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The Lodger Shakespeare

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by Charles Nicholl

  Nicholl 1980. Charles Nicholl, The Chemical Theatre.

  Nicholl 1984. Charles Nicholl, A Cup of News: The Life of Thomas Nashe.

  Nicholl 2002. Charles Nicholl, The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe. Revised edn (1st edn 1992).

  Nichols 1823. John Nichols, The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols.

  Norris 1938. Herbert Norris, Costume and Fashion: The Tudors. 2 vols.

  Orgel and Strong 1973. Stephen Orgel and Roy Strong, Inigo Jones. 2 vols.

  Orlin 2000a. Lena Cowen Orlin, ed., Material London, ca. 1600. Philadelphia.

  Orlin 2000b. Lena Cowen Orlin, ‘Boundary Disputes in Early Modern London’. In Orlin 2000a, 345-76.

  Page 1893. William Page, ed., Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England, 1509-1603. Publications of the Huguenot Society of London 8.

  Panek 2005. Jennifer Panek, ‘Why were There Stewed Prunes in Shakespearean Brothels?’ English Language Notes 42, 18-20.

  Partridge 1968. Eric Partridge, Shakespeare’s Bawdy. Revised edn (1st edn 1947).

  Patterson 1923. R. F. Patterson, ed., Ben Jonson’s Conversations with Drummond of Hawthornden. Glasgow.

  Peacock 1984. J. Peacock, ‘The French Element in Inigo Jones’s Masque Designs’. In Lindley 1984.

  Petti 1959. Anthony Petti, ed., The Letters and Dispatches of Richard Verstegan. Catholic Record Society 52.

  Picard 2003. Liza Picard, Elizabethan London.

  Piper 1964. David Piper, ‘O Sweet Mr Shakespeare I’ll have his Picture’. National Portrait Gallery.

  Platter 1937. Thomas Platter, Travels in England. Ed. and trans. Clare Williams.

  Prior 1972. Roger Prior, ‘The Life of George Wilkins’. Shakespeare Survey 25, 137-52.

  Prior 1976. Roger Prior, ‘George Wilkins and the Young Heir’. Shakespeare Survey 29, 33-9.

  Prockter and Taylor 1979. Adrian Prockter and Robert Taylor, The A-Z of Elizabethan London. London Topographical Society 122.

  Rendle 1882. William Rendle, ‘The Stews on Bankside’. Antiquarian Magazine , August 1882, 70-77.

  Richardson 2006. Catherine Richardson, ‘The Material Culture of Stranger Life’. Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London 28, 495-508.

  Riggs 1989. David Riggs, Ben Jonson: A Life. Cambridge, Mass.

  Rossiter 1961. A. P. Rossiter, Angel with Horns: Fifteen Lectures on Shakespeare . Ed. Graham Storey.

  Rowse 1973. A. L. Rowse, Shakespeare the Man.

  Rowse 1976. A. L. Rowse, The Case Books of Simon Forman. Revised edn (1st edn 1974).

  Salg˜do 1972. G˜mini Salg˜do, ed., Coney Catchers and Bawdy Baskets. Harmondsworth.

  Salg˜do 1977. G˜mini Salg˜do, The Elizabethan Underworld.

  Sams 1995. Eric Sams, The Real Shakespeare: Retrieving the Early Years, 1564-94.

  Scarisbrick 1995. Diana Scarisbrick, Tudor and Jacobean Jewellery. Tate Gallery.

  Schanzer 1960. Ernest Schanzer, ‘The Marriage Contracts in Measure for Measure’. Shakespeare Survey 13, 81-9.

  Schoenbaum 1970. Samuel Schoenbaum, Shakespeare’s Lives. Schoenbaum - see Sources/1

  Schofield 1987. John Schofield, ed., The London Surveys of Ralph Treswell. London Topographical Society 135.

  Schofield 2000. John Schofield, ‘The Topography and Buildings of London, ca 1600’. In Orlin 2000a.

  Schrickx 1988. Willem Schrickx, ‘All’s Well that Ends Well and its Historical Relevance’. In Maes-Jelinek 1988, 257-74.

  Schuckman 1991. Christian Schuckman, ‘The Engraver of the First Folio Portrait of Shakespeare’. Print Quarterly 8, 40-43.

  Scoloker 1604. An[thony?] Sc[oloker?], Diaphantus, or The Passions of Love.

