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The Roberts Court: The Struggle for the Constitution

Page 45

by Marcia Coyle

  Grutter decision and, 88–89

  implications of Supreme Court ruling on, 118–19

  Kennedy’s concurring opinion in, 110–11, 118

  Korrell’s brief for, 87–88, 92

  Madden and, 86, 92, 93–94, 118

  moot courts for, 92

  oral arguments in, 89–90, 97, 98–102

  petition for review granted in, 76–77

  Roberts’s opinion in, 109–10, 118, 239

  Thomas’s dissent from denial of review in, 76

  see also Louisville school lawsuit; Seattle school lawsuit

  Seattle School District, 85, 118

  increased racial isolation in, 77

  mandatory busing plan of, 35–36

  NAACP segregation suit against, 34–35

  voluntary integration plan of, 35

  Seattle School District, “open choice” plan of, 29, 32–33, 119

  “backpack budgeting” in, 36

  deactivation of racial tiebreaker in, 55

  halting middle-class flight as goal of, 36

  parent dissatisfaction with, 37–38

  as racial balancing, 52

  racial diversity as goal of, 29, 30–31, 36, 53

  as racially neutral, 39, 54

  tiebreakers in, 30–31, 33, 36–38, 41

  Seattle school lawsuit, 29, 84, 376

  Browne and, 49, 52, 87–88

  Korrell in, 48–49, 51–52, 65, 75, 76

  Madden in, 53–54, 76

  neighborhood school issue in, 54

  Ninth Circuit of Appeals ruling on, 55, 59, 60, 64–65

  Pacific Legal Foundation and, 49, 52

  petition for review filed in, 70, 75–76

  public reaction to, 52

  Rothstein’s ruling on, 54–55

  in Washington Supreme Court, 55, 58, 59

  see also Seattle-Louisville school integration cases

  Second Amendment, 3, 123–96

  Burger on, 124, 147

  due process and, 166

  incorporation issue and, 195

  literature on, 135, 142

  litigation on, see Heller case; McDonald case; Miller case; Parker v. District of Columbia; Seegars v. Ashcroft

  Madison’s draft of, 180

  precedent and, 126, 139, 141, 150

  and privileges and immunities clause, 166

  Second Amendment, individual rights interpretation of, 123–24, 139, 287, 378, 380

  Breyer as likely to reject, 146

  Burger’s rejection of, 124

  Bush administration’s advocacy of, 126–27, 129, 137–38, 152, 153, 154, 156

  in criminal cases, 131–32, 137

  D.C. Court of Appeals adoption of, 140–41

  Democratic presidential candidates’ advocacy of, 171

  Fifth Circuit Court’s adoption of, 125–27

  Ginsburg as possibly favoring, 145–46

  Kennedy’s advocacy of, 175–77

  Levy team’s three-stage campaign for, 131, 195

  “reasonable restrictions” limit on, 125, 127, 150, 188

  Scalia’s advocacy of, 145, 177, 188–94

  Thomas seen as favoring, 145

  Second Amendment, militia-based interpretation of, 123–24, 139, 150

  Clinton administration’s advocacy of, 125–26

  Stevens’s advocacy of, 180, 189–90

  Second Amendment Foundation, 155

  Seegars v. Ashcroft:

