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The 8th Western Novel

Page 52

by Dean Owen

  In twenty minutes Sam borrowed a stack from Sandy’s steadily accumulating winnings and departed for the craps table. He wanted quicker action than faro gave him. Luck flirted with him, never entirely deserting him. And Sandy won until the news of his luck spread through the room. The gamblers began to get the hunch that the Three Star man was going to break the bank. Not all at the faro layout attempted to follow his bets. Plimsoll’s roll had never yet been very badly crimped. With the peculiar paradox of their kind, while they told each other that Plimsoll’s game was square, they held the secret conviction that Hahn’s fingers would manipulate the case in an emergency so that the house would win. And they waited feverishly for the time to come when such a show-down would arrive.

  Sandy did not have many chips in front of him, but there were five small oblongs of blue, markers representing five hundred dollars apiece. Hahn laid the fingers of his right hand lightly across the top of the case, the fingers of his left hand curled about it. It had come down to the last turn of the deal again. Every player and onlooker knew what the three cards were—a queen, a five and a deuce. The checking-board showed that the queen had lost twice and won once, the five had won three times and the deuce had won twice and lost once. Most of the players shifted their bets accordingly, the queen to win, the five and deuce to lose. Hahn still waited.

  “Goin’ to call th’ turn?”

  All eyes shifted to Sandy. No one else was going to try to name that combination. If the order of the three cards were named correctly the bank would pay four to one. If Sandy staked all on his call he would win over ten thousand dollars. Plimsoll would have to open his safe. Hahn did not have that amount in his cash drawer.

  The rest—save Sam, now close behind Sandy, with ninety dollars winnings cashed-in—watched Sandy enviously and curiously. Hahn was a wonder. The case might be crooked, the spring eccentric. Plimsoll himself was looking on. Butch Parsons stood beside him for a second and then strolled into the front room. Another man followed him.

  Sandy shoved the markers across the board, followed by his chips. Apparently aimlessly, he hitched at his belt and the two Colts with their tied-down holsters swung a little to the front, their handles just touching his hips.

  “Deuce—queen—five, I’m bettin’,” he said. “An’ deal ’em slow.” His voice drawled and his eyes lifted to Hahn’s and rested there.

  Hahn had been mechanically chewing gum most of the evening. Now his cheek muscles bulged more plainly and the end of his tongue showed for a second between his lips. His right hand dropped and he drew out a deuce. Eyes shifted from Sandy to Plimsoll, to Hahn. Little beads of moisture oozed out on the dealer’s forehead. Plimsoll’s black brows met. Sandy’s face was placid. Breaths were indrawn as Hahn paid out and raked in on the card, his left hand covering the top of the case.

  The atmosphere was charged with intensity. Plimsoll’s dark eyes were boring through the dealer’s lowered lids.

  “Move yo’ fingehs, dealer, an’ reveal royalty,” drawled Sandy. “The queen wins!” His hands were on his hips, fingers touching the butts of his guns, his eyes burned. For all its drag there was a ring to his voice.

  Hahn shot one swift look at him and removed his hand. The queen showed. The room gasped. Plimsoll clapped Sandy on the shoulder.

  “You did it,” he said. “Broke the bank when you called that turn. Game’s closed and the drinks on the house. How‘ll you have it?”

  The crowd made way as Plimsoll walked across to his safe, twirled the combination, opened the doors and took out a stack of bills.

  “Bills from a century up,” said Sandy. “The odds and ends in gold—for the drinks.”

  The excitement was dying down. The man from the Three Star had won and had been paid. Plimsoll’s game was square. A few, reading the slight signs of Hahn’s nervousness, still held some doubts, but the games were closing. The drinks were brought. Two men lounged out into the front room after they had tossed theirs down. Sandy slipped the folded bills into the breast pocket of his shirt in a compact package.

  “See who went out?” asked Sam in his side whisper.

  “Yep. Saw it in the glass of that picture. We’ll go out the back way. Not yet.” He shouldered his way through the congratulating crowd, Sam close behind him, into the front room. It was empty. The short end of Sandy’s winnings still provided liquor. For a moment they were alone. Plimsoll had not followed them. Sandy swiftly socketed the bolt on the inside of the front door, turned the key and slid that into his pocket.

