The Dark Box: A Secret History of Confession
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fasting and, 136
impure thoughts as, 229
judgements on, 63
masturbation, 148–151, 208
obligatory confession and, 15, 19
unconfessed, 114
venial sin compared, 27
wife disobedience, 23
Mothers and Sons (Tóibín), 198
Murphy, Lawrence, 181
Mysticism, 55–57
Nájera, Gaspar de, 49–50
Narcissism, 232–233
Neri, Philip, 70
Neuhaus, Richard John, 187
Newman, John Henry, 68–69, 70–72
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 97
Ninth commandment, 141
Nocturnal emissions, 147, 153
Noldin, H., 135, 138, 145
Non serviam, 204, 207
Norbertine Order, 183
Nuela, José, 51
The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk: The Hidden Secrets of a Nun’s Life in a Convent Exposed, 70
confessions by, 35, 48–49
convents, 48–49, 69–70
enclosure rules and Council of Trent, 48
rape or abduction of, 22
specialist confessors of, 23
Oath, Anti-Modernist, 97, 99
blind to one’s confessor, 65
emphasis on, 23
to papal authority, 207
Pius X and, 87
of wife to husband, 23
O’Brien, Edna, 117
O’Connor, Frank, 112, 116
On Confession: Whither the Pope Has Power to Command It. (Luther), 32
On the Pathology and Treatment of Gonorrhoea and Spermatorrhoea (Milton), 153
Oratorians, 59, 70
Orgasm, 7, 149, 150
Original sin, 5, 63, 110, 232
Ormaneto, Niccolò, 43–44
Orwell, George, 97
Osca, Gabriel de, 50
Othello (Shakespeare), 232–233
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha (Doyle), 115
Paedophiles, 162, 163, 189
Papacy, loyalty to, 108
Papal authority, 91, 98
Papal primacy, 91
Pareja, Antonio de, 29
Parish schools, 143
Pascendi (Pius X encyclical), 91, 97
Passionists, 114
A Path from Rome (Kenny), 209, 225
Paul III, 33, 34
Paul VI, 159, 208, 212
Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis (Jenkins), 162
Ash Wednesday, 3
criticism of Scriptural origins of sacrament, 4–5
early Church and, 3–14
imposed on kings and princes, 12–13
penitential tariffs, 8–11, 18
pilgrimage as, 11–12
substitute paid to perform, 11–12
tariffs, 8–11
waving of, 14
See also Confession
Penitential books
described, 9–11
supplements to, 13–14
Penitential tariffs, 8–11, 18
confession by (see Confession)
early Church and, 3–14
motives for repentance, 18
substitute, 11
The Penitential of St. Columbanus (penitential book), 9–1
Peter Damian of Ravenna, 14
Peter of Alcántara, 57
Pfeiffer, Christian, 174
Pickering, Ronald, 170
Pietas Puerilis (Erasmus), 31
Pilgrimage, 11–12, 109
Pincher Martin (Golding), 233–234
Pius IV, 39, 46
Pius IX, 65, 84
Pius X, 79–91, 93–98
beatification of, 96
Code of Canon Law, 98–99
defense of the Church by, 85–86
E Supremi Apostolatus (encyclical), 83–84
early life of, 79–80
Editae Saepae (encyclical), 85
election as pope, 79–81
fear of pollution of priesthood, 154–155
Jean-Marie Vianney and, 75
Modernism and, 88–91
Pascendi (encyclical), 91
personal qualities of, 82
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux on, 203, 204
seminary reform by, 83, 86–88, 124
spy-net of, 93–100
Pius XI
on education of youth, 144
encyclical on chaste marriage, 206
encyclical on films, 144–145
Jean-Marie Vianney and, 75
Pius XII
on Alphonsus Liguori, 65–66
beatification of Pius X, 96
canonization of Maria Goretti, 148
death of, 125
Marcial Maciel and, 185
rhythm method advocacy by, 206
Pole, Reginald, 34
Polka, 73
