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Defying the General (Primarian Mates Book 4)

Page 5

by Maddie Taylor

  He smiled, watching her with patent amusement, but it faded as quickly as it arrived when she swallowed and licked away the trace of juices left behind on her lips.

  His gaze rose to slowly to hers clearly perceiving what lay on the nearby tray wasn’t the sustenance she needed. Whispering softly, the rumble of his voice washed over her making every nerve ending come alive from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, and in all the needy places in between. Then, he covered her mouth with his own.

  As quick as a spark to tinder, she went up in flames, and all resistance evaporated as the heat of her desire for him engulfed her. Strong arms enveloped her body, slamming her into his chest, her breasts flattened from the tightness of his embrace. Lana’s hands found their way up his back and into his hair, reveling in the thick strands that were as silky soft as she expected.

  A husky groan rolled out of him, and he clutched her closer, as though he would meld her body to his. Lips partook, tongues entangled, and Lana became lost in the most deliciously arousing kiss she’d ever had. A whimper caught in her throat when he drew away and let them come up for air. With her thoughts muddled from the haze of uninhibited passion he evoked in her, she gazed up into his blue-green eyes.

  No, they were different yet again. The dilated centers had become pools of black pushing out the lighter blue hues until only a ring of green remained. They seemed to glow with a luminescence, unlike anything she’d seen anywhere on Earth.

  The realization of why, because he was not like her, but an alien being from an unknown world who had chased and captured her for an unknown purpose. Well, other than the one they had embarked on moments ago. And deprived of a cock for three-long years, slut that she was, she was kissing him, clinging to him, readily opening her lips as she would no doubt open her thighs in surrender if she continued along this seductive path.

  “No,” she whispered raggedly. Releasing his hair, Lana tore free from his arms and stood up.

  He was on his feet the next instant, saying something intensely passionate, his voice lower and huskier than usual. And, he curled his hands around her shoulders, pulling her into him while he lowered his head, his lips parted for more kisses.

  “I said, no,” she said with more conviction. “I’m a scientist, here on a vital mission, and won’t be so easily seduced by your handsome face, soft touches, and seductive kisses.”

  With his fingers splayed wide, he glided them down her back, one staying high, while the other dipped low and drew her against him, so close they touched from chest to knees. She leaned back, trying to get leverage by pushing with all her might against his wide shoulders. When she gained not an inch, she twisted to get free—also an ineffective move. She was no match for his superior strength.

  “Stop. I don’t want this, you great behemoth of an alien!”

  Forgoing her protesting lips, the stubborn man dipped his head and nuzzled her neck, the next moment spreading warm wet, openmouthed kisses along her throat. Lana’s nipples peaked and the space between her legs—long neglected by anything other than a cold, unfeeling, mechanical device—flooded with liquid desire.

  Despite her insistence that she wouldn’t succumb, she wanted to, badly. She could so easily let him take what he wanted and end her freaking long sexual dry spell. And what a way to break out of a slump than with a smoldering hot, gorgeous man. And well-endowed—the length of him had been digging into her belly, although she’d been trying to ignore it.

  What’s wrong with you? her mind cried out. You’re on a mission to save your people, and have a duty to fulfill, which doesn’t include hopping into bed with the first sexually compatible life form you encounter.

  Her body hummed in response. It’s been three long years. One night of fucking isn’t going to be the end of the world.

  But it could very well be. The Earth had been in bad shape when they left so long ago, it was likely in peril, now.

  A tug at the zipper of her flight suit was the motivation she needed for rational decision-making to return. If he got her clothes off, she was toast.

  Her knee came up sharply and met a solid target. She heard a groan in her ear an instant before his hands slid away. When he rocked back, she pushed him for good measure and sprang from the bed, bolting for the door of the tent.

  Beyond it lay the camp filled with other giant aliens. Her plan wasn’t well-thought-out at all, but she’d deal with step two when she got outside.