  Scouloudi 1985. Irene Scouloudi, Returns of Strangers in the Metropolis 1593, 1627, 1635, 1639. Publications of the Huguenot Society of London 57.

  Scouloudi 1987. Irene Scouloudi, ‘The Stranger Community in London, 1558-1640’. Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London 24, 434-41.

  Shapiro 1995. James Shapiro, Shakespeare and the Jews.

  Shapiro 2005. James Shapiro, 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare .

  Shaw 1911. W. Shaw, ed., Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England and Ireland. Publications of the Huguenot Society of London 18.

  Sheavyn 1969. Phoebe Sheavyn, The Literary Profession in the Elizabethan Age. Revised edn, ed. J. W. Saunders (1st edn 1909).

  Shugg 1977. Wallace Shugg, ‘Prostitution in Shakespeare’s London’. Shakespeare Studies 10, 291-313.

  Sisson 1935. C. J. Sisson, ‘The Mythical Sorrows of Shakespeare’ (British Academy Shakespeare Lecture, 1934). Proceedings of the British Academy 20.

  Smith 1972. Raymond Smith, The Archives of the French Protestant Church of London: A Handlist. Publications of the Huguenot Society of London 50.

  Sorlien 1976. Robert Parker Sorlien, ed., The Diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple. Hanover, NH.

  Spielmann 1907. ‘The Portraits of Shakespeare’. In A. H. Bullen (ed.), Works of Shakespeare, vol. 10. Stratford-upon-Avon.

  Spielmann 1924. M. H. Spielmann, The Title Page of the First Folio of Shakespeare’s Plays: A Comparative Study of the Stratford Monument. Oxford.

  Stallybrass 1996. Peter Stallybrass, ‘Worn Worlds: Clothes and Identity on the Renaissance Stage’. In De Grazia et al. 1996, 289-320.

  Steggle 1998. Matthew Steggle, Wars of the Theatres: The Poetics of Personation in the Age of Jonson. Victoria, BC.

  Stow 1908. John Stow, The Survay of London [1598]. Ed. C. L. Kingsford. Oxford.

  Streitberger 1986. W. R. Streitberger, ed., Jacobean and Caroline Revels Accounts, 1603-42. Malone Society Collections 13.

  Strong 1969. Roy Strong, Tudor and Jacobean Portraits. National Portrait Gallery.

  Strong 1983. Roy Strong, The English Renaissance Miniature.

  Strype 1824. John Strype, Annals of the Reformation. 4 vols. Oxford.

  Stubbes 1879. Phillip Stubbes, The Anatomie of Abuses (1583). Ed. F. J. Furnivall.

  Sturgess 1969. Keith Sturgess, ed., Three Elizabethan Domestic Tragedies. Harmondsworth.

  Sugden 1925. Edward H. Sugden, A Topographical Dictionary to the Works of Shakespeare.

  Symonds 1952. R. W. Symonds, ‘Of Jakes and Close Stools: Their Place in English Social History’. Connoisseur 129, 86-91.

  Sypher 1955. Wylie Sypher, Four Stages of Renaissance Style: Transformations in Art and Literature, 1400-1700. New York.

  Tawney and Power 1924. R. H. Tawney and Eileen Power, eds., Tudor Economic Documents. 3 vols.

  Taylor 1925. George Coffin Taylor, Shakespeare’s Debt to Montaigne. Cambridge, Mass.

  Thomas 1985. David Thomas, Shakespeare in the Public Records. HMSO.

  Thompson 1916. Edward Maunde Thompson, Shakespeare’s Handwriting. Oxford.

  Tillyard 1965. E. M. W. Tillyard, Shakespeare’s Problem Plays. Revised edn (1st edn 1950).

  Tiramani 2005. Jenny Tiramani, ‘The Sanders Portrait’. Costume 39, 43-52.

  Traister 2000. Barbara Traister, The Notorious Astrological Physician of London: Works and Days of Simon Forman. Oxford.

  Turner 1922. Fred Turner, The History and Antiquities of Brentford. Brentford.

  Van der Motten 1985. J. P. Van der Motten, ed., Elizabethan and Modern Studies Presented to Professor Willem Schrickx. Ghent.

  Vecellio 1598. Cesare Vecellio, Habiti antichi et moderni di tutto il mondo. Venice.

