Book Read Free


Page 6

by Lydia Rose


  Ann woke up early the next morning finding she was practically lying on top of Kayla. It was the first time that she slept with Kayla only to find her still in bed when she opened her eyes. She tried to move away, but Kayla moaned and held on. Ann closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

  The light was coming in through the windows downstairs later that morning awakening Ann. She knew she was still lying in Kayla’s arms and her hand was on her stomach.

  Kayla moved and said. “You must have been cold last night. You used me as your personal furnace all night.”

  “Sorry,” Ann said prying herself off Kayla.

  Kayla touched her arm. “I didn’t mind, Ann. It was nice. I haven’t had a woman in my arms in a long time.”

  Ann sat up. “Then I’m glad I was here with you.” Ann put on her slippers and robe.

  “What does that mean?” Kayla asked, but Ann was already on the stairs. She looked over the balcony. “Why are you running away?”

  Ann looked up. “I’m not running away. I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be back?” Kayla asked before Ann closed the bathroom door. Kayla answer was Ann laughing in the bathroom. Her stomach was doing summersaults. Did Ann have feelings for her or was this just nothing other than them becoming close friends? She had promised Ann that she wouldn’t kiss her again, but there were so many times she saw Ann looking at her lips.

  Ann brushed her teeth and brushed her hair. She looked at herself thinking she felt so secure in Kayla’s arms. Ann never felt comfortable sleeping on any of her lovers in the past, but with Kayla she couldn’t get close enough. When she came out of the bathroom, she went back up the stairs. “Are we going to loaf around all day?”

  “There’s nothing important to do.” Kayla answered with a shrug.

  Ann climbed back on her side and laid on her side facing Kayla. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  Kayla’s eyes remained closed. “No.” As her eyes opened she smelled the toothpaste on Ann’s breath. “I do have to go to the bathroom.” As she stood she turned to Ann. “Don’t go away.”

  Kayla came up the stairs a few minutes later and found Ann dozing. She crawled into her side of the bed and snuggled up to Ann’s back.

  Ann took Kayla’s arm and put it around her waist. “I like when you snuggle into me.” Her words came out in a whisper.

  Kayla moved closer. “I do too.”

  Ann put her hand over Kayla’s. “You make me feel things I never knew I wanted, Kayla.” Ann took a breath. “We’ve been together twenty four hours a day for the last three months and you’re always on my mind.”

  “You’re always on my mind too, Ann.” Kayla pressed her hand to Ann’s stomach. “I have to keep telling my hands not to touch you, but when we’re sleeping together.” She giggled. “I know I promised you that I wouldn’t kiss you again, but my hands seemed to have a mind of their own when we sleep together.”

  Ann giggled too. “My whole body has a mind of its own where you’re concerned.”

  They laid quietly for a few minutes.

  “Do you have feelings for me, Kayla?” Ann asked softly.

  “Yes.” She admitted in a whisper. “I’m sorry if that upsets you.”

  “I have feelings for you too, Kayla. I can’t forget that kiss.”

  “Where do we go from here, Ann?” Kayla finally asked.

  “I think you should forget that promise and kiss me again,” Ann said softly.

  Kayla guided Ann onto her back and lowered her face until she was just inches away from her. They looked into each other’s eyes before their lips met. Ann wrapped her arms around Kayla and deepened the kiss. Their bodies melted together unwilling to let each other go. Kayla’s tongue danced with Ann’s and they only broke away to take a breath. Kayla’s hands were on Ann’s back under her top touching the soft skin under her fingers. She forced her hands to not wander to the places she wanted to touch the most. It was Ann’s hands who reached out and gently touched Kayla’s breast. As her hand closed around the small breast, a moan escaped.

  “I want you to touch me, Kayla.” Ann looked into Kayla’s eyes. “I want to touch you too.” Her hand placed Kayla’s hand between her legs. “Please,” she said, her eyes burning with desire.

  “Are you sure?” Kayla asked tentatively. She wanted Ann so much, but she was also afraid. Afraid that Ann would be disappointed in a woman making love to her.

