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The American Soldier Collection 2: Mastering the Art of Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I think we need to find out who she is,” Jax stated very seriously and hoped that his brother was on board.

  “Definitely,” Jameson said as they turned to look for Roldolpho.

  * * * *

  It was the end of the evening, and Mariana was exhausted and feeling like an emotional mess. Those two hot guys totally threw her for a loop when they came to her aid with that snobby dick Clover Masters. He was such an asshole and everyone knew it. He also couldn’t hold his liquor. She saw him bombed at numerous parties, and he always hooked up with some dumb-ass chick screwing him for his money or to say that they spent the night at his huge penthouse. Who cares? So why was she still thinking about those two men, Jameson, and Tess said the brother’s name was Jax? Brothers.

  How the hell can I be attracted to two brothers? Not that it’s uncommon for a relationship like that, but me? I don’t even trust men, why would I double my bad odds? They are really good looking. The one appeared rugged and untamed despite his dress shirt and designer pants. The other one, Jax, was a total dominant boss. Not that Jameson seemed wimpy at all, he just seemed more reserved about his masculinity. Jax appeared instantly superior. Definitely out of my league. Men like them don’t date. So why am I so aroused and interested sexually?

  “Excuse me, Sparks, is it?”

  Mariana nearly jumped, slightly off guard at the voice coming from behind her. She turned around to see Freda Mulsberry, a quadzillionaire or something like that, standing behind her. She was dressed so beautifully, a woman in her sixties, adorned in fine jewels and with her own bodyguard who escorted her everywhere. Mariana never met the woman but had served at enough parties to hear about the woman’s money and achievements.

  “Yes, how may I help you?” Mariana asked, and the woman smiled.

  “The name is Freda Mulsberry. It’s nice to meet you, Sparks?”

  “That’s what everyone calls me. It’s nice to meet you, too, Ms. Mulsberry.”

  The woman smiled.

  “Please call me Freda.”

  Yeah right. How’s it going, Freda? Want to hang out sometime and you can show me your collection of people you own? Mariana chuckled to herself. She shouldn’t just assume the woman was a stuck-up rich snob just because the majority Mariana had met were.

  “Won’t you join myself and Roldolpho for a bit? I have something to discuss with you,” she said as she looked her over. Mariana got a funny feeling in her belly. She hoped that the lady wasn’t into some kinky shit and wanted her to participate. It wasn’t like she hadn’t been asked to do some crazy shit at some of these big-shot parties. She lost a few future jobs because of her declining.

  “Don’t worry, honey, it’s nothing bad. No indecent proposals or anything like that.”

  Can she read minds?

  Mariana chuckled then glanced at Tess who shrugged her shoulders, and Mariana walked away with Freda.

  They walked into the private office, and Roldolpho was there and he was pouring some cognac.

  “Such a good job as always, Sparks. I hope Clover didn’t hurt you,” Roldolpho said, and she felt her stomach drop. He was going to fire her. Oh shit, she lost her job because she wouldn’t let some dick wad feel her up, and those two other men had their time ruined because of her.

  “I’m so sorry, Roldolpho. Please don’t fire me. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Whoa, darling, what are you talking about? I’m not going to fire you. None of that situation was your fault. Clover Masters is a dick with legs and even I, who personally like dick, hate him,” Roldolpho stated very femininely with his hand on his hip and the other one snapping his finger in a zigzag motion. Freda covered her mouth and laughed loudly. Mariana stood there in shock.

  “Come sit down, Sparks. Is that really your name?” Freda asked.

  “It’s Mariana actually.”

  Freda smiled.

  “Mariana. Such a beautiful name.”

  “Very beautiful just like her,” Roldolpho said, and she felt her cheeks warm.

  “So, I have a bit of a proposition for you?” Freda began to say and then proceeded to tell her about her escort service. By the time Freda was done talking, Mariana was feeling overwhelmed but interested.

