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by D. J. Manly

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The Sex Shifters

  Copyright © 2006 D. J. Manly

  ISBN: 1-55410-718-0

  Cover art and design by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Tavish stood in line waiting for his coffee. Cassandra Burke stood in front of him, her shoulder length brown hair now free from its constraints. He couldn’t help but notice the streaks of gold in her hair. “You look tired,” Tavish managed, moving up a little closer to her in line. He never had any problem talking to women. He usually could say just what they wanted to hear, but Cassandra was a special case. She made him feel tongue tied.

  Cassandra issued him a cool glance over her shoulder. “I’m not any more tired than you.”

  “I didn’t mean to imply anything by that,” he returned with a sigh. “God, you’re touchy. You always think I’m…”

  “But aren’t you?” she demanded, turning all the way around in line now and glaring at him with those gorgeous green eyes of her. He knew people were looking at them. “Aren’t you always trying to find some subtle way to tell me how women don’t belong in this kind of work?”

  “I never said that…I…” he began. “I just said…”

  “Let me throw your own words back at you, Lerue, ‘you’d be beautiful if you didn’t open your mouth so often.’”

  Tavish narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, and maybe you’d be less uppity if you got laid once in awhile.”

  The hand came up fast, and hit hard. In fact, she could pack a hell of a wallop. After she’d slapped him, she stood there glaring at him.

  “I suppose this means you don’t intend on spending the night with me?” His mouth tried to twist into a smirk, but his face hurt too damn much.

  “You’re impossible,” she shook her head, snatching up her coffee and stalking out of the cafeteria.

  “That’s the second woman I’ve seen slap your face this week, Tavish,” his best buddy Samuel suggested with a raised eyebrow as he came to sit down at the table. “That’s got to be some kind a record.”

  Tavish scowled as the other two men sitting around the table began howling with laughter.

  “Ha, ha, laugh it up, guys,” Tavish grumbled, lifting his mug of coffee. “You guys never have any trouble with broads, because you never get laid.”

  The laughter died. “That’s not true,” Samuel came close to exhibiting a pout, as the other two men quietly removed their trays and wandered off. “I got laid…just last…well…it was shortly after…”

  Tavish met his eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Oh fuck you,” Samuel tossed.

  Tavish laughed.

  “You may have ‘em lined up to get into your bed Brother, but when it comes to Cassandra Burke…well…”

  “Never mind that broad. I swear she’s a lesbian.”

  “What about her ex husband?”

  “That doesn’t mean shit.”

  “Let’s face it buddy, they may like fucking you, but you can’t keep ‘em.”

  “That’s just it,” Tavish drained his cup. “I don’t want to keep them. Women are just a bunch of problems.”

  Sam shook his head. “You’ll never change. Women are just pieces of meat to you.”

  “Well…I wouldn’t go that far,” Tavish rose to his full six two, “sometimes they have interesting things to say.” He went to place his mug in front of the automated instant dish washer. A steel arm came out, snatched up the cup and dragged it behind a steel trap.

  Sam laughed. “Yeah, in between orgasms I suppose.”

  “Oh no,” Tavish shook his dark head. “I definitely don’t want to listen to them yap then.”

  “You’re a relic, Tavish,” Sam commented, walking down the corridor of the Mercenary Military Headquarters.

  A young woman walked by now, dressed in her military camouflage gear. “Hey Tavish,” she said, smiling. “I have a few days. What about you?”

  “Just waiting for my next assignment,” he said. “Sorry Babe, have to catch you next time.”

  She winked at him, and ran a tongue over her bottom lip. “I can’t wait. I will get you soon, stud.”

  He laughed slightly and kept walking. He rubbed his jaw. His face still hurt; his pride too. Damn, he couldn’t figure that Burke chick out. Cassandra had just come off of a job with him. Sometimes the way she looked at him, well, he could have sworn she wanted him, especially that night he’d come out of the shower with just that stupid towel on, and she was waiting to go in. He was sure something was going to develop, but then the moment passed, and she just gave him one of her snotty looks and walked into the shower. She made it clear that she didn’t like him. She said he was sexist, and arrogant. Maybe that was true, but this was the first time she’d slapped him. He grinned to himself. Maybe she did like him just a little.

  Sam shook his blond head. “There. That’s what I mean,” Sam was saying, his eyes following the woman who’d just passed them. “What in hell is it about you anyway?”

  He shrugged broad shoulders, not really picking up on what Sam was saying. Sometimes he jabbered like an old woman! Damn that Burke woman. He could usually have any woman he set his sights on, but not Cassandra. All she cared about was the job. Well fuck her. He was sure that she was a lesbian. He didn’t give a shit what the other guys said about her having an ex husband. Lesbians got married sometimes. That was the only explanation that made any sense to him.