  Lana was reaching for the flap of material that served as a door when hard hands caught her around the waist and spun her to face him. Once again, as though she were weightless, she was tossed over his shoulder. She cried out in frustration, pounding her fists against his back.

  “Put me down.”

  An instant later, he did, but not how she wanted. He set her on her feet as he took a seat on the bed. She caught a glimpse of angry black eyes—yes, black! He was so livid not a speck of blue or green remained. Then, her vision was filled with nothing but her hair hanging in her face as she landed on her belly across his thighs with her bottom pointed up in the air.

  “What are you—? Oo!” Her question broke off into an exclamation of surprise when with a loud crack a hard smack fell across both rear cheeks.

  She swept the hair from her face and twisted around. His hand, huge like the rest of him, was raised in the air and coming down in a sweeping arc toward her—

  “Ow!” she cried as another crack sounded. Searing heat blossomed across her skin beneath the thinness of her flight suit which offered little protection. “You can’t seriously be spanking me for defending myself,” she protested while kicking her legs to get free. But he didn’t so much as flinch, nor did he pause as he delivered five more sizzling swats to her targeted behind.

  Her hand flew to her bottom to shield herself from another, but it was unnecessary—he stopped.

  She found herself perched upright on his lap the next instant. His darkly powerful eyes locked on hers as he shook his head in the universal negative. She stared, unblinking until she realized his other hand gripped the knee she’d sent careening into his groin. Lana didn’t need to know his language to understand his message; no more knees to the pills or her ass would pay the price.

  A rush of heat flooded her face. She wasn’t a violent person, but she’d clawed, punched, and kicked him. What was next, a bite? Desperate people committed desperate acts. Still, she felt a niggling sense of shame for causing him pain. While peering back at him, she watched as the blackness in his eyes receded and his features softened.

  When he reached for her and she stiffened, he paused, his lips dipping into a frown. Was there regret now? Perhaps the slightest misgivings over her stinging backside and for frightening her?

  More slowly, his hand rose to her face, his touch gentle when his thumb swept lightly across her cheek. He held it up where she could see the wetness of the tears she didn’t know she’d shed. He pressed his thumb to his mouth, not tasting which would be weird, but in a more poignant sense, with his lips pursed as though he would kiss them away.

  A warm melty feeling came over her—damn him. How could he spank her ass one moment and make her want him the next?

  She was moving once more and experienced another oomph. This time when she landed, it was on his chest, on top of him, in the bed. Staring down at him, she was amazed by his soft smile, his moods as changeable as his eyes. Lana blinked, temporarily disoriented when he suddenly rolled with her in his arms and took the dominant position. With him on top, his knees straddling her hips, she stared up at him, his long lustrous hair falling to one side like a dark curtain. She marveled over how his masculine beauty took her breath away every time.

  With purposeful intent, his hand came to the top of her zipper and began to slide it down, his eyes never leaving hers. She shook her head, to which he nodded, and continued right on. She made a move to stop him, but her hands were stuck, held above her head, pressed into the bed, both contained by only one of his.

She hadn’t any recollection of when he’d done that. “You’re very experienced at taking what you want, aren’t you?”

  He chuckled, though he couldn’t know what she’d said.

  But it didn’t matter, not when he bent and put the tip of his tongue in the vee of her open zipper and licked up her sternum. It left a hot trail of burning arousal in its wake. Her breathing paced faster, as he dipped into the hollow of her throat, then licked up the side of her neck to her jaw. He continued until he took her earlobe between his teeth, nipping then soothing away the sting.

  She sucked in a gulp of air because at the same time his hand slid into her open flight suit and curled beneath her breast. Warm and confident, he stroked her long-neglected flesh until her back arched in open invitation for him to take more, which he did by moving his thumb and forefinger up to claim the tight peak with firm pressure.

  “Oh my God,” Lana cried out. “I can’t take it anymore. I don’t care if you are an alien barbarian. I want you. No, I need you. Now.”