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde), 233
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 200–202, 204–205, 237
Power, David N., 101
Prádanos, Juan de, 56
Pregnancy, abstinence from intercourse during, 10
The Preservative Against Popery (White), 68
Priest and Nun: A Story of Convent Life, 70
Priest-holes, 39
confessors (see Confessors)
education of, 42
ignorant/corrupt, 40–42
moral education of children, 143–145
number of, 126–127
scandalous behavior of, 40–41
sexual abuses by, 51–52
Probabilism, 64
condemnation by Council of Trent, 35, 36
imagination impugned, 71
tensions with, 108
Psychoanalysis, 228
Psychotherapy, 223
Purgatory, 27, 109, 114–115
Quam Singulari (Pius X encyclical), 103–104
A Question of Conscience (Davis)
Quietism, 64
Rahner, Karl, 236, 238
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 135–136
Rampolla, Mariano, 80–81
Rape, 21, 52, 147–148
Ratzinger, Joseph, 184, 211–212, 214
Readmission to the Church, 5–6
communal, 5–6, 235–236
confession as sacrament of, 210, 226
early penitents and their
penances, 4–14
exclusion from, 7
with God before confession, 237–238
during Lent, 38
as once-in-a-lifetime event, 5
Redemptorists, 65, 114, 116
Reed, Rebecca, 69
Reformation, 30
Reich, Wilhelm, 157
Relics, 11–12, 31
Religious education, 84
Religious orders, founding of, 59
Repentance, 4, 18
Revelations of Divine Love (Julian of Norwich), 217
Rezzonico, Carlo, 107
Rhythm method, 206
Rigali, Justin, 183
Roman Catechism of Trent, 104
Rosary, 108–109, 129
Ross, Joseph, 183
Russell, Bertrand, 130
Ryan Report, 182
Sacred Heart of Jesus, 59
Saints, relics of, 11–12
Salazar, Alonso de, 54
Sarto, Giuseppe. See Pius X
Savio, Dominic, 224
Savonarola, 26
Scapulas, 109
Schatzman, Morton, 153
Schmitt, A. (author), 135, 138, 145
Schreber, Daniel Gottlieb Moritz, 152, 154, 155
Schreber, Daniel Paul, 151–152
Scorsese, Martin, 199
Scotus, Duns, 18
Scruples, 22–23, 120, 146, 147, 159
Seal of confession, 118, 173, 182, 184, 190, 193
> Sébastien Roch (Mirbeau), 73
Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), 65, 91, 135, 159, 208, 211, 234–237
goals of, 235
John XXIII and, 134
opposition to, 82
reconciliation and, 235–237
Secularisation, 84
Secularism, clergy’s resistance to the rise of, 72
Self-adulation, 232–234
Self-mortification, 8, 24, 25, 74, 156
author’s experiences in, 125–139
daily life in, 128–132
derivation of term, 132–133
educational curriculum, 133–139
junior, 124, 127–128, 171, 224–225
number of students, 125–126, 127
Pius X reforms of, 83, 86–88, 124
sexology, 141–165
starting age for, 35
Seminary Boy (Cornwell), 156
Serviam, 204, 207–210
Seven Deadly Sins, 11, 229
abuse (see Sexual abuse)
adultery, 6, 7, 9, 21, 141
anal intercourse, 14, 73
confessions by children and, 116–120
contraception, 205–210, 215
H. Davis and moral textbooks, 141–150
homosexuality, 14, 142–143, 208
masturbation (see Masturbation)
moral education of children, 143–145
rape, 21, 52, 147–148
seminary education and, 141–142
sexual sin, 6–7, 9–10, 119, 141–156, 172
solicitations/abuse by confessors, 29–30, 45–52, 66, 69
Sexual abuse, 51–52, 156–157, 160–165, 169–196
author’s experience with, 171–173
confession of abuse by priests, 189–193
consequences of, 170, 180, 195–196
databases of accused clergy, 182
failure of act by superiors, 183–184, 186–188
grooming potential victims, 170–174, 179–180
