Book Read Free

Walk Into Me

Page 9

by Jill Prand

  I’m moving some investments around so I can access the money I will need for the closing within days. I may end up losing some interest since I don’t know when the closing will be and end of the year is only weeks away. I don’t usually make end of the year moves with investments because of all the tax ramifications, but I have no choice at the moment. I will just have to eat the loss.

  My email pings and I see the notification of an email from Lisa. I click on the icon: To: Brad Hammer

  From: Lisa Plata

  December 17, 2013 1:14 pm Tonight

  Hi Handsome!

  Was wondering what you were doing for dinner?? I should be home around seven if you want to do something!



  Well, duh! Of course, I want to do something! I want to fuck her blind, but I’m not going to say that. I want to lick her out until she’s come at least twice, but I’m not going to say that either. Hell, I wish I could tell her all the things I want to do to her, but she’s going to read this at work.

  To: Lisa Plata

  From: Brad Hammer

  December 17, 2013 1:15 pm RE: Tonight

  Hey, pretty girl! I would love to do something with you tonight. I have a lot of ideas :) Give me a call when you get home.



  My pants are now uncomfortable. Luckily, I’m sitting in my home office where I can unzip my jeans and get some relief. Just the thought of holding her tonight makes my dick jerk. I have at least five more hours before she gets home. I’m going to call Kevin and see if he wants to meet me at the gym. I need to work off some of this excess energy.

  Kevin is already at the gym when I walk in an hour later. I see him hitting the speed bag as it bounces back and forth. Kevin’s had a few MMA fights locally and he’s also part of the local underground fight club. He’s let me come to a couple of those fights and I even tried my hand one night. I got my ass kicked by my second opponent. I was black and blue for a week and had a hard time working on the boats. I told him I would never do that again.

  I store my bag in the locker room and go out to start warming up. Kevin and I will take turns holding the heavy bag for each other, then we’ll spar for a while. Kevin could really hurt me if he wanted, but the reason he likes to work with me is because I’m fast. I can dodge and jab faster than most of the guys he fights. I’m actually surprised he didn’t call me earlier in the week since I know he has a fight on Friday. I hope he’s not still nursing the bruised rib from his last bout.

  “Hey, man,” Kevin slaps me on my back. “I’m glad you called, I have a favor to ask.”

  Turning I shake his hand, “Sure, man what’s up?” “I need another person to work my corner on Friday, would you be willing?” I’ve worked Kevin’s corner a couple times in the past. Getting spit on is not really my thing, but if his normal guy won’t be there I don’t mind filling in.

  “When and where? You know I’ll always help you out,” I tell him. “You’re the best, man,” he says. “This one is set up at Sachem. It’s a charity event with local MMA fighters and Doug is actually going to fight, which is why he can’t work.”

  “That’s so cool. What’s the charity?” Maybe I can get Lisa to come with me. “It’s for Let Them Be Little 2x, those Leider boys from Bayport with MPS-2/Hunter Syndrome.” I knew who they were, two brothers that had a horrible disease and probably wouldn’t live to see their fifteenth birthdays. They have been in the paper and on the local news. The cost of treatment for their parents was astronomical and they were always fundraising. I can’t imagine the pain those parents live with while trying to keep up a good face for the kids.

  “I’m in. Do you have all the details for tickets? Maybe I can convince a few friends to come.” Not sure how many of my friends would want to watch MMA, but the charity is a good cause so I can ask.

  “I have a flyer in my bag. I’ll give it to you after we’re done.” He walks over to the heavy bag and turns back to me. “You want to go first?” Kevin usually lets me go at the bag first. I work at it for twenty minutes, throwing jabs, hooks, uppercuts and crosses as he calls “head” or “body” by the time I’m finished my arms are starting to get tired. That’s why I always go first, it gives me time to recover as Kevin works the bag. I don’t have to call out anything while Kevin throws punches which move the bag back into me.

  As we climb into the ring after putting on protective headgear, Kevin asks me, “So what’s going on that you wanted to work-out in the middle of the day?” We usually meet around five-thirty and go out afterward.

