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The Science of Interstellar

Page 28

by Thorne, Kip

Endurance floating in space before explosion, 180

  Endurance in front of Gargantua’s accretion disk, 99

  Endurance in front of the wormhole, 145

  explosion on the Endurance, 181

  Endurance floating in space after explosion, 181

  Endurance nearly captured by Gargantua, 243

  voyage of:

  trip from Earth to Saturn with slingshot around Mars, 68, 74, 117

  trip through wormhole, 139, 144–145, 272

  parking orbit around Gargantua, 62, 63–64, 67, 69, 72, 161, 176

  trip from parking orbit to Mann’s planet, 174–176

  Endurance (continued)

  explosion above Mann’s planet, 179, 181–182, 181

  pried away from Mann’s planet and down toward critical orbit, 237–238; see also critical orbit

  near capture by Gargantua, 242–244

  on critical orbit, 247

  launch toward Edmunds’ planet, 239, 244–245

  design to withstand tidal gravity, 180–181

  energy, types of:

  chemical, 89

  nuclear, 89, 118–119

  gravitational, 68, 89–90, 120–123

  event horizon:

  defined, 22

  created by the warping of time, 47–48

  gravity ultrastrong near horizon, 162

  shape of and depiction of, 49, 49, 57, 231, 232, 233, 249

  circumference proportional to black hole’s mass, 58–59

  radius defined, 59, 295

  shape of space near, 62–63

  gas carries magnetic field onto, 91–92

  magnetic field threads horizon, 91–92

  in volcano analogy, 241

  in Interstellar:

  Romilly hopes for information to leak out of, 172–173

  Cooper plunges through horizon: what Cooper and Brand see, 247–248

  Cooper’s view upward from inside horizon, 248, 250

  Cooper’s view downward from inside horizon, 251

  Andrew Hamilton’s black-hole flight simulator, for journey into event horizon, 288

  see also black hole; Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole

  exotic matter—holding a wormhole open, 131, 132, 135, 138, 218, 283; see also wormholes

  fields, see bulk fields in Interstellar; electric fields; force lines; gravitational field and field lines; magnetic fields; tendex lines; tidal gravity

  fifth dimension (out-back), 40, 188, 188, 191, 194–196, 200, 213, 216, 220, 269, 272, 284, 286, 295; see also bulk


  Edwin Abbott’s satirical novella, 189

  animated film, 285

  motivates bulk beings, 190–192

  force lines, 22–26, 41–44, 90, 151–152, 165, 194–199, 209–211, 214–216, 221; see also bulk fields in Interstellar; electric fields; gravitational field and field lines, magnetic fields; tendex lines; tidal gravity

  fourth dimension, time as, 40, 185–186, 188, 284

  galaxies, 18–20

  Andromeda, 19, 70

  Milky Way, 19, 52–53, 279

  Coma cluster of galaxies, 204

  Abel 2218 cluster of galaxies, 205

  Gargantua’s galaxy, 31, 75, 85, 98, 144, 166

  black holes in cores of, 22, 52, 70

  quasars in cores of, 93

  governed by Newtonian laws, 29

  gravitational pulls of galaxies on each other, 206

  orbits of galaxies around each other, 204–205

  Gargantua, Interstellar’s black hole:

  location in our universe, 200

  images of, 31, 98, 99, 169, 243, 250

  slowing of time near, 36, 162–163

  space whirl around, 97, 163–164, 175

  tidal gravity of, 163–166, 238

  mass and spin deduced from properties of Miller’s planet, 59–62

  reduction of spin for visualization, 97–98

  anatomy of (horizon, and movie orbits), 62–66

  shell of fire, 64–66

  singularities inside, 230–234; see also singularities inside black holes

  constructing images of, 30–31, 75–87, 96–99; see also accretion disks around black holes; gravitational lensing by black holes

