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Robert Ludlum - The Parcifal Mosaic.txt

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by The Parcifal Mosaic [lit]

  was human contraband in open transit, crossing territory where no one would

  dare protect her. Inside the warehouse office she could be protected; an


  intruder breaking in could be shot for the act Itself. But not in the open;

  men would not risk being caught smuggling human flesh on board ships. The

  prison sentences were long; a few thousand lire was not worth that risk.

  A hundred and forty-odd feet, then, was the span she bad to cross in order

  to disappear. Again. Not in death, but in an enigma.

  Michael looked at his watch; it was four-fifty-two, the second hand

  approaching the minute mark-seven minutes before the CrW6vdo was scheduled

  to blare its bass-toned departure signal, followed by sharper, higher

  sounds that warned all vessels of its imminent thrust out of its secure

  haven, the rules of the sea instantly in force. High up on the deck, fore

  and midships, a few men wandered aimlessly, pinpointed by the erratic glow

  of their cigarettes. Except for those on the rope winches and the gangplank

  detail, there was nothing for them to do but smoke and drink coffee and

  hope their beads would clear without excessive pain. From inside the

  massive black hull, the muffled roar of the turbines was heard; behind the

  fires the coarse muted meshing of giant gear wheels signified the

  approad~[ng command to engage the mammoth screws in third-torque speed.

  Oily, dark waters churned around the curve of the CrW6vdo's stem.

  The warehouse door opened, and Havelock felt a massive jolt in his chest as

  the blond woman stepped out of the darkness into the lesser darkness of the

  swirling mists and shadows. The living corpse from the Costa Brava entered

  the wall-less tunnel that would take her aboard the Crist6vao, lead her to

  an unknown coastline in an unknown country, and escape. From him. Why?

  The hammering in his chest was intolerable, the pain in his eyes

  excruciating; he had to endure both for seconds longer. Once jenna reached

  the midpoint of the pier, in sight of the gate, and the guard and the

  alarms he could raise, Michael would intercept her. Not an instant sooner.

  She was therel Now.

  He lunged from behind thecrane and raced forward, not caring about the

  sound of his footsteps, intent only on reaching her.

  "Jennal For God's sake, jennal"

  He grabbed her shoulders; the woman spun around in terror.

  THE PAnswAL MosAic75

  His breath exploded from his throat. The face that was turned up to him was

  an old face, an ugly face, the pockmarked face of a waterfront whore. The

  eyes that stared at him were the wide, dark eyes of a rodent, outlined with

  thick, running borders of cheap mascara; the lips were blood-red and

  cracked, the teeth stained and chipped.

  "Who are you?" His scream was the scream of a madman. "Liarl Liarl Why are

  you lyingl Why are you herel Why aren't you herel Liarl"

  Mists not of the sea blurred his mind, crosscurrents of Insanity. He was

  beyond reason, knowing only that his hands had become claws, then

  fists-scraping, hammering-kiU the rodent, kill the impostor/ Kill, kiUI

  Other screams, other shouts, commands and countercommands filled the

  roaring caverns of his consciousness. There was no beginning, no end, only

  a furious core of frenzy.

  Then he felt blows, but did not feel pain. Men were all around him, then

  above him; fists and heavy boots struck him. Repeatedly. Everywhere.

  And then the darkness came. And silence.

  Above the pier, on the second floor of the warehouse office, a figure stood

  at the window looking down at the scene of violence below. She breathed

  deeply, her fingers stretched across her lips, tears welling in her clear

  brown eyes. Absently jenna Karas pulled her band away from her face and

  pressed it against the side of her head, against the long blond hair that

  fell beneath the wide-brimmed bat.

  "Why did you do it, Mikhail?" she whispered softly to herself. "Why do you

  want to kill me?"


  He opened his eyes, aware of the sickening stench of cheap whisky, feeling

  the dampness about his chest and throat-his shirt, jacket and trousers had

  been drenched. In front of him were gradations of darkness, shadows of gray

  and black interrupted by tiny, dancing specks of light that bobbed and

  weaved in the farthest darkness. There was dull pain everywhere, centered in

  his stomach, rising through his neck to his head, which felt swollen and

  numb. He had been beaten severely and dragged to the end of the pier-the far

  right end, beyond the warehouse, if his blurred orientation was anywhere

  near accurate-and left to regain consciousness, or, conceivably, to roll

  over the edge to a watery death.

  But he had not been IdIled; that told him something. Slowly he moved his

  right hand to his left wrist; his watch was there. He stretched his legs

  and reached into his pocket; his money, too, was intact. He had not been

  robbed; that told him something else.

  He had spoken with too many men, and too many others had seen him in those

  strange conversations. They bad been his protection. Murder was murder, and

  regardless of what 11 Tritones owner bad said, a "quiet knife" on the

  waterfront was a subject for investigation, as was assault and robbery when

  the victim was a wealthy foreigner. No one wanted too

  any questions asked on the piers; cool heads had ordered


  THE PARsrFAL MosAjc77

  him left as he was, which meant they had been paid to implement other

  orders, higher orders. Otherwise something would have been stolen-a watch,

  a few thousand lire; this was the waterfront.

