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Emerald Dreams (The Dream Traveler Series)

Page 15

by Nicole Knight

  Wait for me after class. I want to talk to you.

  - Kennan

  Did Kennan just pass me a note? What the hell is happening, and when am I going to get to see Ashton Kutcher? I'm getting punked, right? Seriously though, he wanted me to wait for him after class. Why did he want to talk to me?

  By the end of class, I was feeling so confused and excited, I thought my head might explode. Kennan walked over to my desk as I was putting my stuff back into my bag.

  "Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked me.

  "Sure, I guess," I responded.

  I really didn't care about trying to talk to him anymore, but it was exciting that someone of his status wanted to speak to me without including an insult.

  It is amazing how you can find someone so perfect for you that you don't think of anyone else in that same way.

  "I was wondering if you would maybe want to go grab a bite to eat sometime. You know maybe hang out? Or we can go do something fun like a concert? Anything you want, you can have it," he said.

  He sounded so confident and full of himself that it was a little sickening. He knew for sure that I was going to say yes. Maybe last week I would have been at his feet thanking him for the opportunity, now I knew better.

  I heard a pencil drop. I looked to see where it was coming from. At least fifteen students were watching what was happening between Kennan and I.

  This is so not cool. I was going to be 'the bitch that rejected him.'

  "Uhm, thanks for the offer, but no thanks," I said.

  I could feel my social standing deflate again like an untied balloon.

  "What do you mean, no thanks?" he asked me.

  His tone got slightly lower.

  Is that embarrassment in his voice, I hear?

  "I mean what I said, no thanks. I am not interested. I am flattered, though, but I already have someone," I said.

  I stood up with my stuff and walked closer to him. I waited for him to move out of my way. When he finally did, I left the room. Not one other student made a sound as I left.

  It was safe to say I knocked him down a peg.

  When Mom picked me up, I had to wipe my face clean of happiness and pretend it was just another ordinary day.

  The remainder of my week was the same as the first day, except more people started talking to me. Some people started copying what I did. It was weirding me out.

  Mad's thinks that saying no to the most popular guy in school made me the most popular girl.

  How did that even happen?

  I apparently ranked higher than Lacey and her two minions, and it all happened overnight. It was like it was a crazy dream I couldn't wake up from.

  Two weeks ago it was everything I could have wanted. Now that I found purpose in another place, I didn't really care about this one as much. My priorities had shifted.


  After my popularity shift, time passed by quickly.

  I was so relieved when my winter break started. It was three weeks to dedicate myself to my training.

  In Arlington, I continued working out through the week much to my own surprise. I pushed myself to do more and do it faster, and it was paying off.

  The little amount of pudge I had hanging around my sides was disappearing along with the baby fat I still had in my face. I looked more like an eighteen-year-old and not fifteen.

  Last night I had a night dedicated to catching up on real sleep, which meant I didn't go to Morthshadow. Axel and Wisdom both agreed that I needed to be rested and healthy for training or else it did us no good. I didn't disagree with them either.

  To be honest, I needed a little me time.

  I went to bed that night in my most comfortable pajamas. I didn't sleep with any shoes on, and I let my hair go wild.

  My only plans were to sleep alone in my big comfy bed.

  I was out cold when something shattered my window. I woke up in a panic. I bolted upright and tried to keep my eyes open long enough to see what was going on.

  That's when I saw the rug in front of my bed on fire.

  I quickly ran to my bathroom and turned on the sink. I filled a cup of water and quickly ran to dump it on the fire.

  It wasn't enough. Using an old t-shirt, I quickly picked up the plastic bottle that had crashed through my window. It still had some of the flammable liquid inside, so I dropped it in the bathroom shower. I pulled the curtains quickly off the rod and threw them away from the flame. I turned on my shower and let it run while I quickly ran to dump more water on the fire growing in my room.

  I got the flame under control before the fire alarms could go off. It helped that the hole in the window let most of the smoke exit my room. Otherwise, I would have had to explain this to my mother.

  For safe measure, I wet all of the carpet around where the flames had been. Hopefully, during the middle of the night, no smoldering ember would restart the fire. I went back to check on the bottle bomb that I had set in the shower.

  The flames were out. I dumped what was left in the bottle down the sink and put my shower curtains back up. By the time I was done and walked back to my room, it was cold from the open-air leaking inside.

  I went downstairs and grabbed clear packing tape. I used it to close the hole in the window. Hopefully, no one would notice it for a while.

  In all of the commotion, I missed something lying on the floor. I bent down and picked up the folded paper.

  I opened it and read, "Stay away from my boyfriend you freak!"

  What kind of idiot would leave me a note in her handwriting as proof? Also, Kennan isn't her boyfriend anymore.

  Part of me had been wondering if maybe Lacey was the one who broke up with Kennan. Then, in turn, he asked me out to get back at her. I guess her note proved that theory wrong. The gossip was undoubtedly right; he had broken up with her for me.

  I didn't want Kennan anymore. He was just a spoiled rich kid who finally found something he couldn't have.