  “Now we’ll go out the back way,” he said. “I ain’t strong fo’ playin’ crawfish, Sam, but I ain’t keen on bein’ potted in the dark. I’ll bet what I got in my pocket Butch is huggin’ the boards to one side of this shack. I got too much money on me to be a good insurance risk.”

  Sam chuckled. Plimsoll met them just inside the door.

  “Makin’ a short cut,” said Sandy. “Good night.”

  As the pair went out at the rear, Plimsoll jumped into the front room. Sam, closing the back door behind them noiselessly, heard the gambler cursing at the bolted door. Silently as a cat, he covered the short distance between the house and the arroyo of the creek and disappeared, merged in its shadow. Sandy joined him and they made their way swiftly along the bottom, climbing the bank where the railroad bridge crossed it, striking off for the main street, lit by sputtery arc-lamps, making for their ponies, still standing patiently outside the all-night restaurant.

  “No sense in runnin’ our heads into a flyin’ noose,” said Sandy. “Plimsoll owns the sheriff. Married his sister. We’d be wrong whatever stahted. They’d frisk me of my roll an’ we’d never see it ag’in, less we made a runnin’ fight of it. Wondeh how much eddication costs nowadays, Sam? What you laffin’ at?”

  “Butch an’ the rest of Plimsoll’s gunmen holdin’ up the shack, waitin’ fo’ us to come out, while Plim is huntin’ that key.”

  “Don’t laff too hard till we git home,” said Sandy. “It’s eleven miles to the Three Star.”

  They mounted, swung their horses and loped off toward the bridge across the creek. There were two spans, one built since the advent of automobiles, the other ancient, little used. They headed for the latter. Passing the end of the street they saw nothing out of the ordinary. The door of the “Good Luck” was open, shown by a square of light. A group stood outside. Sandy and Sam rode off, the ponies’ hoofs silent in the soft thick dust; moving shadows in the twilight, merging with the dark.



  The old bridge, utilized only by wheels with metal tires these days, and by riders, opened a short-cut to the road leading to the Three Star, a way hardly to be distinguished from the plain. Sandy was minded to get back to the ranch as soon as possible with his winnings. Five thousand for Molly, five thousand for the Three Star, that was the agreement, the custom, and he knew the girl’s breed well enough to have no hesitation in making the split as he would with a man. The next thing to do was to pick out a school for her. There Sandy was at a loss. He mulled it over as he rode, his outer senses playing sentinels to his consciousness.

  He had deliberately avoided trouble for reasons he considered quite sufficient, but annoyance pricked him that he had been forced to slide out the back way from Plimsoll’s, for all the odds against him. If it had been his own money—a sudden flash of future responsibilities as Molly Casey’s guardian illumined his thought—if the luck-piece had not been hers, the play for her future welfare, he would have set his own marvelous coordination against Butch and the others in a shooting match, as he had done other times, in other places. Sam, he knew, was wondering a little at their strategic retreat.

  But the old days were going, law and order were beginning to supersede the old methods of every man to his own judgment and action. Hereford had a sheriff who was not above suspicion, but the majority of the people had little use for hi
m and this term of office would be his last.

  Sandy could not quite gauge Plimsoll’s actions in tamely paying over the winnings and he looked and listened, noting every movement of Pronto moving free-muscled beneath him, for some sign of alarm—perhaps a rifle-shot out of the mesquite. They were not the best of targets, Sam and he, riding fast in the thick dusk under the stars. The road was almost invisible, the plain unsubstantial, though the far-off mountain ranges showed plainly cut, with a curious trick of seeming always to shift back as the observer advanced. Little winds blew in their faces, cool and sweet from the desert, charged with spice of sage.

  The ponies struck the loosened planks of the bridge clop-clop, springing forward into a gallop as their riders touched heels to flanks. The pinto was the quicker to get into his stride. Just past the center of the bridge Sam saw Sandy’s mount jump like a startled cat into the air. He saw Sandy pliant in his seat; marked against the starry sky. Then came a spurt of red flame from the far bank—to the right—another—and another—from the left. A bullet hummed by him and his own horse slid stiff-legged, plowing the planks, hind feet flat from hoof-points to fetlocks as the pony whirled away from the yawning gap in the bridge, where boards had been pried away in the preparation, of the ambush.

