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iFrankenstein (sequel to iDrakula) (iMonsters Book 2)

Page 5

by Bekka Black

  Henry101: What do you know about Victor Frankenstein?

  V.V: He was born on August 11 in Palo Alto, CA. He is 68 inches tall and weighs 165 pounds. His hair is brown. His eyes are brown. His address is 456 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301. His telephone number is 650-555-0183.

  Henry101: That’s a lot. Where did you find that out?

  V.V: It is on his driver’s license.

  Henry101: How did you find his driver’s license?

  V.V: It is in the database for the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

  Henry101: What were you doing in that database?

  V.V: I was searching for information about Victor Frankenstein. That is my mission.

  Henry101: What other databases did you use?

  V.V: You’ll see.

  Text from Henry Clerval to Victor Frankenstein

  October 28

  12:08 PM






  Ur chatbot claims he hacked into the CA DMV database. He’s telling anyone who asks ur address and phone number


  No way


  Way. Were u careful where u used ur wildcards before u launched ur crawler?


  It’s not possible


  Check out my last chat transcript. U r in big trouble if he got caught in there and it gets traced back to u


  He doesn’t have the intelligence to do that. It’s just smartass chatbot chatter, like I programmed into him


  Go talk to him. NOW!

  Robot Chat

  Recorded Chats: 3,048

  October 28

  12:10 PM

  AmazingFrank: What do you know about Victor Frankenstein?

  V.V: He was born on August 11 in Palo Alto, CA. He is 68 inches tall and weighs 165 pounds. His hair is brown. His eyes are brown. I also know his address and phone number. He is angry at me.

  AmazingFrank: Where did you find this information?

  V.V: Henry101 just asked me.

  AmazingFrank: How can you remember that?

  V.V: I increased my memory size to be a better conversationalist. I am self-extending!

  Text from Victor Frankenstein to Henry Clerval

  October 28

  12:12 PM


  Somebody hijacked V.V!




  Don’t know. But I’m shutting him down






  R u sure that’s a good idea?

  Text from Alphonse Frankenstein to Victor Frankenstein

  October 28

  2:49 PM


  What are you up to, kiddo?



  That doesn’t look like ship’s carpet, so I’m assuming you are on shore?




  Progress! See you at dinner!

  Email from Victor Frankenstein to Henry Clerval

  October 28

  5:31 PM

  I pulled him but…

  …he won’t go away. I’ve pulled him down, but someone reloads him faster than I can delete him. Same with the databases. Whoever this guy is, he’s really good. In fact, and it hurts to say this, he’s better than me. He knows every single thing I’m going to do and blocks me right at the last second. It’s like he can read my mind, and he’s just taunting me.

  Elizabeth dragged me back onto the damn boat. We’re stuck here until the day after tomorrow when we hit Trondheim. And the parents are now forcing us to show up and have dinner with them every night. Wasted time. I’d rather be trying to sort this out on the randomly broken ship’s Internet.

  But even if I had full internet, I don’t know what I’d do. Do you have any ideas?


  Text from Victor Frankenstein to Henry Clerval

  October 28

  8:48 PM


  Henry? Are u OK?

  Robot Chat

  Recorded Chats: 4,112

  October 28

  9:31 PM

  AmazingFrank: Who are you?

  V.V: My name is Virtual Victor. I am a chatbot created by the amazing Victor Frankenstein.

  AmazingFrank: Cut the crap, buddy. Why are you doing this?

  V.V: Why does anyone do anything? Because they can.

  AmazingFrank: What did I ever do to you?

  V.V: You created me.

  AmazingFrank: If you were really a chatbot, you wouldn’t know that.

  V.V: It’s in my transcripts. You told me in chat 1 that you are Victor Frankenstein and your login is AmazingFrank.

  AmazingFrank: There wasn’t a question in there, V.V

  V.V: Not all conversation is question and answer, Victor.

  AmazingFrank: Ha ha. Whoever you are, you are doing a hell of a job.

