The Everlasting Hatred
Page 24
142 Norman Stillman, The Jews of Arab Lands (Philadelphia, 1979), 17.
143 Peters, Ibid., 144.
144 Guillaume, Ibid., 47-48.
145 Ibid.
146 Ibid.
147 Philip Hitti, The Arabs: A Short History (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1996) (emphasis added).
148 Guillaume, Ibid., 49-50.
149 Ali Dashti, 23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Muhammad (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985), 86.
150 Peters, Ibid., 145.
151 Wall Street Journal, December 18, 1992. (Hamas leader apparently quoted this as representative of the Hamas charter.)
152 Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial (New York, Cambridge, Philadelphia, San Francisco, London, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sidney: J. KAP Publishing, reprint 2000), 33.
153 Tom Fontanes, Islam, A History (Special Report for Countdown Magazine: October 1991). To my knowledge, the full report was never published, but I express my gratitude for many valuable insights obtained from this work.
154 George Grant, Blood of the Moon (Wolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers: 1991), 64.
155 Chuck Missler and Don Stewart, The Coming Temple (Dart Press: 1991), 65.
156 Grant, Ibid., 59.
157 Peters, Ibid.
158 Deuteronomy 28:64-66 NASB.
159 Peters, Ibid., 34.
160 Ibid., 38.
161 Peters, Ibid., 36.
162 Ibid., 37.
163 Ibid.
164 Ibid., 39.
165 New York Times, July 27, 1992.
166 Adam Parfrey, Extreme Islam: Anti-American Propaganda of Muslim Fundamentalism (Los Angeles, Feral House: 2001), 291-292 (emphasis added).
167 Historian/Author in 1985.
168 Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in Germany, 1937.
169 There is much factual material and numbers in this chapter. For some, it may be laborious to read. But I believe it will be worth the effort to have a balanced understanding of the true Middle East Problem.
170 Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, (New York, Harper & Row: 1984), 25.
171 Facts and Logic About the Middle East Report (San Francisco, 1992).
172 Peters, Ibid., 116.
173 Ibid., 71.
174 Ibid., 80.
175 Mitchel G. Bard & Joel Himmelfarb, Myths and Facts: A Concise Record of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Near East Reports, Washington: 1992), 120.
176 Ibid., 133.
177 Ibid., 78.
178 Ibid., 79.
179 Bat Ye’or, The Dhimmi (New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: 1985), 146.
180 Ibid.
181 Peters, Ibid., 174-175 (emphasis added).
182 John Hayman & Joseph von Egmont, Travels (London, 1759), cited by Katz in Battleground.
183; Abdel Razak Kader, who is an Arab and not a Jew, said this in a 1969 speech.
184 Sydney Nettleton Fisher, The Middle East (New York: Alfred A. Knoff, Ohio University, 1967), 94-95.
185 Robert Goldston, The Sword of the Prophet (New York: Dial Press, 1979), 101.
186 Ibid., 101-104.
187 Bat Ye’or, The Dhimmi, (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1985), 371-372.
188 Ibid., 107-108.
189 Ibid., 109 (emphasis added)
190 Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial (New York: Harper & Rowe, 1984), 152.
191 Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad (New York: American Publishing Company, 1869). It is written of this book, “The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims’ Progress was published by American author Mark Twain in 1869. . . . It was the best selling of Twain’s works during his lifetime.”
192 Ibid., 167.
193 Ibid., 201.
194 Ibid., 213.
195 Ibid., 173.
196 Samuel Katz, Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine (New York: Steimatzky & Shapolsky, 1985), 120.
197 Ibid., 121.
198 Ibid., 121-123.
199 Ibid., 46.
200 From Benjamin Disraeli’s speech to Parliament in favor of allowing Jews to be admitted to hold office in the Parliament without swearing an oath of allegiance to the true faith of Christianity. He was admitted into parliament and later became Prime Minister because he was a Jewish convert to Christianity.
