a mile from the river, and it was almost pitch black. It was hard to see anything ten feet in front of us.

  “So h
ow far is this Wisdom guy from here?” I asked.

  “He isn’t too far, just kind of difficult to get to,” he replied.

  “What do you mean? I don’t have to cross any more rivers do I?”

  The thought of that made me start to shake. I managed to ask in a teasing tone to try to cover my nervousness, though, so I felt better about the shaking.

  I was only joking, but I felt his body tense up underneath me.

  Maybe he sensed my shaking and felt bad?

  “Relax, I was only kidding, Sir Axel,” I said, even though I wasn’t.

  He relaxed his body a little and gave my knee a squeeze.

  “You can just call me Axel now, I have a feeling I am no longer Knighted. To answer your question, no we have to climb,” he said.

  I gulped in response as I felt my throat close up, just thinking about climbing.

  “Well, that might be a problem; you see, I have this extreme fear of heights, Axel.”

  I paused on his name, saying it a little slower. I liked that I didn’t have to add the “Sir.”

  “It will be okay, it’s a climb, but not out of reach,” he tried to reassure me.

  I saw a light up in the distance; it was the direction we were heading.

  “Lady Violet, can I ask you a somewhat personal question?”

  Well, that question alone made me slightly nervous.

  What could he ask that he had to prep me before asking?

  I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

  Take a deep breath, you loser... he’s just a boy. Correction, he is just a man.

  “Sure Axel.”

  “How do men court women in your world?”

  That instantly shocked me. I was glad he couldn’t see my face because my jaw was hanging open, and I needed a second to breathe.

  The only reason he could ask would be if he wanted to court me...

  Maybe, I am overthinking it. I don’t know, but it certainly is not what I had expected. I had to hold back a giddy laugh to keep him from thinking I am a loon.

  “Well, for starters, I haven’t had anyone try to “court” me. From what I’ve observed in school, they try to get to know each other. They talk a lot as friends would. Then they have a little bit of physical contact. They do things that would be comforting to each other, like holding hands and kissing. I don’t really know anything after that,” I told him.

  I was slightly uncomfortable having to explain it. This must be how Mom felt when having the Birds and the Bees talk when I was thirteen. I hope I never have to have this kind of conversation. I think a stripper may be more comfortable in a church than I am explaining the concept of dating...

  “Interesting, that’s not so different from here. What is it called in your world?” he asked.

  “It’s called dating. It’s like a test. You date to decide if you would want to marry that person. When you marry them, it is a promise that you will be together your whole life.”

  This topic was still uncomfortable, but slightly less so. Nevertheless, if someone attacked my head with a frying pan right now, I wouldn’t complain...

  “That is like our version of courting. Binding is what we call marriage,” he said.

  “That makes sense. See we aren’t too different,” I could feel myself smiling.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” he said.

  He sounded so ridiculous.

  I was so surprised by that that I had accidentally let out a huge snort, and I started laughing. He suddenly tensed up.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. I don’t think you and I are that different. You just said we were friends a few moments ago. If we are too different, it is hard to be friends,” I explained.

  “So, you really aren’t dating anyone back in your land?”

  The tension in his body had started to carry into his voice.

  He was still hung up on that?

  “No, I am not. The men back home don’t find me attractive because my family doesn’t come from money,” I told him honestly.

  It doesn’t seem fair to me, I’m not rich, but I’m not ugly either. I may not look like lacey, but I at least look natural. I’ve heard that some guys are into that.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I find you attractive,” he said.

  This guy was all over the place. He is so hot and cold. Not even a minute ago, he implied we may be too different. Now he was admitting he found me attractive. That made the butterflies taking residence in my belly flutter again. Why did I care? Oh right, because look at him. A model would care what he thought of her...

  “Thank you, Axel, I appreciate that. If only you could tell all the guys to feel that way,” I teased, trying to keep it light and keep the conversation from getting too serious.

  I am in over my head and have no idea how to navigate these waters. Fourteen-year-olds can talk to guys better than I can. I am so pathetic...

  “I would if you wanted me to, and I could, but I wouldn’t want to,” he said.

  What is that supposed to mean?

  “Why is that?” I asked hesitantly.

  Is he embarrassed to find me attractive?

  “I don’t want any competition,” he said matter-of-factly.