  dismissal of, 138, 139

  Halbrook as lead attorney in, 135–37

  Justice Department and, 136

  motion to consolidate Parker with, 136–37

  NRA funding of, 134–35

  as pre-enforcement challenge, 139

  standing issue in, 136, 138, 139

  segregation, see racial discrimination

  Senate, U.S., special interest groups and, 253

  Senate Judiciary Committee, 20, 66, 243–44

  Alito confirmation hearings in, 27, 70–71

  Kagan confirmation hearings in, 304–7, 316–17

  Roberts confirmation hearings in, 13, 20–21, 60–61, 67–70, 215–16, 354

  Sotomayor confirmation hearings in, 243–44, 253–56, 304

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of, 82, 222, 379

  Shapiro, Ilya, 170

  Shelby County, Ala. v. Holder, 248

  Sherman Act, 377

  Sigale, David, 195

  Silberman, Laurence, 141

  Simpson, Steve, 137

  libertarian philosophy of, 124, 127

  Second Amendment interpretation of, 125, 127–28, 133

  Singer, Linda, 147, 153, 157

  Sixth Amendment, 8, 378–79

  confrontation clause of, 8, 15–16, 221–22

  Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, 344

  Affordable Care case in, 330–31

  Louisville lawsuit in, 59, 60, 64

  Slick Willie (Bossie and Brown), 200

  Smith, William French, 21, 231–32

  Snead, Maree, 93

  Snyder v. Phelps, 325–26, 382

  Social Security Act (1930), 350

  solicitor general, 91, 154

  see also specific cases

  Sorrell v. IMS Health, 326–27, 382

  Sotomayor, Sonia, 8, 117, 233, 317, 366n

  in Affordable Care case arguments, 342

  background of, 253–54

  in Citizens United reargument, 263–64

  confrontation clause and, 17

  expected tenure of, 17–18

  gun rights and, 254–55

  investiture of, 261

  J.D.B. opinion of, 329–30

  Miranda rights and, 329–30

  Ricci and, 239–40

  Senate confirmation hearings of, 243–44, 253–56, 304

  Supreme Court nomination of, 239–40, 243

  “wise Latina” comment of, 254, 256

  Souter, David, 5, 7, 9, 15, 354

  Boumediene concurring opinion of, 183

  Bowles dissent of, 311

  Citizens United draft dissent of, 251, 252

  in Citizens United oral arguments, 234

  color-blindness of Constitution rejected by, 115

  confrontation clause and, 16–17

  and Kennedy v. Louisiana, 184–85

  leftward shift of, 20, 105, 108

  respect for precedent emphasized by, 251–52

  retirement of, 17, 220, 237–38, 243, 248–49, 253

  in Ricci oral arguments, 239

  Twombly opinion of, 223, 309–10

  Vermont campaign finance dissent of, 211–12

  WRTL dissent of, 214–15

  South Carolina, voter ID law of, 320

  special interest groups, 10

  campaign spending by, 203

  issue ads by, 203

  Senate and, 253

  Supreme Court cases and, 160–61

  Specter, Arlen, 23, 66, 256 v. FEC, 275, 276

  Spellings, Margaret, 92

  Staackmann, Dan, 196

  standing, 136, 138, 139, 284–85, 331

  Stanford, John, 30, 36

  stare decisis, see precedent, respect for

  Starr, Ken, 159

  State of Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 318–19

  Steeh, George, 318

  Stenberg v. Carhart, 215

  Stevens, John Paul, 5, 7, 347

  Bush v. Gore dissent of, 299

  Citizens United dissent of, 270, 271, 272–73

  clerks in drafting opinions by, 105

  color-blindness of Constitution rejected by, 115

  confrontation clause and, 16–17

  Davis dissent of, 217

  death penalty and, 298, 367n-68n

  due process championed by, 297–98

  Gross dissent of, 314

  Hamdan opinion of, 82–83

  Heller dissent of, 180, 189–90

  in Heller oral arguments, 178–79

Kennedy v. Louisiana, 184–85

  legacy of, 297–99

  McDonald dissent of, 302–3

  on oral arguments, 169–70

  on originalism vs. pragmatism, 192

  Padilla opinion of, 297

  petitions for review and, 74

  precedent and, 180

  Raich opinion of, 292

  retirement of, 15, 17, 71, 296–97, 300, 303

  on Roberts Court conservatism, 299

  Roberts sworn in by, 18–19

  Seattle-Louisville case dissent of, 114–15

  Second Amendment interpretation of, 180, 189–90

  as senior associate justice, 95

  Vermont campaign finance dissent of, 211–12

  Stevens case, 300–301, 380

  Stewart, Malcolm, 153, 228–29

  background of, 232–33

  in Citizens United oral arguments, 234–36, 250–51

  Stewart, Nathaniel, 287

  Stewart, Potter, 45, 298

  strict scrutiny, 111, 153

  Sunstein, Cass, 22

  Super PACs, 275–77

  Supreme Court, U.S.:

