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A Demon's Soul

Page 4

by E. C. Land

  What a way to spend our eighteenth birthday that is for sure. Sighing, I close my eyes as I lean my head against Anabelle, at the same time my mom wraps her arm around the both of us as she stretches out on my other side.

  “My girls, what am I going to do with you?” she murmurs her question against the side of my head.

  “Same as always, Momma Lisa,” Anabelle states, using the name she had dubbed my mom with when she first moved in with us. Since then that’s what she’s always said, along with Big D.

  It’s not hard to understand where she’s coming from when she calls my dad, Big D. He is one large dude that does not take any shit from anyone. It’s probably why he looked so pissed earlier when he was in here. Seeing me, he would have felt like a failure for not protecting me.

  “Yeah, sweetie pie, that’s for sure.” Releasing us my mom turns to look at me. “Now when can we take you home? I’m sure you’d be more comfortable in your own bed.”

  “I don’t know, we’d have to ask Doctor Connors.” I say, my heart starts to beat faster within my chest, and I can feel a panic attack rising. Why does the mere mention of going home to my own bed scare me?

  Because Justin knows where my house is. Right now, he doesn’t know where I am and can’t get to me. Here, I’m protected and safe. Shoot with my parents and Anabelle here he can’t get to any of us.

  At home, I’m vulnerable to Justin’s reach. He could easily send one of his dick minions after me. It would not be the first time. Normally, if he can’t reach me on the phone, he sends Marco after me.

  Which can be deemed as a form of punishment as Marco likes to leer and tell me all the filthy things he imagines doing to me while jerking his dick or shoving it down some whore’s throat.

  A shiver runs through my body, my mom must have felt it since she immediately grabs the blanket covering my lower half and lifts it up to cover more of my body. Thankfully, while I was still passed out, Doctor Connors and Jordan had not only stripped me of the clothing I’d been wearing but put me in a black t-shirt with the Devil’s Riot logo on the front.

  “Well, I’m going to go out there and see if I can find out. I think you will be better at home,” she says as she climbs off the bed.

  I don’t respond to her with words since the ones I want to release are clogged in the back of my throat.

  My eyes follow my mom until she leaves the room then I lean my head back against the pillow and look up at the ceiling. God, how do I tell my mom something that will hurt her without it destroying her as it has me.

  “Mackenzie, now that Momma Lisa’s out of the room, why don’t you tell me what’s really going on? Does this have anything to do with why you get phone calls and disappear for hours at a time?” Anabelle inquires. Never say my best friend isn’t intuitive. Or blunt for that matter.

  “I honestly don’t want to talk about it. But yes, it has to do with that reason. No, I’m not going to say anything further on the subject. Not right now,” I mutter.

  “Okay, I’ll give you the day and tomorrow; however, come the day after I’m demanding to know what’s going on with you.” What are best friends for if not for making demands and being protective.

  “We’ll see,” I huff.

  “Damn straight we will. You can also add what’s going on between you and Lex to that list.”

  Slanting my eyes at Anabelle, I find her grinning at me from ear to ear.


  This is not something I’m wanting to talk about right now. Two years ago, I would be saying something completely different. However, not anymore. No matter what Lex says, I’m not good enough for him anymore.

  And never will be.

  Chapter Seven


  “You need to explain to me what the fuck is going on,” Nick demands the moment we enter the main room of the clubhouse. All of the club members and my brothers are either standing or sitting around.

  Before I can answer him though, the door slams open and my cousin storms into the room. “Lex, you had best fuckin’ tell me why the hell I just hauled ass here,” Finley snaps, her curly dark hair fanned out down her back.

  “Holy fuck, who’s the hot livewire?” K-9, one of the guys who’d just moved to the area after getting out of the Army, calls out from behind Finley.

  Whipping her head around, “Hot stuff, you couldn’t handle me even if you tried, besides we shoot for the same team.” Fuck me, Finley isn’t one to be trifled with when she’s pissed off.

