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February Waltz (Rhythm of the Heart Book 3)

Page 13

by Jade, Scarlett

  A nurse came around the curtain. “Hey, take some slow breaths, let me get you a little oxygen.”

  “Where is my husband?”

  “I can get your Grams for you if you want, honey, but your husband isn't here yet. Your little girl made it here safe and sound.” The nurse pulled a mask over her face and Zoe took deep breaths of the cool oxygen.

  As if shaking away the cobwebs of a nightmare, she blinked and the realization that her daughter was born made her heart skip a beat. “She's okay?”

  The nurse smiled brightly. “She's beautiful. Four pounds and six ounces. Came out screaming.”

  “I need to see her!”

  “Soon,” the nurse replied. “We have to just keep you here for a little while so the anesthesia wears off. Let me get your Grams for you.” She slipped around the curtain.

  Zoe closed her eyes and the faint traces of a dream tickled the edge of her subconscious. Why can't I remember? The lingering thoughts disappeared as Grams came into the recovery room.

  “Hey there, little Momma!” Grams beamed. She pulled a phone from the pocket of her scrubs. “Layla got a picture of our girl. She's beautiful.”

  Zoe took the phone from Grams and her blurry eyes focused on the picture. A very tiny, dark haired, olive skinned baby lay on a pink blanket with an IV in one tiny arm. Zoe burst into tears.

  “She's not Derek's!”

  Grams smiled proudly. “It didn't matter who her birth father was, anyone can make a baby. A real daddy is there through it all. Calvin texted us not long ago and said he was in Dallas. He's on his way, baby.”

  Zoe touched the screen and traced the little girl's lips. “God, she's beautiful.”

  “She sure is. You picked out a name yet?” Grams took the phone back and stared at the picture.

  “We had talked about one, but I want Calvin here first.” Zoe smiled tiredly.

  “Of course. Layla is out there in the hallway giving Tim the goo-goo eyes about a baby. I told her to come look at your incision and see if she still wanted a baby. I freaked her out enough that she got right green and told him she never wanted kids.” Grams smirked and winked.

  Zoe grinned and her smile fell. “Wait, is the incision that bad?”

  “Naw, you look fine.” Grams patted her arm. “Just a little slit.”

  “Good. When can I see her?” Zoe mumbled, her eyes sliding part of the way shut.

  “Soon, honey. You need to rest a little longer. They've got her hooked to a little oxygen, she was having a touch of trouble breathing, but they said she shouldn't need it long. She did real good.” Grams beamed.

  Zoe's eyes fluttered and slid the rest of the way closed. “I'm glad she's okay.”

  When she woke again, she was in her room and the man she loved sat at her bedside. “Calvin?” she croaked, her throat sore from the tube during surgery.

  His eyes met hers and a slow smile came across his face. “Hey, beautiful, you're awake.” He stood and bent to press a kiss to her mouth.

  Zoe kissed him back and touched his face. “I'm so glad you're here. I'm sorry you couldn't be here when she was born.”

  Calvin kissed her again gently. “It's okay. Grams filled me in on every detail. Our baby is beautiful.”

  Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck, “She sure is.”

  “You know, it wouldn't have mattered to me if she had been Derek's. I know I would have loved her just as much. My heart is so damn full I think it's going to explode.”

  Zoe grinned. “Grams said my cervix would blow and folks around the Mason Dixon line would know. I bet your heart would cause some damage on up close to Canada.”

  Calvin snorted and his shoulders shook with laughter. “I bet it would.”

  “Grams wanted to know what we were going to name her. I know we talked about a name, but I think that I have another idea.”

  “Oh?” Calvin inquired. “I'm all ears.”

  “Violet Dawn,” she finally spoke.

  Calvin sat back in his chair and pondered the name for a moment. “Why Violet?”

  “I just don't think that tiny little girl can handle the name Dahlia. That's a big name. Violet for Vivian, and Lila. I know it's not a perfect match, but somehow, I just know my Momma would love it... Grams took over mothering me where my mom left off, and I think it is perfect. Dawn as her middle name for your mom.” Zoe held out her hand and Calvin took it in his.

  “It's perfect. Violet.”