  “I have a date tonight and I needed to work off some excess energy beforehand,” I say sheepishly.

  “Since when have you been seeing someone?” I’ve peaked his interest. “Is this someone you met while you were hiding out on Fire Island?”

  Kevin knows how I feel about Lisa. Hell, most of the time I picture him as Bobby while I throw punches at him. “No, it’s Lisa.”

  He stares at me with an open mouth. “She left Bobby?”

  “No.” I sigh, “She just realized that she has feelings for me as well.”

  “So what...she’s seeing you both?” “Yeah, for the moment. Well, not that he knows it yet. He left Sunday for another job. He won’t be home for at least a week.” Which makes it sound like Lisa’s cheating on him. I guess in a way she is, even though I know she wants to be straight with him.

  Kevin shakes his head, “Man, you really don’t want to be that guy. You’re gonna get yourself hurt again.” We meet in the middle of the ring and bump gloves then part and put in our mouth pieces. “I know what I’m doing,” I mumble at him, but do I really believe that? I know that the chances of me winning this contest are slim. Anyone seeing Lisa and Bobby together can tell they are meant to be, but I can’t make myself give up on her. Maybe if we give this a chance, I will finally be able to put her behind me when it goes wrong.

  Kevin hits me on the side of the head; I didn’t even see the punch coming I was so entranced in my thoughts. I need to pay attention to what I’m doing. I block his next couple of jabs and throw a few back at him. We move around the ring, neither of us landing much when I see Arthur, Bobby’s driver enter the gym. What the hell is he doing here? Kevin surprises me with a jab followed by a cross to my midsection and the air is knocked out of me. I step back to catch my breath. “I’m sorry man,” he says, “Why didn’t you block me?” I pull out my mouth piece, “It’s okay.” I tell him still watching Arthur. Arthur sees me and walks straight towards the ring. What the hell?

  “Mr. Hammer, can I speak with you for a moment?” He says once he is at ringside. Kevin looks at him and then back at me. Arthur is a big guy, six-three or four and built like a tank. Not someone you would want to meet in a dark alley or even a boxing ring for that matter. Kevin comes and stands at my shoulder showing his support.

  “Sure, Arthur,” I tell him, then turn to Kevin. “I’m okay; he’s Bobby’s driver.” “That doesn’t really make me feel better after what we were discussing before,” he tells me, but doesn’t try to stop me from climbing out of the ring. I do feel his eyes watching my back and knowing he will help if this turns ugly calms my nerves a little.

  Arthur and I move to an alcove where we can talk privately. “I’m here for Mr. Harber,” he says. “He asked me to give these to you,” he hands me two letters. “I trust that you will be discreet with them.”

  I look at the envelopes he’s handed me, one is addressed to me and one to Lisa. What the hell? “Is he alright?” I ask Arthur.

  “As of right now he is fine,” but the way he says it gives me a chill.

  “This mission is that dangerous?”

  “Yes,” he says, then he turns and walks away. I pull off my gloves with my teeth and rip open the letter with my name on it.

  Brad, I know we’ve not seen eye to eye much, but I need a favor from you. I know that you spoke with Jimmy and he told you what my business really entails. The place I am going to r
ight now is one of the most dangerous places I’ve ever been to. The odds of my whole team getting home alive is slim, but we have to go. This is not a mission I could send my guys on and live with myself if I wasn’t with them, otherwise I would be home right now with Lisa.

  I know you love her, I can see it every time you look at her. She loves you, too, but she loves me more. I know that is a shitty thing to say to someone, but it’s the truth. If by chance I don’t make it back from this mission I need you to take care of her. She will need both your strength and your love. I actually feel better leaving her knowing you are there. Not that I’m not going to do everything in my power to get back to her, but as the leader of the team I will be the last one out and it is the most dangerous position to be in.

  I understand the risk in asking this of you. You may not even wait for word and make a play for her as soon as you read this. I am willing to take that chance just to know she will be happy. I love her, Brad. Even if you hate everything else about me know that she carries my heart.

