The Everlasting Hatred
Page 19
1973 Yom Kippur War
I interviewed a tank commander from the crack Golani Brigade about what happened in the first hours of the Yom Kippur war on the Golan Heights.
On October 6 1973, all Israeli soldiers that could be spared were home on leave for Israel’s holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur. Only a bare minimum force was on duty. Suddenly, at dawn, the entire Syrian border erupted with artillery fire. Fourteen hundred top-of-the-line Soviet-built tanks charged forward. Another one thousand tanks were in reserve. The Syrians had a new anti-tank missile that wreaked havoc with the Israel’s tanks.
The Israeli Air Force streaked in low to attack the Syrian ground forces, trying to stop the onslaught. Baruch watched in horror as plane after plane was blown out of the sky. The Soviets had designed a new Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) for intercepting low-flying planes. Israel had no countermeasures for it. This same missile wreaked havoc with the Israeli Air Force both in the Sinai and on the Golan Heights.
By noon, the Golani tank force had been cut to pieces. Baruch232 commanded the last three remaining tanks. They took up position at a critical crossroad for a fight to the death. They knew that they were all that stood between the Syrian army and Galilee. The thriving city of Tiberius lay helpless in the path of the Syrian juggernaut. Syrians are infamous for their barbaric treatment of Israeli prisoners—Baruch shuttered at the thought.
When the Syrian commander could see only three tanks blocking his way, “He said it’s too easy—this must be a trap.” So he ordered his forces to stop for lunch while they analyzed the situation. He reasoned the Israelis were for all purposes already beaten.
During the lunch break, reinforcements were able to rush to the front and furiously beat the Syrian forces. By a miracle of God, they got no further into Israel—though the fighting continued to be horrific. The tough Israeli tank commander, who had not been religious, attributed this whole episode to God’s protective care over Israel.
The final victory in the Yom Kippur War was actually a greater miracle than the 1967 Six Day War, but the cost in lives and weapons was horrific.
The Yom Kippur war was not like the Six Day War or any of the previous wars with the Muslims. This time the Arab armies scored unprecedented and stunning initial victories. Israeli casualties were the highest yet seen. Hardened and confident combat units were so outnumbered and outflanked they were fleeing in disarray. Israel lost more than five hundred tanks and forty-nine aircraft in the first three days alone.
I interviewed Randy Cunningham, who was America’s leading Vietnam ace at the time. He told me that he was one of the pilots in our Mediterranean fleet that shuttled aircraft from U.S. carriers to Israel to replace their heavy losses. He said that as soon as he landed, the Israelis started refueling and arming the plane while painting a Star of David over the U.S. insignia. That’s how critical the situation was.
In the Sinai, the modernized Egyptian forces used new missiles and electronic defenses to blast their way to the eastern bank of the Suez Canal. Israeli counterattacks by three tank divisions were repelled.
Early on October 8, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan called Golda Meir and said, “This is the end of the Third Temple. The situation is desperate—everything is lost. We must withdraw. Arm the ‘doomsday weapons,’ I am initiating the ‘Samson Option.’”233
The Samson Option is a continuously practiced plan that will be put into action if the Muslim forces overrun Israel. If the plan is put into action, every Arab capitol will be vaporized in a thermonuclear mushroom cloud. Only now, ballistic missiles launched from land and submarines will deliver most of the warheads. Aircraft will be held in reserve for back-up strikes if needed.
The Muslim leaders realized after the Yom Kippur War that another strategy had to be adopted. The leaders surmised that Israel had to be weakened by reducing its borders to an indefensible size. Only then could they overwhelm the hated “Zionist entity” and annihilate it.
The Muslim world also realized that they had to work toward matching both Israel’s nuclear arsenal and missile delivery systems. They wanted to become able to attack with all kinds of weapons of mass destruction—chemical and biological as well as nuclear. So missile development, along with nuclear development, became top priority for nations like Pakistan, Iraq, Libya—and now Iran and Syria.
New Kind of War
In the meantime, Israel is facing a new kind of threat that is potentially more dangerous than the military threats of the past. The Arab world has succeeded in framing the debate over the Middle East as a struggle between “the downtrodden Palestinians” and the powerful, heavily armed Israelis. Somehow they have convinced the world that Israel, with six million citizens, is bullying the Muslim nations of the Middle East, which have some two hundred and forty million citizens. The Islamic world has also covered over the fact that there are over a billion Muslims worldwide that are sympathetic to the “Palestinian” cause.
The new weapons of conquest are carefully crafted propaganda slogans like, “Land for peace!” “The legitimate rights of the Palestinians!” “End the Israeli aggression!” “End the ‘occupation’ of Palestinian land!”
These familiar pieces of propaganda have been all too readily taken up and spread by a Western media that have little concern for the facts of history in this region.
The shocking tragedy is that some Israelis, like the late Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Perez, played along with these myths, even they knew they were not true. They led Israelis, who were understandably tired of war, along with them into the folly of the Oslo Agreement. They decided that peace, no matter the risks, was worth a try.