  A knock came at the door and Grams stuck her head in. “Good to see you're awake, Zoe.”

  “Thanks Grams. I feel better.”

  “They just took her off the oxygen and she's breathing on her own.”

  Zoe nodded enthusiastically and shifted her legs on the bed. “I am ready to go see her.”

  “Hold your drawers.” Grams held a hand up. “The nurse is going to bring a chair in and we'll get you there in a minute. Did the two of you pick a name? We can't keep calling her the girl. She's gonna get a complex.”

  Calvin shook his head. “Grams, I doubt at a few hours old she's going to get a complex being called the girl. But yes, we have her name. Violet Dawn.”

  Grams face broke into a wide smile and she hugged Calvin tight, her grey head barely reaching his shoulders. “Our little Violet. Our little Vi! It's perfect.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes in mock irritation. “No, Grams, Violet. Not Vi.”

  “Violet is an awful big name for such a little girl. I think Vi is just right for now.” Grams declared.

  Calvin squeezed Grams again. “Fine with me, Vi it is.”

  Zoe threw her hands in the air and sighed. “Fine. I obviously see I can't do anything with the two of you. Vi it is.”

  Another knock came at the door and Grams pulled out of Calvin's embrace. “Come on in, make it a party.”

  Amy peeked in. “Hi,” she smiled sheepishly. “I saw your baby in the NICU. She's absolutely gorgeous, Zoe.”

  “Yes, my Vi is beautiful. I'm getting ready to go see her.” Zoe replied. “How is D.J. doing?”

  Amy stepped closer to the bed. “He's great. They are talking about releasing him the end of the week.” She twined her hands together and stood in silence for a moment. “Sadie came here to see me.”

  “Oh? Did she act like a grandma should?” She guessed, hoping for Derek's sake that his Momma was behaving.

  Amy smiled brightly. “Yes, she did. She said she only went along with Rebel because she was afraid of not going along with him and that D.J. is beautiful. I think we will be okay. But I see she won't be having two grandbabies.”

  Zoe glanced up at Calvin and shook her head. “Nope, she won't. Vi is Calvin's.”

  Amy nodded. “In a way that makes me sad, knowing our kids won't grow up as siblings.”

  Zoe held her hand out and waited for Amy to take it. When she did, Zoe squeezed her hand firmly. “Amy, they will. Just like we did.”

  “Oh Zoe!” Amy cried, her face crumpling. “We're going to be okay, aren't we?”

  Zoe nodded. “Yes, we are.”

  A third knock came at the door and Grams bellowed, “Come on in!”

  A nurse walked in. “Are you ready to see your little girl?”

  Zoe glanced at Calvin again, her eyes shining with joy. “Yes, I'm ready.”

  The moment she saw her Violet laying there, wrapped in a soft pink blanket, Zoe knew her heart would never be the same. She had once thought loving Calvin had healed all the bad things, and in a way, he fixed most of the pieces, but little Vi glued everything together.

  “Are you ready to hold her?”

  Zoe nodded, unable to say anything. Calvin squeezed her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “I love you,” he said simply.

  As Violet was placed in her arms a tear trickled down her cheek and splashed on the baby's hand. “That's a kiss from your grandparents in heaven, Vi. I know they're looking right now and wishing more than anything they could be here.”

  Calvin wiped at his eye. “Allergies,” he smiled.
  Zoe grinned. “You and Pops sure seem to have bad allergies.”

  “Yeah, it's our curse.” Calvin shrugged.

  “I love our little family, Calvin. Fate brought us together and I never would have dreamed that in the space of less than a year we would be married and have a daughter. Never.” Zoe stared down at baby Violet and pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead. “Everything is perfect.”

  Calvin sat down on the little stool a nurse pushed toward him. “It is. I promised you an extraordinary life.”

  “It really is,” she whispered. “It really is.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Zoe placed a sweetly sleeping Violet in her crib and stood there for a moment, stroking her dark curls away from her forehead. Violet was six weeks old now and in those six weeks she had filled out her tiny frame.

  Thanks to the shot she had received before her surgery, her lungs had been fairly developed and she had only stayed in the NICU for a few days before coming home. Violet was already spoiled beyond words by everyone in the house. Pops had been found with “allergies” many times holding her and Grams spent hours making things for her.