  The letter addressed to her is to be given to her only if I don’t make it back. I hope it will help her find peace and allow her to move on with her life. I could have just had Arthur deliver it to her, but I think she will need you with her when she reads it.

  Take care of her, Brad.

  Bobby He doesn’t think he’s gonna make it back. I sink to my knees, this is going to kill Lisa. I stare at the envelope addressed to her in his hand. How the hell am I supposed to be with her tonight knowing all of this? How do I not try to prepare her for what might come?

  Kevin comes over to me, “What the hell happened?” I look up at him but can’t make the words come out of my mouth so I hand him the letter. He reads it and sits his ass down next to me. “Holy shit!” He exclaims. My thoughts exactly. “What the hell are you gonna do? And how can he put this all on you? The guy has some balls.”

  “I don’t know what to do,” I tell him. “Do I keep this from her and let her think he’s just on another job and he will be home any day? Do I let her read my letter so she can prepare herself for the chance he might not make it? And if I do that you know she’ll want to read the letter he wrote her.” I run my hands through my hair. “He should have given this letter to Jodi. She would know what to do and how to deal with this.” The hand holding Lisa’s letter is actually shaking. I’m scared for the first time in years. I don’t know what to do.

  Kevin stands up and offers his hand to me. “Let’s go get a drink and think this through.”

  I take his hand like a lifeline. “That’s a good idea.”


  I talked to Bobby this morning while I was getting ready for work. He told me it would be the last time we would talk until he was on his way back to me. I miss him and sleeping in his bed is comforting, but I can’t avoid Brad any more. That’s what I’ve been doing the past couple of days.

  I’ve talked to Brad on the phone and a couple of those conversations got a little hot, but I wanted to have a little time to myself. Trying to figure out my feelings for both of them is hard, they each touch me in different ways.

  I crave Bobby’s body; his scent and his voice all send shivers through me. The banter we have back and forth amuses me and steadies me at the same time. Brad is my anchor, he gives me that safe harbor where I can be myself and talk about anything. His body isn’t bad, either, and I am just learning that it gives me just as much pleasure as Bobby’s. I’m so confused and the guilt I feel by not being honest with Bobby before he left is eating at me. I should probably not see Brad until I can have that talk with Bobby, but that’s not fair to Brad, either. I told him we could try and see where this takes us and that will be easier to do while Bobby is away.

  I’m on the train back to the island since Arthur had an errand to run for Bobby and was not in the city when I wanted to leave. I’ve gotten so used to him driving me everywhere that this is the first time I’ve been on the train in three months. It’s crowded and loud and I’m having a hard time concentrating on my thoughts. To think I used to do this every day, Bobby has spoiled me. That thought brings a smile to my lips, the man does like to make sure he knows where I am at all times. I don’t feel claustrophobic most of the time, but I do wish he would give me just a little more breathing room. I’m an only child and am used to having my own personal space.

  Brad gets that about me. He knows that I need a little quiet time to get my thoughts together and if I can do it near or on water that is heaven. Growing up with a river in your back yard, steps away from the gentle rocking of the water provides was paradise. Well, not really considering my dad was an alcoholic and hedonistic. He only cared for himself, never about my mom or me. We were always last on his list of priorities. But being on the water has a calming effect for me and I need it. The only time I’ve been more than an hour away from the water is when I lived in Atlanta. I loved my job there, but I am not one that can be landlocked. One of the reasons I pushed myself so hard the first year of my job was to build up a decent client base so I could make the move back to New York. I knew once I hit that ten million dollar mark my first year that other agencies would come sniffing around. That’s just the nature of the marketing world.