  Ann’s response was to kiss Kayla deeply. Clothes fell away quickly and their skin touched for the first time. Kayla’s fears left her because she felt for the first time in her life, this is where she belonged. In the arms of the woman she loved so very much. Even if it was only for a little while.


  Ann was the first to speak after they made love. “I have never,” Ann puffed out. “Ever so fast or came so hard,” She finally managed to say against Kayla’s ear. Her hand brushed through Kayla’s hair until she looked into Ann’s eyes.

  “I plan on doing that again to you many times today.” Kayla began her slow descent across Ann’s body. Tiny kisses were left on her chest and legs until she reached her desired destination. Again, Ann’s screams could be heard through the whole house.


  The women came downstairs in the later afternoon nibbling on the Thanksgiving leftovers without even warming them up. The meal was peppered with light kisses and touches.

  “I have to go feed the hens,” Kayla said standing.

  Before she could escape to the outside, Ann laid her head on Kayla’s chest.

  “Are you okay, Ann? I mean, no regrets.”

  Ann shook her head not moving it from Kayla’s body. “Only that I’ll miss you when you go outside.”

  Kayla pulled Ann in close and kissed her mouth deeply. “I won’t be gone long.”

  Ann nodded and moved away from Kayla. “Go before I refuse to let you out of my sight.”

  Kayla smiled as she put on her jacket and opened the back door.

  As soon as Kayla was gone, Ann jumped in the shower.


  Over the next few weeks, Kayla and Ann found it hard to keep their hands off each other. The more they made love, the more their bodies craved desire for each other.

  Lying in bed one evening, Kayla moved her hand up and down Ann’s arm. “We have to leave for Josh and Karen’s next Friday.”

  “I know and I can’t wait to see them, but that means I won’t be able to touch you.”

  “Have I created a monster?” Kayla asked with a laugh.

  “No more than you, my love.” Ann answered before reaching for Kayla’s mouth.

  This was the first time Ann has used an endearment with her and she knew she was hopelessly in love with this woman who was making her body come alive finally.

  Tonight, Kayla sat at the snack bar watching Ann type away at the dining table. So many times she wanted to tell Ann that she had fallen in love with her, but she held back. Ann never talked about what would happen when the spring came. Kayla worried that she would go back to her life in Seattle without a thought.

  “You look so far away,” Ann said looking across the room.

  Kayla smiled. “I guess I am.” Even her sixth sense never gave her a clue as to what Ann’s long term plans were.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing really.”

  Ann got up and walked over to her. “I know it’s something, but if you’re not ready to talk about it.” She sighed deeply. “I’ll give you time.”

  Kayla just nodded. “I’m going to go hunting in the morning.”

  “Why? We have plenty of food.”

  “I like to bring a deer with me when I go visit the Harris’. Do you want to come with me?”

  Ann wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “I’ll stay here.”

  Kayla chuckled. “I understand.”


  In the early morning hours, Kayla got up and changed into her camouflage outfit. Sh
e checked her gun and got the rest of the things she would need if she managed to get a deer.

  Walking through the woods, Kayla looked for signs of any deer in the area. She had been gone for hours and nothing crossed her line of vision. Kayla was ready to turn around and go back to the cabin when a large doe came out into the clearing. She got down and took aim. As she took a deep breath and let it out, Kayla pulled the trigger. The deer went down instantly. Kayla hurried over to the deer and stroked its fur. She thanked the doe for the food she would give to the Harris family. Once the doe was skinned and dressed, she walked back to the cabin.

  “Any luck?” Ann asked as Kayla came in the back door.

  Kayla smiled. “Yes. I got a doe.”

  “Do you need any help?” Ann asked trying to be supportive.

  “You can help me wrap the meat.”

  “Sure,” Ann said with a smile. Now she thought if anyone told her months ago that she would be living in the woods and helping to wrap a dead deer, she would have told them they were crazy. Ann smiled as she thought how much her life had changed.


