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Insidious Whispers (The Hunter Diaries)

Page 2

by Serena Zane

  He ran a hand through his short hair. “Why?”

  “Because, I’m its guardian. Besides, you can’t destroy it. No one can.” That wasn’t quite true, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “What do you mean it can’t be destroyed?”

  “Just that.” Beth placed her hands on her hips to keep herself from reaching out to him. Her body was calling out to his. “It’s indestructible.”

  “Great. Just great.” He prowled the small area, looking like a caged tiger. His muscles bunched with each movement and Beth caught sight of the tattoo running down his neck and into the collar of his shirt.

  She shifted nervously. This must be the one meant for her, but why a vampire? And why now? Damn those tomes, they’d brought nothing but trouble for her and her family.

  He turned suddenly and faced her. “I’ve got it.”

  Beth shook her head confused, “Got what?”

  “You’ll come back with me.” He had an eager look on his face, like this solution would solve everything.

  “Come back where?” Beth took a step back and her heel caught on the bookshelf. She grasped the top shelf to steady herself.

  “To the High Council. We can put the book in the Vault. It’s the safest place in either realm. That should solve everything.”

  “No.” Beth squared her shoulders and rose to her full four feet eight inches, glaring at him.

  “No?” He strode forward and towered over her.

  “No, the book stays here.”

  “I’m not leaving here without it, and I’m on a time restriction. So, are you going to hand it over or not?”

  Beth sucked in her breath as his eyes clashed with hers. It was a battle of wills, and she was determined to win. “Not.”


  Before Beth knew what he was doing, he’d turned her against the shelf and grasped both her wrists placing them in flex cuffs.

  He leaned close to her ear. “Now you can’t cause any trouble.” The man pulled her back with him and placed her over by the other shelves. He swept her hair to the side and gently kissed the hollow of her neck. “Behave.”

  Her nipples instantly hardened in response. Beth remained silent. He would learn soon enough.

  The book started to whisper again, little hisses enticing someone closer so it could suck them in. The man reached out and touched the spine of the book and tried to tug it out of the spot on the shelf. It wouldn’t budge.

  “What the Hell?”

  A little smile quirked at the edge of her lips.

  “What did you do?”


  He stormed over to where she stood. “I need that book in the Vault.”

  “And I need to protect the book from those who intend to do harm with it.” She glared right back at him. The man got under her skin. Beth was normally much more levelheaded.

  “Fine. Then you’re coming with me.”


  Before she could say anything more he tossed her over his shoulder, strode to the shelf, grabbed the book, and made to leave the shop.

  “What are you doing?” Beth raised her voice and tried to kick at him with her short legs. “Put me down.”

  “Sorry, can’t. If the book is not going anywhere without you then you come with the book. I have my orders.”

  “Aaah!” Beth let loose a screech of frustration just as she felt the tingling that came along with the opening of the Veil. “Crap, not again.” Beth groaned as she passed through the Veil for the third time in one day. She was going to be sick.

  Chapter Four

  Phoenix ground his teeth together. He hadn’t expected the Guardian to be a woman. Least of all a four-foot-eight bundle of energy that had curves in all the right places and big grey eyes that looked as though they pierced your soul. Damn her. He was having trouble walking with the raging hard-on he’d sported since she’d suddenly appeared in the shop.

  The moment Phoenix felt the Veil part he dropped her on her butt. He wasn’t willing to touch her for another moment, because he knew he wanted to do things to her that were completely inappropriate under the circumstances. Phoenix ran a hand through his short hair and looked around. Just great! They came through the Veil at the Elysium Falls smack dab in the middle of Faeland. That was the problem with the Veil. Unless you were a Fae creature where you ended up when crossing back to the Other Realm was completely random. It was five days to the Fortress from the Elysium Falls and the Other Realm didn’t have motor vehicles. They’d be going on foot, unless he found a willing Fae with some horses to barter.

  Beth rose from the ground and Phoenix kept a close eye on the little spitfire. Her hair fell forward veiling her face for a moment and his fingers itched to brush it back. He shoved his hand into his pocket.

  Beth flicked back her hair as she stood and narrowed her eyes at him shooting little shards of silver daggers his way. She held out her hand and the book shot out of his grip. She caught it and crossed her arms protectively in front of the large tome.

  “You’re an ass.”

  Phoenix just shrugged his shoulders, “I’ve been called worse. Now, are you going to follow willingly? Or will I have to carry you?”

  Beth’s shoulders squared and her stubborn chin lifted, “You wouldn’t dare. It’s five days journey from here to the Fortress.”

  Phoenix took a step towards her intentionally letting his eyes roam dismissively over her body. “You weigh less than nothing. I don’t see it as a problem.” A grin slowly spread across his face and he felt himself twitch at the thought of having her pert little breasts bounce against him again, her tight ass next to his face. He’d be more than happy to let his hand slide up under that loose brush skirt she wore and explore the creamy expanse of her firm thighs and the treasure between.

  Beth held out a hand. “Wait.”