  Zoe touched her daughter's cheek again and turned at the sound of the door creaking open. Calvin stepped inside with a smile. “Is she finally asleep?” he whispered.

  Zoe nodded and held out her hand. He joined her beside the crib and their hands intertwined. “It took a little while,” she admitted. “I think everyone is spoiling her, holding her so much.”

  “Probably, but it was so hard getting her here, we all just want to savor the time we have.” He reached into the crib and ran a fingertip over Violet's cheek. Her perfect rosebud mouth puckered and her head turned as if seeking sustenance.

  Zoe slid her arms around him and pressed a kiss to the column of his neck. “You know,” she started softly. “It's been six weeks and Dr. Crist said we would be pretty safe to consummate our reunion.”

  Calvin kissed her lips and pulled away. “I do believe Grams and Pops are down the hall engrossed in Matlock... If we're quiet I think we could have some peace.”

  “Don't worry, I had Corey install a lock on the door,” Zoe breathed as she stepped forward to kiss him again.

  “Good thing. I have a feeling we will be using it often.”

  They eased out of their daughter's room and down the hall to their bedroom. Calvin slid the door closed and threw the lock.

  Zoe reached for the hem of her pale pink top and pulled it over her head. She let the material dangle from her fingers for a moment before dropping it to the floor. “I hope you don't mind my body.”

  Calvin chuckled. “You carried my baby. You have never been more beautiful, Zoe.”

  She glanced up at him with wide, soft eyes. “I have missed you.”

  “Well, I'm home now, aren't I?” He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in tight.

  “For good. I'm so glad the job for the county worked out.” She kissed his neck again.

  “Tim pulled some strings. Plus it didn't hurt having a famous wife who brought tourism back to Major.” Calvin kissed her gently. “But we are talking too much. We better make use of the quiet.”

  Zoe kissed him again. “Let's.” She gripped his shirt and pulled it over his shoulders. Their movements became frantic as their clothing fell.

  Zoe shivered as Calvin slid his hands slowly over her skin, worshiping every inch of flesh. “You're beautiful,” he whispered again.

  “Come to bed with me...”

  They lay together on the bed and kissed again, their mouths melding and clinging to each other. Calvin held her wrists firmly above her head and he nibbled down her neck, eliciting murmurs and gasps from her throat as she lost herself.

  He stroked her breasts with his spare hand and her nipples pebbled in the cool of the dusky room. His mouth followed his hands and he swirled his tongue around the pebbled peaks.

  “Love me,” she urged him.

  “I do. I will. Forever.” He promised, his sultry look barely perceptible in the darkening room.

  Zoe twisted her wrists free from his grasp and in a smooth motion pushed him on his back. “It's my turn.”

  Calvin pouted. “I wasn't quite done.”

  “I've just started.” Her mouth skated over the thundering pulse in his throat and he sighed in pleasure. Her mouth traced down his pec and with a languorous stroke she licked his flat nipple. Moving further down his body she kissed his firm stomach and grasped his firm, heavy dick in her hand.

  He hissed. “That feels good.”

  “This will feel better,” she assured him as her breath warmed the head of his shaft.

  “Zoe...” he groaned out, his voice hoarse as she took him into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the very tip. His moan became guttural nonsense as she took him completely. She pleasured him until his fists clenched in the sheets and he growled, “Enough.”

  With an audible pop, she released him. “Oh?” She squeaked when he pushed her flat on her back and came between her legs. His fingers came to her heated core and he circled her clit lazily.

  “Paybacks are a bitch, my beautiful wife.” He arched forward with his hips and the very tip of his dick slipped into her heated sheath. “Dr. Crist said that shot would work from day one, right?” He inched forward again.

  Zoe panted and her back arched. “God yes, he said it was good.”

  Calvin smirked and tweaked her throbbing clit as he inched deeper inside her warm, welcoming heat. “Is it good, baby?”

  Her hips bucked up to meet him and she impaled herself on his shaft. Her head fell back and her mouth opened on a low moan. “You know it is, Calvin.” She twined her arms around his neck and whispered, “Don't tease me.”