investigations of, 174–175, 182
locations of, 175–182
Sexual revolution, 133, 157, 207–208
The Sexual Revolution (Reich), 157
Sexual sin, 141–156
confession of, 119, 172
penitential book focus on, 9–10
views of early Church on, 6–7
Sexuality in the Confessional: A Sacrament Profaned (Haliczer), 47
Shakespeare, William, 232–233
Shrines, 12, 109
Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria (canonist), 53
status and penance, 11
unrepentant, 5
absolution of (see Absolution)
categories in penitentials, 11
children taught about, 109–111
communal, 222
confession of (see Confession)
grave, 17
meaning of term, 229
mental, 9–10
mortal (see Mortal sin)
original, 5, 63, 110, 232
self-idolatry, 232
Seven Deadly, 11, 229
sexual sin, 6–7, 9–10, 119, 141–156, 172
social nature of, 231, 235
types in handbooks for confessors, 22
unforgivable, 7
venial, 8, 27, 37
Sipe, A. W. Richard, 151, 155–166, 169
Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You (Durang), 115
Six Months in a Convent (Reed), 69
Sixth commandment, 141–142
Skellig Michael, 7
Smoking, 128–129, 157
Smyth, Brendan, 183–184
Social teaching, 63
Society of Pius X, 235
penance for, 9
victims of, 14
by women, 52–53
Soeur Thérèse of Lisieux: The Little Flower, 203
Sophocles, 232
Sorrow, types of, 18
confessors as guide, 14
effect of sin on, 110–111
killing of, 225
Soul murder, 152, 169
Soul Murder (Schatzman), 153
Spanish Inquisition, 46, 47
Spark, Muriel, 199
Spee, Friedrich, 54–55
Spooner, Richard (member of Parliament), 71
Spy network, of Pius X, 93–100
St. Patrick’s Purgatory Island, 8–9
Stendhal, 73
Stone, Robert, 199
Stutz, Ulrich, 99
Suárez, Francisco (moralist), 62
Submission to authority, 23
Summa Theologiae Moralis (Noldin and Schmitt), 135, 138
Summas, 18, 21
Svevo, Italo, 199
Swift, Jonathan, 46
Tale of a Tub (Swift), 46
Teresa of Avila, 55–57
Tertullian, 6–7
Theologia Moralis (Liguori), 65
Thérèse of Lisieux, 132, 203–205
This Boy’s Life (Wolff), 114
Thomas à Becket, 13
Thomas à Kempis, 22, 131, 229–230
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (Freud), 152
Timothy of Alexandria, 105–106
Tóibín, Colm, 197, 198
Total institution, 123, 125
Tridetine clericalism, 42
True Confessions, 199
Tyrrell, George, 90
Udris, John, 204
Ulysses (Joyce), 117
Urban VIII, 58
Ursuline Convent Riots (1834), 69
Usury, 215–216
Vaca, Juan, 185–186
Valdelomar, Alonso de, 29
Vatican Council of 1869–1870, 61
Venereal pleasure, 142, 144
Venial sins
confession of, 8, 37
Purgatory and, 27
Vianney, Jean-Marie, 73–75, 87, 132, 156
Virginity, 7, 142
Virtue, 230–231
Vitoria, Francisco de, 62
Voltaire, 66
Von Hügel, Baron Friedrich, 90
Walmsley, Kate, 181–182
Waugh, Evelyn, 198
The Way of Salvation and of Perfection (Liguori), 61
Wharton, Edith, 198
White, Antonia, 115
White, Joseph Blanco, 68
exclusion from intercourse with, 10
submission and obedience, 23
Wilde, Oscar, 233
William the Conqueror, 12
Wiseman, Nicholas, 71
Witchcraft, 53–55
Wolff, Tobias, 114
confessors of, 24–26, 29–30, 45–51, 66–69, 73
exclusion from intercourse, 10
false recovered-memory syndrome, 54
holy women, 25, 55–59, 69
masturbation by, 52–53
modesty in, 144
patriarchal attitude towards, 124
as provocation to chastity, 6–7
sexual acts between, 52–53
submission and obedience, 23
treatment in penitential books, 10
witchcraft, 53–55
Wycliffe, John, 236