  accretion disk, 94–99; see also accretion disks around black holes

  lack of jet, 94; see also jets from black holes

  appearance of, from Miller’s planet, 168–169, 169

  appearance of, from Mann’s planet, 175

  appearance of, from inside event horizon, 250

  typical orbits around, 72, 101

  lethality of environment, 100–102

  vibrations of, 170–173

  volcano analogy, 239–240; see also critical orbit

  see also black holes; event horizon; Miller’s planet

  geometrodynamics, 154–155

  global positioning system, see GPS

  GOCE satellite (ESA), 216–217, 217

  GPS, 36–37, 37, 208

  GRACE satellite (NASA), 210

  gravitational anomalies, historical examples:

  anomalous precession of Mercury’s orbit, 34, 202–204

  anomalous orbits of galaxies around each other—dark matter, 204–206

  anomalous acceleration of universe’s expansion—dark energy, 206–207

  gravitational anomalies in Interstellar:

  origin of the idea for, 5

  in Cooper’s landing a Ranger, 208

  in GPS system failure, 208

  harvesters gone haywire, 208

  in the fall of dust, 208, 208

  in tidal gravity (my extrapolation), 209–211, 209

  in the strength of the Earth’s gravity, 216–217

  in Gargantua’s vibrations (my extrapolation), 170–173

  Professor Brand’s interest in, 212

  harnessing of, to lift colonies off Earth, 32, 212, 221, 225, 273–275, 290

  generated by bulk fields (my extrapolation), 32–33, 213–218, 296

  described by Professor Brand’s equation, 220–222

  quantum gravity laws, as key to, 225

  gravitational anomalies on Earth:

  searches for, 32, 207

  could arise from fields controlling gravity’s strength, 296

  Brans-Dicke theory predicts, 296

  gravitational field and field lines, 25–26; see also inverse square law for gravity; tendex lines; tidal gravity

  gravitational lensing:

  defined, 30

  by dark matter, observed, 205

  gravitational lensing by black holes, 31, 50, 50, 75, 79

  shadow’s edge and ring of fire, 76–78

  by nonspinning black hole, 79–80

  by fast-spinning black hole, 80–86

  Einstein rings, 79–82

  star-streaming patterns as camera moves around hole, 76, 78–82, 85–86

  computation of, for Interstellar, 83–86

  lensing of one black hole by another black hole, 86–87

  gravitational lensing by wormholes, 141, 142–145, 143, 145; see also wormhole in Interstellar; wormholes

  gravitational slingshots:

  NASA’s, in the solar system, 72–74, 117

  references on, 279–280

  Endurance around Mars, 74

  necessary for spacecraft navigation near Gargantua, 67–68

  IMBH needed, 69–71

  for Ranger’s trip from Endurance to Miller’s planet, 68–70

  for Endurance’s trip to Mann’s planet, 176

for Endurance’s trip to Edmunds’ planet, 237

  imaged by gravitational lensing, 86–87

  in a black-hole binary system, for intergalactic travel, 120–123

  video game based on, 280, 295

  gravitational waves:

  what they are, 146, 151–153

  tendex lines, 151–153

  role in my extrapolation of Interstellar—discovering the wormhole, 146–150

  gravitational waveforms, 147–148, 147, 155

  from neutron star spiraling into black hole, 148–149

  from merging black holes, 151–152, 151

  from a mountain on a spinning neutron star, 149–150

  from a spinning, deformed black hole, 152

  from the big-bang birth of our universe, 155–157

  gravity gradiometer, 209–211, 210

  Halley’s comet, 71, 175

  Hollywood, culture of, 1–14, 277

  IMBH (intermediate-mass black hole), 69–71, 86–87, 86, 176


  genesis of, 1–9

  my science guidelines for, 4, 8, 9, 43

  visual effects in, 10–12, 30–31, 75–87, 94–99, 138–145

  movie sets for, 13–14

  see also Interstellar, scenes in

  Interstellar, scenes in:

