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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 29

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “About you, Michael, and Stephen?”

  My posture straightened. “How did you know?”

  “When the rumours are flying, dear Cassie, it’s hard not to hear them.”

  I suddenly felt a little betrayed by this revelation. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I knew it would hurt you. Besides, it’s none of their fucking business. People like that piss me off. I know they’re saying stuff about Hamish and me, but I don’t give a fuck—and neither should you. So what if you’re shagging both of them at the same time? I know I would.”

  “Kali!” I screamed. “You’re so crude and you so know that’s not true.” As quick as that, I had forgiven her.

  “Yes, Miss Flowerpot. I know.”

  “It will happen one day, Kali. And I’ll make sure you’re the first person I come to with the news.”

  She laughed a little. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Just remember something for me, Cassie. It doesn’t matter what people think. You know in your heart of hearts the kind of person you are. You’re friends and people who care about you know in their heart of hearts the kind of person you are, too. That is all that counts.”

  I had to smile. She always knew how to make me feel better. “You’re such a true friend, you know that, Kali? I really appreciate everything you have done for me. You’ve been my best friend since school.”

  “Don’t mention it. You’re a good person, Cassie. Don’t let anyone else tell you different.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  “Fancy another drink tomorrow night? I can’t tonight. I have plans.”

  My cheeky grin surfaced. “With Hamish?”

  “Yes, something like that,” she giggled.

  I think I needed more of Kali in my life. We certainly had been neglecting each other lately what with me, Michael, and Stephen, and her with Hamish. “That sounds great. I’ll look forward to it.”

  “Brill! I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Sure. And thanks again—for everything.”

  “No worries. Love ya, girl!”

  Sighing contently, I smiled. “Love you, too, Kali.”

  Chapter 21

  The day seemed to go pretty quickly after that. I busied myself going through all the emails that were left, and cancelled appointments that Simon had for the day.

  Rescheduling them was tough, though, as I didn’t know whether he was going to be back tomorrow or not. I could only do my best and hope that I didn’t muck things up too much for when he did come back.

  During my time at work, I was determined not to think about Stephen too much but, at times, it was fruitless. I still ached every time I thought about him leaving. He told me he wasn’t going to be that far, but it still hurt like hell knowing he wasn’t going to be a permanent fixture in my life.

  Sighing at my desk, I wondered what in the hell I was going to do now. It was a little after five and I knew I should be heading home. Michael was going to be finished a little later, and Stephen said he would come for me.

  What was I supposed to tell him? What was I supposed to do? The minute I thought things had sorted themselves out, something came along and completely confused the hell out of me.

  Not sure about what I was going to do, I gathered my things. It was strange. I felt this added pressure on me to make a decision. It was like Stephen coming to me this morning had made it all so urgent that I take action. I had to finally get a grip and really think about what I wanted—or, shall I say, who I wanted?

  Switching everything off, I headed for the stairs. I said my cursory goodbyes along the way and walked out into the cold.

  I started walking towards my little flat and started thinking hard. I needed to get my act together. I quickly found myself in a world of my own, contemplating my next move. Did I really want Michael, as Stephen suggested? It all just made my head hurt.

  I was in such turmoil about the whole thing that I didn’t even register at first that my phone was ringing. Digging into my pocket, I pulled it out to find my uncle Billy was calling.

  I swiftly answered to a shrieking voice. “Cassie!” Billy’s booming voice was like an excitable child. I would be worried that something was wrong, but I could tell it was something quite the opposite.

  “Uncle Billy, hi.”

  “Is there any chance you can come around? I want to ask you something.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I was suddenly intrigued by his enthusiasm. “I’m actually only five minutes away from your house. I’m coming now.”

  Hanging up, I made my way to his house. He sounded somewhat excited and I wanted to see why. Maybe whatever he had to say would be just the distraction I needed right now.

  Once there, I knocked on the door and Uncle Billy answered, a big smile on his face. “Cassie. Come in. I need to ask you some things.”

  “Okay…” I raised my eyebrow, not having a clue what he had up his sleeve.

