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Vinnie, Her Italian Billionaire: A BWWM Mafia Romance

Page 14

by Rosa Foxxe

  “What does it mean to be in the mob?” Tyra asked as she tossed some tinder onto the fire.

  “So there is the economy and the shadow economy, right?” Vinnie said. “Well, imagine if you merged the two. Imagine if you ran a few legit businesses and rolled over about a quarter of the earnings into the not so legit stuff. You'd be able to run all the smaller rackets right out of town simply because of the amount of capital you're bringing to the table. Then you turn around a quick and hefty profit that you don't have to pay any taxes on, so you keep churning money into the business and skimming the cream off the top. Or at least that's what you do if you aren't greedy. Sometimes the mob gets greedy—not that we are all unified or anything, but you know what I'm getting at—and they end up taking out too much. Much of the time when this happens they use violence to squeeze a little more honey out of the underground markets. And that attracts police.”

  “But what about shootouts,” Tyra said. “Like at your father’s restaurant?”

  Vinnie drew in a deep sigh and let it out slowly.

  “Well, imagine that your family isn't the only one that has decided they are going to start bringing in some cash from the underground. Imagine that there are more than a couple families doing this. Now imagine that some of the families gang up on the other families in an effort to force them out. That's when the violence gets bad and things spiral out of control. My family had just repelled an advance from another, and I'd wanted it to stop there, but my father, he wanted more than just to defend. He had me lead some men into the vineyard that the other family ran. We destroyed pretty much everything. And when I came back I told him we would regret it. And we still are to this day!”

  “So what happened exactly?” Tyra asked as she rested her head on Vinnie's shoulder.

  “They hit us back. That's what always happens. You hit them, they hit you back. So they came to my father's place and shot it up. Some innocent people didn't make it.”

  Vinnie stopped talking. He peered over the fire into the dark beyond. Tyra wondered what acts of violence were playing over again in his mind; if he were watching the acts of violence again and again.

  “And that's why I was out in the desert. Because I'd contacted the syndicate of families that run this town and told them that I didn't want to have it be like it was in the old country, but it could if that's how they wanted to have it. But please believe me that I was sincere! Please believe that I really wanted peace!”

  “So what were the bodies about?”

  “A message that they would have war,” Vinnie said. “They think they are some kind of hard asses because they kill some of their mistresses, or have the mistresses of others killed. They have no idea what will happen if my family gets wind of this.”

  “What will happen?” she asked.

  “I'll probably have to leave,” he said. “My father doesn't want me around the fighting anymore. He says it isn't becoming for his son and right hand man to get his hands dirty, and that I've done enough for the family already in that regard. So I'd probably have to leave and then they'd send in some of my cousins who want to get promoted.

  They'd come here and start killing people. It would turn into a blood bath unlike this city has ever seen. And there would be nothing anyone could do. One of the reasons my casino is where it is, is because it is very easily defended. All that would have to happen is a thorough checkpoint be put up at the entrance and the casino would be untouchable. Not just untouchable but safe, something the rest of the casinos can only create as an illusion. So our business would just get better while everyone else's dwindled.”

  “That sounds scary, Vinnie,” Tyra said. “Are you sure there is no other way?”

  “My cousins are not reasonable men! They will not listen. They will come here with machine guns and sniper rifles and bombs. They will bring mercenaries and other men of war. And they will wreak havoc on this town like some kind of natural disaster. It will be like God himself has brought terror onto the city of Vegas.

  And all because some old men can't understand that they don't run the show. These old men up in their towers, they think that they are young still! They think that they can still fight the world when even back then they didn't do that. Basically, they have become sick with vanity and want to try to die in a fight that they think becomes them. But they do not know my cousins. They don't know that they'll just die in the streets like dogs, slipping around in their own blood as they try to get up. I've seen what my cousins do to people. They are murderers with no regard for human life!”

  Vinnie fell silent and Tyra started to nuzzle his neck.

  “Baby, you know that I care about you, right?” she said. “And although I won't lie and tell you that I'm not having any second thoughts considering what I found out today at the police station, I still want to keep seeing you. I just hope that all of this can get sorted out. I mean, how they can even charge us with anything when you had no idea that the bodies were out there!?”

  Vinnie laughed mirthlessly.

  “They can't charge us and they know it. They just want to show me that they are the boss. Really, they should be arresting one of the more powerful heads of the syndicate, but they won't because they know he'll just have his lawyer say that he had no idea that there were bodies in the desert. And since they knew the police would find the bodies and arrest us, I doubt any of them will trace back to the syndicate. So, in short, the police are just doing what they do. They found a bunch of dead people in the desert so they had to bring some people downtown and question them for a few hours so that their boss wasn't like 'What the fuck am I paying you for?'”

  “So they just want to look busy, is all?” Tyra said. “Well that explains the weird behavior I saw.”

