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Hers to Heal

Page 26

by Vonnie Davis

  JJ flew directly to the Austin Zoo. Meanwhile, ZQ was in communication with his handler at the CIA. “Land the bird in the open area behind the office reserved for shipment deliveries and management parking. The admiral’s been in touch with the manager. He’s expecting us and is assuring us his full cooperation. If things go tits up, he wants to be able to tell the media he worked hand in hand with the CIA. The place doesn’t open to the public for another half hour, so we’ll be able to land and get in position.”

  “You got it.” JJ glanced over his shoulder at Nance. “You doing okay, baby girl?” She stood and licked his hand. “Big job coming up, Ordnance. We’ll be working.” She woofed and sat at the ready.

  “Men, check your weapons. Dust, look for a sniper blind.” ZQ began to unassemble and check his FN SCAR, the highly accurate and versatile special ops combat rifle. Reece did the same with his identical standard-issue weapon for SEALs. Dust lovingly did the same with his sniper rifle, the .300 Winchester Mag. Snipers had a love affair with their rifles and chose what worked for them. For Dust, he’d always preferred the .300 Mag.

  “JJ, do a perimeter sweep and help me locate the highest flat roof,” Dust requested.

  The zoo was landscaped with trees, but few men could handle a copter like JJ. On the second pass, they both decided on the top of the housing for the giraffes. The significance wasn’t lost on Reece and he shared his dream with Dust.

  “We’re ready, bro. We won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “Is that what had you awake last night?” ZQ shifted in his seat to glare at Reece. “You know my dad was Apache. He taught me a lot. One of which was vision dreams came for a reason. They were to be honored and followed. Dust, is there a high building near the giraffe habitat? One where you’ll get a better visual? JJ, make another pass with the bird. We’ll need a better place to land.”

  Chapter 26

  Gina drove the familiar lane to Eagle Ridge Ranch, eager to work with Reece today. She’d soon have to cut him loose as a patient. He was doing so well with the use of his prosthesis…in all kinds of situations. Her body still hummed with pleasure from the things he’d done to her last night with both hands. Plus he’d planted clematis and climbing roses for her. By her estimation, he was up to doing most anything.

  The parking area looked like a used-car lot. Was that Fran’s new hybrid? Whose Harley Davidson took place of honor in Junebug’s yard? It had to belong to a SEAL. It had that in-your-face aura.

  Junebug, Ashley, and Fran sat on chairs around the fire pit. She’d stop and visit for a few minutes before going to Tool Belt’s room. “Good morning, ladies.” She dropped her bags of equipment and sat next to Ashley. “I’ve got a few minutes before I do therapy with Reece. So tell me, what are you all up to?”

  “We’re not worrying.” Ashley aimed blue eyes on her. “Besides, Reece isn’t here.”

  “He’s not here?” Cold dread twisted her insides. He’s on a mission.

  “Are…are any of the guys here?” Maybe he’d just gone to town to get something.

  “No, they’re all gone and we’re sitting here not worrying.” Junebug tugged on the hem of her black shirt. “Fudge and buttermilk, my son kissed my forehead as if I were a cute puppy and told me not to worry. Then he rushed to call the CIA as if it were the most natural thing. Huh. Don’t worry.” She nodded once. “So I’m not, dammit.” She glanced at her watch. “Is nine o’clock too early to start knocking back some Jack?”

  What the hell? “Where did the guys go?” She glanced at Fran. Her husband was a U.S. Marshal, not a former SEAL. The woman, who loved to talk, looked ready to explode with news.

  “Fran? Why are you here?”

  “Clint missed the bus.”

  For fuck’s sake! “What bus?”

  “The school bus. Silver Stud was so angry when he called and ordered me to get out here. I knew better than to give him any lip. I just said ‘okay,’ got my ass in my new car, and did what he said.”

  My God, I’ve dropped into a rabbit hole with a nearly bald woman, an old woman wearing black lipstick, and a woman in her sixties with a suck mark on both sides of her neck.

  “Why was Clint planning on riding a school bus?” The zoo field trip! “Was he going to Austin?”

  Fran peered first over one shoulder and then the other as if she were hunting for spies. “Since that self-righteous Holly Evans wouldn’t let you go along on the field trip as a chaperone, Silver Stud went to the school”—Fran leaned forward—“in an official capacity, mind you, and insisted he be allowed to take your place. Holly only had one other parent chaperone. For all those kids!” Her voice rose indignantly.