201 Barbara W. Tuchman, Bible and Sword (New York: Ballantine Publishers, 1984), 121.
202 Ibid., 122.
203 Thomas B. Macauley, History of England, Vol. 1 (Philadelphia, 1861), 71.
204 Tuchman, Ibid., 132.
205 Ibid., 141.
206 Ibid., 146.
207 Ibid., 178.
208 Ibid.
209 Ibid., 213.
210 Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial (New York: Harper & Row, 1984), 91.
211 Ibid., 311.
212 Ibid., 316.
213 Ibid.
214 David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace, (New York: Avon), 298.
215 December 2, 1918, Toynbee minute: Foreign Office Papers; 371/3398, Amold Toynbee agreed with the Mandate: “It might be equitable [to include in Palestine] that part which lies east of the Jordan stream, at present desolate, but capable of supporting a large population if irrigated and cultivated scientifically . . . The Zionists have as much right to this no-man’s land as the Arabs, or more.” Cited in Martin Gilbert, Exile and Return,115.
216 Barbara W. Tuchman, Bible And Sword, (New York: Ballantine Publishers, 1984), 339.
217 See the full text of this agreement in Appendix A.
218 Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial (New York: Harper & Rowe, 1984), 421.
219 Ibid., 238-239.
220 Ibid., 239.
221 Ibid., 240.
222 Ibid., 247.
223 Ibid., 249.
224 Ibid., 251.
225 Ibid., 259.
226 Ibid., 275.
227 Ibid., 299.
228 Ibid., 333.
229 Ibid., 336.
230 Jerusalem Post International Edition, December 19, 1992, 11.
231 Jeremiah 31:35-36 NIV
232 Not his actual name.
233 Seymour M. Hersh, The Samson Option (New York: Random House, 1991), 222-223.
234 Intelligence Digest, July 29, 1992.
235 Elishua Davidson, Islam, Israel and the Last Days (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1991), 92.
236 Intelligence Digest, August 1993.
237 Ibid.
238 Ken Timmerman, Newsmax, July 8, 2010.
239 Ezekiel 38:3-16.
240 Sharon Nader Sloan and Beth Kennedy, “We Have Been Had,” commentary in Israel Insider, May 27, 2002 (emphasis added).
241 NASB, (emphasis added).
242 NASB, (emphasis added).
243 Matthew 24:21-22 NIV.
244 Daniel 12:1 NIV
245 Isaiah 24:3, 5-6 NASB.
246 Luke 21:24 NAS (emphasis added).
247 Zechariah 12:2-3 (literal translation from Hebrew).
248 Ezekiel 36:5, summary of God’s warning.
249 Ezekiel 36:1-8 NAS, (emphasis added).
250 Ezekiel 36:22, 24 NAS.
251 Ezekiel 38:6.
252 Ibid., 38:15.
253 Ibid., 39:2.
254 Ibid., 38:8
255 Walter Chamberlain, The National Resources and Conversion of Israel (London, 1854).
256 Louis Bauman, Russian Events in the Light of Bible Prophecy, (Philadelphia: The Balkiston Co., 1952).
257 See Ezekiel 38:5-6. Persia is Iran; Put (Hebrew word erroneously translated Libya) is forefather of the Muslim North African people of Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania; Cush is the Hebrew name for the forefather of all the black African people; Gomer is thought to be a forefather of various Balkan and European peoples; Togarmah, a son of Gomer, is the forefather of the Turkic peoples such as Tur
key, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. The important thing is that all of these people are Muslims today.
258 Ibid., 38:5.
259 Revelation 16:12-16.
260 Revelation 9:14-16. This awesome army all come from east of the Euphrates River, which was the ancient boundary-line of the Near East and the Far East or Asia.
261 See Daniel 8:20-22. The first King of Greece was Alexander the Great. The “four horns” that took over his Empire at his death were Lysimicus, Seleucus, Cassander, and Ptolemy.
262 Daniel 7:27 NASB, (emphasis added).
263 Revelation 17:18. The Greek verb is present tense, which literally means, “is reigning over the kings of the earth” (emphasis added).
264 See Daniel 9:26 where it predicts “the Prince that shall come” will be from the people who destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the Temple), which happened in A.D. 70 with Titus of Rome and the Roman Tenth Legion.