  Her hands were freed, and her clothing seemed to melt away after that. She couldn’t wait any longer and slid her fingers into his thick silky hair while his moved in hot caresses over her bare skin. Lana didn’t protest when his hands slipped into the space between her thighs and spread them wide or when he bent his head and claimed what she wanted him to take most of all.

  “Fuck!” Lana cried breathlessly. Although not usually one to curse, the sensations he was creating were so exquisitely and intensely pleasurable, it slipped out. But she wanted more. After so long without, she wanted everything. Her fingers tightened into fists in his hair, and she raised her hips pressing her needy pussy more fully against his mouth, asking with her body what her words could not. Still, she uttered them in a shaky, husky, passion-filled gasp, “Fuck me, please.”

  He couldn’t possibly misunderstand her plea.

  But she didn’t argue when he bent her knees to her chest, giving him full access to every square inch of her pussy. He licked, swirled, and delved, devouring her like a starving man. She would have preferred to make it last longer, but being without for an eternity, and primed expertly by his tongue, she teetered on the edge. The nudge sending her careening over it happened the next moment. With the inward glide of one incredibly long finger, she exploded in a screaming, body-shaking, gushing orgasm.

  When he didn’t let up, her body shuddered and convulsed, bucking against the persistent pressure of his mouth. He growled out a command, his words vibrating against her clit with his lips locked around it. A single finger sliding in and out became two, and the first climax morphed into another. A third quickly followed when he pressed the tip of his pinky into the never-before-claimed hole between her bottom cheeks.

  Panting, sweating, and shaking like a leaf in an oncoming storm, she collapsed weakly beneath him. At last, he seemed satisfied and released her clit with a pop. His fingers eased out of her drenched channel, and he kissed her inner thigh, his beard brushing lightly against her sensitive skin.

  He pushed up with his arms and propped over her, his hands on either side of her head, staring down with a broad sexy grin. Then, he lowered just his head, lips glistening with the proof of her pleasure, and kissed her. She’d tasted herself on a lover once before and didn’t like it. But on him, the flavor was different, more of him than her, and delicious. Her head came off the bed as she sought more, and when he gave it to her, she swore she tasted his smile.

  He lingered for long, heart-pounding moments before his head inched back enough for his gaze to sweep over her heated face, and he whispered something. Nothing had magically changed during phenomenal oral sex, she still couldn’t understand him. He rolled off, and dropped to her side, but not without first grabbing a thin covering from the foot of the bed and pulling it over them. To her surprise, he did nothing more than gather her in his arms and settle beside her—that’s it—as if done for the night.

  Puzzled, Lana angled her head to see his face.

  He met her gaze, a small smile on his full lips, and shook his head. He then flipped her on her opposite side, which placed her injured thigh on top, and spooned his long body behind her. His rigid erection lay between them, as good as branding her bottom with its heat, but he evidently planned to ignore it, and expected her to as well, because he extended a long arm and extinguished the oil lamp on the bedside table.

  Lana reflected on this unexpected turn of events for a long time, well past when his breathing slowed and deepened. It made no sense why he'd go to the trouble of stripping her, giving her exquisite pleasure three times over, only to deprive himself of the same. Especially when the proof of how much he wanted her, even while sleeping, was pressed hard against her backside.

  “Aliens,” she scoffed quietly.

  Surrendering to the fatigue plaguing her since her mad dash through the forest, Lana allowed her body to relax. In doing so, she edged closer to the man behind her. Lying close in the heat should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t, and she didn’t try to move away. His heavy arm at her waist partially to blame, but also because being surrounded by his strength brought her an odd sense of security. He was her captor and everything leading up to this moment told her to fight, run, and escape. Still, she felt a weird intuition—call it gut instinct—he could be trusted to keep her safe.