  “Oh, that is so like Clint. He is the sweetest man.” Gina glanced around. Why weren’t any of them agreeing? “Okay, Fran. Spill it.”

  “Well, Holly Evans told him the bus was leaving the school at eight-thirty.”

  “No. Eight o’clock. I have the trip itinerary in the car so I can check it throughout the day just to see where Piper is and what she’s doing.”

  Fran Silver’s bracelets shook as she pointed her finger at Gina. “See how Holly lies? By the time Silver Stud got there, he’d missed the bus. He called me in a rage and told me to get out here and stay until he and the rest of the team got back. So”—she flung her arms wide—“here we sit.”

  Gina covered her eyes. What was she missing? “Why did the team go? I don’t understand.”

  “All those little girls? Haven’t you been watching the news? Every day or so, a little girl is taken from a public place. A blond little girl. So far they’ve gotten seven in Florida and nine in Texas.”

  Gina exploded from her chair and the world stopped. All the typical noises of the ranch morphed into a low buzzing drone. Fran’s and Junebug’s lips moved, but she couldn’t hear what they said. Her lungs clawed for air, but lost purchase with every try. Finally, a scream began from the depths of her soul and her mouth opened. Nothing came out. Ashley shouldered her into a fireman’s carry and rushed her inside while her body was racked with a terrified mother’s shuddering.

  Ashley placed her on the sofa in the living room. Fran rushed into the bathroom and returned with a wet washcloth to cover Gina’s forehead. Junebug poured a generous amount of Jack Daniel’s in a tumbler and lifted her head enough to pour it down her throat.

  Ashley covered her with an afghan. “I always get cold when I have a panic attack.” Her voice was low and caring.

  “My…my…my child has blond hair,” she stuttered.

  The room spun and then flipped end for end. This couldn’t be happening. Reece had promised. He’d promised there’d be no more secrets.

  Junebug held the tumbler to her lips again. “Drink.” Her voice was stern. “The team went along as a precautionary measure. To keep an eye on Piper and all the little girls. The Russian Mafia only wants little blondes. ZQ doesn’t even know for sure those bastards will show up at the zoo in Austin. This is all just to keep an eye on our little Piper. Rest now. Let Jack take the edge off your nerves.”

  “Ma…Mafia? Did you just say ‘Mafia’?” She couldn’t have heard Junebug correctly.

  “Yes, I did. The same ones that Kelcee’s brother was mixed up with. If anyone can get them, it’ll be my son and his team.”

  Gina nodded and rolled to her side, staring at the back of the floral sofa. Had she known danger lurked at the zoo, she’d have kept Piper at home.

  Why hadn’t she paid more attention to the news? Between the job, spending quality time with Piper, housework, laundry, and now time with Reece, she barely had the free time to turn around, much less read a newspaper or watch the depressing news on TV. News that would have alerted her to possible danger to her daughter. What kind of mother was she?

  “If someone touches my child, they will die. I will hunt them down. Bastards! Sick fucking bastards!” Her threatening words were barely above a whisper, which was fine. It was a promise she made to herself. She would devote the rest of her li
fe to revenge if Piper were hurt.

  The low voices of the women drifted as they moved to the kitchen. The coffee grinder whirled. Bolstered by the whiskey, her hand fumbled in the pocket of her scrubs for her cellphone. Her fingers trembled over the keys as she speed-dialed Reece and was sent to voicemail.

  “Hear this. If you allowed my daughter to walk into danger without alerting me or trying to stop her, I will never forgive you. Never! All I want to know is if she’s okay. Damn you for keeping this from me.” She ended the call before a sob escaped.

  She’d trusted him not to hurt her. Yet this betrayal involving her precious child was, as Shakespeare wrote, the unkindest cut of all. Folding the blanket and placing it over the back of the couch, she went into the bathroom, cried, and washed her face.

  Anger warred with fear, but it was a useless fight. There was terror for her daughter’s safety icing her veins. She sent Reece a text: Is Piper ok? Y did U keep this a secret from me? We promised no secrets.

  Hours went by as the women huddled together watching CNN, hoping for a news flash, yet praying none would come.


