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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 14

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “Thank god you came when you did.”

  Pulling me away for a moment, Stephen checked me for any signs of injury. My face felt like it was on fire from the slap, and my head immediately began throbbing. Stephen put his hands at the back of my head and I instantly winced.

  “Call an ambulance!” he shouted to Paul.

  Paul didn’t hesitate. He clicked on his radio and asked for an ambulance to be called to the station.

  “Stephen, I’m fine. There’s no need for an ambulance. I just want to go home.”

  “Cassie, you need to be seen by a doctor. It looks like he hit your head pretty hard. You have to be checked for a concussion.

  For some reason, the only thing I could think of was where my knickers were. I started looking all around the floor for them, but I couldn’t seem to find them anywhere.

  “I got them, Cassie.” Stephen stopped me with his hand and the gesture made me look into those sincere eyes of his. “Don’t worry. I’m here now.”

  He stroked my face and I smiled through my tears. I tried to get up, but I stumbled. Stephen was there to catch me. “You have to stay seated for me until the ambulance arrives.”

  It didn’t take long. A lady paramedic came running towards me and checked me over. “Where does it hurt, Cassie?”

  “My head.” I was feeling a little groggy now, and it made my stomach protest. It was almost as though I was sailing on rough seas.

  “We need to get her to the hospital. It looks like she may have a concussion.” She looked towards Stephen, then back at me. “Cassie, how did you get that injury?”

  “He had his hand over my mouth and forced my head into the wall.”

  She looked at Stephen as if to say, What the hell? I knew it didn’t look right. How can someone get attacked in a police station? And, better yet, how was he even allowed into the station if he was a wanted man? I knew this was going to be a huge embarrassment for the Chief Superintendent.

  It was then that I began to worry. Of course, he will want to know how the hell this happened. It made my head hurt thinking about it. I would have to cross that bridge when I came to it. For me, I had already made up my mind what I was going to do. I didn’t know the Chief Superintendent that well but, on first impression, he seemed like a decent man now that he was all grown up. That was something I would have to find out myself when the time came. Meeting him again was something I had always wanted to do anyway. Maybe this would be the perfect time.

  Once the paramedic was satisfied I could move, I was led outside and towards the ambulance. There was now a crowd of people in the parking lot. Everyone was going to know what happened and the thought made me feel even more nauseous.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” I could feel the bile quickly rising to the surface.

  The male paramedic rushed to grab one of those cardboard trays. He got to me just before I started retching.

  I was helped up into the ambulance and the paramedic went straight to work checking my blood pressure. “Your blood pressure is a little low.”

  Stephen squeezed my hand and smiled. “I’m coming along.” He gently kissed my head. “I’m not leaving you. I would never leave you. I’ve always been there for you, Cassie. I hope you realise that.”

  I felt the tears flow again as I nodded. I was in complete awe of this man.

  Paul looked back and forth between us. I don’t know if he was trying to figure us out or what. It seemed pretty clear from day one that Stephen seemed to be fascinated with me. I knew why, but I’m sure Paul thought it was for obvious reasons.

  “I’ll go fill in the gaps for the C.I. and follow you up to the hospital.” Paul gestured towards Stephen.

  Stephen nodded, the doors to the ambulance closed, and away we went. “Thank you for saving me.”

  The tears were calming now that Stephen was holding me tight. “I only wish I had gotten to you sooner.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for that. I shouldn’t have been in there in the first place.”

  Stroking my hair, Stephen looked into my eyes. “Why were you?”

  I knew he wouldn’t like my answer, but I wasn’t going to lie to him. Especially now that it had gotten as serious as it was. “I wanted to find out more about Mark Richards.”

  “Cassie, you need to leave well enough alone. He’s a dangerous man.”

  Snuggling my head into his chest, I nodded. “I know. I saw that for myself.”

  Stephen didn’t ask why. I assumed Michael must have filled him in. Thinking of Michael made my head spin again. Sooner or later, he would find out what happened today and he wasn’t going to be pleased.

  We got to the hospital fairly quickly and I was amazed at how rapidly I was seen by a doctor. He checked my eyes and reflexes, coming to the conclusion that I did, indeed, have a concussion. He wanted me to stay overnight so I could be monitored, but I told him that I just wanted to go home. He said the only way he’d allow that was if I had someone monitor me every few hours. I didn’t want to put this on Stephen’s shoulders, and I knew he would argue that the best place for me right now was the hospital. I gave in and told the doctor I would stay, which earned me a smile.

  I was settling in just as Paul arrived to speak with Stephen. He then sat beside me and grabbed my hand. Oh, dear.

  Visions of him playing football with his dad, tying women up and having rough sex with them came flooding into my head. It was not something I wanted to think about right now, especially after what just happened to me.

  Tears came. Just so I didn’t have to have all that in my head right now, I asked Paul if he wouldn’t mind passing me a tissue.

  Luckily, he pulled away and, instantly, it gave me huge relief. I took a deep breath and saw Stephen looking at me. He knew why I was a mess and asked me if I was okay. I nodded so he sat down on the bed next to me, placing his hand on mine. The feel of him holding my hand and nothing coming to me was an instant relief.