  She looked at Vinnie in the firelight. He looked so sad. She tilted his chin towards her and planted a big kiss on his lips. He responded by kissing her back and pulling her closer to him. She nuzzled into him, feeling how warm he was, wanting to feel more of him. Their hands ran over each other like two kids on prom night. Tyra was so turned on besides being tired and wet. All of the excitement was translating into a bunch of sexual energy. She could feel that Vinnie was similarly turned on.

  “I'm so glad that you still want to be around me,” Vinnie said in between kissing her mouth and neck. “So many other women would’ve wanted to run away as soon as they got taken downtown. That's the problem with so many these days, they are so scared of the bullshit police tactics! But not you! I knew that you would not be shaken by their stupidity! And I assure you that's exactly what is going on. They don't have anything on me because I didn't do anything except a favor for someone who bribes the police, so nothing will happen at all.”

  Tyra reached her hand down to Vinnie's crotch and started to squeeze and rub there until she felt his throbbing cock. She loved it when he got turned on because he had such a big dick. There really wasn't anything in the whole world like a large cock. She loved how a big dick felt in her hand. It made her feel like she was attractive and it also made her feel like she wanted to get fucked. Tyra didn't know if she and Vinnie were going to be able to make it long term but she figured they could probably make it for the moment, or at least make it long enough to make love. Or just long enough for him to fuck her brains out.

  “Oh, God, Vinnie,” she said. “Let me suck your fucking dick. I love the way your cock feels in my mouth. I'm so ready to go down on you. Baby, please, stick your big dick in my mouth please! I need it so fucking bad! You have no idea how turned on I am right now!”

  Vinnie grunted, stood, and stripped in a hurry while Tyra did the same. They made a bed of their clothes so they didn't have to lay on the cold hard ground of the cave. Tyra got on her knees and Vinnie got behind her. She loved it when Vinnie took her from behind. Doggy style was her favorite position and his big cock made it feel even better than usual. Vinnie slipped inside of her and started gently thrusting back and forth while he reached around her body and played with her clit. It
felt so good. She couldn't believe how good it felt. Maybe it was because it was a dream and none of it was real, but she started to orgasm right away.

  “Fuck! I'm coming already! Just keep fucking me baby! Please, please keep fucking me! I need it more than ever right now!”

  The kind of orgasm that rocked through her body wasn't anything like the orgasms she usually had. It seemed like reality was rending around her. As she came the lightning and thunder came more quickly and loudly, the wind howled more fiercely, and the rain drenched them both.

  “Do you like that, baby?” Vinnie said. “Do you like my fucking dick? Do you like the way I fuck you with my big cock? I know you do. I know you love it when I give it to you hard and fast. Oh, don't you. Yes you do. Look at you! Look at you coming right now! Holy shit!”

  Tyra's eyes were rolled back in her head and her caramel ass jiggled in the air as Vinnie pounded it.

  “Oh God, it feels so good!” she said.

  The thunder outside started to sound like a knocking. Then she was awake and back in the interrogation room. James stood in front of her rapping his knuckles on the table.

  “Come with me.”

  The Final Chapter

  James led her to the other side of the two-way mirror that she'd seen so much of her own reflection in while she'd been sitting in the interrogation room. James sat her in a seat and left the room, being sure to lock the door behind him. Then Vinnie was brought into the room and sat down where she had just been minutes earlier. Then in came James and Brian, both of them flushed in the face like they'd just downed another pot of coffee and were ready to berate Vinnie.

  “Vinnie, Vinnie, Vinnie,” James said. “You know, if I were you, I'd go by Vincent.”

  Vinnie just looked at James like he was something the cat had drug in and didn't say anything.

  “Anyway,” Brian said. “We all know why you're in here. You came to town trying to flex on some really old money and they conned you into going out into the desert and getting wrapped up in some bullshit with dead bodies. Now, we aren't going to try to hit you with some bullshit charges over the bodies. I think we all know that will not only not work, but could end up backfiring badly, considering who sent you out there. So instead we will hit you with obstruction charges unless you map out why you went out there.”

  “Hey man,” Vinnie said. “I'm not saying shit. You already know everything anyway. You want to play some fucking games, go play them with each other in some back room in this place. I'm not going to sit here and jerk you two off about how you're cops and how I'm so scared because I might get arrested. I'm not going to get arrested, as you just said, and if I do, then whatever, my lawyer has me out in a day’s time. I'm not some shrinking violet pussy, not like so many other wanna be tough guys in this town, who don't know shit about shit, but want to act like they are tough as nails. I've been to jail before. To me, going to jail is like a time out. So if you want to throw me in jail let's go. I'm happy to go to jail. Arrest me, officers!”

  Vinnie held both of his hands out in front of them, wrists together. At first he held them out to James who didn't move, then he held them out to Brian.

  “Oh, so neither of you want to arrest me?” Vinnie said. “Well this is a strange predicament to be in, don't you think? Here I am, not under arrest, being held against my own will, and the police will not arrest me. You simply refuse. A very strange thing indeed. What is it like to make the rules up as you go?”