More and more Israelis are willing to be deceived into turning over lands in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights to the Palestinians in exchange for their “promises of peace.” The vast number of recent Jewish immigrants does not have the same awareness of the dangers facing Israel from her neighbors as the Sabras (native-born Israelis) who have fought through most of the previous wars.
The Oslo Agreement set up a suicidal process that could lead to the destruction of Israel, according to independent objective military and intelligence experts.
Minimum Territory for Survival
Back in 1967, when the level of military technology and sophistication available to the Arab states was much lower than now, a Pentagon study found that Israel, at a minimum, needed control of the Golan Heights, the land east of Jerusalem to Jordan River, the central West Bank territory of the Jordan River, and part of the Sinai, including Sharm e-Sheikh.
More recently, intelligence expert Joseph de Courcy concluded, “The absolute minimum territory Israel requires to deter war is the territory it is controlling today.”234 This conclusion was drawn from an extensive report made by two prestigious military think tanks.
In the late 1970s, Israel agreed to give up the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in exchange for a peace treaty. Many military and intelligence experts agree that further land concessions would leave Israel with indefensible borders and no effective conventional deterrent against attack.
Notice the emphasis on the word conventional. This is because Israel still has its non-conventional form of deterrence—nuclear weapons. And as we saw in Moshe Dayan’s statement to Golda Meir, with these they have already formed a last-resort-battle-plan known as the “Samson Option.” With the totally indefensible borders into which they are now being pushed, Israel would be quickly forced into launching the Samson Option. Is this really what Western leaders want?
There is within our State Department an appalling ignorance of the true situation in this volatile area. The current American president, Barack Obama, whom I believe is at heart a Muslim, seems to believe that the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian problem is to force Israel
to give into all of the Palestinian demands without even face-to-face negotiations. This thinking willfully ignores that Palestinian leaders are among the most vicious terrorists the world has ever seen. They refuse to renounce their charters, which call for the annihilation of Israel, much less recognize Israel as a state that has a right to exist. They will recognize Israel only as “the Jewish entity.”
Israel’s Hard Choice
Israelis live in the toughest neighborhood in the world. They have no other option but to stay tough and hold on to defensible borders. The citizens of Israel are weary of war, weary of seeing their sons and daughters killed in the prime of their youth. Understandably, there has developed an almost “peace at any price” mentality in many. But Israelis have basically one option, stay tough and fight or pack up and get out of the Middle East. This may sound harsh, but the facts are harsh and clear. Any sign of weakness or lack of resolve only encourages the Muslims to move toward destroying them. This is their irreversible goal. It is a fact that is not going to change, not even by “Obama charm offensives.”
Islam Will Never Accept Israel
The present territorial concessions Israel is being pressured into making have absolutely no chance of appeasing the Muslims. History shows clearly that Israel will never be small enough to satisfy the Muslims. Their real quarrel with Israel has never been about its size, but about its existence on what they believe is sacred Muslim land.
In fact, the Muslim nations really don’t care about the so-called “legitimate rights of the Palestinians.” If that were so, Jordan and Egypt would have created a Palestinian state when they controlled the very territory they are now seeking to force Israel to give away for a state. They would have long ago helped the Palestinians out of the horrible refugee camps. No, it’s the destruction of the Jewish state Muslims are seeking, and Palestinians have simply been used as pawns for achieving that goal.
As I have repeatedly pointed out, this is a blood feud that dates back to the tents of Abraham. That blood feud became an integral part of Islam. The ancient hatred against Israel is now sanctified and nourished by the Koran and the Muslim religion.
Allah’s Honor
The devout Muslim believes that annihilating Israel and removing its occupation of Jerusalem has become nothing less than an issue of “removing an insult to Allah’s honor.”
“The rebirth of the Jewish state right in the midst of the Arab countries is a direct contradiction of Islamic teaching,” explains author Elishua Davidson. “Has not Allah finished with the Jewish people?” And if Allah has predetermined all things, how is it possible that a Jewish state should have come into existence once again?”235
Before his death, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini set Iran on a course of Islamic Fundamentalism from which the government has not deviated. Muslim fundamentalists are determined to do Allah’s will and destroy Israel—thus and proving to the world that the creation of the Jewish state was merely a historical anomaly. Iran is primarily responsible for the worldwide revival of Islamic Fundamentalism. And the so-called “moderate” leaders that have followed the ayatollah haven’t changed the original direction of Khomeini’s revolution one iota.
Despite the continuing “friendship” between Russian leaders Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev with Presidents Bush and Obama, binding agreements between Iran and Russia continue to grow.
The “Treaty from Hell” was formed and put into action in February 1991 under the code name “the Grand Design.” Russia was rightly terrified of Iran spreading the Islamic fundamentalist revolution into the five former Soviet Union republics that are all Muslim. The small state of Chechnya has demonstrated to the Russians how enormous a threat the five larger Muslim republics could pose if controlled by hostile Islamic fundamentalists.
