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Snodgrass, Catherine

Page 10

by Another Chance AnotherTime (lit)

  There was a slow intake of breath on the other line, then, finally a response. "I think it's time you and I talked, and maybe you can give me a damn fine reason why you neglected to tell me that someone was trying to kill me."

  An ultimatum, not a request, and he had a feeling that whatever future he hoped to have with her hinged on how he replied.

  "I'll be right there."

  She muttered a word of thanks, and then quietly clicked the receiver in place. Alec did so as well.

  "That was her, wasn't it?"

  Andrea's shrill demand yanked Alec and Walt around. She stood in the doorway, arms crossed in angry defiance, eyes overflowing with hatred.

  "Answer me," she shrieked.

  Walt raced to engulf her in a fatherly embrace. Andrea shoved him back with both hands, then descended upon Alec. He pulled himself to his full height and stared her down.

  "Quit playing me for a fool, Alec Edwards. I heard how she grabbed your hand after the accident." She screwed up her face in a sneer. "So happy to see her lover was there to protect her."

  Alec shook his head and snorted at the scenario her pathetic mind had created. "Andrea..."

  This time she threw herself at him. Alec caught her wrists. She curled her fingers into claws. A snarl curled her lips. "I saw you, Alec. I saw how you stayed by her side. How you slept with your head on her bed. How she ran her fingers through your hair. I saw you. How could you? How could you?"

  Her face crumpled into tears and a wail brought her mother racing to her side. Andrea covered her face with her hands and fell into Barbara's arms.

  "This is ridiculous. Andrea, you need some serious help."

  Alec beat a hasty retreat to his car. Andrea's sobs grew in intensity, following him all the way. Only the sound of his engine drowned them out. Walt flagged him down before Alec could drive away. Reluctantly, Alec lowered his window.

  "I'm so sorry, Alec," Walt said, avoiding his gaze.

  "No, I'm the one who's sorry. Andrea is in desperate need of mental help, not coddling."

  He nodded, but still refused to look up. "Is what she says true? Did you have a prior existing relationship with your patient?"

  "I never met Dani Morgan until the night of the accident."

  "And is your interest now simply that of doctor to patient?"

  Unwilling to lie, Alec shoved the car into gear. "That's no one's business but mine."

  Walt grabbed his arm, finally making eye contact. "It's mine if the hospital's concerned."

  "What's the matter? Can't deal with more than one scandal at a time, especially when both involve the same woman?"

  The intensity in Alec's eyes was enough to make Walt move away. He was still standing in the middle of the street when Alec pulled out of the cul-de-sac.

  * * *

  Chapter Ten

  Dani was still shaking ten minutes after she had hung up the telephone. She curled her hands on her lap. It did little to quell the turmoil in her gut.

  What had started out as a demand for an explanation shifted into something else entirely-Alec coming here. That was the last thing she wanted or needed. Over the phone Dani had considered the distance safe. She couldn't see him or be overwhelmed by whatever magnetism drew her to him...or so she thought.

  But with the first sound of his voice, Dani had known the situation was beyond her control. Still she had tried, adopting a severity to her tone normally reserved for troublesome students. Alec had undermined her even then. No argument, no defensive tactics, just complete acquiescence. She wanted to talk, he would be right there.

  Dani should have pressed the issue, demanded to be heard and not put off. Instead, she let the conversation end and then sat back in a sea of nerves waiting for him to appear.

  Then what? By the time he arrived, Elsie would be back from her tests. Or Renee and Kevin would be parked in her room. Dani and Alec would have no choice but to go elsewhere for private conversation.

  In some respects, Dani wondered if she subconsciously sabotaged her own efforts. Now they would be alone. God only knew what would happen.

  She closed her eyes and plopped against her pillows. So let it happen. In her heart she knew there wasn't anything she could do to stop it. He wanted her, had claimed her. The pull was too great. Dani wanted to cry, to give in and damn the consequences.

  The consequences? Her heart tightened.