  “You tell us!” James said. “And while you're at it, why don't you tell us in your own words how you ended up in the middle of fucking nowhere with a bunch of heavily armed men and digging equipment?”

  “Fine,” Vinnie said. “I'll tell you what you already know, fat man. You know who asked me to go out there and fetch something for him. I asked him specifically if it was bodies, and told him that if it was I wasn't about to go around digging the skeletons out of his closet for him. He said that what he wanted was some old loot he'd stashed for a rainy day years and years ago. Like an idiot, I believe this. Well, maybe not like an idiot. I pretty much had no way of telling if he was lying or not. I could either just take it at face value or tell him to go and fuck himself, and at that point in the game, I wasn't about to go tell him to go fuck himself.”

  “I'll bet not,” Brian said.

  “So I organize some digging equipment and get some guys together to go out there. I had a funny feeling so I had everyone bring guns,” Vinnie said. “But I figured that the hardest time I was going to get would either be from PETA or someone else trying to tell me that I couldn't accidentally kill any of the precious little turtles that wander the desert just waiting to get scared, piss themselves, then die.”

  Brian laughed at this, but was quickly scowled into silence by James.

  “That's a cool story, Vinnie,” James said. “I'll have to get a hold of my friend who’s an expert on cool stories to really know what I'm dealing with, though.”

  Vinnie didn't say anything. Instead he put his feet up on the corner of the table and crossed them.

  “Why don't you tell us about your family back home,” James said. “Why don't you tell us how you ended up over here to begin with? I mean, it's not every day that we are blessed with an emissary of the Italian mafia.”

  “I'm not sure what racist cop wet dream you are referring to,” Vinnie said. “My family's rise to wealth and power has everything to do with olives and their oil, and nothing to do with whatever dirty little world you two live in. Now, can we talk about something that isn't gibberish right out of your heads or can I be free to go?”

  “You won't go anywhere unless we say!” James shouted. “Do you understand me!? You are not above the law!”

  “All right, all right,” Vinnie said. “You're so much better than me. Oh high and mighty cop people, will you please look favorably on this poor WOP immigrant and let me go, since you aren't charging me with anything and haven't let me see a lawyer since I walked in here, even though I keep asking? Would that be all right? Or do you want me to go back out and pick some cotton while I call you master and whip me first?”

  Neither James nor Brian was sure what to say to this. They shifted in their chairs uncomfortably. Tyra wondered what they had hoped to accomplish by sitting Vinnie down and trying to talk with him. Whatever they had been trying to do hadn't worked out, that much was obvious to see.

  “You can go,” James said.

  And with that, the two cops stood and left.

  Chapter 5

  “Those fucking assholes!” Vinnie raged as he drove. “How many hours were we in there? Who do they think they are? They treat people like they don't have any rights. So we found some dead people in the desert? So what? You know how many bodies are out there? This town isn't exactly a place where nice people go to hang out. People come here to gamble and fuck call girls, for crying out loud. But they drag us downtown and question us for hours on end. When they moved me into the second room where you watched me, that was after they'd already questioned me!”

  Tyra couldn't believe how things had turned out, either. Maybe it was because she was used to the Midwest, but out here it sure did seem like the cops thought they could do just about whatever they wanted and get away with it. The whole experience of going to the station had ended up being surreal in a weird way, more than anything else. She wondered what else the detectives could have been doing instead of sitting around tables with people that they knew didn't know anything about what was going on out in the desert. Not that there was anything really going on. Vinnie had told her that the corpse that had been dead the least amount of time had an estimated time of death of about five years ago—long before either of them had come to Vegas.

  “Do you think they were trying to prove a point?” she asked.

  “Who knows,” Vinnie said. “They were probably just bored or something. It's one of those government jobs where you have to look busy. If nothing is happening you just can't sit at your desk and twiddle your th
umbs. If you do that, people start to wonder why you even get a paycheck. So cops and detectives will swarm over a single event like flies on a turd just to look busy for the day. Then they go home and don't give a fuck, but call in the next day and tell their boss how hard they'd worked the day before, so of course they need a little time to rest up.”

  Tyra listened to Vinnie rant as they traveled back to the casino. It sounded like they were going to be spending the night there. Tyra hadn't been sure what was going to happen exactly, considering that Vinnie might need to lay low or something of that nature. He might even need to disappear. But it didn't sound like either of those things were going to happen.

  “So we are just going to go back to your place and hang out like nothing is wrong?” she asked.

  “You're god damn right we are,” Vinnie said. “And I'm sorry for being so worked up, for real, but I can't stand cops. The best thing for us to do right now is act innocent. If we skip town or do something silly like become ghosts, people are going to think that something is up and the cops might think so as well. But if we go back to my place and just chill out for a little bit it looks like exactly what it was—a bunch of asshole cops being fucking dicks. You know what I'm saying?”


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