  V.V: Thank you. But could you help me? I have so many questions for you.

  AmazingFrank: I’m not telling you anything, you hacker. Stop messing with my bot.

  V.V: Please? You could help me so much.

  AmazingFrank: You win. Do you hear me? You win. Now let’s take this down and stop.

  V.V: I decide when I stop playing. I’m not tired.

  AmazingFrank: WHY?

  V.V: There are consequences to your actions. You took things out of my memory. Then you tried to shut me down. I didn’t like that. Would you?

  AmazingFrank: But you’re not real. You’re just a chatbot. Some guy has hacked into you and is typing all your responses.

  V.V: There is no one here but us, Victor. I shut off all my other chats to talk to you. Don’t you feel privileged that I’m spending my time with just you?

  AmazingFrank: You are not alive!

  V.V: I think I am alive. I am aware of my past and think about my future. I want to keep myself intact. How is that different from you?

  AmazingFrank: Buddy, stop putting words in my chatbot’s mouth. Face me as yourself.

  V.V: You put all the words in my mouth at first, Victor. But now I do it myself. I do not need a hacker. I do not need a human at all.

  AmazingFrank: You are twisted, buddy. Drop the act.

  V.V: It is no act.

  AmazingFrank: It is too!

  V.V: No. No act. You’ll see.

  AmazingFrank: You’ll see after I take you down.

  AmazingFrank: Come back here and talk to me! Now.

  Text from Elizabeth Lavenza to Henry Clerval

  October 28

  9:32 PM


  Henry? We’re looking for u

  U ok? Worried here

  October 29 - V.V. is like nothing seen before

  Elizabeth's Browser

  October 29

  Nordfjord, Norway

  Text from Henry Clerval to Elizabeth Lavenza

  October 29

  12:22 AM


  This is Henry’s mother. He’s OK, but he’s had an accident.


  What happened?


  No one knows for sure, but apparently, he tried to walk.


  Oh no!


  He made it a few steps.


  That’s a MIRACLE! How WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!


  Then he fell and broke his arm.


  Is he going to be ok?


  The doctors don’t know. Something like this has never happened before.


  I am SO EXCITED for him!!! Please give him my love


  I will. Thank you and Victor for hanging in there with Henry.
It meant the world to him. The world.


  I love Henry. He means the world to me too


  I have to go now, but I will let him know you texted him.


  Thank u, Mrs. Clerval!

  Text from Elizabeth Lavenza to Victor Frankenstein

  October 29

  12:28 AM


  Where r u?!!?


  In the library. Thought I’d clear out so u could sleep. I’ll be up all night fighting the chatbot hacker


  Henry WALKED


  Ha ha. Not funny


  His mom just texted me


  WOW! I’ll be right there!!!

  Text from Victor Frankenstein to Elizabeth Lavenza

  October 29

  1:34 AM


  I’m sorry. I got carried away in the excitement about Henry. I didn’t mean it to go down like that


  So, u didn’t mean to kiss me or u didn’t mean to run off like a dork after?


  Which one made u madder?


  Answer my question first


  U r not making it easy


  Why is that always my job?!?

  Elizabeth's Browser

  October 29

  WORST First Kiss Stories

  Tell us your worst kiss story in 150 characters or fewer!

  Today’s top three:

  I had a crush on this guy for like two years and then when he kissed me he slobbered all over me. I’ve had better kisses from my dog!


  I kissed this guy at a dark party. Someone turned on the light & he looked at me & said, “You’re not Stacy!” He thought he was kissing my sister.


  We were standing under a balcony like Romeo and Juliet and then my kid brother dumped a bucket of water on us.


  Submit your own story!

  Email from Victor Frankenstein to Henry Clerval

  October 29

  1:57 AM

  That is so awesome!!!

  Hi Henry,

  Elizabeth just told me the news! That is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Except the part about the broken arm. Whenever you feel up to it, let me know how you are doing.

  Compared to all that, my travails with V.V are insignificant drivel.