  Why was this man so different from the others? Dani laughed at herself. Because this one was definitely in control and it seemed there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. It was like a vortex pulling her under, and the harder she fought to crawl away, the more it tugged. She was wasting energy fighting. It was better to give in, enjoy the moment. She was a strong woman. She could handle the hurt when Alec walked away. And he would walk away because...

  He's always left just when I needed him most.

  A strange feeling and a horrible characteristic to assign to a man who had only shown her kindness. Even telling herself that and knowing it to be true weren't enough to keep tears from flooding her vision.

  A ring from the phone shattered whatever nonsense possessed her. Dani wiped the heel of her hand over her cheeks and lifted the receiver.


  Nothing. Dani cocked her head to one side. No, there was someone there, someone breathing. It was too much of a coincidence to be a prank call. Someone, probably the nurse who tried to kill her, was checking up on her.

  "Yeah, I'm still alive. Is that what you wanted to know?"

  There was a click at the other end, followed by the dial tone. Dani slammed the phone down.

  "That's about how I feel." Elsie shot an ugly look at the orderly who pushed the wheelchair. "That's far enough, young man. I can walk the rest of the way."

  "Trying to put me out of a job, Mrs. Carter?" he asked with a smile.

  Crossing her arms like a petulant child, she grumbled a complaint and let him have his way.

  Dani felt herself smiling. At least Elsie could help take her mind off her troubles until Alec arrived. She wasn't happy and was determined that anyone within hearing range heard about it. Sure enough, once the orderly cleared the room, Elsie kicked back the covers and readjusted the bed to her liking.

  "I swear they pile enough blankets on a person to roast them."

  "Obviously the tests didn't go as well as planned."

  "Well, they got what they wanted, I'll say that much. They poked and prodded and bled me half to death until they finally found something to worry about." She wiggled into her mattress and clicked on the television. "Made me miss my damn soap too. Chased away all my friends and-"

  "What did they find?"

  A muscle in her cheek twitched-the only sign that her indifference was a façade. "A blockage in my heart. They want to do bypass...tomorrow."

  "Oh, Elsie." Dani threw her legs over the side of the bed.

  Elsie raised a palm, holding her in place. "It's all right. I have to do what must be done. It's just...inconvenient, that's all." She pulled back her shoulders and faced Dani with a tiny smile. "Come play poker with me and help me take my mind off myself."

  Dani's eyebrows shot to exclamation points. "Poker? Not canasta?"

  Elsie waved away the suggestion. "Life's too short for canasta. Takes too long to finish. With poker each hand is a winner."

  "I'm terrible at poker. How about a couple of hands of gin?"

  She drummed her fingers on her thigh, and then nodded. "But you have to keep score."

  Dani pushed their hospital trays together and sat cross-legged across from Elsie. It was a good diversion, a nice way to pass time, but that was about it. Dani could hardly concentrate on the game. The hunched over position pulled her breasts forward, tugging at the stitches there despite the bandages. And Elsie was quiet for a change, her own troubles keeping her from the round of stories Dani loved to hear. The old woman tucked her hand of cards in place, studied the arrangement, and made adjustments.

Gin." She fanned them on the table.

  "That was quick." Dani gathered the cards. "I double dog dare you to do that again."

  Elsie jerked her head toward the door. "You have a visitor."

  Her heart quickened. Alec had gotten here sooner than she expected. Forcing away any sign of joy her face might hold, Dani turned. But it wasn't Alec. It was a police officer.

  He stood in the doorway, fumbling with his dark blue hat and doing all he could to keep from looking at her. Dani squinted at his gold nametag, McLane. He looked like he was barely old enough to shave.

  "Are you Danielle Morgan?"

  "Yes." Why wouldn't he look at her? The facial stitches weren't that hideous.

  Elsie leaned forward and whispered. "I think he's embarrassed that you are in your pajamas."

  Dani rolled her eyes. The pajama thing again. Was he looking down her top too? She'd like to see Alec try to manhandle him out of the room. It was ridiculous. Nevertheless, she retrieved her robe, tied it in place, and tucked her fingertips in the pockets.