  “How long will it take us to get there?” Ann asked as they packed for their trip.

  “At least an hour depending on the terrain.” She planted a kiss on Ann’s mouth. “Are you dressed warm enough?”

  “I have long underwear and a pair of sweats under my jeans.” Ann chuckled. “I don’t think I can move much, but I should be warm.” She looked at Kayla’s ski outfit. “I’m going to get myself one of those,” she said pointing.

  “It keeps me warm and dry. I should have suggested that you bring one with you,” Kayla said wrapping her arms around Ann.

  Ann pushed her away. “I have to tell you that I’m kind of afraid of going there.”

  Kayla laughed. “You slept with a woman for the first time without fear and now you’re afraid of visiting the Harris’?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never been anywhere that there was no electricity or running water. I’ve never even been camping.”

  “It’s only for a few days, Ann.” Kayla walked over to Ann and wrapped her in her arms. “Don’t worry, it will be fine.”

  Ann forced a smile. “We’re never going to get out of here, if we keep touching each other.”

  The snow was deep which allowed them easy access across the fields to the Harris’ house. As they got closer, Kayla slowed the engine and just sat there.

  “Is there something wrong?” Ann said into the quiet.

  Kayla nodded. “Something happened to Stella.” She gunned the engine and took off. As they got closer to the cabin, Kayla went faster.

  She flew off the snowmobile and went into the house without knocking.

  When Ann came into the house she saw everyone gathered around the sofa. She moved closer to them and saw Kayla sitting next to Stella. Stella’s arm was wrapped. “What happened?” She asked over Karen’s shoulder.

  Karen turned around and greeted Ann with a hug. “Stella fell. I think her arm is broken.”

  Ann entered the house and stood over the group that were watching Stella.

  “How about a cup of coffee.” Karen guided Ann out of the room. “You must be freezing.”

  “I’ll get your things,” Josh said leaving Kayla and Stella alone.

  Softly, Kayla said to Stella. “It hurts, honey, doesn’t it?”

  Stella nodded with tears in her eyes.

  “I’m going to help you feel better.” Stella looked at Kayla. “Lie back and close your eyes.”

  Stella feared Kayla might hurt her and she said. “No.”

  “I promise I won’t hurt you, honey.”

  So Stella did as she asked and closed her eyes. Kayla held onto Stella’s arm and a few minutes later the little girl opened her eyes.

  “It doesn’t hurt anymore, Kayla,” she said wearing a big smile.

  “I didn’t hurt you, right?”

  Stella shook her head wearing a bright smile.

  “Let’s leave the bandage on for a little while and then we will take it off. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Stella said getting off the couch. She ran to her mother. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, mommy. Kayla made it all better.” Stella moved her arm around to show her mother.

  “I’m glad, honey,” Karen said hugging her daughter.

  Ann looked at Kayla who was still in the living room wondering what had just happened. It looked like Stella was hurt when she came in, but from the way the little girl moved her arm it appeared there was nothing wrong.

  “How about a nap with your brother, Stella?” Karen asked motioning Stella out of the room.

  “What did you do?” Ann asked when Karen left.

  “Nothing. I guess her arm wasn’t really injured,” Kayla said with a shrug. “I’ll go help Josh with our things.”

  Ann followed her to the door. “How did you know something was wrong?”

  Kayla shrugged again. “I just felt something.” She opened the door and left the room.

  Karen came out of Stella’s room. “What’s going on, Karen?”

  Karen couldn’t meet Ann’s eyes. “Nothing. Stella fell, but I guess it was really nothing.”

  Ann poked her head in Stella’s room and saw the bandages on the dresser. “Then why did you feel the need to wrap her arm? You thought her arm was broken.”

  “Precaution,” Karen said taking lunch out of the oven.

  Josh and Kayla came back into the house carrying all their things.

  “I have a surprise for you, Kayla.” Josh nodded with his head. Over the oversized pantry, Josh had built a small loft. “I think you and Ann will be quite comfortable up there.”

  “Where did you get the mattress?” Kayla asked climbing the ladder.