  opening scene, Cooper trying to land a Ranger, 208

  life on Earth (“Cooper’s world”), 106–107, 107

  blight in crops on Earth, 31, 105–106, 111, 112, 114; see also blight in crops

  gravitational anomalies on Earth:

  in opening scene of movie, 208

  harvesters gone haywire, falling books and dust, 208

  in Murph’s bedroom, 202, 208–209, 211

  see also gravitational anomalies in Interstellar

  Cooper at NASA, 133, 273

  Endurance’s trip from Earth to Saturn, 68, 74, 117

  Romilly explains wormholes, 136

  the wormhole, 145, 208

  Endurance’s trip through the wormhole, 144

  Ranger’s trip from Endurance to Miller’s planet, 68–70, 168, 169

  crew on Miller’s planet, 58–59, 161, 164–165, 165

  crew’s return to Endurance and to Romilly, 170

  choice of where to go after Miller’s planet, 100

  Endurance’s trip to Mann’s planet, 176

  Ranger scraping ice clouds when landing on Mann’s planet, 177

  crew on Mann’s planet, 178–179

  Dr. Mann describing Professor’s struggle to understand gravity, 229

  Romilly urging Cooper to seek information from Gargantua’s singularities, 234

  scenes back on Earth:

  the Professor and Murph in the Professor’s office, 213, 221

  the Professor dying, 222

  Endurance’s explosion above Mann’s planet, 181–182, 181

  Endurance’s plunge and rescue near Gargantua’s critical orbit, 237–244

  Cooper and TARS plunging into Gargantua, 234, 242–244, 247–251

  Endurance’s launch off critical orbit toward Mann’s planet, 244–245

  Cooper rescued by the tesseract, 251–252

  Cooper in tesseract, communicating backward in time with young Murph, 255–261, 265–266, 270–271, 297

  Cooper touching Brand across the fifth dimension, 193, 272

  Cooper in the space colony, 274–275

  Cooper sets out in search of Brand, 275

  interstellar travel, 115–123, 282

  with twenty-first-century technology, 117

  with far-future technology, 117–123

  via thermonuclear fusion, 118–119

  via laser beam and light sail, 119–120

  via gravitational slingshots, 120–123

  via wormholes and other space warps, 123, 282

  references on, 282

  inverse square law for gravity, 26, 26, 27, 34, 194–196, 198–199, 202–204, 216, 219, 274, 292, 295; see also bulk, confining gravity in

  Io (moon of Jupiter), 168

  jets from black holes:

  visually impressive to astronomers, 87

  in the quasar 3C273, 88–89, 89

  powered by whirling magnetic fields, 91–92

  missing from Gargantua, 94

  astrophysicists’ simulations of, 280–281

  Kip Thorne (me):

  photos of, 6, 9, 11, 213, 221

  roles in LIGO, 151, 154, 224

  roles in Interstellar, 1–14

  roles in computer simulations of warped spacetime, 154

  discovery of tendex lines, 41

  maximum spin of a black hole, 61

  the Blandford-Znajek mechanism to power black-hole jets, 92

  wormhole research, 2

  time-travel research, 268

  bet with Hawking about naked singularities, 227–229

  law of time warps, Einstein’s, see time warps, Einstein’s law of

  laws of physics, 27–34, 278

  shape and control our universe, 27

  Newtonian laws, 27–30; see also inverse square law for gravity

  Einstein’s relativistic laws, 28–32; see also warped spacetime

  Einstein’s formulation of, 37–38, 203–204

  Einstein’s law of time warps, see time warps, Einstein’s law of

  same predictions as Newtonian laws when gravity weak and speeds small, 43

  extension into five spacetime dimensions, 200, 220, 269, 286

  quantum laws, 28–30, 32, 34

  nature of, 223–225

  their primacy over Newtonian and relativistic laws, 223–225

  discard fluctuations to recover Newtonian and relativistic laws, 224

  references on, 287

  quantum gravity laws (tera almost incognita), 29–30, 32

  and superstring theory, 187–188, 284

  their nature encoded in singularities inside black holes, 225–227

  references on, 287

  power of multiple viewpoints on laws of physics, 44

  revolutions that upend established laws, 34, 275

  power that mastery of the laws gives to humans, 275

  LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory):