  “I explained to Freda about your immense knowledge of the arts. I was considering discussing with you the possibility of employment here, but seeing as I may not own the place for much longer…”

  “What? Is someone trying to buy you out?” she asked.

  “In a way. That’s not your concern. I think you should consider Freda’s offer. She is completely legit and has emergency assistance in place if needed.”

  “Does this mean you’re taking me off the list as a server for the parties here and elsewhere? You were my connection to other events?” Mariana asked as feelings of dread filled her body. How was she supposed to pay her rent and her college loans? She needed her courier job and this one. “I don’t think that now is the time to take this risk. I already work two jobs. I barely make ends meet for food and stuff.”

  Both appeared shocked, and she was embarrassed for admitting that.

  “I’m fine really. I’m not desperate or anything. God, I’m sorry, I don’t know if this is right.”

  She felt Freda’s hand cover hers, and when she looked up, Freda was smiling.

  “Not to worry. I haven’t discussed payment. You see, my girls, the ones who work for me as escorts, get paid very well for what they do. There are contracts the men have to sign beforehand and I know most of them very well or they have been recommended by other clients. Considering your expertise in the arts, I am certain that your services will be needed for very elite art events at both private and elaborate establishments.”

  “Like at the Rothesburgh gallery?” Mariana couldn’t help but ask.

  “Yes, or even at private estates,” Freda said with a smile.

  “Depending on the event, you can get paid by the hour or by the evening. Three hundred dollars or three thousand dollars or more for the entire evening.”

  Mariana gasped. She was utterly shocked, and then it hit her. This was a trap, a scam, and she would have to put out, she just knew it.

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest and squinted at Freda.

  “I have to have sex with these men if they want it, don’t I?”

  Freda raised her eyebrows at Mariana.

  “No. You do not have to have sex with them. It is not that type of escort.”

  “What if they want to or they try to make me? “

  “You have a panic button per se. If you’re feeling threatened or concerned for your safety, just hit this button and someone will be there to assist you immediately.”

  “How can that be? I mean, is someone escorting me secretly?”

  Freda smiled.

  “Yes. You are never truly alone. It’s part of the fee these men have to pay and it ensures me that my girls are safe. There are others just like you who are trying to pay for school or even help their families out. So what do you say?” Freda asked.

  “I guess I’m in. I need the money and you mentioned that if I don’t like it, then I don’t have to do it again.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Okay, deal,” Mariana said then thrust out her hand for Freda to shake. Freda smiled and shook her hand.

  “Wonderful. Let’s celebrate. To finding love and happiness despite the storms a-brewing.” Roldolpho toasted.

  “What?” Mariana asked.

  He shook his head. “Forget it and let’s drink.”

  She had a funny feeling in her belly. Something told her that this decision might just change her life.

  Chapter 3

  Jax and Jameson were standing in the main office at X-Caliber. They had their small staff, and everything ran so smoothly that neither man really spent much time there. They were usually in the field, confirming that proper procedures were being followed or personally running surveillance. Jameson spent a few days working in the lab at home w
ith new ideas to help protect fellow soldiers with updated technology that cost very little to make. “So why are we here today? What is this all about?” Jameson asked as he leaned back onto the front of Jax’s desk.

  Jax smiled then looked at his watch.

  “Just two more minutes,” he said as the buzzer on the desk went off. Jax smiled as he pressed the button.

  “Let ’em in,” he said in response to his secretary stating that a package arrived.

  The door opened and Jameson locked onto the kid in the skateboarding outfit. He wore sunglasses, a knit hat, and tight jeans with elbow pads and kneepads.

  But then the kid gasped and he realized that it wasn’t a boy, it was a girl, and then it hit him.

  “Sparks?” Jameson said as Jax walked behind her and closed the door. She stood there with a package in her hands and nibbled her bottom lip.

  Jameson looked at Jax then back at Sparks.

  Jax crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared down at her.