  Phoenix stopped his slow progression forward.

  “I’ll come. You don’t have to force me. But I carry the tome.”

  Sharp disappointment stabbed at Phoenix. Surprise at the keen emotion whipped through him. If she accompanied him willingly then he had no reason to touch her. Damn Fae were always a distraction. “Fine.” He gestured for her to go first. “After you.”

  “I thought you said follow.” An impish smile appeared on her plump lips.

  “Don’t think I trust you behind me, not for a second. Get a move on.”

  Beth stomped in front of him and if possible her chin rose even higher. If she wasn’t careful she would trip over something. Phoenix started after her. She obviously knew where she was headed. He wondered at her background. She wasn’t fully Fae that he could tell from her grey eyes. Fae tended to have either blue or green eyes, and hers were a fascinating silver grey which captivated him. He wondered which parent was the human. Fae were known for visiting the human realm in dreams, but sometimes there was a love match.

  “What’s your name?” Her husky voice drifted back to him as she continued to walk forward. She glanced back at him over her shoulder through thick lashes, and Phoenix took a deep breath.


  She shot him a taunting grin. “It suits you.” She looked forward again. “I’m Beth, but then I assume you already knew that since you were in my shop.”


  She stumbled, and he reached out to steady her. His arm barely touched her elbow, and he pulled back. Touching her was not a good idea.

  Beth tossed another glance his way. “Not very conversational are you?”

  Damn woman, he didn’t want to get any closer to her than he had too. She was a job. “No.”

  Beth shrugged and started humming as she swayed forward almost dancing over the emerald green grass. Her movements i
n time with the wind, she was beautiful.

  Chapter 5

  Prince Arlen knocked again on the ornate door. Why wasn’t she answering? No response came from within. He slid the old-fashioned key into the lock and pressed the heavy wood open. The room lay empty before him. His gaze flashed around taking in the scene, nothing. She was gone. Arlen felt a deep sense of loss and his heart ached.

  Her scent still lingered. There was no way she could have escaped the room on her own. Which meant only one thing; she had help. Arlen narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the area. He would find her, and whoever helped her. She would be his.

  A tingling started on the back of his neck, and Arlen turned toward the door. “Mother.”

  Queen Genevieve stood at the entrance of the room. Her cold gaze taking in the emptiness before her, she said, “I see you’ve failed me, Son.”

  Arlen squelched his response. “She was here. I will find out what happened.”

  “You’d best do so.” She didn’t have to state the implied threat. Statues of failures littered the courtyard from subjects who displeased the Queen. The Queen turned in a swish of diaphanous skirts, her slender figure swirling out of sight and leaving a draft of cold air in her wake.

  Arlen took a deep breath and concentrated. As Prince, he could sense where all their subjects were at any given time, and Beth was one of their subjects whether she wanted to be or not. He closed his eyes. Pieces of landscape flashed before his eyes like the shutter of a camera going off. The Elysium Falls. They were in Faeland. The picture of a man, tall, strong, and mean popped into his line of sight. Phoenix. Damn. The Enforcer was well-known among all creatures in the Other Realm. He was someone you didn’t cross.

  Arlen swore. He had his work cut out for him. If the enforcer had his Beth, he would have to plan his moment carefully to get her back.

  He opened his eyes. There was much work to be done. Beth was his, and he wasn’t about to let the Enforcer take her away from him. Arlen stormed out of the room; he would need supplies.

  Chapter Six

  The cold was starting to get to Beth. While her Fae side rejoiced at being back in the land of her birth, her human half shivered in the frigid weather. If she remembered correctly the town of Epherial was about a half days walk to the east. The same direction they took to the Fortress. There would be a merchant there and she could purchase warmer clothing. Beth squelched her envy of the vampire that followed her every step. Vampires could regulate their internal temperature, so likely, he didn’t feel the cold. Damn him.

  Trees shot up everywhere, and were covered in fluffy white snow. Icicles hung from branches. This was not how she remembered Faeland. When she’d lived here as a youth the warmth of the air would seep into her skin and she could spend hours rolling around in the meadows making daisy chains. The memory was bittersweet as she remembered her mother’s smile and the gentle embrace of her father. A silent tear slipped down her cheek and she quickly dashed it away.

  It had been years, but being here brought back their memories like it was yesterday. Beth missed her parents. She hugged the Tome tighter to her chest, and ignored its whispers to use its secrets to help her out of the situation they were in. As always, it whispered ideas to her. While certainly tempting, she knew better than to turn to Black magic. It was one of the reasons her family had been chosen as Guardians. They were among the few that could resist the insidious whispers of the tome.

  Beth could sense Phoenix behind her. Her body hummed. She wanted him to act on the attraction she knew he felt, but she knew he wouldn’t. Enforcers were driven by their need to fulfill their missions. Driven by duty and honor, they were known among all Other-kind as better left alone. They were the strongest and most powerful of the vampire world. They had to be.