  “Karen and I made it from scrap wood, hay and old blankets. I laid on it myself and it beats sleeping on the floor.”

  Kayla came back down the ladder. “Thank you, Josh. We appreciate the effort you both did.”

  Ann was still quiet as to the earlier events. She watched as Karen, Josh and Kayla made eye contact with each other, but words were not spoken.

  “How about we sit down to lunch before it gets cold?” Karen ushered everyone to the table.

  After lunch Josh and Kayla went outside. The kids came out of the bedroom. “Simon and Stella, how about some lunch?” Karen asked. She made their plates and left them in the dining area and went into the kitchen to clean up.

  “How do we wash the dishes?” Ann asked softly.

  Josh walked in the back door with a large bucket of water. He put the bucket down on the stove and went back outside.

  Karen laughed. “As soon as this water heats up, I can wash the dishes.”

  “Karen, are you going to tell me what happened here today?”

  Karen scraped the food off some of the plates into the garbage can. “Nothing happened.”

  Ann let a loud sigh leave her mouth. “Kayla knew something was wrong with Stella before we got here and I could see she hurt her arm badly. Then a few minutes later, she’s fine.” Ann forced Karen to look at her. “I feel so stupid asking this, but can Kayla heal people?”

  “I think you should talk to Kayla. It’s not my place, Ann.”

  “That’s why you said at the cabin that Kayla would take care of Josh? Ann reached for her jacket and went outside. “Can we take a walk?” She asked standing at Kayla’s side.

  Josh nodded silently and took another bucket of water into the house. Kayla extended her arm to start their walk.

  Josh walked into the house and Karen met him at the door. “The shit is about to hit the fan,” he said softly to Karen.

  “Are they a couple now?” Karen asked smiling.

  Josh nodded. “Since Thanksgiving Kayla said.”

  “Then maybe it won’t be so bad.”

  They walked silently for a long time before Kayla began. “I have always been able to sense things. I knew when I met you that you had something you were worried about. After we ha
d dinner together, I knew someone in your family was hurt.”

  “Is that why you agreed to the book?”

  Kayla shrugged. “I knew how important the money was to you.”

  “You didn’t tell me because you didn’t want it in the book?” Ann asked.

  Kayla nodded.

  “So the fact that you can heal people was also a secret you didn’t want known to anyone?” Ann asked as she stopped walking.

  Kayla lowered her head. “If people found that out about me, it would turn my world upside down. Can you imagine the ridicule or the throes of people at my doorstep?”

  “Why didn’t you help your grandmother?” Ann asked lifting Kayla’s chin and saw the tears.

  “She wouldn’t let me. She said I was old enough to take care of myself and she was ready to move on.” Kayla wiped a tear that fell onto her cheek. “She never got over the fact that she lost my mother. Grandmother always said a parent should never have to bury their child.”

  “Can you help with any illness?” Ann asked holding onto Kayla’s arm desperate for an answer.

  “I want to go with you in the spring to see your mother,” Kayla said softly.

  “You can help my mother?” Ann asked choking back tears.

  Kayla nodded. “You won’t need to worry about hiring someone to care for her.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “We’ve slept together, but you wouldn’t tell me your secrets?”

  “Ann, only a few people know about me.” Kayla looked away.

  “You didn’t trust me not to tell anyone.” Ann insisted. “I’ve never been with a woman and I trusted you to take care of me. Hell, I fell in love with you, but you wouldn’t tell me.” She turned her back to Kayla wiping away the tears.

  “You’re in love with me?” Kayla asked turning Ann around so she could see her face.

  “Yes, you goof. Of course, I’m in love with you. I’ve been attracted to you since Seattle. When you admitted you were gay,” Ann shook her head. “I didn’t know what to do with that information.”

  “You freaked when you found out I was gay.” Kayla squeezed Ann to her body.

  Ann smiled. “I did freak, but not just for the reasons you were thinking.” She sighed loudly. “I liked you and I thought we were becoming friends. I’ve never been friends with a lesbian before.”


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