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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 24

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “You named her after Mum,” he observed.

  She smiled and briefly dipped her head to the floor with sadness. “Yes. I miss her.”

  “Then why don’t you come home? You’re not being kept against your will, are you?”

  “No, of course not.” Her look of shock was striking. “I’m fine. I’m happy. Going back would have put Justin in danger.”

  “Justin who?”

  “Please, leave it alone.” Molly was growing anxious by the second.

  “I can’t leave it alone. Are you out of your goddamned mind, Molly? Come with us. You’ll be safe.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m safe here, always have been. I love Justin and I’m not leaving him.”

  “I don’t believe this.” Simon’s stance was intimidating, and I knew it was making Molly panic.

  Deciding to act fast, I placed my hand on Simon’s shoulder. He spun around to look at me. “It’s okay, Simon. You need to calm down.”

  His shocked look became more focused as he turned back to his sister.

  “I think you’d better leave. Justin will be home soon and if he finds you here, things will get ugly. All you need to know is I am happy and healthy, and I just want to be left alone. It was wonderful seeing you again, Simon, but you have to go. Please.” She begged the last word as if her life depended on it.

  I gripped onto Simon’s shoulder even more now. I knew he wanted to argue and I knew he was conflicted, but I also knew that, under the circumstances, he could make some very poor decisions. This obviously needed to be dealt with as delicately as possible.

  “We don’t want to frighten anybody.” I smiled at Molly. “We’re glad you’re okay, Molly. We will leave you alone now.”

  Simon turned and glared at me. I glared back, trying to tell him to keep a lid on it.

  Molly closed the door and that was our cue to make our way back to the car.

  “What in the hell was that all about?” Simon’s tone was severe, making me wince a little.

  Stephen took action immediately, stepping in front of me. “Sir, you need to calm down.”

  “How can I calm down after that?! What in the hell was that?!”

  Placing my hand on Stephen’s arm, I smiled as he turned to look at me. He moved away and I walked up to Simon, whispering, “You need to think about this, Simon. Your head is, naturally, all over the place, but you have to think logically about this. Going off the deep end now is not going to solve anything, and it could end up with all of us in danger. We’re out here in the middle of nowhere with an abductor who could come home at any minute. I would suggest we find somewhere to hide and call the police.”

  Stephen nodded. “Good thinking.”

  “Let’s just get back in the car and find a spot where we can hide. Even if it means going back on Fosse Way and turning back in with your headlights off. She may be watching us. She’s obviously paranoid. I would suggest we leave now.”

  “Okay.” Simon took a few deep breaths. “You’re right, of course. Thank you.”

  We got back in the car, making it plainly obvious that we were leaving so that Molly could calm down a little. We turned on Fosse Way and drove about a mile down the road. Once Simon was back near the lane, he turned his headlights off and proceeded down the path. He veered off a little and made his way towards some dense trees. He parked the car in the most hidden spot he could find and turned the ignition off.

  Stephen immediately called the police and gave them all the details and directions of where we were. He also asked for them to get details of this Justin guy so we knew with whom we were dealing. Once he was off the phone, he looked at Simon.

  “How are we going to explain this, sir? You can’t expose Cassie. I won’t allow you to.”

  Simon looked at him, his face hardened. “I wouldn’t do that to her. I’ve already thought of something.”

  “What?” I could tell that Stephen was filled with intrigue and, I must admit, so was I.

  “I’m going to tell them I got an anonymous letter. I’ve already made one up and they won’t be able to trace it so don’t worry. It tells all the details that led us here, if necessary.”

  I take a deep breath and so did Stephen. At least the pressure was somewhat off me.

  “I don’t understand it.” Simon’s tone was softer. “I just can’t understand how she can be so calm after all these years.”

  “Stockholm syndrome,” I explained.

  “What?” Simon asked. He seemed unable to fathom it. I knew he understood what I meant, but it certainly was baffling.

  “She’s developed a strong bond with her abductor. So much so that she’s had a child with him. She must have been scared for her life, and probably thought she was going to die. When she realised he was keeping her alive, her gratitude towards him must have been the basis to what started this whole thing spiralling. In her eyes, he can do no wrong.”

  “It just sounds unbelievable.” He paused for a couple of seconds. “How come you seem to know about this?”

  “I read about it many years ago. Something like Stockholm syndrome is rare, but very fascinating. I just wanted to know more about it.”

  “I can’t understand it. Molly was always such a level-headed girl. Stubborn to a fault.” He chuckled a little, despite the situation.

  “Remember, though, he has had over nineteen years to mould your sister. He committed one of the most heinous crimes and has gotten away with it.”

  “Not for much longer.” Simon’s teeth were grinding together.

  Just then, the telephone rang and Stephen answered. He listened for a few seconds, hummed in the right places, then hung up.

  “His name is Justin Merryfield. He’s thirty-nine, no priors, and works construction about five miles away from here. They’re on their way. I was told they should be five more minutes.”

  Simon nodded and we noticed movement in the distance. A set of headlights were heading towards the house.