  Younger than me by two years she’s become one hard woman, especially after something went down with her a while back. Finley went from being the cool, laid back chick who wanted nothing more than to catch the next wave, ripping up the boardwalk on her skateboard, and partying at all the clubs.

  Yeah, that all changed. She’s become one woman no one messes with.

  “Oh, fuck me, does that mean we can tag team a chick together?” Fuckin’ K-9, I swear he thinks with his dick more often than not. I’d seen him at Outlaw Racks easily walking out of the bar with two or three chicks at one time.

  “Can we not talk about you and my cousin tag teaming someone? I don’t need the image,” I mutter.

  Finley glances from me back to K-9, “Dude, you show me the chick and I’ll think about it.” At this I groan.

  “Fuck yeah,” K-9 chuckles.

  “Can we get back to the topic at hand?” Nick snaps, gaining Finley’s attention on him.

  “Hey, Nick,” Finley says as she moves toward the two of us.

  “Finny,” he murmurs in greeting as he holds his arms out to her. She is still family to him and Lisa, no matter who her dad is. “You don’t come around anymore and it’s pissing Lis off not seeing you.”

  “Yeah, I know. I will talk to her when I see her. Now tell me why the hell I’m here and not dealing with my own business,” Finley demands.

  “It’s about your fuck head of a dad,” I state.

  “Why the fuck am I here about Justin? You know I don’t have shit all to do with that sperm donor,” Finley snaps.

  “You’re here because I know what you’re into and I’m showing you the respect you deserve as family. You’re here because I wanted to tell you to your face, I intend to put a bullet in Justin’s head after I cut is fuckin’ dick off and feed it to him,” I snarl, my hands clenching into fists at my sides.

  “I appreciate you giving me the respect; however, you could have done this over the phone,” Finley mutters.

  “No, I couldn’t, and you know that. You need to prepare or are you going to leave all the girls he keeps under his thumb out in the wind for some other fuckhead like Justin to take them on,” I snap.

  “Whoa, hold on a minute, son. Did you just say what I think you did?” Nick demands.

  I glance around the room as the air fills with even more tension. The club is finally starting to get why I called my cousin here. It will be her choice though whether she decides to take control of her father’s business.

  “Fuck.” This comes from Twister as I finally turn my head to meet Nick’s gaze then turn to meet the Prez of the clubs.

  “Yeah, I said it. Unlike Justin, Finley may have followed in his footsteps per se but she doesn’t do shit the way he does. The girls in her stables keep their shit the Johns give them. They don’t do drugs and are tested monthly. She also provides housing for them if they need it,” I mutter.

  “Lex, you can stop talking about my business now,” Finley snaps.

  “Not happening, Fin.”

  “Asshole, I’m not playing games here. You’re walking into some dangerous territory. Thank your lucky stars, I left Cedric and Mara-Lee behind when you called.” I know my cousin is getting pissed with the fact I’m outing her shit in front of strangers to her.

  “Hold up one fuckin’ minute. Are you the owner of Nights Bliss?” Gadget asks gaining my cousins attention.

  “Who wants to know?” Finley shoots back.

  “Motherfucker. You are,” Gadget growls, h
is eyes narrowing on her. “You had one of your girls raped last week when they were taken. Ended up putting a hit out on the fucker that did it, right?”

  “Hold on Nights Bliss, the pleasure house?” Horse mutters.

  “It’s not a whore house, well technically it is, but it’s more of a safe haven for my girls to be and do their thing. I figure if a woman was going to subject herself to that lifestyle, she needs someone protecting her back.” Finley shrugs.

  “Alright, enough. Finley will get to this in a few minutes. Lex, you need to explain to me what the fuck happened to my daughter,” Nick grumbles in frustration.

  “Something happened to Kenzie?” Finley demands, her tone harsh as her eyes narrow.

  “How about before we hear this, we all sit?” Hunter suggests, having spoken up for the first time since the chaos questionnaire throw down started.

  “That might be a good idea,” Twister mutters. “Prospect, bring everyone a beer.”

  As everyone sits down, I realize just how many people are here. Most all of the chairs are taken and all eyes are on me while I pace in front of the bar.