  “Take off the glasses,” Jax stated very firmly, and Jameson knew that tone. Jax was in commanding mode and he wanted this woman. Hell, Jameson wanted her, too. She was all he could think about the last few days since the party.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Do as he says, please,” Jameson added, and she released an annoyed sigh. She stepped forward and placed the box on Jax’s desk. Slowly she pulled off her sunglasses. Her cheeks were flushed, but her face was gorgeous, just like he remembered from the other night.

  She pulled out a slip of paper and pointed it toward Jax. “Can you sign this please, Mr. Spaulding?” she asked with a bit of attitude, and Jameson wondered why she was annoyed with them. They had come to her rescue the other night when that asshole tried to touch her.

  “Call me Jax, Mariana,” he whispered, and Jameson felt his chest tighten and Sparks looked shocked. Was that her real name? Mariana?

  She took an unsteady breath as Jax moved closer. He reached for her knit hat as he held her gaze.

  When he pulled the hat off her head an abundance of gorgeous brown curls cascaded over her shoulders. Jameson’s eyes widened.

  “You’re stunning, Mariana,” Jax said then held her hat as he reached toward her face and twirled a curl around his finger. Her lips parted, as she stood there appearing so innocent and delicate as an angel.

  “What do you want?” she asked softly.

  “You,” both Jameson and Jax responded together. Jameson looked at Jax, and they stared at one another a moment. It hit Jameson hard but in a totally good way. His brother wanted to share Mariana. Holy shit, their discussion years ago in the desert was going to become a reality.

  Mariana stepped back, grabbing her hat from Jax in the process.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested.”

  Jameson instantly felt fear and an almost panicked feeling consume him.

  “We want to get to know you,” Jameson said as Jax encroached on her space again.

  “No. I need to go. I need this job,” she said as she reached for the doorknob.

  “When can we see you again?” Jax asked as he pressed the palm of his hand against the door so she couldn’t open it. She stared up at him. Jameson could tell that she was fighting an attraction as she stared up into his brother’s eyes. She was just scared. Of course she was. She looked so young.

  “I’m not that kind of woman and I’m not interested,” she said then stuffed her thick locks of brown hair under the tight knit cap.

  “Please, just leave me alone.” She pulled the door open and started to head out. Jameson felt his gut clench. He had an overwhelming urge to stop her, but he didn’t want to scare her. If she wasn’t interested, then that was that. The thoughts made him feel defiant, as something inside him roared “no.”

  “I’ll just ask for you to deliver something else again tomorrow,” Jax pushed. He was always so persistent. He stood tall, looking down at sweet, petite, Mariana. Jax found out her real name. What else did his brother find out?

  “I’m not interested,” she stated again and walked out. They both watched her as she picked up her skateboard with a stomp of her foot. It flipped up, and she caught it and headed toward the elevator.

  Look back, Mariana. Look back and let me know that you’re even the least bit curious.

  A slow turn of her head as she glanced over her shoulder made Jameson feel triumphant. This isn’t over. In fact, Sparks, it’s only just begun.

  They walked back into Jax’s office and he closed the door.

  “Damn, Jameson, even in fucking skating pants and looking like a boy, she’s hot,” Jax said as he ran a hand through his hair. Mariana got to him. Jameson never saw his brother like this.

  “What’s next?

  “Whatever the cards throw our way. If I’m right, then she’ll be back here sooner than later. Or, we see her at the Rothesburgh on Saturday night. She’ll probably be serving food.”

  “I hope so. She felt the connection or at minimum an attraction to both of us. Does this mean what I think it does, Jax?” Jameson asked with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a dead stare into his brother’s eyes.

  “We’re going to find out. All indications point to a shared relationship with her. I don’t know about you, but my dick is fucking hard. Never, and I honestly mean never, has just meeting a woman made my dick this fucking hard. I want her. I want to touch her, explore that sweet little body of hers, too. You know I always get what I want, Jameson. And if you want her, too, and feel what I’m feeling, I’ll get her for both of us.”

  “Jesus, Jax, she’s not some toy. She’s a person, she’s sweet and seems so innocent and shy.”