  We watched in silence as a man with a yellow reflective jacket and a pair of jeans got out of the car. He was busy with something in the back when Simon got out and started shouting at him. Stephen was right behind him and I was left shaking my head in the back of the car.

  Once the man saw them, he was off, running like the wind. Stephen and Simon were right behind him, but Stephen had better stamina. He ran like no other I have ever seen before.

  I got out of the car, immediately worrying that something might happen to Stephen. They all seemed to disappear and that’s when all hell broke loose. Soon, there were four police cars with sirens blaring. Molly then decided to make an appearance, probably wondering what the hell was going on.

  I flagged down a police car and pointed them in the direction where the three men went running, but I needn’t have worried because two figures appeared from the shadows. One was Justin in handcuffs and the other, holding him by the scruff of the neck, was Stephen.

  The sight suddenly stirred up some unwanted feelings inside of me. I was having the most inappropriate thoughts at the most inappropriate time. What made it worse was when he decided to look across and wink at me. I almost gasped and hated myself for getting so turned on right now.

  For some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off Stephen. I watched as he pushed Justin to one of the police cars and read him his rights. For a moment, there was no one around me but Stephen. He was commanding and beautiful. It was only when I heard the screams of a tormented Molly that it finally shook me out of my stupor.

  Shaking my head, I quickly remembered where I was and what was happening around me.

  Molly was in turmoil, watching her captor being taken away. Police held her back and I could see her daughter getting upset, too. I wanted to help, needed to help, but I didn’t know what to do. There were so many people running around now that my head was spinning. I wanted to reach out to that poor child, but I knew that the police wouldn’t let me anywhere near her.

  Simon soon appeared and tri
ed to reason with his sister, but she was spitting venom something fierce. I could see the pain in his eyes and the torment of knowing he had finally saved his sister—who, obviously, didn’t want to be saved.

  A police officer stepped in, thinking it would be wise if Simon stepped away. He was obviously upsetting Molly, and having him around her now was only going to make things worse.

  In a daze, he stepped away as Molly and Caroline were carted off in a police car. I walked up to Simon and did the only thing I thought was best under the circumstances: I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. I didn’t know whether he would accept it, but he did—resting his head upon my shoulder.

  “I’m so sorry,” I offered.

  I started to wonder if I had done the right thing or not. I knew Molly had to be saved. She was living in a fantasy world and the sooner she was out of it, the better.

  “How can you be sorry after what you have done for me?” Pulling away from me, he cupped my face. “Thank you.” The tears were welling in his eyes, making my own threaten to fall.

  “She’s going to be okay, Simon. It will be a lot of hard work, but I’m sure she will get there in the end.”

  “I know. She probably hates me now, but I’m just so glad I found her. My mum and dad are not going to believe this when I tell them.”

  Stephen was in the distance, talking to a police officer who was jotting everything down. He was watching us the whole time and the minute he was done, he came walking towards us.

  “I told them what happened. They asked what you were doing here and I said that you were Simon’s assistant.”

  Simon sighed. “That’s good. There will be no need for them to speak with you then, Cassie.” He paused for a moment. “Listen, I think I’m going to be here for a while. Why don’t you take the car back to London, Stephen? I trust you.” He chuckled a little. “All I ask is that you bring the car in on your shift tomorrow.”

  Stephen nodded. “Consider it done, sir.”

  “I want to thank you both for coming. I couldn’t have done all this without you. I realised that when Stephen took off after him like lightening. I didn’t realise you could run that fast.”

  He smiled cheekily, making the colour of his light blue eyes stand out even more. “Comes with the territory.”

  Simon regarded him for a moment. “Have you ever thought of becoming a sergeant, PC Faron?”

  “I think it’s a little too early for me, sir. I’ve still got a couple of months left before my two years are up.”

  “Well, then, I suggest you come and speak to me in two months’ time. I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Stephen.” Simon arched his eyebrow in amusement.

  “Okay, sir.” Stephen laughed as they shook hands.

  Upon letting go, Simon reached into his pocket and offered Stephen his keys. With a quick nod and a wink in my direction, Simon headed for the police cars. We stood for a couple of seconds in silence, then Stephen wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  “Come on, Twinkles. Let’s get you home. I think a nice cup of hot chocolate is in order, don’t you?”

  I laughed as the tension of the whole day eased with just the touch of Stephen’s arm. “Yes. I think that’s the least we deserve.”

  “Yes.” He sighed as we headed back to the car. “Maybe we can spice it up by making it an Irish hot chocolate.”

  “Stephen!” I looked up at him in disbelief and jabbed him in the side. “You’re incorrigible.” He smiled down at me as we reached the car, and it almost took my breath away.

  After hopping in the car, Stephen started driving towards the path of police cars. Simon looked up and waved to us with a smile. I could see sadness in that smile and wondered if we did the right thing leaving him on his own like this. He obviously needed someone.

  “He’ll be alright.” Stephen seemed to be answering my concern. “I’m sure he will ring his wife and parents soon, and they will be by his side in no time. His family is what he needs now.”

  I looked over at him as he smiled, then grabbed my hand. I instantly relaxed back into my seat and let the warmth of him surround me. It was amazing how wonderful he could make me feel.