  “I guess you know why I’m here.” Paul had a sheepish look about him.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I have to ask you. I’m sorry.” He looked at me sympathetically and I smiled. I knew he likes it rough, but that didn’t mean he was a bad man. Deep down, I knew he was good. Maybe he just gets quite possessive very quickly in a relationship.

  “I know, Paul. Don’t worry about it. It’s your job.” I smiled at him and began to tell him the details of what happened.

  Midway through, he interrupted me. “You’re a virgin?” he asked, a little shocked. He spied my expression and winced. “Sorry. That was inappropriate of me.”

  “That’s okay, but I would appreciate it if you kept that to yourself around the station.”

  “Of course, but it’s nothing of which to be ashamed.” He smiled brightly.

  I smiled back and gripped his arm. I thought it was sweet of him to say. Sometimes you get mixed reactions when you tell people that you’re a virgin. You soon become ashamed of it, like it’s something to hide. I knew it wasn’t but when you had men itching to be the first to get into your knickers, it got a little old. It was amazing how something so innocent could be turned into something so sordid.

  Continuing with my statement, I relived the whole ordeal again. I could tell both Paul and Stephen were not happy hearing all the details. Stephen looked mad as hell, and Paul didn’t look too far behind. In a way, it felt good having people in my life who cared enough to feel this way.

  After I finished, I took a deep breath. I felt better knowing that I had gotten all that out of the way. I guessed that the next time I would have to relive it was in court, and it was something to which I was not looking forward. I had to, though. His poor wife, Lisa, would have to endure it and I wanted her to know that there was someone else who was going to be there to hold her hand. Maybe not literally, but she had the support now.

  “So, what happens now?” I didn’t know whether I wanted to know, but I had to ask.

  “Well, Daniel is in custody at the mome
nt. When we’re done with him, he’ll have a nice little visit from Feltham police, and he will be charged again. Not a good day for him.” He shook his head. “Rapists are the worst scum of the universe. I never liked that guy. Now I know why.”

  He left soon after, telling me that he wished me well and to rest as much as I could. I said that I would see him at work soon. He nodded and went on his way, leaving Stephen and I alone.

  “Don’t you think you better get back to work?” I didn’t really want him to leave, but I didn’t want him to get into trouble for staying any longer than necessary, either.

  “No way, Cassie. I already told you that I’m not leaving you.”

  “Then don’t you think you’d better sort yourself out? You can’t stay here all day with your uniform on. Eventually, you’re going to have to explain why you’re here.”

  Thinking about it made me wince. People were going to naturally assume that Stephen and I were together. I could tell he thought the same.

  “I don’t care what people think, Cassie. You’re important to me and that’s all anybody needs to know. It’s none of their business how any of us feel or conduct our lives.”

  I smiled and pulled him towards me for a hug. I inhaled his wonderful scent and immediately relaxed. He had such a calming effect on me and it felt wonderful. It was something you couldn’t help but crave after.

  After a couple of minutes, he pulled away and lightly kissed me on the cheek. He looked deeply into my eyes and I melted. Right then and there, I wanted to feel his lips on mine, wanted to feel what it was like to be loved and cherished after everything that happened earlier. I knew it was wrong to feel that way, but I couldn’t help it.

  I stroked his cheek and kissed him lightly on the lips. I started to cry—not in sorrow, but in joy at feeling him so close to me. It was almost as if I was feeling something I had missed my entire life.

  “I’m sorry.” Pulling away from him, I looked away in shame. I felt so guilty for running with my emotions. I didn’t know how to think or feel. I didn’t know whether I was doing something wrong or not. The whole situation tugged so violently at me that my stomach was in knots.

  “Twinkles, you have to stop apologising to me. You never have to apologise for something you can’t help feeling. It’s what makes you human.”

  I laughed, thinking what that makes him. He wasn’t exactly human. He was the stuff of legend. I always felt placed so high on the pedestal when either Stephen or Michael were around, but it was them that should be idolised.

  “That’s better. Smiling is good, but laughing is better. Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m a little tired.”

  “Get some sleep. I will tell the nurse I’m leaving, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ll get some items for us both and bring them in.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Stephen.”

  “No worries. You’re my girl.” He smiled brightly as he made his way out of the ward.

  I instantly cringed at his words. They were the same words Michael had used in a text only two days ago. Suddenly feeling less tired, I thought it best to give Michael a call.

  A nurse came over and checked on me. She smiled sweetly. “The police officer said you were feeling tired. I should imagine you will want some sleep. Are you feeling okay? Can I get you anything?”

  “Actually, yes. I need to make a phone call.”

  Tucking me in a little, she frowned. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

  “I know I should, but it is important. The only problem is I don’t have any of my belongings with me. I was kind of brought here in a hurry.”

  She looked at me sympathetically and placed her hand in her pocket. “Here. Take my phone.” Holding her hand out, she offers me her mobile.