  It was that strength that drew Beth. She admired strength. By the way her senses reacted to his nearness she admired much more than just his strength. The man had a body unlike any she’d ever seen. She wanted to dig her fingers into his muscles and hold on tight as he took her. But she would never voluntarily tell him. Not when something as important as the Tome was on the line.

  She shivered again and felt a coat settle around her shoulders. The heavy weight of the canvas trench warmed her instantly. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” Sunset had begun and colors of red, yellow, purple, and blue filled the sky. “We will make camp here for the night.”

  Beth sat on a log, and wrapped the warmth of his coat around her. She could probably fold the material around her three times. It didn’t take long before he returned, his arms piled high with tinder and a few larger pieces of wood. He dropped it on the ground at her feet.

  “Start the fire. I’ll be back with more wood.” At this he disappeared again before she could speak.

  Beth glared at the sticks in front of her. She hated that he assumed she could start the fire. She could, but to make assumptions was one of her pet peeves. As she bent down to pile the wood together, Beth glanced around wondering where to place the Tome. Everything was covered in snow. The Tome was precious, and though it couldn’t be destroyed the pages could still get wet. The last thing she wanted was to have to protect a book that looked like it’d been dropped in the bathtub. She brushed off a log and once the spot was clear of any snow, she gently placed the tome on top.

  The sticks Phoenix brought lay scattered on the ground only a few feet from the log. Beth grudgingly placed them in a pile, and made sure to gather she gathered rocks to surround the fire and contain the ashes. The frozen wood seemed to taunt her, and Beth rubbed her cold hands together. The damn things were going to catch fire, and she was going to get warm.

  As she concentrated the logs in the small pit started to glow. She furrowed her brow and they ignited. Orange and yellow flames licked at the wood and Beth smiled as warmth reached her outstretched fingertips. She took a few more logs and placed them on the fire.

  A while had passed as she waited for Phoenix to return, and Beth worked on clearing a spot for sleeping. The hour grew late, and shadows crept over the snow. Beth curled up in the cleared area; the soft grass of the Faeland welcomed her and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as Beth lay down. It had been a trying day. Her eyes drifted shut and she slumbered in the warmth and comfort of her homeland.

  Phoenix trudged back to the area where he’d left Beth. He knew she would resent having to start the fire, but he needed to know what kind of powers she had. As he entered the small clearing a grin spread over his face.

  Beth lay curled up on a patch of green grass she must have cleared and the fire glowed strong and warm right beside her. The tiny guardian bundled up in his coat and wrapped it around herself like a blanket. Phoenix felt an oddly protective tug towards Beth, but he shrugged it off. She was an assignment, nothing more. It didn’t matter that he wanted to delve his hands into her long silken hair and pull her against him to take her lips in a kiss she wouldn’t soon forget. No, that didn’t matter.

  With a low growl he approached the spot she’d cleared and sat next to her. He would keep vigil till she awoke. Then they would continue their journey to the Fortress. His eyes took in her still form and he groaned. It would be a long five days. As he watched, she shivered in his coat. Phoenix realized that she must be cold even in the warmth of the fire.

  Faeland was covered in ice, and the chill liked permeated bone deep. Without thinking too much about it, he lay down beside her and drew her small body against his. He regulated his body temperature to warm hers. Her soft curves molded to his body, and Phoenix stifled another groan. The High Council had a sick sense of humor sending him on a mission like this.

  Chapter 7

  Beth snuggled back into the hard warmth behind her then stopped. Her eyes popped open. Crystalline trees met her gaze and white blanketed the ground. She looked down at the arm draped around her middle.
The muscled length rippled slightly and tightened its hold as she tried to remove it from her waist.

  A low chuckle sounded behind her, and Beth turned. Her eyes locked with his and she stopped breathing. She watched as a sexy smile moved across his lips.


  Beth didn’t move, but she did take a deep breath. “Morning.”

  He leaned close and Beth could feel her lips tingle in reaction to his nearness. Regardless of the fact that he was technically her captor her body called out to his. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she pushed against his arms. “Let me up.”

  The heated light closed off in his eyes and he moved back. “Of course.”

  Beth struggled with the conflicting emotions running through her body. A sense of loss swept over her as she scooted away from him on the small patch of grass she’d cleared the night before.

  Phoenix stood and stretched.

  Beth let her gaze roam over his body while he wasn’t looking. Most vampires took on the embodiment of perfection when they turned, and he was no exception. Tall and toned, she wanted to trace his muscled lines with her fingertips and kiss each dip and curve. Beth clenched her hands into tight little balls to keep from reaching out. That wouldn’t be a great idea. In fact, it would be one of her worst ideas. Hands off. She jumped to her feet and went over to retrieve the tome from the icy log.

  “Shall we be off then? The sooner this is over, the better.”

  Chapter 8

  Elysium stretched across the horizon. Thatched house roofs, and the architecture of the Tudor era gave the place an other-world look, which of course, it was. Beth could see the villager’s furtive shapes move from building to building huddled against the cold. A shiver snaked its way down Beth’s spine. She wouldn’t find any help there.


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