  ZQ was relieved Dust lay on the roof of the two-story diorama full of African displays of nature and geology directly across the walkway from the giraffe display. JJ and Nance were getting into the routine of scoping out the zoo. Reece had climbed a large tree, situating his ass where three large limbs branched outward. ZQ had positioned himself on a rooftop of another building, observing the normal opening routines of the zoo.

  Scratch tapped a signal on his wireless communications device. “School bus is here. Rabid Ranger, that’s Clint’s new nickname, just hopped out of the van and marched over to the doors of the vehicle as they opened and the schoolteacher stepped off. Fuck all, man, you should see her face. I think she just shit her bloomers. He’s really reaming her out for lying to him and putting her students in danger.

  “I will be damned. She’s talking back to him, shaking her finger. Holy fuck, he just dangled handcuffs under her nose.” The rest of the men in the van were hooting and laughing in the background. “Looks like she’s changing her tune. And, hell, you oughta see the bright red muumuu she’s got on. She looks like a fire truck in orthopedic shoes.”

  ZQ slapped his eyes. “Scratch, stay in the van. Do your surveillance magic and keep in close touch with me and Steelhead. Tell Titan and Ghost to wear Kevlar vests and conceal their sidearms. Have them stick with the first graders along with Clint.”

  Reece’s low voice sounded in ZQ’s earpiece. “Drink and snowball vendors moving their umbrella carts in position and setting up. Men in blue…fuck, man, just like in the dream…men in blue uniforms pushing laundry carts with ‘Soapy Industrial Cleaners’ written on the sides are making their way through the park.”

  “Keep me apprised of their position.” ZQ peered through binoculars and scanned the area. “I see two near the snake pit headed for the alligators.”

  “Yeah, that’s them. You’d think a zoo wouldn’t have much laundry.”

  ZQ saw Nance walk to the laundry cart and sniff all the way around it. One of the men tried kicking her away. Nance bared her teeth, grabbed his ankle, and shook the man’s black oxford off with her powerful jaws. JJ defused the situation, but not before glancing in the cart.

  He motioned them on and tapped his mouthpiece. “Cart was empty, but our girl smelled something. Residual fear, I’m thinking.” JJ bent to pet her and give her a treat. She pranced proudly beside him as they followed at a safe distance. Nance loved to work. She’d been trained for it and did it well.

  There were groups of schoolkids everywhere now that the zoo had opened. Some were dressed in blue shirts. Others in yellow. One gang had chosen bright tie-dyed t-shirts, no doubt an art project. Finally, the red brigade from Warrior Falls charged in with chaperones like none other in the history of children’s field trips.

  Said chaperones created a wide berth in the crowds. One irate bald man, his unibrow furrowed into a miniature rendition of Big Foot, had his lips pasted in a cheesy grin. Titan wore his thug face, eyes shifting left to right. Ghost walked partially bent over with his arms and hands outstretched wide as if he were herding cats into the shower. MoJo sang and danced through the passel of kids like Peter Pan on steroids.

  At the helm of this motley crew was one visibly annoyed teacher—bless her soon-to-be-fired ass—holding a bullhorn to her mouth, issuing orders to kids who could give a shit about listening to her. The only harried mother, beside the teacher, chaperoning the children in Piper’s room had her gaze focused on the muscular men while the kids ran amuck, screaming and charging every which way like ants on a picnic table.

  “Fuck me blind, Commander, if this ain’t the damndest sight I’ve ever seen,” Dust said with a laugh. “I’m taking a video for Kelcee.”

  “Like hell you will,” ZQ barked. “Focus on your damn job!”

  “Like I can’t do both? There, done.”

  “I have a visual on my little girl,” said Steelhead, relief evident in his voice. “I’m pulling out my iPad so I can track her if she gets out of sight. If the leaves on this tree block my hotspot, I’ll have to move.”

  “Copy that.” ZQ swept his binoculars over the crowd. “Dust, you through playing movie producer? I want your concentration on those suspects in blue work uniforms, dipshit.”

  “All eyes, sir.”

  “Piper’s dawdling at the giraffe cage. I can see her! She’s by herself. Where the hell is everyone?” Steelhead barked, panic in his voice. “Holy shit, one of the men in a blue uniform is headed her way!” The leaves on his tree shook as he scrambled down. “Dust! He’s got a rag over her face! I’m on the move!”

