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Snodgrass, Catherine

Page 3

by Another Chance AnotherTime (lit)

  Alec couldn't help it-he laughed. The whole thing was absurd.

  "I think I deserve an explanation." She tucked her arms under her ample bosom.

  Alec copied her pose. "I would disagree, since this evening was a setup from the beginning."

  Confusion drifted across her face. "I don't understand."

  "I wish I could believe that, Andrea, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." To her credit, Andrea maintained her façade. Alec continued. "The only date you and I had tonight was fabricated in your parents' minds. I didn't know you would be there until an hour before it started. And I happened upon an accident on the highway-"

  Anger tightened her mouth. She lifted her chin a notch. "So, you thought you'd humiliate me by not showing."

  Alec shook his head and gave a humorless chuckle. A woman was gravely injured and all Andrea could think about was herself.

  "We had something special, Alec. Why are you avoiding me?"

  He actually felt sorry for her. "We dated for less than a month."

  "But we shared a bed."

  He held up a finger. "Once. And it was a mistake." Boy, he was sure finding that out now.

  A red flush traveled up her neck. "Why?"

  Alec had no choice. "'re rude, self-centered, inconsiderate-"

  "Good night, Alec."

  "Good-bye, Andrea." And good riddance.

  Kevin gave another one of his infamous whistles as her heels clicked away. "Buddy, I gotta tell you, you haven't heard the last from her."

  Unfortunately, Alec had a feeling he was right.

  "Ready for that coffee?"

  "No, I think I'll check on our patient."

  * * *

  Norma Sharp looked up and smiled when Alec and Kevin walked into the recovery room a few minutes later. Her long blonde hair was slicked into a severe bun that gave the illusion of age where it did not exist. It was an unfortunate necessity when dealing with patients and doctors who felt age denoted experience. Norma was the best nurse there was, and determined that others see that, one way or the other. If that meant playing down her good looks until they knew her better, so be it.

  "Nice work, gentlemen. You can hardly tell she was in an accident," she said.

  Looking down at Dani Morgan, Alec had to argue that. She looked like a broken doll. Blood matted her brown hair around the face and along the edges. Blood still stained her cheeks where she had been stitched together. Her skin had turned a grayish pale. She literally had the look of death about her even though the injuries weren't as severe as Alec original feared.

  He motioned Norma aside, out of Dani's range of hearing. Experience had shown that just because a patient was unconscious, that didn't mean she couldn't hear everything that was going on.

  "How are her vitals?"

  "Her blood pressure and pulse are erratic. Temperature has started to rise as well. Her pupils are equal and responsive." She gave him the chart.

  Alec scanned the stats and then handed it back. "I want a white blood count again. We might have missed some internal bleeding."

  "Yes, doctor."

  After she drew a vial of blood, Alec sat on the edge of the bed to monitor Dani. They had already checked for internal bleeding once and found nothing.

  He parted her hair for another glimpse of that bump. X-rays showed no fracture. By all accounts, she should be rallying by now. Instead, she was giving up.

  Perhaps it was the accident itself-the fear of what the injuries may have done. If she were an actress or a model, she might think her career was over and feel there was nothing left to live for.

  Alec shook his head. That wasn't it. Nothing about Dani Morgan indicated vanity. She wore no makeup, no jewelry except for a Timex. Her fingernails were short, functional, without polish. As far as Alec could recall, she didn't even have a mirror in her purse. Nope, no vanity here. There had to be another explanation, and he would find it. Dani would come out of this. Alec refused to allow any other alternative.

  There you go assigning god-like powers to yourself.

  He accepted the reprimand humbly and cupped her hand in his. "Dani, I'm Alec Edwards...your doctor. As you know, you were in a rough accident, but everything is going to be just fine. My team and I were able to patch you up good as new. In a few months, no one will know you were hurt unless you tell them."

  Kevin nudged him. "Her chart says her name is Danielle."

  "This is a Dani, not a Danielle." Alec smiled down at her. "Isn't that right?"