  Helpless for the moment until he got his bearings and his pony gained solid footing, Sam automatically whipped out his gun, cursing as he saw Sandy slide from the saddle, clutch at the rim of the gap, drop down to the bed of the creek, while Pronto, frantic at the loss of his master, leaped the opening and fled with clatter of hoof and swinging stirrup into the desert.

  Sam, wild with rage at the thought of Sandy shot, scrambling in bloody sand below him, flung himself from the roan as more bullets whined, whupping into the planks. One seared his upper arm, another struck the saddle tree as he vaulted off, slapping the roan on the flanks, yelling at it as it gathered, leaped the gap and followed Pronto.

  “You damned, cowardly, murderin’ pack of lousy coyotes!” swore Sam mechanically, as he knelt on the edge of the gap and tried to pierce the blackness, listening fearfully for a groan. He had not fired back. There was nothing to fire at but clumps of blurred growth. The shots had been too sudden, the shying of the horses too confusing for location.

  He kneeled over the rim of the last plank, turned, caught with his hands, revolver thrust back into its holster, swung, dropped. A hand closed about his ankle, pulled him down sprawling on the soft sand.

  “I’m O. K.,” whispered Sandy, and Sam’s heart leaped. “Only plugged the rim of my hat. I faked a fall to fool ’em. Snake erlong down the crick bed. Here’s where we git even.” Sam knew that ring in his partner’s voice, low though it was, and his blood tingled. The high crumbly banks of the creek, gouged out by winter rains and cloud-bursts, were set with brush. Immediately above the bridge were the stripped trunks of cottonwoods, stranded in a flood. Peering through the boughs, they saw stooping figures running along the bank. A man called from the lower side of the bridge, a shot was fired harmlessly. The hunters in view raced back.

  “Think they saw us,” whispered Sandy. “They’ll hear from us, right soon.” He led the way back, crossing to the town side beneath the bridge, keeping half-way up the bank, close under the stringers of the bridge, crawling between bushes on his belly, Sam with him. Now they could see no gunmen but occasionally they caught a whisper, the slight sound of moving brush.

  There was only a trickle of water in the bed of the creek. Here and there were small bars of bleached shingle and larger boulders. Sandy found a stone imbedded in the bank, loosened it, squatted on his haunches and passed it to Sam, taking a gun in each hand.

  “Chuck it into that sunflower patch,” he said with his mouth close to Sam’s ear. “Then fire at the flashes.” Sam pitched the stone through the darkness. It fell with a rustle, chinked against a rock. Instantly there came a fusillade from the opposite bank, four streaks of fire, the bullets cutting through the dried stalks, the marksmen evidently hunting in couples.

  Sandy, crouching, pulled triggers and the shots rattled out as if fired from an automatic. Beside him, Sam’s gun barked. Each fired three times, Sandy shooting two-handed, flinging six bullets with instinctive aim while the bed of the creek echoed to the roar of the guns and the air hung heavy with the reek of exploded gases. Then they rushed for the top of the bank, wriggling behind the cover of bushes, lying prone for the next chance.

  One yell and a stream of curses came from across the arroyo. Two indistinct figures bent above a third, lifted it, hurrying back toward a clump of willows. The fourth man trailed the others, his oaths smothered, running beside the two bearers, his hand held curiously in front of him, dimly seen.

  “They’re through. That’s enough,” said Sandy. “We ain’t killers.”

  “Got two of ’em,” said Sam. “Good shootin’, Sandy! I reckon I missed clean. I fired to the left.”

  “The man who’s down is Butch,” said Sandy. “I’d know his figger in a coal shaft. I’ve a hunch the other was Hahn. Hit him somewheres in the hand; spile his dealin’ fo’ a while. Let’s git out of this. They’ve quit.”

  “Wonder if Plimsoll was with ’em. How about the hawsses? Can you whistle Pronto back?”

  “Reckon so.”

  They walked toward the bridge and crossed it, passing the gap on the side timbers. Plimsoll’s men had departed with their casualties. Sandy whistled shrilly through his teeth. After a minute he repeated the call.

  “Sure hate to hoof it to the ranch,” said Sam. “Mebbe the shots stampeded ’em. Better not try to borrow hawsses in town, I figger.”