  I went back to sleep, hoping that the danger was over for the night.

  The next morning Grandmother was having a bad day. She didn't know who I was, and she was rude to Mom. I felt particularly bad for Mom. After the rough day of just trying to keep my grandmother comfortable, I couldn't wait to go to Morthshadow.

  As I got ready for bed, I made sure my necklace was on. I was eager to learn some more magic and see my boyfriend.

  Axel said that Wisdom would have a surprise for me when I came back tonight. Neither of us knew what it was, though. I closed my eyes and waited to wake up in the little cabin in the treetops.


  When I woke up, I heard voices out in the other room. I was alarmed when I heard a female voice.

  Who is that? Why is she here?

  I climbed out of bed and fixed my hair a little bit.

  I might be turning into a badass, but I still want to look like a girl.

  I walked out into the living area of the cabin and saw Wisdom talking to an older lady.

  She looked maybe a little younger than my grandmother. She reminded me a lot of her. It was nice seeing someone who looked like her here, it felt right.

  I heard the lady in question say, "Is this her?".

  Maybe this woman is the suprise Axel mentioned, but why?

  Wisdom nodded his head and then stood up. "Princess Violet, this is Beetie, she has a lot to share with you, and once you get past it, I think you might find it very helpful."

  That was like a giant neon warning sign. Proceed with caution, this will be a tough pill to swallow. Great.

  He looked back at Beetie and winked; he looked back at me and bowed. He nodded at Axel. It was a gesture that meant 'follow me.'

  The men left the room, and I walked over to greet Beetie.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

  I didn't know what else to say to the stranger. To be honest, I am hesitant of anyone new in this little space we created for ourselves.

  "The pleasure is all mine," she resp
onded politely.

  "What brings you to us?" I asked.

  "It's time you get a history lesson about your family here, and I am the person to teach you. You see, you and I are related, and I'm going to explain to you how and why," she said.

  That was a hell of a bombshell. I am not prepared for this. To be fair, Wisdom did warn me, but not enough. He should have said "caution I am about to turn your world upside down!"

  "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but did you say we are related? I don't see how that is even possible," I told her.

  "Take a seat child, I will share with you everything," she said. She motioned toward the other chair at the table.

  I did as she asked. I was filling up inside with anxiety. I kept shaking my leg to get out some of my nervous energy.

  "Your Great Grandmother is Victoria Lane, am I correct?"

  "Yes ma'am," I answered.

  "Look at you, very polite. Your mother raised you well," she praised.

  My mom would have smiled at the compliment. My heart hurt thinking of my mother. Does she know she has more family out there? We've been on our own most of my life, Mom, Grandma and me. Suddenly I felt sick.

  "Do you know my Mom?" I asked her.

  Did Mom know about this place too?

  "No darling, I do not. You see Victoria had two children; one in your world, and one in this world. I am the one she birthed in this world. Victoria is my mother," she said.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Woah, that is a tough pill to swallow. Grandma has a sister? No wonder they look alike. That makes this woman my great aunt.

  Wait, if she's Victoria's daughter, isn't she the one who should take the throne? I'm far removed from Victoria, compared to this woman, my Great Aunt.

  "You are Victoria's daughter? You are my Great Aunt?" I asked.

  "Yes I am, How about you call me Aunt Beetie. Great Aunt makes me sound old," she said.

  Okay, she has the Winslow sense of humor. She must be related.

  "Sounds great, Aunt Beetie."

  That felt weird and forced but nice at the same time. Damn conflicting emotions.

  "Good dear, you have questions. I can see them dancing behind your eyes," she said.

  "Why is everyone calling me, Princess? Shouldn't you be the Queen? If I kill Eduard, you should be the Queen, not me," I said.

  "Mother was dying, and everyone knew it. Eduard murdered her when she was unable to defend herself. He used to be her advisor, and she trusted him. He took advantage of her health. After he killed her, he declared she left the throne to him and he promised to kill anyone who said otherwise. I was in immediate danger. I renounced my title as the heir per Eduard's demands and went into hiding."

  She cleared her throat as her voice waivered.

  "You see, I was scared. I had recently become a mother at the time. I was trying to protect my baby, I'm still in hiding to this day. I changed my name and everything. I couldn't even attend my mother's funeral for fear of being murdered myself."

  Her voice wavered at the end again, and I felt her loss in my own soul.

  She sounded so sad, I could tell those events weighed her down. That might be her biggest regret in life. I couldn't imagine having to miss my mom's funeral in that situation. It would kill me. But thinking of my mom being gone twisted my stomach into knots. I need to think about something else.

  "So, no one even knows you are alive?" I asked her.

  I didn't want to sound like I was calling her old, but I had questions that needed answering, and she had promised answers.

  "Correct, that is why you are the Princess, not me. You are the only heir to the throne now, and only the four of us know about it," she said.

  "Do you want the title back? I can give it to you if you want it," I told her.

  Part of me wanted her to want it. It would make my life easier, and I wouldn't have to take charge of a whole kingdom.