  "You're right about that, Dr. Edwards," Norma said as she walked back into the room. "There are about a million people in the waiting room who can verify that."

  Chuckling, Alec briskly rubbed Dani's fingers between his hands. "Did you hear that? You've got a ton of visitors waiting. Let's see if we can't get you ready to see them. Norma, could you please get a basin of warm water and a washcloth?"

  "My pleasure, Doctor."

  She returned a few minutes later and set a large basin and toweling on the stand beside the bed. "If you'll let me in there, Dr. Edwards, I'll take care of our friend here."

  Alec slipped the washcloth from her hand. "I'll do it, Norma."

  The look she returned questioned his ability to do so.

  "Relax," he said, laughing as he wet the soft terry. "I clean up my nieces and nephews all the time. In fact, my youngest niece always insists on her Uncle Alec giving her a bath whenever I'm around."

  "Something I'm sure you're going to love holding over her head when she grows up," Kevin said.

  "Never." Still smiling, Alec pressed the washcloth against Dani's forehead. "I'll be very gentle, Dani. You don't have to worry. Of course, I'm sure once you're up, you'll want to do a little better job of it."

  He dabbed along her hairline. "You've hit your head and have quite a bump there. Nothing to worry about, but you'll probably have a headache when you wake up. Minor cuts are on your forehead, no more than cat scratches. They didn't need stitches. Now here." He followed the edge of her face to her left ear. "There is a small cut somewhat deeper. We used baby-fine stitches to close it up and followed the natural crease next to your ear. Almost like a face-lift, but without all the pulling, tucking, and snipping."

  He wrung the cloth clear. Norma replaced the darkened water with a fresh basin.

  "Now, Dani, there was also a cut next to that button nose of yours. But, again, we were very neat and careful putting things back in their proper order. I don't want you to be alarmed when you wake up. The stitches are very fine, and we still followed the natural folds in your skin. Your nose is still the same although it might be sore for awhile and you will wake up with black eyes."

  Alec rinsed again, and continued on, blotting the blood from her face and neck. "There is a cut on your breast that no one but you and your man will ever notice. Your muscles will be sore for a few days because it was a hard jolt. But the rest of you is perfect. Your eyes weren't injured, nor were your arms and legs. And your..."

  He paused, the cloth pressed at the edge of her lips. Seized by the desire to trace his thumb across their pale surface, Alec drew back slowly. "And nothing will ever affect that bright smile of yours. I'm going to clean your arms now, Dani."

  As with her face, Alec took his time, talking to her, reassuring her all would be well. When he finished, he pulled the blanket to her neck and tucked her in.

  "You're all set. Norma, let's check those vitals one more time."

  Alec relinquished his spot to the nurse. Dani's color had warmed to pink during the time he cared for her. He was certain there would be statistical signs of improvement.

  Norma checked the readings then straightened. "All normal. You're amazing."

  "Not me...Dani." He chucked Kevin on the shoulder. "Let's get out of Norma's way for a little while and talk to those visitors."

  * * *

  Kevin followed without comment until they reached the corridor. "I'd have to agree with Norma. You did a hell of a job in there. I've known you..
.how long now?"

  Alec studied the gray-white tiles in the floor as they walked along. "Oh, about ten years."

  "Yeah. I've worked with you so many times I couldn't begin to count, but tonight..." He shook his head. "I think you just became my hero."

  Stopping dead in the hallway, Alec tossed back a silent laugh.

  Kevin ruffled his stack of red curls. "I'm serious, Alec. This is the first time I think I've ever seen your bedside manner. I've heard about it, but I've never seen it. My God, you leave the rest of us in the dust. That woman was giving up and you pulled her back. I am in awe of you. No wonder the board of directors wants to make you chief of surgery."

  He didn't deserve praise. He was just a doctor doing his job.

  "Sorry, I know you don't like hearing how good you are." Kevin scuffed the floor with the toe of his shoe. "I promise I'll never do it again."

  "Good, because I'd hate to have to find a new best friend. Come on. You can practice your own bedside manner with Dani Morgan's friends and family."