  Nothing. An inquisitive, wealthy foreigner had gone berserk, attacking a

  blond whore on the pier, and men bad protected her. No investigation was

  called for, as long as the i1cco americano inaledetto had his property

  intact, if not his senses.

  A setup. A professionally executed snare, the trappers exonerated once the

  trap had sprung shut. The whole night, the morning, had been a setupl He

  rolled over to his left; the southeast ocean was a line of fire beyond the

  horizon. Dawn had come, and the Crkt6vgo was one of a dozen small sfl-

  houettes on the water, obscure shapes diffusedly defined by the blinking

  lights, signals to other silhouettes.

  Slowly Havelock got to his knees, pressing them against the wet planks

  beneath him, pushing himself up painfully with his hands. Once on his feet

  he tamed around, again slowly, testing his legs and ankles, moving his

  shoulders, arching his neck, then his back. There was nothing broken, but

  the machine was badly bruised; it would not respond to quick commands, and

  he hoped he would not have to issue any.

  The guard. Had the ego-stroked civil servant been part of the act? Had he

  been told to confront the foreigner with hostility at flrst, then turn to

  obsequiousness, thus palling the mark in for the trap? it was effective

  strategy; be should have seen through it. Neither of the other two guards

  bad been difficult, each perfectly willing to tell him whatever he wanted

  to know, the man at the gate of the Teresds pier
even going so far as to

  inform. him of the freighter's delayed schedule.

  The owner of Il Tritone? The sailor from the CrW6vrw in a narrow, dark

  alley? Were they, too, part of it? Had the coincidence of logical

  progression led him to those men on the waterfront who had been waiting for

  him? Yet, bow could they have been waiting? Four hours ago Civitavecchia

  was a vaguely remembered name on a map; it bad held no meanIng for him.

  'Mere bad been no reason for him to come to Civitavecchia, no way for an

  unknown message to be telegraphed. Yet it had been; he had to accept that



  knowing how or why. There was so much beyond his understanding, a maddening

  mosaic with too many pieces missing.

  Anything you can't understand in this business is a risk but I dWt have to

  teU you that. Rostov. Athens.

  A decoy-a blond, pockmarked wbore-had been paraded through the predawn mist

  to pull him out and force him to act. But why? What had they expected him

  to do? He had made it plain what he intended to do. So what was learned,

  what clarified? What was the point? Was she trying to kill him? Was that

  what Costa Brava was all about?

  lenna, why are you doing this? What happened to youP TO Us?

  He walked unsteadily, stopping to brace his legs as his balance went out of

  control. Reaching the edge of the warehouse, be propelled himself along the

  wall past darkened windows and the huge loading doors until be came to the

  comer of the building. Beyond was the deserted pier, the wash of

  intersecting floodlights swollen with pockets of rolling fog. He peered

  around the steel molding, squinting to focus on the glass cubicle that was

  the guard's post. As before, the flgure inside was barely visible, but he

  was there; Michael could see the stationary glow of a cigarette in the

  center of the middle pane.

  The glow moved to the right, the guard bad gotten off his stool and was

  sliding the door of the booth open. A second figure could be seen walking

  through the mist from the wide avenue fronting the row of piers. He was a

  medium-sized man In an overcoat, wearing a hat, the brim angled as a

  stroller's might be on the Via Veneto. The clothes were not the clothes of

  the waterfront; they belonged in the city streets. The man approached the

  glass booth, stopped by the door, and spoke with the guard. Both then

  looked toward the end of the pier, at the warehouse; the guard gestured and

  Michael knew they were talking about him. The man nodded, turned and raised

  his hand; within seconds his summons was obeyed. Two other men came mto

  view, both large, both wearing clothes more suited to the waterfront than

  those of the man who commanded them.

  Havelock leaned his head against the edge of steel, a deep, despairing

  sense of fudW mingling with his pain. Exhaustkm ovexwhelmed him. He was no

  match for such men; he

  THE PAmiFAL MosAic79

  could barely raise his arms, nor his feet. Since he had no other weapons, it

  meant he had no weapons at all.

  Where was JennaP Had she gone aboard the CrW6v& after the decoy had

  fulfilled its function? It was a logical-No, it wasn~tl The commotion would

  have centered too much attention on the freighter and would have roused

  unfriendly or unpaid officials too easily. The ship itself had been a

  decoy, the blond whore the lure. jenna was boarding one of the other twol

  Michael turned away from the wall and hobbled across the wet planks toward

  the edge of the pier. He wiped his eyes, staring through the heavy mist.

  Involuntarily he gasped, the pain in his stomach was so acute. The Elba was

  gonel He had been pulled to the wrong pier, duped into an uncontrollable

  situation while jerma went on board the Elba. Was the captain of the Elba,

  like the skipper of the Crist6vdo, a master navigator? Would he-could

  he-maneuver his awkward ship close enough to an unpatrolled shoreline so

  that a small boat might ferry his contraband to a beach?