  Of course any woman would have been able to give Sam a list of reasons why they found Tavish Lerue attractive. Tavish was exceptionally good looking, lean, rugged, handsome face, big blue eyes, square jaw, wavy black hair. He was forced to keep in shape, given his job, and he had a hard, muscular frame, and all the right equipment to keep a woman satisfied. He’d also invested a lot of time in learning how to use that equipment. From the first moment he ever undressed a woman and put his cock inside her, he took the time to find out if she was enjoying it. For Tavish, it was only common sense, if they got off, he got off. They just went the extra mile.

  The MMH was located on Sequal6, one of the many new colonized planets in the solar system. The agency was known throughout the galaxy for their expertise and success rates…and Tavish and Samuel had a rep as being the best.

  “We’re due for a vacation,” Tavish told Samuel as they rounded the corner, and stood in front of the Commanders office.

  “Yep,” Samuel said, lazily scratching his beard, “but we won’t get one for awhile.”

  Tavish sighed. He knew Samuel was right. Their resources were stretched to the limit right now due to the fact that an entire team of Merc’s had been killed three months ago in an alien uprising on Gilliam.

  Tavish checked the time. At precisely 1300, Commander Mcfee would open his door and invite them in, not one minute before or one minute later. Three minutes left to go.

ish had his eyes closed when the door opened. He was imagining himself with that beautiful blond in the hallway he’d just passed. The Commander drove that image right out of his head, when he said gruffly, “Carter, Lerue, get in here.”

  The Commander was a short, stocky man with a balding head and piercing grey eyes. He’d been a sharp shooter in active duty, and he never missed anything. “Sit,” he directed, scraping his chair back behind his desk, and falling back in it. He began talking immediately. He was never one to waste a moment. “We are up to our asses in service requests as you know. This one has been waiting awhile, and it pays…double your usual.”

  Samuel sat forward, glancing at Tavish, who would have told him to stick it if he could have. He’d been working non-stop for two years, one thing after another. He knew his service agreement said that vacations were granted only when work load permitted…but Jesus. He was only twenty four. He would have liked to enjoy his youth before it was completely gone.

  “What is it, Commander?” Sam urged.

  “I’m waiting for Lerue here. Get your mind off pussy, and pay attention.”

  Tavish cleared his throat and sat up straight. “Sorry Sir. You have my full attention, Commander.”

  The Commander nodded. “I’m sending you to Pleasure Plateau.”

  Tavish’s eyes widened. Alright, he thought. That he could live with.

  “Before you get too excited,” Mcfee put up a hand, “and I already see those wheels turning, Tavish, this is a work assignment and it won’t be as pleasurable as you imagine.”

  “Yes Sir,” Tavish hid a smile.

  The management has had many problems the last year with theft. Things of great value have been stolen, affecting business. Some of his rich clients have stopped patronising the Plateau.”

  “I thought,” Samuel interjected, “since the plateau is relatively free of legal intervention that Mr. Diamond trained and hired his own security?”

  “He did. None of them have been able to catch the culprits. They believe that the crimes are the work of sex shifters.”

  “Sex shifters?” Tavish laughed. “There are no sex shifters left. They were either destroyed on GenderX, or taken by private owners.”

  “Maybe some escaped their masters,” Sam suggested.

  “Impossible,” Tavish shook his head. “All the sex shifters who survived

  were equipped with electronic implants which revealed their exact location at all times. The moment one escaped, that information went directly to the law enforcement agency on Gender X…and that was two generations ago. Besides, they’d all be dead now.”

  “If this is too close to home for you, Tavish,” the Commander glanced at him uncertainly, “then I can send…”

  Tavish stood up. “You know I don’t get emotionally involved in my work, Sir. I have a mission. I will complete it. When do we leave?”

  “Tomorrow at 0800. Diamond will meet you when you arrive, and give you a full briefing on the situation. I will have the space craft ready and waiting for you in hold 10, and Tavish, I expect a report every twelve hours.”

  “Yes, Sir. Of course.”

  “Oh, and one more thing,” the commander said, “Burke is going along on this one. You’re going to need her help.”

  Tavish’s face fell. “Oh come on, Commander. How much punishment am I supposed to take? I just…” Tavish glanced over helplessly at Sam, who looked like he wanted to laugh.

  “Okay, get out,” he said.

  Sam stood up, and nodded to the commander before following Tavish out of the office. “Hold up,” he said, trying to catch up with Tavish. “Are you alright?”

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well, a couple of reasons. I know you come from GenderX and…the sex shifters were…”

  “Ancient history, before I was born,” he said. “Sam, I’m telling you, there aren’t any sex shifters left. Those who report seeing them are daydreaming.”

  “If you say so. And Cassandra coming along,” Sam grinned. “Do you think she already knew when you guys were in the cafeteria that she…”

  “Probably,” he scowled. “Who knows? Look, I’m beat. I’m going home for some shut eye. With Burke along, I’m going to have to be alert.”

  “Yeah, she could hurt you real bad.”

  “Funny guy. See you tomorrow, Bud.”

  Samuel gave his friend a quick salute and headed out the door to his hover craft. Tavish walked past him, waved briefly, and walked over to his own.