  Once I came back the first thing I did was drive to Smith’s Point and sit on the beach looking out at the waves crashing on the beach. Jodi laughed at me when I got back all wind-swept and sun burned. September is hit or miss on the beach and that day it was seventy degrees and windy but the sun was shining and the surf was pounding. When I was in high school all I had to do was look out my window to know what kind of beach day it would be. The river had telltale signs of approaching storms. Whitecaps on the river meant the bay and ocean were choppy, an influx of seagulls would mean an ocean storm was coming in and when the river looked like glass and the sun reflected into my window I knew it would be a perfect day to be out on the water. I miss waking up to the view of the river, but at least now I’m close to it.

  I glance at my watch, it’s almost six and Brad is supposed to be at the house at seven to pick me up. Two more stops before mine which will leave me just enough time to change into something comfortable for our date. Our date, that sounds strange when I think of Brad and I dating. It’s something he’s wanted for a long time but now I want it, too. I really wish Bobby could have put off this latest trip for a couple of weeks. Not only are we so close to Christmas, but if he was here I could talk to him about my growing feelings for Brad. Not that I am looking forward to that discussion, but it needs to be dealt with. Bobby has a right to know what is going on in my head and heart.

  I stand up as we pull into the station. “Ronkonkoma, last stop,” is echoed through the cars. I exit onto the platform and the wind hits me, brrr it’s cold out here tonight. Winter will be here in a matter of days and the warm ocean current is starting to wane. As the water temperature drops the winds shift to bring the cold northern wind off the Sound instead of the warmer wind of the Great South Bay. Still it is good to live here even if the commute can take forever sometimes. I run across the parking lot to see Jodi waiting on me, I didn’t know this morning when Arthur drove me in that I would need to have a car here, but this is better anyway, Jodi’s car will be warm and we can get right out of here.

  “Hey chick, what happened to your chauffer today?” Jodi asks as I get in. “He had errands to run for Bobby so I was stuck taking the train home,” I laugh. I did this for over a month before Bobby and I got back together, but he has spoiled me by giving me Arthur to drive me whenever I’m at Jodi’s. Bobby wants me to move in with him permanently, but I’ve been putting him off. Now with Brad in the picture I wonder if I shouldn’t find my own apartment out here instead of imposing on Jodi anymore. I’m sure she and John would appreciate me getting out of the house.

  “Well, what are the plans for tonight?” Jodi inquires. “John and I were thinking maybe we could go catch a movie.”

  “What...did you guys miss me for the whole two days I’ve been go
ne?” I snicker. “I was just wondering if I should find a place of my own so the two of you wouldn’t have me in your hair.”

  “You are not in our hair,” she assures me. “And yes, I have missed you. And I want to know what’s going on between you and Brad.”

  “I don’t really know yet, Jodes. I’m seeing him tonight. He should be over around seven. Do you want to all go out together?” “Um, no! You two need the time alone to figure this shit out!” She tells me. “And really the vibes around you are causing my hormone levels to increase. I don’t know how you do it. Two extremely hot guys can’t keep their hands off of you.”

  “Yeah, now I just have to figure out which one I’m going to destroy by choosing the other.” Jodi reaches out for my hand. “You will know the thing to do when the time is right.” I’m glad she has confidence in me because all I can foresee is pain and heartbreak.

  We get to the house just after six thirty and I have enough time to wash my face, re-do my make-up and get changed before Brad gets here. I mumble a hello to John as I rush to my room and start to pull out clothes from the closet. Brad didn’t say what his ideas were for tonight but I have an inkling that they will include a little privacy at some point. How easy do I want to make it for him to touch me? I think I will go with an off the shoulder leopard print dress and some Prada peep toe pumps. I also pull out my black pea coat that has a flirty flair to it. I’m not a fashionista by any means, but I do spend money on shoes and coats. I can’t tell you why, but I think nothing of dropping hundreds of dollars on my feet and still shop at Macy’s or Century 21 for my clothes. Of course, I still buy pairs that will go with a few things in my closet so I can wear them often. I’m not Imelda Marcos; I don’t have hundreds of pairs of shoes. I buy five to six new pairs a year and I actually do throw out some of the old ones. Okay, so maybe I throw out one pair for every four pairs I buy, but I’m not obsessed, really.


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