  Venn 1922-7. John and J. A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses. 4 vols. Cambridge.

  Vickers 2002. Brian Vickers, Shakespeare Co-author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays.

  Wallace 1910a. Charles William Wallace, ‘New Shakespeare Discoveries’. Harper’s Monthly Magazine 22, no. 718, 489-510.

  Wallace 1910b. Charles William Wallace, ‘Shakespeare and his London Associates as Revealed in Recently Discovered Documents’. University of Nebraska Studies 10, no. 4.

  Webb 1995. Clifford Webb, ed., St
Alban Wood Street and United Benefices, Transcribed and Indexed. 6 vols.

  Webster 1979. C. Webster, ed., Health, Medicine and Mortality in the Sixteenth Century.

  Wells 2006. Stanley Wells, Shakespeare & Co.

  Wells and Taylor 1987. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, A Textual Companion to Shakespeare. Oxford.

  Whitebrook 1932. J. C. Whitebrook, ‘Some Fresh Shakespearean Facts’. Notes & Queries 162, 93-5.

  Wilkins 1607. George Wilkins, The Miseries of Inforst Mariage.

  Wilkins 1953. George Wilkins, The Painfull Adventures of Pericles Prince of Tyre [1608]. Ed. Kenneth Muir.

  Wilkins - see also Dekker and Wilkins 1607.

  Williams 1937. Franklin B. Williams, ‘Robert Tofte’. Review of English Studies 13, 282-96, 405-24.

  Wilson 1932. J. Dover Wilson, The Essential Shakespeare.

  Wimsatt 1969. W. K. Wimsatt, ed., Dr Johnson on Shakespeare. Harmondsworth.

  Wood 2003. Michael Wood, In Search of Shakespeare.

  Young 1890. Sidney Young, Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London.

  Yungblut 1996. Laura Hunt Yungblut, Strangers Settled Here Amongst Us: Policies, Perceptions and the Presence of Aliens in Elizabethan England.


  Addison, William

  Addle Street

  Admiral’s Men

  Agas map

  Alba: The Months Mind of a Melancholy Lover (Tofte)

  Alchemist, The (Jonson)


  ’Allegro, L” (Milton)

  Allen, William

  Alleyn, Edward

  All’s Well that Ends Well



  as tragicomedy



  Amphitryon (Plautus)

  Anatomie of Abuses (Stubbes)

  Anderton, John

  Anne, Queen

  Antidotarie Chyrurgicall (Banister)

  Antony and Cleopatra

  Apollonius of Tyre


  Archer, Ian

  Argyll, Countess of

  Armesford, Nicholas

  Armin, Robert

  Arnold, Janet


  arras (wall-hanging)

  Arthur, William

  As You Like It



  attires see head-tires

  Aubrey, John

  Aumont, Duc’


  Axe Inn

  Badham, Anne

  Ball, Em

  Ball, John

  Banister, John

  Bannister, Henry

  Barber-Surgeons’ Company

  Barbers’ Hall


  Barnes, Margaret

  Bartholomew Fair (Jonson)

  Bate, Jonathan

  Bayning, Paul

  Beaumont, Francis

  Beckham, Victoria


  Beeston, Christopher

  Beeston, William

  Belott, Anne

  Belott, Elizabeth

  Belott, Hester

  Belott, Jane

  Belott, John

  Belott, Mary


  further records




  rapprochement with Mountjoy

  and Shakespeare



  and Wilkins

  Belott, Stephen

  and All’s Well that Ends Well


  Bill of Complaint

  and Fludd


  further records




  partnership with Mountjoy


  rapprochement with Mountjoy


  Shakespeare’s deposition

  Spanish journey



  and Wilkins


  Belott, Thomasine





  Berkeley, Elizabeth

  Berkeley, Sir Thomas

  Berkes, Randall

  Berryman, John

  betrothal see handfasting

  Biron, Duc de


  black Africans

  Black Book, The (Middleton)


  Blackfriars Gatehouse

  Blague, Alice


  blond hair

  Boas, F. S.