  “Steady, bro. I’ve got him. I’ve got him.” A deep exhale sounded through the earpieces and a bullet pierced the abductor between the eyes. The rifle’s crack drew everyone’s attention.

  Screams of horror polluted the air.

  Children and adults ran helter-skelter.

  Animals reacted in fear to the sounds and smells.

  Clint and Ghost were on the scene in a heartbeat, pulling the dead man off Piper.

  She lay motionless.

  Reece was running like hell to reach her lifeless form. He ripped off his Kevlar vest, holding it out to cover her.

  ZQ cursed as he scrambled off the roof. “Put that vest back on! That’s an order!”

  “Fuck you! That’s my little girl! Daddy’s coming, baby!”

  Another bullet cracked the air. Reece jerked with a wound to his thigh.

  “Daddy’s coming!” He stumbled but continued on his mission, his injured leg dragging. The second bullet hit him in the back, the force flinging him forward. “I’m here! Daddy’s coming, baby!” Damned if he wasn’t trying. He rolled and covered Piper safely with the vest.

  ZQ ran through the madness of the screaming, retreating mob. “Dammit, Dust! You got a fucking visual?”

  “Oh yeah. Waiting on a friendly to move out of the way. Move your ass, you nosy bastard!” A sharp crack pierced the air. The second man in the laundry uniform folded over the cart.

  “Precious, open your eyes for Daddy.”

  JJ knelt next to her, felt her pulse, and peeled back an eyelid. “She’s unconscious.” His hands skimmed her body. “No visible injuries.” JJ leaned and smelled her face. “Chloroform. He must have held a rag over her nose so she couldn’t struggle or scream. A blessing, Steelhead. She didn’t see any of this.”

  ZQ scanned the area. “That’s how they’ve been grabbing these kids so damn easily. Simple, but effective.” He stooped. “Reece, you’re bleeding bad, son. Stay with us.”

  He’d gone into a zone. He couldn’t hear anything. Hell, he probably couldn’t feel his pain. He just kept whispering as tears coursed down his face, “Precious…Precious, Daddy’s got you, Daddy’s here.”

  “JJ, keep a close eye on these two. Dust, get his medic kit out of the helo like five minutes ago! The rest of you, spread out and find th
eir vehicle. Their uniforms and cart said ‘Sudsy Industrial Cleaners.’ Find it! There are other little girls we need to rescue. Clint, call nine-one-one.

  “JJ, tell Nance to come with me.” ZQ and the dog took off, his eyes searching for a light blue van.

  Zoo management calmly, yet sternly, announced evacuation procedures to attendees. As people rushed out of the entry and exit gates, the fearful confused din receded. Clowns working for the entertainment facility aided those too scared or old to move in the correct direction. Zoo workers rushed to examine the physical and emotional state of the animals.

  Ghost tapped his mouthpiece. “I found the vehicle. Parked behind the first-aid building. Ain’t that some shit? Bright blue GMC van with white bubbles and lettering. ‘Sudsy Industrial Cleaners.’ ”

  “Don’t touch it. Clint knows how to investigate a crime scene vehicle. I’ll call for a rollback to haul it to the CIA office after he’s gone over it. We’re on our way.” ZQ, Clint, and Nance took off for the van.

  MoJo stopped ZQ and handed over a wallet. “Got this off the bastard who shot Steelhead. Man’s ID behind his fake American ID of Luke Avery says his real name is Yurey Avdeyev. The cross tattoo on his finger is a Russian Mafia sign he’s spent time in jail. Since the tatt is on his middle finger with a black band inked around the red cross, it indicates his Mafia rank is a lieutenant.”

  Clint pointed at ZQ. “Remember that Russian we captured at your house? He had a cross tattooed on his little finger. I never gave it any thought.”

  “A cross on the pinky means a foot soldier,” MoJo, fluent in both Russian and Ukrainian languages and cultures, informed them.

  ZQ’s team worked well together. They’d gotten two of the Russians. MoJo took pictures of every internal and external part of the van while Clint searched it. He found a cellphone, important papers, a map, and a log written in Russian. Once Nance deemed there was no blood, drugs, or explosives in the van, ZQ ran her back to where Piper and Steelhead lay.


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