So an exchange was worked out. Iran promised neither to encourage fundamentalism or hostility toward Russia in these states, nor to interfere with Russian “internal attempts” to put down Islamic terrorism whenever it appeared (including Chechnya). In exchange, Russia agreed to the following:
Provide plants, equipment, and expert personnel for the development of nuclear power suitable for conversion to warheads
Support Iranian development of long-range missile delivery systems
Fight alongside Iran against the West in the event of an attack by Western forces
In keeping with this agreement, in late February 1991, 278 of Russia’s best nuclear and missile scientists and technicians moved to Isfahan, Iran, and began helping Iran become a nuclear power.
As of the writing of this book in November 2010, it appears that the Russians achieved their mission. According to many intelligence sources, Iran could be only months from producing one or two nuclear bombs. We know that they have successfully tested a missile capable of accurately delivering a warhead on target more than sixteen hundred miles away. And they are pushing to build ICBMs that can reach the United States. As a result, Russia and Iran (Persia) have moved into the precise roles that Ezekiel chapters 38-39 predicted they would in the “Last Days” power alignments.
Israel in the Crosshairs
All of Israel is now in Iranian missile range—and parts of Europe are in range as well. As I said, Iran is determined to develop missiles that can hit the continental United States. When that happens, we are really in trouble. A fundamental part of the Iranian conceived “Grand Design strategy” is to checkmate the U.S. from coming to Israel’s aid while the combined Muslim nations destroy it.
In April 1991, an intelligence source shared information with me concerning the Iranian “Grand Design” plan. I could not reveal these things until they became public knowledge.
For the next two years after this, I observed the amazingly accurate British-based Intelligence Digest warning about these secret alliances between Russia and Iran. The Digest revealed that because Russia recognized it couldn’t compete with the economic power of the West, it linked itself with the Third World, where it can be the leader. This meant that Moscow had to make alliances with radical Muslim powers on the basis of Russian economic assistance in return for world-class military weapons and co-belligerence toward the West. The Digest confirmed the information about Russia’s fear of Iran spreading Islamic Fundamentalism being the reason for these alliances. The Digest said outright that this meant the “Russians would be compelled to fight alongside the Muslims in the next major Arab-Israeli war.”
The Digest continued, “Since the break up of the Soviet Union this service has consistently argued that Russia236 will eventually return to its traditional role of heading up an anti-Western, predominantly Islamic, Third-World alliance.
“The motivating forces are various and complex, but of primary importance is its need to appease Iran. Only by making a strategic alliance with Iran, in which Moscow backs Tehran’s southerly ambitions (i.e., the conquest against Saudi Arabia and Israel), can Russia ensure its own interests in Central Asia. . . . We now have further information on the Russian-Iranian relationship—this time from sources in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia is, of course, one of the countries most threatened by a Russian-Iranian strategic alliance. This information was confirmed on 26 July (1993) by a report in the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat. According to this report, Russia and Iran are in the final stages of putting together a ‘nuclear cooperation treaty’ under the terms of which Moscow will build two nuclear power plants, train nuclear technicians, and set up a nuclear research facility in Isfahan.”237
Today, that work has been basically completed. Iran will soon have a nuclear arsenal. It’s only a matter of time, unless Israel takes matters into its own hands and attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israel cannot count upon the “do nothing but talk” Western powers headed by President Barack Hussein Obama.
A factor that most Western leaders are failing to take seriously is the Shi’ite prophesy believed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahma
dinejad. Their beliefs enormously increases, the danger of allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons. It puts all that I have previously said into an entirely new dimension.
President Ahmadinejad has publicly telegraphed his intentions many times recently. He has boasted on many occasions that “Israel will soon be wiped off the map.” Like Western leaders’ attitude toward Hitler before World War II, no one believes Ahmadinejad really means this threat. But I believe him. This is why he has defied the UN and all Western attempts to stop his headlong race to get nuclear weapons. He believes Allah has chosen him to play the key role in starting a global war that will cause the Muslim messiah called the Mahdi to return.
One of the most effective CIA agents the United States ever tasked to spy on Iran is Reza Kahlili, a former member of the Republican Guards. He is no longer active with the CIA since he left Iran, but he risked his life to warn the United States about the danger posed by the prophetic beliefs of the Iranian leadership. What he says is so important that I am going to quote him extensively.
Ken Timmerman, writing for Newsmax, filed the following report:
Kahlili warned that the consequences of misunderstanding the ideology of Iran’s clerical rulers could be disastrous.
“The ruling clerics, the fanatics right now in power, truly believe in the return of the last Messiah, the Shiites’ 12 th imam, the imam Mahdi,” he said.
“This is not a joke. This is not a story. This is not something in comic books. They are counting the days for the reappearance.”
“Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei both believe that their actions can hasten the return of the 12 th imam.
“They believe that if they detonate nuclear bombs over Israel and the Persian Gulf, bringing horror and a breakdown in the global economy, this will result in the Imam Mahdi coming out of a whale riding a white horse, killing the rest of us,” Kahlili said.