  I actually laughed again, and I felt him tense up below me once more. I think he was insulted by my laughing. I didn’t want him to think I didn’t like him; I was attracted to him too.

  I am just so awkward and out of my element. Leave it to me to laugh at this hunk of a guy after he tells me that he doesn’t want any competition to date me! I need a frying pan to the head STAT.

  “Put me down,” I said.

  He put me down and took a step away. He was facing me, but his head wasn’t turned towards me. I reached out and touched his cheek, I turned his face so now that he was looking at me through the darkness around us.

  I didn’t know why I did it, instincts maybe?

  “Axel, listen closely. I didn’t mean to insult you by laughing. My whole life, I’ve never had a boy try to get my attention. I’m simply not used to the good kind of attention, anyway. When you said you didn’t want competition, I was just stunned that somehow a handsome knight wants my attention. So please don’t be mad. I am just horrible at this. Okay, I am going to shut up now before I embarrass myself any more,” I stated.

  I put my hand over my mouth as if I could keep it from digging me any further into trouble.

  “You think I’m handsome?” he asked.

  His face twisted into a smile.

  And he is back...

  “Yes silly, I think you’re handsome,” I told him.

  I felt a smile take over my own face.

  “Good, then that means I can date you?” he asked.

  He is not quite as smooth as a guy of his caliber usually would be, but I like that. Maybe he is as inexperienced at this as I am?

  “Well, let’s see how things go. If you are on your best behavior, you have a good chance,” I teased.

  Axel smiled ear to ear.

  “I’m so glad you came back,” Axel whispered in my ear as he wrapped me into a hug.

  He was warm, and despite everything we have been through so far, he didn’t smell gross. I still smell the cotton, rain, and driftwood on him. I could feel him inhaling the scent of my shampoo. I had a feeling he liked it.

  “Me too,” I answered.

  “Maybe we should try to find Wisdom?” I said.

  It was a question and a suggestion. Axel agreed, and he lifted me back onto his back. I wrapped my hands loosely around his neck.

  A few minutes later, the light I had seen earlier was starting to get brighter, but its angle was changing. It looked like it was up in a tree. We had been walking through the forest for an hour now. We would have to climb a tree.

  I could do that right, climb a tree? I’ll find out, I guess.

  Suddenly the silence around us was broken. Axel started singing. It was a beautiful sound. I couldn’t understand the words, it was in a different langua
ge, one I had never heard. The song started low and soft and slowly gained power.

  I couldn’t take the curiosity anymore, why was he singing? I leaned my head closer to his ear.

  I whispered, “Why are you singing?”

  He shivered in response.

  “There are some creatures here that might try to attack us, if we make sound, they won’t. If we were quiet, they would think that we are prey trying to get by them. Because we are making our presence known, they won’t mess with us,” he explained.

  It made sense, I suppose.

  I let him go back to his signing. When he finished his song, we were at the base of a big tree, and Axel stopped.

  “We’re here,” he announced.

  “How do we get up there?” I asked him in response.

  “You don’t unless he wants you too,” he answered, quieter this time.

  “Well, how do we get his attention?” I asked him.

  “He already knows were here. He’s got to have plenty of magical things to warn him we were coming.”

  I looked up, and an older man appeared. It was sort of creepy.

  I whispered to Axel, “Do you know him?”

  He whispered back, “No.”

  Great, this was going to be fun.

  Chapter Ten

  A booming voice came from above.

  “Who is there, and why have you come to see me?” it asked.

  Axel answered for us, “I am Sir Axel Douglas. I have with me my new friend, Lady Violet Brown. She claims she is not from this land; and that she came here in her sleep. We wanted answers as to why this is happening. We ask that you help us.”

  “As you wish,” was all the man said.

  Was it really that easy?

  A rope ladder fell down in front of us. It was made of vines. Axel gestured for me to go first; he followed me up close behind. When we got to the top of the ladder, we were standing on a wooden porch. It was lit with candles floating on their own around the rails.

  Wisdom was nowhere to be seen. Then I heard him call to us. We followed his voice to the house, perched in the tree.

  Axel walked into the treehouse first, and I followed behind him. It was a cozy cottage lit by floating candles. They hovered over the table he was sitting at. I looked for strings that could be keeping the candles suspended, but I failed to find any.


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