  “Lex, man, what’s going on?” This time it’s Tanner who asks.

  “Today’s my sister and Mackenzie’s birthday,” I sigh.

  “Yeah, I know this. What’s that got to do with what’s going on?” he pushes.

  “Because I made a deal with the Devil a long time ago in order to not only protect my sister but Mackenzie as well,” I murmur as I close my eyes, my hands braced on my hips I stop pacing tilt my head to the ceiling and let out a painful breath. “What I’m about to say can never reach my sister’s ears. Everything I’ve done since I was fourteen is to protect her and Mackenzie.”

  At this I look back to the room, I’m met with nods of agreement but thankfully everyone stays quiet. “When my parents died, we were supposed to go to Lisa and Nick; unfortunately, Justin saw us as a prime target and took it. He threatened me. I’m not going to talk about that, nor am I going to talk about anything that he forced me to do. Anyways, the deal with him was supposed to be renegotiated today since they turned eighteen.” I stop talking for a moment to shake my head.

  “Evidently, from what I’m guessing, Justin made a deal with Mackenzie as well. She has been raped and beaten. I’m pretty sure this has been going on since she turned sixteen.” This time I do not meet anyone’s eyes. I look at the floor as I try to regain my composure. Right now, I don’t need to lose my shit. That will be for later when I’m in the safety of the house I share with the guys I consider my brothers.


  Whipping my head toward the mouth of the hallway, I groan at the sight of Lisa standing there, tears welling down her cheeks as she looks at me with a haunted expression.

  “Come here, Sunshine,” Nick commands from where he’d been sitting closest to the hallway. Lisa immediately moves toward him, and he encloses his arms around her. He leans in and whispers something in her ear before she relaxes into his hold.

  “This fucker deserves to die painfully after having his balls ripped from his body.” This comes from Badger as he bangs a hand on the table.

  “I agree,” Rage growls.

  “I like Lex’s idea about feeding him his cock before putting a bullet in his head. I’d honestly like to do what I did to the fucker who hurt Izzy,” Twister mutters.

  “Fine, Lex you do what you have to do, and I’ll prepare to take over his businesses. I am after all the next-of-kin. Bonus the men who work for him are morons who have no brains worth two cents,” Finley sneers as she stands. “Now if you will excuse me, I have my own fuckhead to rip the balls off of and feed to him before stripping him of as much skin as I can before he dies.”

  “Oh shit, I like her,” K-9 murmurs in awe.

  “Hold up, Finley,” Twister demands as he stands up. “You take over your uncle’s businesses, we want in. We can work out the details later. But we’ll be the silent partner that backs you when you need it. Got me?”

  Staring between the two of them, I wonder where this turn of events came in. Don’t they usually have to vote on something like this?

  “Alright, I’ll be calling after this shit is done,” Finley nods.

  “You better be over for dinner soon, Finley. Don’t think because I haven’t said anything that I didn’t see you or miss what’s been said since I entered this room. You are at the dinner table Sunday evening or I’m coming after you. Do I make myself clear?” And there goes Lisa using the mom voice that leaves no room for argument.

  “Yeah, I got you, Lisa,” Finley smirks before turning to face me. “You handle your end, I’ll handle mine. We both know it’s not going to be easy especially if he realizes you know about the deal with Mackenzie. I’d suggest keeping her out of sight for a while.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ve got it covered. Long as my brothers are okay with it, I’m bringing her home with me,” I mutter as I glance in their direction to find them all nodding.

  “It’s where she needs to be. Where you can look out for her and finally do what you’ve wanted to do for years,” Chaz states.

  “Yeah, three down one to go,” Tanner chuckles.

  “Fuck you, I’m not going down that road. No fuckin’ way. I’m fine being single and I have no intention of giving up free pussy for only one. Nope not happening,” Hunter grumbles, shaking his head in denial.

  “That’s okay, man. Think what you want for now but I’m betting when she comes to you, you’ll be dropping to your knees to worship the ground she walks on,” Chaz grins.