  assignment of opinion writing in, 95, 96, 102, 107, 180–81

  briefs in, 86–87, 339

  Burger Court, see Burger Court

  collegiality in, 14, 352–53

  commerce clause rulings of, 288–94

  compromise in, 94

  conferences in, 17, 169

  constitutionality tests of, 152–53

  credibility and standing of, 252

  grounds for granting review by, 150–51

  historical research and, 181–82

  oral arguments in, 86–87, 97, 105, 169–70, 233, 317

  political process in, 6–7

  public cynicism about, 6, 199

  reading of dissents from the bench as rarity in, 107

  reargument in, 72, 78–79

  Rehnquist Court, see Rehnquist Court

  retirements and changed dynamic of, 13–14

  reversal of lower courts by, 85

  Roberts Court, see Roberts Court

  special interests groups and, 160–61

  strategic leadership concept rejected by, 95–96

  three standards for review by, 194

  Warren Court, 29, 43, 44, 50, 68, 164

  see also specific cases

  Supreme Court clerks, 220, 317–18

  division of cases among, 104

  in writing of opinions, 104–5, 318

  suspension clause, 151, 182–84, 378

  Suter, William, 245

  Sutton, Jeffrey, 330–31, 344

  Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education, 43–44, 101

  Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 209

  Tea Party, 282, 286, 341

  Tellabs v. Makor, 310

  Tennessee Valley Authority, 324

  testimonial evidence, 16, 221

  Texas, redistricting in, 29, 80, 83, 320, 334, 341, 345

  Texas, University of, affirmative action suit against, 5, 117, 241

  Texas Tribune, 4

  textualism, 167, 193

  Thomas, Clarence, 7, 8, 24, 27, 83, 125, 308, 352

  and Affordable Care case recusal demands, 340–41

  Affordable Care dissent of, 349, 355

  Boumediene case and, 183

  Bowles opinion of, 311

  Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association dissent of, 326

  Citizens United concurring opinion of, 272

  clerks in drafting opinions by, 105

  commerce clause as viewed by, 289

  Comstock dissent of, 294

  Constitution viewed as color-blind by, 112, 115

  Davis case and, 186

  as dissenting from Seattle-Louisville denial of review, 76

  Doe v. Reed dissent of, 301

  on executive power, 83

  First Amendment cases and, 108

  Gross opinion of, 267, 314

  and Kennedy v. Louisiana, 185

  Marsh opinion of, 73

  NAMUDNO dissent of, 248

  on oral arguments, 105, 170

  as originalist, 70, 113, 165–66

  partisan politics accusations against, 341

  as rarely asking questions in oral arguments, 102

  Seattle-Louisville concurring opinion of, 112

  Second Amendment interpretation of, 145

  on Tillman Act, 208

  and Vermont campaign finance decision, 211

  Washington State Grange opinion of, 174–75

  as willing to disregard precedent, 165, 166

  WRTL case and, 214

  Thomas More Law Center, 282

  Thomas More Law Center v. Obama, 318, 330–31

  Tillman Act (1907), 207–9

  Title VII, 238–39, 246, 247, 267, 364n, 377

  transparency, 168

  Treasury Department, U.S., 322

  Tremaine, Davis Wright, 32, 48–49

  Twombly case, 223–24, 309–10, 377–78

  Uniform Code of Military Justice, 82, 151, 376

  unions, see corporations and unions

  United Nations, 202, 206

  United States v. Comstock, see Comstock case

  United States v. Emerson, see Emerson case

  United States v. Lopez, see Lopez case

  United States v. Miller, see Miller case

  United States v. Morrison, see Morrison case

  United States v. Stevens, see Stevens case

  Upper Big Branch mine, 230

  USA Today, 299

  U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation, 142

  U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 217, 229, 313, 316, 324

  Roberts Court and, 307–8

  U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting, 312


  campaign finance law of, 211–12, 218

  prescription data-mining law of, 326, 382

  Verrilli, Donald, Jr., 319, 335, 347

  in Affordable Care cases, 336–37

  in Affordable Care oral arguments, 342–44

  Veterans of Foreign Wars, 301

  Violence Against Women Act, 292

  Virginia, Affordable Care lawsuits in, 318, 331

  see also Affordable Care cases

  Virginia Law Review, 193

  Virginia Tech massacre, 144

  Virginia v. Sebelius, 318, 331

  Volokh blog, 287

  Von Breichenruchardt, Dane, 141, 142–43

  voting rights, 83, 354, 356

  Voting Rights Act (1965), 4, 29, 80, 89, 118, 319, 321, 341, 379

  congressional reauthorization of, 240–41, 242–43

  Section 2 of, 240

  Section 5 of, 240–43, 247–48

  Wall Street Journal, 155, 283

  Wal-Mart v. Dukes, 323–24, 381

  Warren, Earl, 43, 68

  Warren Court, 29, 43, 44, 50, 68, 164

  Washington, D.C., gun laws, 128, 138, 189

  challenges to, see Heller case; Parker v. District of Columbia; Seegars v. Ashcroft

  Hutchison bill and, 143–44

  Washington, University of, affirmative action case against, 53, 56

  Washington Post, 50, 355

  Washington State:

  Initiative 200 in, 36–37, 49, 51, 53, 54–55

  Republican Party in, 50

  Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party, 174–75

  Washington Supreme Court, Seattle schools lawsuit in, 55, 58, 59

  Watergate scandal, 209

  Waxman, Seth, 91, 261, 265

  Weiner, Robert, 294–95, 336

  Weinstein, Bob and Harvey, 205

  Westboro Baptist Church, 324–25, 382

  West Virginia Supreme Court, 230

  wetland regulation, 83

  White, Byron, 15, 210, 299

  Whitewater investigation, 200–201

  Wickard v. Filburn, 291, 292

  Wilbur, Kirby, 201

  Wilkinson, J. Harvie, 193–94

in Right to Life (WRTL), 212–15

  Wisconsin Right to Life (WRTL) case, 108, 187, 212–16, 218, 224, 227, 235, 236, 377

  functional equivalency test and, 212, 213, 234

  McConnell as effectively overruled by, 214

  Yoo, John, 70

  Zumbrun, Ronald, 49

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  Copyright © 2013 by Marcia Coyle

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Coyle, Marcia.

  The Roberts court : the struggle for the constitution / Marcia Coyle.

  pages cm

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. United States. Supreme Court—History—21st century. 2. Political questions and judicial power—United States—History—21st century. 3. Roberts, John G., 1955– I. Title.

  KF8742.C69 2013



  ISBN 978-1-4516-2751-0

  ISBN 978-1-4516-2753-4 (eBook)




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