  “I’ve seen her toss the bird to a guy behind his back. The woman has a temper on her if pushed too far. I didn’t mean to come across like some pompous rich asshole. All I’m saying is that, she’s going to take some convincing. Maybe’s she’s been hurt before.”

  “Hurt?” Jameson felt his temper rise and defenses instantly go up.

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. Shit, Jameson. This is what we do for a living. We identify the mark, initiate a plan, organize an assault team, and we go in and get that mark. We need to be patient.”

  “You’re telling me to be patient? You’re the ‘I want it in an instant’ guy. I’m the patient one.”

  “Yeah right. I saw you. You wanted to reach for Sparks, pull her into your arms, and kiss her until she complied with our demands.”

  Jameson raised his eyebrows at him then shrugged his shoulders.

  “Her name is Mariana. How’d you find that out?” Jameson asked.

  “It wasn’t difficult. I also found out what company she works as a courier for, obviously. I asked for her to deliver any packages from now on.”

  “We don’t get much from couriers.”

  “We will now. Anything that can ship through that company and that is small enough for Sparks to carry will be delivered by her to us,” Jax said with a very serious expression on his face. Jameson knew his brother well. He was a boss, a leader, and commander even out of the Marines.

  “Okay, so I guess this means I’m forced to go to another one of Darian Rothesburgh’s parties at his gallery. Do you think that obnoxious cousin of his will be there? She can’t take no for an answer.”

  Jax chuckled. “She did take no for an answer the last time.”

  “Her hand was down my pants. There was no warning. She jumped on my lap and shoved her hand right in there. In front of a crowd of people.”

  “It was a sight. But you handled it well?”

  Jameson raised his eyes at his brother as if questioning his recollection of the events.

  “Hey, you didn’t toss her over the couch or onto the floor.”

  “I almost did. Instead I eased her grip off my dick then grabbed her by her wrists and placed her on the side of the couch beside me.”

  “She wasn’t wearing any panties, you know?” Jameson teased.

p; “Yeah, not my kind of woman.”

  “Nor mine, but it did make for a nice chuckle later on.”

  “I think I swore I wouldn’t attend that gallery again, come to think of it.”

  “You’re going, Jameson. Keep your eye on the target. We need to figure out if she’s the one.”

  Jameson thought about that a moment as Mariana entered his mind. He needed to know more about her. He thought about how she brought over those appetizers he had asked about. She didn’t have to do that. Besides, she actually didn’t even flirt with him. It was like she did it just to make him happy. How come there wasn’t a catch? Maybe they were both wrong and maybe Jax and Jameson were the targets. Trust didn’t come easy for Jameson, and now this whole situation just a got a bit more crazy.

  Chapter 4

  Mariana unlocked the door to her apartment. The moment she did, she knew that there still wasn’t any heat working in the crappy apartment. She closed the old door that always had a draft and locked both locks, including the one she installed herself after the multiple muggings and assaults in front of the apartment building.

  She shivered. She was tired, hungry and—damn, I forgot to hit the store.

  She threw her bag and pack onto the small beat-up sofa that came with the apartment. Turning on a light, she looked at the thermostat and shivered some more. Forty-seven degrees? Shit, this is going to be a cold night again.

  The thought of taking a hot shower and washing her hair was all she imagined on the bus ride home. Now, she would be shivering when she got out. Plus she had a test to study for.

  Mariana was feeling the stresses of her daily routine. She looked into the refrigerator. Yogurt or yogurt? There were only two left and both were the same flavor, strawberry.

  She shivered again, grabbed the yogurt, and closed the refrigerator as the cold air made her feel worse.

  She washed her hands with warm water, letting the hot liquid ease the ache from her frozen fingers. She would need gloves to sleep in tonight. Layer upon layer, she wasn’t going to get a good night’s rest.

  She grabbed a spoon then headed toward the couch. She wrapped a throw blanket over her shoulders then sat cross-legged on the couch. She didn’t dare remove her sneakers yet. Her feet would freeze.


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