  "You wanted to see me?"

  McLane cleared his throat and forced his head up. "Yes, ma'am. I have to get your statement from the accident. I sure am glad to see you doing so well."

  Offering a smile to ease his discomfort, Dani motioned him to the chair, and then perched on the edge of her bed. "Thank you. I understand I was pretty much a mess."

  A flush colored his cheeks. He covered it by searching for his notepad. "What can you tell me about the accident?"

  She shrugged. "Not much. I was stuck in traffic. The rain was horrible. I could barely see the car ahead of me." Alec's car.

  "When I saw the headlights coming toward me, it didn't click that they were where they shouldn't be. I just thought someone had them on bright. It happened so fast. I remember struggling with my seatbelt, but I was so scared I couldn't find the release. The other car hit. The jolt knocked me back. And that's about all I remember."

  He nodded while he scribbled a few notes. "Think hard. Anything will be of help."

  White columns flashed through Dani's mind-rocks, a falling building, the rumble of thunder. She drew in a breath, scattering the images.

  "Nothing." She cleared her throat. "Has the other driver's family been notified? I would also like to have my insurance company contact his."

  McLane tucked his pad into his pocket. His inability to look at her was starting to grate on Dani's nerves. She longed to grab his shoulders and demand eye contact.

  "His family was contacted. The vehicle wasn't insured."

  Of course not. At this stage of the game, Dani wouldn't be surprised if the man's family found some way to blame the accident on her. She could just about kiss her trip to Europe good-bye. She'd need the money to fix her car. Dani supposed she could put a claim in with her insurance company. They would most probably sue the man's family to recoup their expenses. That hardly seemed fair to make them suffer for his mistakes.

  "If you can think of anything else, Miss Morgan, give me a call." He stood and held out a business card between two shaking fingers.

  Dani slipped it free. "Tell me, Officer McLane...This wouldn't happen to be your first case, would it?"

  "Yes, ma'am. How could you tell?"

  "Just a hunch."

  "I assure you, ma'am. I'm very thorough."

  "I'm sure you are." She glanced over his shoulder and saw Alec in the doorway. "There is one more thing, Officer McLane."

  "Yes, ma'am?" He reached for his notepad.

  Lifting her brows, she settled her gaze on Alec. "Apparently, someone in this hospital is trying to kill me."

  Elsie gasped. Alec merely smiled. Dani waved her arm his way. "Dr. Edwards will be glad to fill you in on all those nasty little details."

  There was a flicker of excitement in McLane's eyes as he converged on Alec. "Why wasn't this previously reported?"

  Alec's smile disappeared. "I asked that same question not thirty minutes ago. Let's go to my office where we can have a little privacy. Miss Morgan, would you care to join us?"

  She feigned a yawn and stretched against the pillows. "No, thank you. I'm suddenly exhausted."

  "I'm sure you are. However," he sauntered toward the bed and slipped his fingers around her arm, "I'm sure you'll want to come along if only to add your own unique insight into this unfortunate turn of events."

  Dani pulled free of his gentle hold. "I honestly don't think I could take the exertion of walking that far."

  "I'll get a wheelchair, if necessary." The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk. "I'd offer to carry you, but you're much too heavy to tote."

  Her eyes narrowed to two evil slits. "I can walk."

  His smile broadened. "I thought as much."

  They were back on Alec's turf. Somehow he had turned around her attempt to corner him and take him unaware, and neatly yanked the home ground advantage from her hands. She wondered if he realized the value of his victory. Of how it threw her off-kilter to know that after the interview with Officer McLane was finished, she and Alec would be alone.

  * * *

  Once they reached Alec's small office, Dani paced a slow path before the bookcase. She felt caged, knowing that her destiny awaited her. When she left this room, everything would be changed. All she longed for was to get it over with, to experience that life-altering moment and move on.

  Alec refused to speak without the hospital chief of staff present. There was an agonizing delay while they waited for him and McLane called in a report to his station. Dani passed the time tracing the lettering on the spines of the books and trying to ignore Alec. He watched her progress along the shelf. She could feel his gaze on her.