  * * *

  At first glance, Alec thought there might have been another accident. The waiting room was standing room only. He paused at the edge of the crowd with Kevin and scanned the people for someone who looked like they might belong to their patient.

  Most of the visitors were teenagers, huddled in groups while they consoled each other. Others ranged in age from early twenties to sixties. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. One by one, heads turned their way.

  "Is there anyone here for Dani Morgan?" Alec asked.

  The room moved forward.

  "Popular lady," Kevin said under his breath.

  One woman close to Dani's age squeezed through the crowd. Her long ash blonde hair curled past her shoulders. Red-rimmed eyes peeked out from a fringe of bangs gone astray with the wet weather. Her shin-length beige skirt was soaked at the hem and dragged the material tight against her petite figure. A matching silk blouse did little to keep her warm-goosebumps covered her bare arms.

  "I'm Renee Spencer, Dani's best friend. Is she all right? Please tell me she's all right." She wadded a tattered tissue in her hand.

  Alec glanced over the crowd. "Is there any family here?"

  Renee blotted the tears from the corner of her eyes. "Both of our parents went to Florida. My brother and her sister are expecting their first baby any day now."

  Kevin curled his big hand around her upper arm. "Well, if your brother and her sister are married, I guess that makes you family."

  She blinked her blue eyes up at him. "Yes, I guess it does. We never thought about it that way. We've been friends forever. Is she all right? Can I see her?"

  The gathering edged closer.

  "Are all of you here for Miss Morgan?"

  Renee focused on him. "Yes. We were all waiting at the airport to give her a surprise bon voyage party. Friends, her students and some parents, co-workers." Tears spilled from her eyes once more. "This is all my fault. If only I had driven her to the airport like she asked me to."

  Kevin slipped his arm further around her shoulders. "Then you would be in here too. Dr. Edwards will fill everyone in."

  It felt like a benediction. Alec hoped he could find the magic words Kevin decreed as he addressed the crowd.

  "Miss Morgan is in stable condition. She's just come from surgery and won't be ready for visitors until sometime tomorrow or the next day. She isn't even awake."

  "She isn't going to die, is she?" one young girl sobbed out.

  Alec hated that question. She wasn't supposed to die. Her injuries didn't indicate that was a possibility. Yet thirty minutes ago, he would swear she looked close to it. How could he promise something like that? How could he tell them the truth when he wasn't sure what that was?

  "I expect her to be fine." There, nothing wrong with that answer. "I encourage you all to go home. Get some rest. Call tomorrow first before you come down. The instant she can have visitors, they will be allowed."

  Clustered together, they shuffled toward the exit. Only Renee Spencer remained. Alec could guess what she was about to say before she could say it.

  "I're not going anywhere until you can see her," he said with a smile.

  Renee blew her nose and stared at the potted plant beside him. "I have to tell her parents something besides 'I don't know.'"

  A chuckle rumbled in Kevin's chest. "Just for a few minutes."

  Kevin led her to the recovery room with Alec following at a slower pace.

  * * *

  The night had finally caught up with Alec. He should go home and get some rest. As long as Dani was out, he refused to go anywhere. His conscience, his sense of duty wouldn't allow it.

  When he reached recovery, Alec saw that Kevin had yet to relinquish Renee. He took a proprietary role where she was concerned, always keeping her close, always comforting while she stared down at her friend.

  "She'll be fine," Alec told her. "You should go home and get some rest. I promise I'll call if necessary."

  "You're upset. You shouldn't drive. I'll take you." Kevin lightly brushed her arms.

  Renee sagged against him. "Dani's things."

  "They're at the police station. We'll stop by and get them."

  "She'll want a few things for here."

  "You can pack them tonight and bring them tomorrow. I'll even bring you in when I come to work."

  She gave a weary nod, and let him guide her away.

  Alec and Norma looked at each other and then at the couple walking down the hall. Norma opened her mouth and clamped it shut. Alec shrugged. Some things were best left unsaid. This wasn't one of them.