  The journey back went really quickly. I think having Stephen so close to me helped. He held my hand as often as he could, which was easy considering the car was an automatic.

  We were silent most of the way, just enjoying this little moment between us. I couldn’t help thinking there was so much I wanted to say to him that had to remain unsaid. Despite what he did to his brother, the love I felt for him didn’t seem to diminish. If anything, the more time I spent with him, the more it intensified. I just had to accept that fact now and be done with it.

  Life for Cassie Johnson was never going to be the same again.

  Chapter 17

  Once we were at home, I started feeling a little sleepy. It was a smooth ride, but I thought Stephen’s driving might have had something to do with that.

  Parking up as far on the pavement as he could go, he stopped and put the hazards on. In an instant, he was out and opening my door. I walked up the stairs with Stephen a little bit behind me as I fetched my keys.

  “I’ll find somewhere to park and come in for that hot chocolate, if that’s okay?”

  I smiled sweetly, but was nervous. I knew that being alone with Stephen now would be the end of my secret. I just couldn’t seem to hide just how much I felt for him now.

  “Yes, sure,” I answered, my heart drumming like crazy.

  He smiled brightly and turned to walk back down the stairs, almost running into Michael, who grabbed him by the neck. “What the hell do you think you’re doing putting Cassie in danger like that?”

  I was about to rush to Stephen’s defence, but it would seem he had enough of his brother pushing him around. He punched Michael hard, sending him flying through the air. I never thought Stephen possessed such strength. I always thought Michael was the strong one, but now I wasn’t so sure.

  “I’ve always let you push me around, feeling guilty about what I had done to you. I took it every time because that is what I thought I deserved. I’m not taking it anymore from you, Michael. Cassie is not in danger. She never was with me around. I wouldn’t allow it.”

  I rushed down the stairs to tend to Michael as he lay on the ground, blood pouring from the top of his right eye.

  “He’ll be okay, Cassie. He’s an angel. He’ll heal quickly.”

  Looking up at Stephen, I saw the pain in his eyes as he watched me holding onto Michael’s arm. Looking defeated, he said, “Um…I suppose you should clean him up. Rain check on the hot chocolate.”

  “Stephen…” I rose up to try and stop him.

  “It’s okay, Cassie. I have to get the car back safe and sound anyway. The Super will never forgive me if anything happens to it.”

  He smiled at me weakly and climbed back into the Cayenne. I couldn’t help thinking I was a little shit for letting him go.

  Why am I letting him go?

  Michael’s pull on my arm reminded me. I needed to get him out of the way of this busy street before the police came and got them into even more trouble. Every time they had a fight lately, it was over me. It just wasn’t worth the hassle after the way I’d been treating them both. I don’t know why they even bothered.

  I helped Michael up, not that he needed it. I just felt bad that everyone was put into this situation.

  We marched up the stairs. Once inside the flat, I walked to my bathroom to retrieve some tissue and cotton wool. Grabbing a bowl, I filled it with warm water, then made my way back into the living room.

  Michael was sitting and staring at me from the sofa. I smiled warmly, placing the bowl on the coffee table and dipping some cotton wool into the warm water. I dabbed a little onto his eye and he winced.

  Seeing him in pain made me feel terrible. “Sorry.”

  Michael offered me his smile. “That’s fine.” He touched my hand, making me stop. He obviously had something on his mind.

  “Stephen always had a mean left hook.” He paused for a moment, laughing. “I hadn’t seen him use it for a long time, though. I guess I just pushed him too far this time. I was frantic with worry over you. I wasn’t thinking straight. What happened today?”

  I sighed, placing the used piece of cotton wool on the table. “It’s been very long, but very productive. Simon got what he was looking for and that’s the main thing.”

  “Simon?” He raised his eyebrow.

  “Yes.” I chuckled. “The Super insisted on it. He wants to make me his PA.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  “He’s given me until Friday to make my decision. He wants to see how we work together this week first. So far, I can see us working well. All things considered, I think it went as well as could be expected.”

  “I take it you found his sister?”

  I realised then that Michael must know everything. “Yes, but she’s bonded with her captor. It’s going to take quite a lot of therapy for the family before they can even begin to live a normal life. I feel bad for them all, especially Molly and Caroline.”

  “Who’s Caroline?”

  “Her daughter. I assume the father is the one that took her.”

  Michael shook his head. “That sounds really messed up.”

  “Yes, it does. As I said, it’s going to be hard for all of them.”

  I went back to cleaning Michael’s eye and he let me without interruption this time. “I think you may need stitches.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “But he’s cut you quite badly.”

  “I’ll be fine.” He gently grabbed my arm. “Honestly. Just stick a plaster on me and it will be gone by morning.”

  I shook my head, but got up and did as I was told.

  Thinking about it, I remembered the fight Stephen and Michael had before. Stephen was bruised, but when I saw him later that day, there wasn’t a mark on him.

  Shrugging, I shook my head as I grabbed a plaster on the way out of the bathroom.

  I put the plaster over his eye and he instantly rewarded me with a smile. “You know, I didn’t even need that, but thought it was best to appease you.”


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