  how it works, 152–153

  the LIGO international collaboration, 153

  see also gravitational waves

  magnetic fields, 22-25

  bar magnet and field lines, 22–23, 23

  Earth’s, and Aurora Borealis, 23–25, 25

  neutron star’s, 25, 30

  accretion disk’s, 90–92

  power a black hole’s jets, 91–92

  magnetic levitation, 23, 23

  confined to our brane, 192, 215, 296

  Mann’s planet:

  orbit of, 174–175, 175, 298

  lack of a sun, 175

  ice clouds, 176–177

  geological data—signs of life, 177–179

  Milky Way galaxy, 19, 52–53, 279

  Miller’s planet:

  used to infer properties of Gargantua, 58–62, 292

  orbit of, 62–63, 62, 161–162

  image of, above Gargantua’s disk, 98

  slowing of time on, 59–61, 163

  rotation of, 163, 165–166

  rocking of, 165–167

  Gargantua’s tidal gravity acting on, 58, 163

  Gargantua’s whirl of space near, 163–164

  giant water waves on, 164–166, 165

  past history of, 166–168

  appearance of
Gargantua from, 168–169, 169

  scenes in Interstellar, 58–59, 161, 164–165, 165

  neutron stars:

  born through implosion of a star (supernova), 206

  masses and circumferences, 22, 22

  magnetic fields, 25, 25, 30

  jets from, 25, 25

  torn apart by black holes, 148–149

  as pulsars, 25, 30

  slingshot off, in Interstellar, 68–70

  torn apart by black holes, 146–149

  Newtonian laws of physics, see laws of physics, Newtonian laws

  Nolan, Christopher:

  foreword to this book, vii

  collaboration with his brother, Jonathan, 4, 8, 262

  negotiations to rewrite and direct Interstellar, 7, 8, 233

  Kip’s interactions with, 8–10, 59, 69–70, 151, 189, 213, 246, 249 , 250, 256, 264

  knowledge and intuition about science, 8–9, 189

  commitment to science accuracy, vii, 8–9, 83, 94–96, 182

  some science choices and ideas, 9

  gravitational slingshots, 69–70

  slowing of time on Miller’s planet, 59, 163

  water waves on Miller’s planet, 164–166

  spin of Gargantua for visualizations, 76, 97–98

  anemic accretion disk, 94

  size of Gargantua on sky, 63, 168–169

  accident is the first building block of evolution, 100

  wormhole’s gravitational pull, 139

  wormhole’s handles, 139–140, 144

  remove gravitational waves from Interstellar, 150–151

  explosion in space, 182

  bulk beings as descendants of humans, 193

  number of dimensions for the bulk, 196

  Endurance’s near capture by Gargantua, 252

  bulk beings save Cooper from singularity, 247

  which singularity, 249

  what it looks like inside a black hole, 250

  rule set for time travel, 263

  complexified tesseract, 252–253, 256–261, 264–266

  moving forward and backward in our universe’s time by moving through the bulk, 261, 271

  science compromises to make film great, 61–62, 63–64, 97–98, 144–145, 168–169, 196

  science compromises to make film accessible to mass audience, 69–70, 76, 150–151, 242

  Kip’s overall view on his science compromises, 9

  use of sets instead of computer graphics, 13–14

  communicating rule sets to audience, 262

  oxygen cycle, 281

  pathogens, 108–111, 113

  planets of our solar system, 20–21, 21, 71, 71

  Professor Brand’s equation, 200–201, 212–222; see also blackboards, Professor Brand’s


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