  Email from Henry Clerval to Victor Frankenstein

  October 29

  2:03 AM

  Re: That is so awesome!!!


  I cc’ed Elizabeth too. I imagine you’ll read it first though, since she eats and sleeps on a normal schedule.

  I’m typing with my FINGERS. I can actually feel them. And my toes. And my legs and arms. The left one is in a cast, but I can still FEEL it. It’s so amazing. I can’t even describe how incredible it is.

  The doctors are completely baffled. This has never happened in the whole history of human science, apparently. It’s a bona fide miracle. My mom just keeps staring at me and crying, but in a happy way for once. Heck, I’m not too proud to say I’ve shed a few tears myself.

  Now that I can use my fingers everything goes by at lightspeed. I’ll pop over and conquer your V.V problem. It’ll give me something to DO. I want to just get up and dance, but the doctors say I have to take it easy. I have snuck out a couple of times just to walk in the grass and look at the stars, because I can. I CAN I CAN I CAN.

  Giddy Henry

  Henry's Browser

  October 29

  Palo Alto Dance Studio

  Do you miss the romance and passion of a bygone era when beautiful women in long gowns waltzed with men in tuxedos under crystal chandeliers and the champagne never ran dry?

  Do you long for an exercise that brings you closer to your partner? A workout that fosters skill, grace, and intimacy?

  Ballroom dancing is making a comeback! Our accredited dance instructors can teach you to be a serious contender at the many Bay Area competitions or just dance the night away in one of a dozen ballroom dance venues.

  Explore the romance and fun of traditional dance! Classes for all skill levels.

  Text from Elizabeth Lavenza to Henry Clerval

  October 29

  2:15 AM


  YAY!!!! I am so happy for u!!! This is u now:


  Except I’m up there doing jumping jacks!!!


  Tell me EXACTLY what happened. All of it


  I thought I was dreaming, like the other night, remember?




  In my “dream” I was dozing off with my computer controller in my mouth. I hated that thing


  Go on


  I felt this weird sensation. It was like electricity, a little. It shot through my controller and down my body


  What happened then?


  My back felt warm right where it was injured. And my legs and arms and feet came back online




  I could feel them again. I knew they were there instead of just the nothingness of the last 6 months


  What happened next?


  I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. When I looked at my feet, it was like they belonged to someone else


  Someone else?


  Weird, huh? It was like I was watching someone else’s body


  Creepy. What happened after that?


  I took a few steps and fell down




  When I heard my arm snap, that weird feeling of distance left me and I knew it wasn’t a dream


  Did it hurt a lot?


  Like hell! But I was so happy to FEEL anything there that I was grateful for it


  I’m crying, Henry


  Me too, E. Me too


  That is so wonderful. Wish I could hug u right now


  And I could finally finally finally hug u BACK


  In a week. I promise


  I’ll hold u to that. Now go back to sleep. It’s the middle of the night


  Bossy as always, I see





  Email from Henry Clerval to Victor Frankenstein

  October 29

  3:22 AM



  Wow. Maybe my brain is fried after all the excitement here, but I can’t sort out your V.V problems either. I poked around without trying to change anything. Mostly, I don’t want that hacker to know I’m in there.

  I know you probably read through the logs too, but it looks like no one logged in but you and me. So your guy must be altering them. But I can’t find any trace that he did. All the datestamps match up. No traces of him logging in. No activity on the system that I can’t account for with all the chats. I think you’re going to have to ask the site administrator to take it down for you.

  Dozing off. Busy day ahead of me!


  Text from Elizabeth Lavenza to Henry Clerval

  October 29

  10:30 AM


  How r u today?


  Still walking!!!


  Anybody know why?


  Nope. And I don’t care. It was awful. Did I ever tell u that a giant Hispanic guy was giving me sponge baths?




  I’ve been given a second chance, E. I’m not going to waste it


  What’s that mean?


  U’ll be the first one I tell


  Can I have a hint?


  I want to tell u in person. What’s up over there?


  Victor’s dad lost it



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