  "No child that is yours by right. You are the one in the prophecy, not me."

  Another part of me was relieved at hearing her say that.

  "Who is your father if I might ask?"

  I was asking so many personal questions. What she implied was that Victoria started a whole new life here, and had a child with a man other than her husband. That got my curiosity juices flowing.

  "My Father is Wisdom. I believe he is your real great grandfather. There is much magic in you, that can't just come from one magical great grandparent," she said.

  She was confident in her prediction, I could tell. Talk about earth-shattering revelations!

  She was saying she actually believes that Wisdom is my Great Grandfather. How old would that make him? How is he still alive? Aunt Beetie looks like she is in her seventies. Wisdom would at least have to be what, almost ninety?

  This was so confusing, and I'm sure that I can wrap my mind around this. Did Wisdom know? Did he know this whole time that he could be my Great Grandfather and he never told me? Should I be mad at him right now, for witholding that from me?

  "I know this is confusing, Princess, but I am only telling you what I believe is the truth. My mother had spent many nights with Wisdom before your Grandmother was born. Mother always wondered about her. She knew she couldn't go back to that place, but she missed her firstborn baby so much."

  Aunt Beetie had sorrow in her voice for her mother's loss, for her own loss of her sister.

  It was then when I really realized the sacrifices Victoria had to make to save the Kingdom. The people of the Kingdom had come first, not her family.

  Would I have to make the same choices?

  I spent the next hour telling my Great Aunt Beetie about Grandma. I told her about her excellent baking skills and how she has always been so loving. I told her everything I possibly could.

  Then I told her about her downward spiral with dementia. I told her about that day in Arlington when Grandmother couldn't remember me. I told her about how rude she had been to Mom.

  "Unfortunately, that happens here in Morthsoul and Morthshadow as well. Unfortunately, no amount of magic can heal it. We enter this world knowing nothing, and sometimes we leave this world the same way," she said.

  I had never really thought of it that way, but she was right.

  I asked her to tell me some things that I could pass to Grandmother when her memory was better.

  She told me about how she grew up and what it was like living in a castle. As a child, she used to play hide and seek with some of the help. Everyone loved it, even Victoria.

  She learned early on as a child how to behave like a princess, which included riding horses, and how to walk in expensive gowns. There was even a particular way to eat.

  It all sounded like a lot of work to me. I hoped not all of that was expected of me.

  Eventually, we got to other topics, and she started fussing over my hair.

  "Come here child, a princess needs to know how to present herself," she said.

  She pulled my hair back into a simple French braid down my back. It was simple but sleek.

  "You see, this way you look presentable, and it won't be in your way in conflict. Here, let me show you how Mother taught me to walk and to talk."

  It was weird hearing her talk about Victoria and calling her mother. To me, it had seemed like Victoria lived such a long time ago.

  She showed me the slow, graceful walk that her mother had once taught her. Even though her legs didn't work as well as they did in her younger days, she was still graceful.

  I practiced walking like her for half an hour before I got anywhere close to her gracefulness. I still had a long way to go but felt confident I could get it with practice.

  Why is so much importance placed in how you walk?

  Eventually, the guys came back.

  Wisdom didn't look me in the eyes when he walked back into the treehouse. He was testing how I felt about the news.

  He spoke to Beetie like a man would speak to his daughter. I didn't feel any disc
omfort or anger at that.

  I just wish I had known sooner that he had a thing for my great grandmother. He knew so much more about her than he let on. How much more could I have learned, about her and my magic if I had that knowledge sooner?

  I decided I had a question that couldn't wait.

  "If you and Victoria had a thing, why didn't you become King?" I asked bluntly.

  Did they have complicated monarchy rules here?

  "It's complicated. I didn't want the position, and Victoria never bound herself to me. I have no right to the title even if we did have a child, possibly two together," he said.

  "Oh," I guess it could be that simple.

  Axel interrupted the newfound silence, "Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to do some more training before it gets dark."

  That was a joke. I could see him smiling.

  It's always dark here, so we didn't have to worry about that. We always had the light from my orb.

  He made a joke and also saved me from the awkward small talk that follows learning something so life changing.

  My hero.

  "That's fine," I said knowingly.

  I bowed to my great aunt and left the room with Axel.

  "How was it?" he asked when we made it to the forest floor.

  I wasn't sure how to answer, so I just shrugged, hoping that was enough.

  I made a little orb to give us the light we needed. Axel and I did our stretching in silence and took off on our run. It was getting easier for me to exercise.

  When that was done, we found ourselves back near the red river. We practiced doing army crawls, dropping to the ground and climbing trees. I thought it was a little much, learning to climb trees and all, but Axel insisted.

  He was also in the process of identifying plants that would provide me with food and water. He was teaching me survival skills we both hoped I'd never need to use.

  We were almost done with our workout when I heard the hooves. I turned around and signaled to Axel to be quiet. When he heard the sound, he looked at me with panic in his eyes. We dropped to the ground and looked around. His upper body was lying on top of mine, trying to provide me more cover.


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