  She huffed a small, tired laugh, chalking her bizarre rationalization up to exhaustion, or an oncoming bout of jungle fever, before she, too, fell asleep.

  Chapter Three

  AS THOUGH WEIGHTED with lead, Lana struggled to pry her heavy eyelids open. She managed to crack one a tiny bit but slammed it shut when the bright light sent a piercing pain stabbing through her brain. She stilled, trying to get her bearings. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on a much softer bed than the one she lay on now.

  Bringing her hand up as a shield, she tried again, cracking open one eye ever so slightly, but experienced the same blinding agony. Moaning, she gripped the sides of her head with shaky hands.

  “Dim lights,” a deep voice ordered softly. The man sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place him. “Try opening your eyes again. It should be easier now.”

  Before she could, her body shifted as someone sat on the edge of the bed, the rocking motion causing a sudden and intense wave of nausea. Breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth did nothing for the queasiness. Afraid she might lose the contents of her stomach all over herself and whoever he was, she rolled onto her side.

  Everything ached, including her hair. She drew her knees to her chest, curling into herself while trying to find some relief from the unabating misery. A whimpering moan rose from her dry throat, she couldn’t help it, never recalling ever being so sick.

  A gentle hand stroked up and down her spine. “Lie still. The side effects will pass soon. Try to sleep more if you can.”

  Goose bumps broke out on her skin as awareness suddenly clicked. Like a shockwave, his words—intelligible for the first time—vibrated along her nerve endings. She forgot her distress and needing to make sure her ears weren’t playing tricks on her, she twisted beneath the ultra-soft linen and eased onto her back. With the room darkened, she was able to see the man beside her.

  While gazing into her alien captor’s crystal-clear aquamarine eyes, she asked in a stunned whisper, “Why can I understand you?”

  He took a moment to answer, surprise registering on his handsome face. “You don’t recall being in med-bay?”

  “No. Have I been sick? Is that why my head is pounding and I ache all over?”

  A thick length of glossy midnight hair slid over his shoulder as he shook his head. “That is from teleporting up to our ship. What you are experiencing is an extremely rare adverse reaction. Brief memory lapses occur with those affected sometimes. What is the last thing you remember?”

  Unable to believe the things he was saying, she stared, mouth agape. Her throbbing head whirled with a million questions, but all she could man
age to do was repeat in a high-pitched squeak, “Teleport?”

  To her knowledge, the technology to transfer matter from place to place only existed in science fiction. Originally dreamed up centuries ago, Earth scientists had tried to make it a reality. They conquered getting an object from point A to point B easily enough, but the atoms never reassembled in the original state. Time and again, they wound up with deformed, and, very often, unrecognizable melted blobs at best. At worst, the object burst into flames.

  The fact he spoke as if it was not only possible, but a common occurrence for a race of loincloth-wearing barbarians boggled her mind. She must be dreaming. But when he ran the backs of his fingers across her forehead and down her cheek, the sensations his touch evoked weren’t conjured in a semiconscious sleep state.

  “You’re flushed, though you don’t feel feverish. Perhaps you need something on your stomach.”

  “Feverish?” That would explain a lot. Delirium brought on by a high fever would cause confusion and be the reason behind large chunks of her missing memory. Maybe her wound was more serious than she thought, or she’d been infected by some alien bacteria.

  He mentioned a ship. She glanced around the room. The bed beneath her made its purpose clear. The walls were a soothing sage green, the furnishings in a light beige, but it was huge, easily making up ten of her cramped quarters on the Odyssey. This couldn’t possibly be a ship. If all the staterooms were this size, it would have to be enormous.

  The ceilings were at least twelve feet high, adding to the impression of space, and one wall was made up of several windows, but the glass was hazy, and she couldn’t see what lay beyond the panes.

  When he reached for her again, she recoiled. The sudden movement brought back the misery she experienced upon waking. Despite this, she did a reverse crabwalk across the bed, not stopping until she ran out of room due to the wall behind her.


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