265 Revelation 17:12-13 NASB.
266 Hal Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing, 1970), 94-97.
267 Revelation 13:7-8 NASB.
268 Revelation 13:3-4.
269 Daniel 9:27.
270 Revelation 13:4 NASB (emphasis added).
271 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.
272 Matthew 24:15-22.
273 Daniel 11:40-45 NASB (explanations and emphasis added).
274 He is the second beast of Revelation 13:11-18.
275 Revelation 14:20.
276 Ezekiel 39:6 NIV.
Aaronson, Aaron, 166
Abdullah (Feisal ibn-Hussein’s brother), 187, 188, 190
Abdullah (Mohammad’s father), 93, 95–96, 97
Abdullah (Mohammad’s son), 98
Abdulmutallab, Umar, 11
confirming Isaac as heir, 41—42, 75
death of his father, 71–72
God’s covenant with, 16, 17–23, 37, 41, 44–45, 77
God’s deed to Israel, 22–27, 29–30
Islamic teaching on, 85–86
Keturah and six children, 74–75, 84–85
requirement to leave his country, 18, 23, 38, 71–72
understanding of God’s covenant, 27–28
Abraham’s son question
Abraham and Sarah, 38, 57–58
Abraham’s lapse of faith, 38–3 9, 48, 56–58
God appears to Abraham and Sarah, 39–40, 41, 65, 258 n 30
Isaac’s birth, 40, 41–42
Muslim belief vs. Biblical history, 37–38
See also Isaac Acre, Palestine, 155, 156
Afghanistan, 10
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 13, 82, 214, 230
El-Ahram (newspaper), 137–38
Alexander the Great, 84, 158, 232, 270 n 261
Al Quds, 223
Amalek (Esau’s descendant), 79–80
Amillennialism, 28, 33
Amina (Mohammad’s mother), 96
Ammon (Lot’s son), 74
Amos, 80
Anderson, Sir Norman, 98
The Antichrist, 233–37
biblical anticipation of, 18–19
of British, 192–96, 197–98
and Jews’ right to Israel, 28–30
in Middle Eastern literature, 137–39
Arabia, Jews of, 110–11
Arabia Petra region, 87–88
Arab-Israeli conflict, Biblical basis for, 16–23. See also Abraham’s son question covenants
Arab propaganda
negotiations based on, 147–48
Palestinian refugees as tool for, 147, 182, 207–8, 210
Western inability to see through, 127
Bedouins, 60–62, 89, 90, 96–97, 119–20, 181
beliefs about Israel, 149
and British, during World War I, 166–69
culture of, 88–90, 124–25
democracy vs. Arab culture and Koran, 9–10, 89, 109, 125
and epileptic seizures, 101
and Esau’s descendants, 77, 78–82
inability to succeed in Palestine, 163, 164–65, 180
and Jews victimized by Romans, 113–15
land distributed to, by British, 182–83, 185, 187–89
and “Last Days,” 20–22, 81, 220–21, 226–27
Ottoman Turks vs., 159
religion pre-Islam, 90–93
riots of 1936–1939, in Palestine, 197
social structure, 60–64
treatment of dhimmis, 119, 132–39, 148–49, 151–53, 154
violence as endemic, 77–79, 83, 86–87, 89–90
warring nature of, 56, 59–60, 86–87, 259 n 52
See also Islam; specific people, places, and events
Arafat, Yasser, 117, 216
Araturk, Mustafa Kemal, 10
el Arav (Egyptian newspaper), 216
Arizona-Mexican border, 12
and Abraham’s lapse of faith, 39
Ahmadinejad as supporter of, 13
Biblical prediction of, 14, 70, 74, 220–25, 235–37
and Iran’s nuclear weapons program, 7, 13, 82, 211–13
Samson Option, 13, 199, 206, 208–9
See also “Last Days”
Asharq al-Awsat (Saudi daily), 213
Asian confederation as sphere of power, 230–32
Assyrian dispersion of Israel, 110–11
Augustine, 28–29, 30
Babylonian dispersion of Jews, 111–12
Babylon, treatment of Jews in, 134–35
Badr, Battle of, 116
Bakr Sedeik, Abu, 128, 129
Balaam (apostate prophet), 21