  I was going to take it, but I thought about it some more. If I called him, he would drop everything and come running. A part of me wanted that, but another part of me felt it unnecessary. It would only stress him out and I didn’t want that. I knew I had to call him at some point today because he would be expecting it, but now was not the time. If I called on the nurse’s phone at this time of the day, he would be worried. Stephen was bringing in my things later so I could call him then. Michael didn’t need to be concerned with all this.

  With my mind made up, I hand the phone back to the nurse. “On second thought, I’ll do it later.”

  I felt the tears begin to flow and my head began pounding. I knew my body was telling me to rest. I could feel the exhaustion kicking in. No matter how wired I was feeling, it was just no use. I had to sleep.

  The nurse grabbed some tissues and handed them to me. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “It’s what I’m here for. If you need anything, just give me a call. I’ll be around to check on you whilst you sleep, but I will try and not disturb you too much.”

  I thank her again and she nodded before walking away.

  Settling down in bed, I closed my eyes, trying not to think too much. I didn’t want to have visions of Daniel floating through my head. It was hurting enough without all that.

  I fell asleep quite quickly, although it was fitful. I was aware of the nurse coming around to check on me. It wasn’t until I heard voices that I really wanted to wake myself up. I knew who it was and I was eager to see him and speak with him.

  “Stephen?” I felt dazed and disorientated, but his voice was making me fight it.

  “Twinkles, how are you feeling?”

  “A little fuzzy,” I replied, opening my eyes. I saw him there, a worried smile on his face. His hair was all tousled and sexy, and he was wearing a dark grey-and-black jumper, which made him look even more irresistible than normal. Not that he needed much.

  For those few seconds, looking at him in wonder, I almost forgot where I was and why I was here. It all came flooding back to me once I caught my surroundings.

  “What time is it?”


  “Shit. Do you have my phone? Michael will be expecting my call. If I don’t call him, he’ll get suspicious.”

  “Exactly what are you going to tell him?”

  “Nothing. He will only worry and come running. He will be headed home in two days anyway.”

  “Don’t you think we should tell him? I would be pissed as hell if it were me.”

  “I don’t want to worry him.” I said it with an air of finality in my voice. I could see he wasn’t happy about it, but I knew he wasn’t going to go against my wishes.

  Stephen frowned, but handed over my phone. I immediately dial Michael’s number and hear his sweet booming voice over the line.

  “Cassie. I’ve been looking forward to your call. A little late today, though. Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I didn’t get much sleep last night so I must have nodded off for a little while. Sorry.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t sound it.”

  “I’m fine, really. Stop worrying about me.” I figured he wasn’t silly. He could obviously tell there was something wrong with me. I suppose even the sound of my voice gave me away.

  “I can’t help that. Is Stephen with you?”

  “He’s working late shift, remember? He’s off tomorrow and Friday, though.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I forgot. Are you sure you’re fine?”

  “Michael, stop fussing. I’m locked up tight in bed, some comfort food and the telly for company.” I smiled through my words so he could hear I was fine. I was actually feeling much better now that I had some rest.

  “Okay, that’s good. Only two more days and I will come home.”

  “I know. How has it been?”

  “It’s been good. Interesting, in fact. I suppose it’s a man’s instinct to like guns.”

  “Yes, boys and their toys.” I chuckled a little and heard his wonderful laughter fill my ears. “I’d better go. I’m starting to get hungry.”

  Michael took a deep breath, then orders me to go eat. “I’m really looking forward to seein
g you, Cassie.”

  I just say, “Me, too.” It seemed to satisfy him. It was a little awkward with Stephen standing there.

  Ending the call, I saw Stephen’s worried expression. “I don’t like lying to him.” He looked disappointed and it made the guilt wash over me.

  “You’re not the one lying, Stephen, and I wouldn’t expect you to.”

  “You’re hungry?” He smiled, knowing it was probably wise to change the subject…for now.

  “I’m starving.”

  He looked around the ward like he was searching for something. “They actually came around a few minutes ago with some food, but I thought it best to let you sleep.”

  I knew that must have been the voices I heard a minute ago when I was sleeping. I could smell the food now and it was making my stomach growl.

  “I’ll go fetch you some.” He rose quickly from his chair and scampered out the door.

  He was only gone a few seconds, then came back with what looked like chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. It didn’t look like the most appetizing plate, but I was too hungry to complain.

  “I could get you something outside the hospital if you want.” Stephen’s adorable frown had the butterflies starting an all-out war inside of me.

  “Its fine, Stephen. I’m sure this will do nicely. I’m way too hungry to wait another minute.”

  I ate everything, despite the fact it wasn’t the best meal I had ever eaten. They worked hard here at the hospital, so who was I to complain?

  “I never thought hospital food was that good.” Stephen beamed, placing a gentle hand on my leg.

  “It wasn’t, really. I was just hungry.”

  “Your vitals have been good.”

  “That’s great. Does that mean I can go home now?” I really wanted to. I didn’t relish a night here on my own with a bunch of strangers.

  “I would prefer it if you didn’t. Don’t worry. I’ll be staying with you.”

  I shook my head, knowing he would never rest if that happened. “Stephen, there really is no need. You will never get any sleep here.”

  “I don’t need to sleep.”


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