  One man had the answer. A man in an overcoat and an angled hat, clothes wom

  on the waterfront by someone who did not haul and fork-lift but, instead,

  bought and sold. That man would know; he had negotiated jenna's passage.

  Havelock lurched back to the comer of the warehouse wall. He had to reach

  that man; he had to get by two others coming for him. If only he had a

  weapon, any kind of weapon. He looked around in the faintly lessening

  darkness. Nothing. Not even a loose board or a slat from a broken crate.

  Ile water. The drop was long, but be could manage it. If he could get to

  the far end of the pier before he was seen, it would be presumed he bad

  plunged over while unconscious. How many seconds did he have? He inched his

  face to the edge and peered around the molding into the wash of the

  floodlights, prepared to push himself away and rim.

  He did not run. The two men were no longer walking toward him. They had

  stopped, both standing motionless inside the fenced gate. Why? Why was he

  being left where he was without further interferenceP

  Suddenly, from out of the impenetrable mist several piers away came an

  ear-shattering screech of a ship's klaxon. Then another, followed by a

  prolonged bass chord that vibrated


  throughout the harbor. It was the Santa Teresal It was his answerl The two

  men bad been summoned not to punish him

  further, but to restrict him to the first pier. There was no delayed

  schedule for the Teresa; that, too, was part of the setup. She was sailing

  on time, and Jenna was on board. As the ship's clock ran down, there was

  only one thing left for the negotiator to do: keep the disabled hunter in


  Fiercely be told himself he had to get to that pier, stop her, stop the

  freighter from casting off, for once the giant d

  in, bing he cou

  1 ed e ~ in ~ re a n ar into onea

  0 p ' gsw s ot

  s w re slipp ffS e wo 'd di appe

  do, no y to rea h h Ia

  dze ed tI thlI ft , not for

  0 corth(Zn 0 anon

  t ny I tries, a hundr ci e _nng e

  -no an s nger,~ out her h t w t t go

  a w w . ~g

  e hed e hat blan 'i Is mean ow m e be ba~. He could only estimate There had

  been two blasts from the Crist6vidlo; ments later the blond decoy had

  emerged from the shadows of the warehouse door. Seven minutes. Yet there

  bad been no bass chord following the high-pitched whistles. Did its absence

  signify less time or more? He probed his memory, racing over scores of

  assignments that bad taken him to waterfronts everywhere.

  He remembered; more accurately, he thought he remembered as a blurred

  recent memory struggled to surface. The high-pitched shrieks were for ships

  in the distance, the vibrating lower tones for those nearer by-a rule of

  thumb for the sea, and the docks. And while he was being beaten, the outer

  vibrations of a low, grinding chord had fused with his Own screams of

  protest and fury. The bass-toned whistle had followed shortly after the

  shrieks-prelude to imminent departure. Seven minutes-less one, more likely

  two, perhaps

  He had only minutes. Six, fIve-four, no more than that. The Teresa's pier

  was several hundred yards away; in his condition it would take at least two

  minutes to get there, and that would happen only if he could get past the

  two jacketed men who had been called to stop him. Four minutes at the

  outside, two minimum. Jesusl HowP He looked around again, trying to control

  his panic, aware that every second reduced his chances.

  A stocky black object was silhouetted between two pilings ten yards away;

  be had not noticed it before because it was a stationary part of the dock.

  He studied it now. It was a


  barrel, an ordinary barrel, undoubtedly punctured during loading or

  unloading procedures, and now used as a receptacle for coffee cups, trash,

  predawn fires; they were on piers everywhere. He ran to it, gripped it,

  rocked it. It swung free; be lowered it to its side and rolled it back

  toward the wall. Time elapsed: thirty, perhaps forty seconds. Time

  remaining: between one and a half and three-plus minutes. The tactic that

  came into focus was a desperate one, but it was the only one that was

  possible. He could not get past those men unless they came to him, unless

  the fog and the translucent, brightening darkness worked for him and against

  them. There was no time to think about the guard and the man in the


  He crouched in the shadows, against the wall, both bands on the sides of

  the ffithy barrel. He took a deep breath and screamed as loud as be could,

  knowing the scream would echo throughout the deserted pier.

  "Aiutol Prestol Sanguinol Muoiol"

  He stopped, listening. In the distance be beard the shouts; they were

  questions, then commands. He screamed again: "Aiutol"


  Then racing footsteps. Nearer ... drawing nearer.

  Nowl He shoved the barrel with all the strength be could muster. It clanked

  as it rolled laterally over the planks, through the fog, toward the edge of

  the pier.

  The two men rounded the corner of the warehouse in the misty light; the

  barrel reached the edge of the dock. It struck one of the pilings. Ob,

  Chiistl Then it spun and plunged over. The sound of the splash below was


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