  Calvin pressed his thumb against her clit and circled the button of flesh quickly. Zoe lost control as the sensation overtook her. Calvin kissed her as she cried out, swallowing her screams of pleasure. He came over her and slipped deep into her while the throes of orgasm still quaked her walls.

  His mouth claimed hers and he rocked deep, pulling out to the very tip and then pushing back in. Zoe wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. Pleasure eddied and flowed between them and Zoe bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out as she came again. Calvin followed behind her, his head thrown back and a low moan escaping his throat.

  At that moment Violet started to cry.

  “Ahh, and the moment is over,” Calvin chuckled. “I'll throw my clothes back on. You go wash up and take a shower by yourself. I think you deserve it, being mommy of the year and all.”

  Zoe grinned and blew out a breath. “Why do I see us having lots of quickies in the future?”

  “Such is the life of a parent,” Calvin remarked, as he jerked his jeans back on. “But it's worth it.”

  “Yes, it is,” Zoe agreed as he walked out of the room. She slid from the bed and pulled her robe around her body. Peeking into the hallway she darted to the bathroom and started the shower. Hot water beat down on her body and she luxuriated in the simple pleasure of washing her hair in peace. Grams had been a great help but a long shower was a rare thing. She sprayed shaving gel on her legs and whisked away three weeks of growth as the water cooled.

  Finally wrinkled and completely clean, she stepped out and dried herself. She wrapped back up in the robe and tiptoed across the hallway to their bedroom. It was empty. She moved down the hallway and looked in the nursery. Calvin sat in the rocking chair, shirtless and sound asleep with baby Violet snuggled up on his chest. Zoe leaned against the doorjamb.

  My life is perfect.


  “I can't believe you are getting married, Layla,” Zoe sighed. “It seems like not so long ago I was walking down the aisle.”

  Layla glanced up at her and grinned. “Ah, it hasn't been that long, Zoe. Only three years.” She looked back at the mirror and wiped away a stray bit of eye shadow from her cheek.

  “You are a beautiful bride.”

  “Thank you.�
�� Layla swiveled on the chair and reached out a finger and poked Zoe's belly. “So, when were you going to tell everyone?”

  Zoe blushed hot and skimmed a hand down the chartreuse silk of the bridesmaid's dress. “It fit fine a few weeks ago. I just found out yesterday.”

  “Did you tell Calvin yet?”

  “No,” Zoe admitted. “I didn't. But he will know in this dress.”

  “Well, I for one, am ready for another niece or nephew. I can't believe how ridiculously cute Vi looks in her flower girl dress!” Layla beamed.

  Zoe smiled. “She's beautiful.”

  “Yup, just like her Auntie Lay-Lay!”

  Zoe snorted. “Sure, whatever gets you through the day.”

  “It's my wedding day. I get what I want.”

  Zoe reached forward to smooth the flowers in Layla's hair. “I am happy for you.”

  “I am happy for us. You know, I thought once upon a time you were the worst thing that ever happened to my brother, but turns out you brought him home and you saved this town. Without your book, none of this would have happened. Hell, I hope you know I'm still angling to play myself in the movie adaptation. Or at least get someone that fits all my hotness. I am thinking maybe Zoe Saldana would work.” Layla smirked.

  Zoe shook her head. “I never would have believed that the Poppy Monroe series would take off like it did.”

  “Me either. But I guess after all the bad things that happened, you finally got your happy ending.” Layla stood and shook out her full white gown. “Now, it's time for me to have mine.”

  Zoe followed her out into the front of the church. Pops stood ready to take Layla down the aisle. “After you, Zoe,” he smiled.

  Zoe stepped into the aisle and followed the haphazard trail of flower petals Vi had strewn. Her eyes locked with Calvin's and she floated toward him. Just like the first time. His eyes dropped to her belly and his mouth fell open. Zoe grinned and winked.

  She cried as Layla and Tim spoke their vows. Violet gripped her dress and shook it hard. “Why Momma cryin'?” she yelled and Zoe bent to scoop her into her arms.

  “Shh, Vi. Momma is crying because Momma has everything she could ever want, and Momma's heart is so big and full, if it went boom, I think the whole world would know.”


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