  Dr. Rushmore and a Detective Regan arrived at the same time. Instead of relegating McLane to the sidelines, Regan stood back and let the younger officer take the lead role. Dr. Rushmore wasn't as generous. He assumed Alec's chair the instant he walked into the room, then propped his forearms on the desk and effectively took charge...or so he thought.

  Alec jumped in before Rushmore could draw breath to do so. "Naturally, we want to keep this as quiet as possible," he told the officers. "We have other patients to consider, the hospital's good name and reputation. Panic is the last thing we need. I believe that was Dr. Rushmore's intent when he didn't call you immediately."

  Alec laid out the events in chronological sequence, pausing long enough at certain intervals to allow McLane to catch up. When he was done, focus turned to Dani.

  "Do you think you can identify this nurse?" McLane asked.

  She nodded. "But I don't want every nurse in this hospital trotted out before me."

  Walt smacked the desk with his open palm and pushed himself to his feet. "Fine. We'll go down to Personnel. We have everyone's record and photo on file."

  "You don't need everyone," Alec added. "Just the women."

  "Right. Come with me."

  * * *

  Rushmore shoved his way to the door and led them down the hall at a pace Dani was embarrassed to say she could not meet. With each step she fell further behind. Rushmore didn't care. Regan was intent on keeping up with him. McLane shifted worried glances between her and the two older men. Only Alec stayed with her, never more than a step behind.

  He muttered something unintelligible-a curse, a sound of frustration. Whichever, it was enough to make Dani glance over her shoulder. Her step faltered with the sudden movement, and she stumbled toward the wall.

  Alec snapped his arm around her waist. Before she could protest, he caught her under the knees and lifted her.

  Dani fanned her palm against his chest, ready to protest. Instead, the feel of his strength pulsing beneath her hand calmed her.

  Suddenly too shy to meet him fully, she looked at him from under her eyelashes. "I thought I was too heavy to carry."

  "I'm not carrying you. I'm holding you. Big difference," he softly replied. "Are you ready for that wheelchair now?"

  Footsteps scurried their way. "We don't have to do th
is today," McLane said. "I'm sure Miss Morgan would like to rest."

  "No." The reply came in unison from her, Alec, and Dr. Rushmore.

  "I don't want the police milling around here during working hours," Rushmore snapped.

  Alec lifted his chin. "And I don't want to spend another night wondering which nurse I can't trust."

  "And I don't plan to be here after tomorrow." Dani expected to be challenged. She wasn't wrong. Alec's eyebrow arched in question. It was all that needed to be said.

  "I...I think I'm all right to walk now," she somehow managed to say.

  Alec yielded to her request...slowly, keeping her body tightly pressed to his as he set her on her feet. Nothing was left to her imagination. For extra measure, he kept his hands at her waist, ostensibly until she obtained her balance. In actuality, to dispel any lingering doubts she might have that the ridge against her belly was for her.

  "Let's get this over with, shall we?" Rushmore pivoted on his heel and marched toward the personnel office.

  Alec ignored him. "Just take your time, Dani. There's no real rush. Nothing's going to happen without you, and you aren't taking another step."

  A snap of his fingers drew the attention of a passing orderly. Dani flashed Alec an evil glare when the wheelchair appeared.

  He merely smiled and gently pushed her into it. "Indulge me."

  What else could she do? Dani tucked her robe neatly around her legs. "You do like having your way, don't you, Dr. Edwards?"

  "No more so than you, Miss Morgan."

  How could she help but smile? "As long as there is no misunderstanding between us."

  He wrapped his fingers around the handgrips. "I don't think there is a misunderstanding regarding anyone's intent here, except yours to leave."

  "It isn't a point to be negotiated, Dr. Edwards."

  "My point exactly, Miss Morgan."

  "Then it will be interesting to see which one of us gets his...or her way."

  "Interesting, indeed." Chuckling, he steered her toward the infamous personnel office. This time the police officers, either out of guilt or consideration, stayed close.


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