Balfour, Arthur James, 178–79
Balfour Declaration
announcement of, 178
Britain’s failure to honor, 193
and Feisal-Weizmann Agreement, 243
passage in Parliament, 182–84
political justification for, 182
and San Remo Conference, 245–46
Zionist celebration, 179
Ben Gurion, David, 47
Ben-Zvi, Itzhak, 118
the Bible
covenant-making ritual, 24–27
divine origin, 103–4
genealogies, 53, 75, 83–85
on Jews as chosen people, 17–23, 41–43, 47, 53–55
LORD, use of, 28, 258 n 25
Puritans’ study of, 171, 173
on religious passions, 223
on sacrifice of Isaac, 130
on Satan, 263 n 119
on scattered bones of house of Israel, 35
on Sodom and Gomorrah, 73–74
“the god of this age” and hatred of Jews, 20
on “true Israel,” 29–30
See also covenants
specific books of the Bible, prophets, and events
Biblical prophecies
The Antichrist, 233–37
dispersion of the Jews, 30–31, 111–13
of Esau’s future, 77
false allegorizing of, 28–29, 30, 32–34
famine in Egypt, 49
of gentile empires, 232
to Hagar and Ishmael, 58–64, 86, 90
on Jews’ possession of Palestine, 27, 50
judgment of Edom, 80
on Messiah, 21–23, 51–52
on power from the north, 35, 215, 226, 228–29, 235–37, 270 n 257
recognition of, in England, 172–73, 175–77
source of, 102–4
and timing for restoration of Israel, 156
Tyre’s destruction, 84
See also Armageddon
“Last Days”
Second Coming of Jesus
Bin Laden, Osama, 140
border porousness, U.S., 12
born again opportunity, 238–39
govina, 162
as accessories to extermination of Jews, 196–99
on alliances between Iran and Russia, 212–13
England as haven for Jews, 174–75
fascination with Holy Land, 170–71
and Jewish vs. Arab migration to
Palestine, 192–96
Jews banned from England, 171–72, 174
and land bridge in Middle East, 160
as Mandatory of Palestine, 188–98, 245–55
Middle Eastern land distribution, 182–83, 185
Muslims and Methodists in, 6
punishment for betraying Jews, 198–200
and Puritans’ plan for Jews, 172–75
and World War I, 166–69, 179
Canaan, 45–46, 47, 71–73, 85
Canaanites, 27, 45, 79
Cartwright, Joanna and Ebenezer, 172
Cheney, Dick, 8
China, 231–32
Christians and Christianity
Abraham as spiritual father, 19
in Arab lands, 113–15
born again opportunity, 238–39
false allegorizing of God’s covenants, 28–29, 30, 32–34
and Jewish conversion theory, 172–75, 176–77
and Jews, 170
and Khaliph Omar, 129, 131, 132
Mohammad’s beliefs about, 100–101
as targets of Islamic Fundamentalism attacks, 139–40
Churchill, Winston, 185, 198
Cold War era, 4–5
Conference of San Remo (1921–22), 168–69, 188, 245–56
Da Costa, Isaac, 33
de Courcy, Joseph, 1, 208
Abraham’s understanding of God’s covenant, 27–28
confirming Isaac as recipient, 41–45, 66
covenant-making ritual, 24–27
current events and, 35–36
Ezekiel on, 32
false allegorizing of God’s covenants, 28–29, 30, 32–34
God’s covenant with Abraham, 16, 17–23, 37, 41, 44–45, 77
Jesus on heirs of His covenant with Abraham, 85–86
land covenant, 22–27, 29–30, 196–99, 225, 227–28
overview, 25–26, 201, 220
Puritans recognition of prophecies, 172–73
as revoked and given to the Church, 171
Cromwell, Oliver, 174
and England, 171–72
final Crusade led by king of France, 155–56
influence on Puritans, 172
and Islamic culture, 126–27
and Replacement Theology, 29
as unifier of Arabs, 62–63, 129
Cunningham, Randy, 206
cyber attack at Iran’s nuclear facility, 217–19
Daniel, 221–22, 231, 232–33, 235–37, 270 n 263