  “No. Pronto ain’t fur. Yore roan’ll stick with him. That pinto of mine is half human. I’ve sent him ahead before. Ef I’d yelled ‘Home’ he’d have gone. Shots w’udn’t have scared him. Made him stand by—like Molly.”

  “Got yore money safe?”


  There came a sound of pounding hoofs. Then that of others, coming from the town.

  “Better load up, Sam,” said Sandy grimly, “we ain’t out of this yet. That’ll be Jim Plimsoll’s brother-in-law, likely.”

  “Here come our ponies.”

  As yet they could see nothing advancing, but a horse whinnied from the plain lying between them and the Three Star road.

  “Pronto,” said Sandy, shoving cartridges into his guns.

  A body of mounted men had come out from town and ridden fast upon the bridge. The foremost stopped with an exclamation at the missing boards. All wheeled in some confusion and slid their horses down into the arroyo to scramble up the bank again and spur for Sam and Sandy just as the pinto and the roan, curveted up to their masters. The two cowmen leaped for their seats, Sandy temporarily sheathing one gun. They faced the townsmen who formed a half-circle about them.

  “You, Sandy Bourke an’ Sam Manning, stick up yore hands!”

  “You got good eyesight,” returned Sandy. “What’s the idee? Ef you shoot, don’t miss, I’m holdin’ tol’able close ter-night.”

  His tone was almost good-humored, tolerant, full of confidence.

  “You was shootin’ in town limits. May have killed some one. Ag’in’ the law to shoot inside the Herefo’d line. I’m goin’ to take you in.”

  “You air?” Sandy’s drawl was charged with mockery. “How about the Herefo’d men who stahted the fireworks? Ef you want our guns, Sheriff, come an’ take ’em. First come, first served.”

  There was no forward movement. A man swore as his horse began to dance.

  “You go back an’ tell Jim Plimsoll to do his own dirty wo’k, if he’s got any guts left fo’ tryin’. Me, I’m goin’ home.”

  The sheriff and his hastily gathered band of irregular deputies, working in the interests of Plimsoll, knew, with sufficient intimacy to endow them with caution, the general record of Sandy Bourke and Soda-Water Sam. None of them wanted to risk a shot�
�and miss. Sandy would not. Even a fatal wound might not prevent him taking toll. Sam was almost as dangerous. They were politicians rather than fighting men, every one of them. And they were tolerably certain that Plimsoll had ambushed the two from the Three Star. His methods were akin to their own. The sheriff blustered.

  “I ain’t through with you yit, Sandy Bourke. I know where to find you.”

  “You-all are goin’ to have a mighty hard time findin’ yo’se’f afteh election, Sheriff, as it is. The cowmen ain’t crazy about you. They might take a notion to escort you out of the county limits.”

  “You’re inside the town line. I—”

  “I won’t be in two minutes. Git out of our road,” said Sandy, his voice freezing in sudden contempt. He roweled Pronto and, with Sam even in the jump, they galloped through the half-ring without opposition. Horses were neck-reined aside to let them pass. The wind sang by them as they tangented off from the road. A shot or two announced the attempt of some to save their own faces, but no bullets came near the pair. The fusillade was sheer bravado.

  Pronto and the roan went at full speed, bellies low to the plain that streamed past, the manes whipping the hands of their riders, springing on sinews of whalebone through soapweed and mesquite, spurning the soil with drumming hoofs, night-seeing, danger-dodging, jumping the little gullies, reveling in the rush. Sandy and Sam sat slightly forward, loose-seated, thigh-muscles and knees feeling the withers rather than pressing them, balancing their own limber bodies to every movement of the flying ponies.

  A late moon climbed out of the east and scudded up the sky, silvering the distant peaks. For almost a mile they rode at top speed, then they settled down to a lope that ate up the miles—a walk at the end of three—then lope and walk again, until the giant cottonwoods of the Three Star rose from the plain, leaves shimmering in the moonlight, the ranch buildings blocked in purple pin-pointed with orange—the pin-points enlarging, resolving into two lighted windows as they passed shack and barn and rode into the home corral at last, to unsaddle, wipe down the horses and dismiss them for the time with a smack on their lathery flanks, knowing they would be too wise to overdrink at the trough, promising them grain later.


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