  “Excuse me, but who said you were taking my daughter to your home?” Lisa asks defensively.

  “No offense, Lisa. I love you like the mom you’ve been to me and Anabelle, but I’m taking Mackenzie home with me because that’s where she belongs. With me. Where she can feel safe and I can take care of her. It’s my job to do so,” I declare.

  “It’s my job as her mother to take care of her not yours,” she retorts.

  “Sunshine, don’t start,” Nick puts in. He’s had plenty of time to come to terms with my claiming his daughter.

  “Don’t start what, Nick?”

  “Mackenzie is the woman for him as you are for me, so let him do what he has to do for our daughter. Lex already knows if he fucks up, I’ll make him pay. Now, let’s go say bye to Kenzie and head home, pack a bag, I’m thinking we take a trip to the mountains. Anabelle can stay at her brother’s house with them,” Nick states as he glances from Lisa to me.

  Nodding my head, I give him my agreement in silence. My sister is always welcome at our house. Shit she has her own room in my wing of the place.

  Now I just need to get my game plan together. One for taking Justin out. The other for showing my woman how much she means to me and that she is not covered in filth.

  Chapter Eight


  “I swear to God if I don’t get out of this room, I’m going to flip my shit,” I snap at Lex who is sitting on the bed next to me with his back against the headboard.

  Chuckling, Lex looks down at me and grins. “Starlight, no one is keeping you in this room. You’re more than welcome to explore the house, go sit by the pool, or even hang out in the living room.”

  Ugh, this is the same thing, I’ve done for the past month. Ever since my birthday, I’ve stayed at Lex’s band’s house. And let me tell you. This isn’t some house. It’s a damn mansion. Anabelle had told me about it, but I’d never seen it in person. Each one of the guys had their own areas of the house that was attached by the main living areas.

  The first few days I was here, it felt awkward having been in someone else’s home. Bethany and Alexis made sure to do everything they could to make me feel welcomed.

  “We have to stick together when it comes to dealing with these men. Otherwise they’ll walk all over us and I’m sorry but that’s not happening,” Alexis had stated.

  Bethany on the other hand simply smiled at me and shared her story about wha
t her ex-husband had done to her. “We’re kindred spirits who can help each other and in doing so fully heal the wounds that no one can see but we can feel.”

  At this I’d burst into a fit of tears and told her how dirty I truly felt. That I could still feel Justin’s hands on my body. This was the first night she’d demanded the guys go get six different kinds of ice cream and cookie dough for the three of us and Chaz’s daughter, Melody, to enjoy.

  That night it wasn’t the gorging out on junk food that truly helped, it was Melody and her innocence that did. “You’re the girl in the picture,” she’d said.

  “What picture, sweetie?” Bethany asked Melody as she ran a hand through the child’s locks.

  “The one Uncle Lex looks at all the time. He keeps the frame in his nightstand,” Melody states with her know-it-all child voice.

  I’d been surprised and when I went back to his room. The same room he put me in when I first got here, I opened the drawer and found exactly what Melody was talking about. I remember exactly when this picture was taken. It was the day before my sixteenth birthday, and we were all down at the beach. Lex took us to celebrate. My parents went along as well making it a family weekend. We’d all been goofing off and I’d jumped on his back for a piggy ride just as my mom took this picture of us.

  I’m sure my mom is the one who framed this picture and gave it to him. He has a matching one that sits on the dresser of him and his sister from the same day.

  I wanted to ask him about it, but I already knew the answer. He’d told me that day at the clubhouse when he’d heard me say I doubted he loved me.

  So instead of asking him, I decided to simply put the frame on the nightstand next to the bed. It didn’t go unnoticed either when Lex came to bed later that night. He’d taken one step into the room, saw the picture frame, his eyes casted over to me where I was sitting on the bed.

  “Baby,” he murmured, quietly.

  That had been the beginning of the two of us getting to know each other all over again but in a new way. One that involved late-night movies and my body curled into his every night. It was also him and I telling each other things we’ve both hidden from our families.


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