  "I suggested it would be a good time to work on his bedside manner. I didn't expect him to take it so literally."

  Norma smothered a giggle and slugged him in the arm. Grabbing it, he feigned injury. A muffled groan from the bed pulled them around. Alec hurried to one side of the bed, Norma to the other. While Norma ran a vitals check, Alec tucked his fingers into Dani's cupped palm. To his surprise, she gently tightened that hold.

  Norma jotted the reading onto Dani's chart. "Looks like she's coming around, Doctor."

  A slit appeared in each of Dani's eyes. Alec could see her watching, trying to focus.

  "I'm Alec Edwards, your doctor. This is Norma Sharp, your recovery room nurse. You're..."

  Dani rolled her head to one side. With a sigh she drew Alec's hand to her lips, kissed it, and then tucked it lovingly against her cheek. A tiny smile curved her mouth.

  Alec's body came alive in a most alarming and pressing way. He had been with his share of women in his life. Some had excited him more than others. But none had had the power to destroy him with so delicate and tender a touch. And, still in his scrubs, nothing could hide the fact that he was aroused. His erection pulsed against the flimsy material and strained for the woman who cuddled his hand.

  Norma cleared her throat. " you know this woman?"

  At that point, all he wanted to do was know her. "I swear, Norma, I just met her tonight at the accident site."

  "I see."

  He looked up to find her gaze darting between him and Dani.

  "I swear, Norma."


  "I think she just has me confused with someone else. Which, in her state, is understandable."

  "Yeah." But she didn't sound convinced. "Would you like to change into something more...sturdy?"

  "All I have is suit trousers and they're wet."

  "They're dark. They'll be better than what you have. You certainly can't walk about like that the rest of the night."

  Alec flashed a dirty look her way. "You let me worry about that."

  Norma snapped her pen into her pocket. "Don't take an attitude with me Alec Edwards. Remember...I was once on the receiving end of that. I know how focused you are when you want a woman. But this time, you're sniffing up the wrong skirt. My God, Alec, she's your patient."

  He eased his hand from under Dani's cheek and the
n turned on Norma. "Don't you think I know that? I can't help it, Norma. It's a normal, biological function. I'm tired, it's late, and, frankly, it's been awhile."

  Alec reined in his rampaging emotions and forced a cocky smile. "Or maybe it's just being near you again."

  Norma's eyes glittered with her laughter. "Oh, puh-lease, wait until Rob hears this one."

  Panicked, Alec grabbed her arm. "You're not going to tell him, are you?"

  Smiling, she patted his hand. "Relax. I might be a crazy in love newlywed, but I'm not stupid. A few things I don't tell my husband. And while you aren't one of them, this is." She pointed to Dani. "Just be careful, Alec."

  "It's nothing...really."

  Norma looked from him to Dani and back again. Her eyes called him a liar, but she was kind enough to keep the accusation to herself.

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  Dani felt like she was crawling from a dark hole and using every ounce of energy she possessed to do so. A sense of loss twisted her heart and made her want to slide back down and let go once more to a place where she wouldn't have to deal with the pain, where the strange images in her mind didn't absorb her.

  In some portion of her fog-bound mind she knew the images weren't real despite their clarity. They came to her in a dream state induced by the trauma she had endured. With each step up the ladder of consciousness, more memory of the event surfaced.

  What amazed her most of all was that she was still alive. Just remembering that car plowing into hers was enough to take her breath away. There hadn't been time to do more than that.

  A chill rattled through her. Instantly a blanket was tucked around her. She was conscious of the bed cradling her, the crisp sheets, that disinfectant smell unique to hospitals. At least she was safe. But how bad off was she?

  Dani rolled her cheek into the cushion of the pillow. Something scratched against the cotton. Stitches. There were stitches next to her ear. What else? She forced herself to focus as more of the fog dropped away.

  Her face felt swollen, especially next to her nose. She pressed her lips together, testing. Nothing wrong there, but her mouth was dry. Maybe whoever was with her could get her a drink.


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