  * * * *

  Cameron reclined back on the king sized bed and yawned. It had been another late night. She giggled as she crawled down to the bottom of the bed and opened the velvet bag. Um…blue velvet. She ran her hand over it a minute. She loved that colour pouch, especially when it was used to carry rubies.

  “What are you giggling about?” Shane walked into the room suddenly, already dressed in jean shorts and a blue t-shirt.

  Cameron tipped the bag upside down and let the sparkling gems spill out over the pink satin sheet. “This, my dear husband.”

  Shane shook his head. “You’re such a naughty girl.”

  “Oh yeah,” the voice deepened and suddenly the voluptuous breasts formed themselves into rock hard pects, the china doll face transformed into a handsome mask of male sensuality, and the pretty pink vaginal lips turned inside out to elongate into a rock hard penis, and almond shaped ball sack, “come here and say that.”

  Shane grinned. “Maybe I’m the naughty girl,” he said, his voice softening as he pulled off his t-shirt. As he did, huge melon shaped breasts appeared with brown peeks. His ash blond hair fell longer around his face and the features softened some.

  Cameron laughed deeply as Shane came over to the bed and pressed him down onto the sheets. Straddling his erection, she positioned her moist vaginal lips around the head of his cock. “So, Cameron, want to fuck?”

  Cameron closed his eyes as Shane lowered herself onto him. He reached up and played with her nipples, pulling and stretching until she began to whimper softly. He could feel her open to him, her vagina widening and widening until she had clamped down on him, pressing against his balls. “Okay, lover,” Shane moaned, as Cameron continued to torment her tits, “I plan to use you for my pleasure baby.”

  “Um,” Cameron replied, lifting his hips to meet her demand, “don’t hold back.”

  Shane leaned back and picked up one of the precious stones. She held it between her teeth as she began to rise up, then slam back down on Cameron’s cock. Cameron let out a cry of pleasure as he felt the come thundering up inside of his shaft.

  “Not yet,” Shane said between clenched teeth, removing the ruby from her mouth and rubbing it over Cameron’s taut nipples. Their hips began to move in rhythm, slamming and thrusting and grunting until finally Shane told Cameron… “Come baby…come…I’m coming,” and almost at exactly the same time, they came. The ruby fell down over Cameron’s chest and lodged itself beside his ribs. He pulled Shane down on top of him and kissed her deeply. Shane laughed, rubbing her breasts over Shane’s chest. “We have to get ready. He’ll be here today.”

  “I can’t wait,” Cameron whispered.

  “We have to talk about our strategy. He’s known for his results.”

  “Can’t wait to meet Tavish Lerue. I hear he’s a killer with the ladies. Wonder what he looks like.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see now, won’t we?”

  “Who gets to have him first, before we take him together?”

  “Um,” Shane pondered, running her hands over her own nipples, pinching them brutally, then grabbing Cameron’s head and pressing it down between her thighs, “let me think on that one awhile, okay?”

  * * * *

  Tavish sloshed back some ultra caffeine and rubbed his eyes.

  “Want me to drive?” Sam asked, his eyes twinkling when he saw Tavish’s state.

  “Are you kidding? I want to arrive in one piece.”

  “Very funny
. So, didn’t get much sleep last night so I see.”

  “I intended to.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Karen, or Sarah…or what ever her name was, decided to come over. She heard we weren’t shipping out right away.”


  “What do you think?” Tavish rolled his eyes.

  “You could have said no,” Sam reminded him, setting the controls as Tavish turned on the engine.

  “I could have,” he grinned.

  Sam shook his head. “So is it Karen or Sarah?”

  “Sarah…no…it’s definitely Karen.”

  “It’s probably Debbie,” Sam strapped himself in.

  “Wait a minute,” Tavish paused. “Debbie. Yeah…how did you know?”

  “Lucky guess. You’re due for a Debbie. Plus, you never get the name right.”

  Tavish shrugged, and prepared for take off.

  Cassandra Burke listened to all this without comment, which surprised the hell out of Tavish. He was embellishing it just for her, but she didn’t bite.

  “Did she end up slapping you too?” Sam enquired, glancing over at Cassandra.

  “Not yet, at least,” Tavish grinned devilishly, “not on the face.”

  Sam shook his head, and they took off with a roar.

  Cassandra grumbled something under her breath at that. It sounded like “disgusting.”

  * * * *

  Rake Diamond waited patiently for the spacecraft to land. He checked his watch twice. They were right on time. He was glad because he had a busy day today. They had royal guests arriving from Galome, and everything had to be right.

  As soon as the door of the spacecraft spun open, Rake Diamond crossed the platform, two of his rather useless security guards at his heels. He did keep the pretty boys though. They served their purpose. “Mr Lerue,” he held out his hand.

  “No, I’m Samuel Carter, that’s Lerue,” he hitched a thumb back at Tavish who strolled out of the craft a few seconds later.

  Diamond’s eyes left Samuel and settled on Tavish Lerue. Whoa. Over six feet of muscle. All male, and gorgeous to boot. Too bad he was a merc. He would have made a great pleasure dancer in the room of lust.


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