  Boccaccio, Giovanni

  Bolton, Richard

  Bonner, John

  ‘Booke of Sir Thomas More’


  Borges, Jorge Luis

  Bossy, John

  Bowling Alley

  Bowyers’ Hall


  Brewers’ Hall



  Browne, John

  Browne, Margaret

  Broxon, William


  Bullinger, Heinrich

  Burbage, James

  Burbage, Richard


  Burghley, Lord

  Burton, William

  Busino, Father Orazio

  Byllett [Belott?], Mary

  Calle, Mrs

  Calverley, Walter

  Calvin, John


  Cardenio (Shakespeare and Fletcher)

  Carey, Elizabeth see Berkeley, Elizabeth

  Carey, Elizabeth, Lady Hunsdon

  Carey, George, 2nd Lord Hunsdon

  Carey, Henry, 1st Lord Hunsdon

  Carrell, Ellen


  Carriers Cosmography (Taylor)

  Casebooks of Simon Forman (Rowse)

  Castle Inn

  Cecil, Robert, Lord Cranborne

  Chamberlain’s Men

  see also King’s Men

  ‘Chandos’ portrait

  Chapman, George

  Charche, Agnes


  Chaste maid in Cheapside (Middleton)

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  Chettle, Henry

  Christ’s Tears over Jerusalem (Nashe)

  Chronicles (Holinshed)

  Cinthio, Giovanbattista Giraldi


  Clincquart, Pierre

  Clincquart, Samuel

  Clothworkers’ Company

  Coale, Peter

  Cobham, Lord

  Cock Inn

  Coleman Street

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  Coles, Ufranke de la


  Condell, Elizabeth

  Condell, Henry

  Confessio Amantis (Gower)

  Consistory Court

  Cook, Anne Jennalie

  Cooke, Nicholas

  Cooper, Tarnya

  Coopers’ Arms

  Cope, Sir Walter


  Cornewall, Isabell

  Coryate, Thomas

  Cotgrave, Randall

  Counter prisons

  Court of Requests

  Courtois, Peter

  Cow Cross Street

  Cowndley, Elizabeth

  Cowndley, Joan

  Cowndley, John


  Cripplegate see also Silver Street

  Critz, John de, the elder

  Crown tavern


  Curle, Edward

  Curriers’ Hall

  Cutts, Thomas


  Daiphantus (An. Sc.)

  Daniel, Samuel

  Danter, John

  Dark Lady


  Davenant, Jane

Davenant, John

  Davenant, Robert

  Davenant, Sir William

  Davies, John

  Day, John

  de futuro contracts

  de praesenti contracts

  debtors’ prisons

  Decameron (Boccaccio)

  Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures, A (Harsnett)

  Dekker, Thomas


  ‘Caesar’s Fall’

  The Honest Whore

  Jests to Make you Merrie



  The Roaring Girl


  Shoemaker’s Holiday

  Westward Ho!


  Dest, Isabel

  Dethick, Sir William

  Dewman, Anthony

  Dewman, Barbara

  Dewman, John

  Diana (Montemayor)

  Disputation between a He-

  connycatcher and a She-

  connycatcher (Greene)

  Dodson, John

  Donne, John


  Dowland, John


  Dr Faustus (Marlowe)

  Drayton, Michael

  Droeshout, Martin

  Drummond, William

  Duchess of Malfi, The (Webster)

  Dudley, John

  Dudley Court

  Dutch Church

  Dutch Courtesan, The (Marston)

  Dutwite, James


  Earle, John

  East Smithfield

  Eastward Ho! (Chapman, Jonson and Marston)

  Eaton, Richard

  Eaton, William

  Belotts’ handfasting


  Mountjoy house

  Elbow, Anthony

  Eliot, John

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elizabeth, Queen






  Embroiderers’ Hall

  Englishmen for my Money (Haughton)

  Epicoene (Jonson)

  Epitia (Cinthio)

  Erondell, Peter

  Essex, 2nd Earl

  Essex, 3rd Earl

  Est, Isabelle’ see Dest, Isabel

  Everett, Barbara

  Every Man in his Humour (Jonson)

  Every Man out of his Humour (Jonson)

  Family of Love, The (Middleton)

  Father Hubberd’s Tales (Middleton)

  Ferrabosco, Alfonso

  Fetherbye, Martin

  Fidgett, Susan

  Field, Jacqueline

  Field, Nathan

  Field, Richard

  First Book of Airs (Morley)

  First Book of Songs and Ayres (Dowland)

  First Folio Droeshout engraving

  Fisher, John

  Fitzgeoffrey, Henry


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