  We walked into his living room and sat down. He took a deep breath and grabbed my arm. “I need you to humour an aging man. Can you do that?”

  “Okay, go ahead,” I chuckled.

  “I just want to do a little experiment with you. I’m going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them as quickly as you possibly can. Just think of the first answer that pops into your head.”

  “Okay, I can do that—I think…”

  “Okay, here goes. Oranges or bananas?”


  “Swimming pool or sea?”

  “Swimming pool.”

  “America or France?”


  “Movies or a meal?”

  “A meal.”

  “Sandwiches or rolls?”


  I was starting to get into this. I could feel the smile dancing on my face.

  “Red or blue?”


  “Peanut butter of jam?”

  “Peanut butter.”

  “Michael or Stephen?”

  The single name that escaped my lips shocked the hell out of me.

  Whipping my hand over my mouth, my uncle gave a cheeky grin. “Oh, my god!” I had never felt so astonished. “I saw what you did just then.”

  “I know. I didn’t think it would actually work. I thought you would stop as soon as I said their names, but you seemed so into it in the end, I thought I might just pull it off. It worked. Now you know where your heart lies.”

  Realising I still had my hand covering my mouth, I placed it back on my lap. “I can’t believe that. How did that happen?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it just taps into your subconscious. There were probably other answers there that shocked you.”

  I still had my mouth open in disbelief. At that precise moment, though, it hit me. Of course it was him. It always had been him. I couldn’t understand why I never realised that before. I was so lost in my confusion that I couldn’t see what was staring me in the face all this time. It all just made sense that it was him, and I had my uncle to thank for that. I will owe him a lot for this.

  Looking at Billy, my eyes were wide, my heart was filled with joy. “Uncle Billy, I have to go.” I was instantly eager to start running.

  “Of course you do. Good luck, sweetie. Tell me all about it when you’re done.”

  “I will,” I said, rising to leave.

  Quickly bolting out of the door, I fled to my flat. I called the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and asked if he could meet me there. He said he was on his way.

  I’m not sure why I was doing this, but I wasn’t going to let him possibly go without at least letting him know how I felt. I had to tell him. Selfishly, I had to make him see.

  Once I was at home, I rushed into the door and pulled my coat off. I was beaming with happiness and I didn’t know why. He might decide I wasn’t worth it. After everything I’d put him through, I wouldn’t blame him.

  Flicking o
n the lights in my living room, I was stunned. I couldn’t believe what I saw before me. Lisa-Marie was lying on my floor and I couldn’t tell if she was moving. What shocked me even further was who was standing above her with a gun in her hand.


  “Cassie. Just in time, my little princess.”

  I’m not sure how I managed to think so quickly, but it all just seemed to happen like I was on auto pilot. Reaching into my pocket, I felt for my phone and pressed redial button in the hope that he would know I was in trouble.

  “I don’t understand, Kali. What have you done?”

  “She wasn’t meant to be, Cassie. I tried to get you to see that, but you wouldn’t listen to me, would you? For so many years, I have managed to control your urge to help the little mortals. Then you go and tell the Chief Superintendent, of all people. Before I know it, you’re out saving the frickin’ world.”

  I felt my gut twisting as I looked down at the girl I had considered a good friend. She was gone from the world now and it was all my fault.

  “I wouldn’t feel bad about her, Cassie. She was meant to die before, but you went and stepped in, as usual.”

  “You won’t get away with this.” I felt the determination through my stinging eyes.

  “Oh, I think I will. You see, once I kill you, I can easily disappear. It’s a natural talent us angels have.”

  “You’re not an angel. Angels wouldn’t act like this.”

  Her mouth turned down mockingly as she moved her head from side to side. “No, I suppose you’re right, but it was their fault it has come to this. If they had just let things be, I wouldn’t have spent all these years with a pathetic loser like you.”

  I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. “I thought I was your friend.”

  “You’re not a friend. You’re an abomination!” she shouted.

  The moment she shouted this, both Michael and Stephen bashed through the door with angered determination.

  “Oh, look who it is,” Kali sang. “Do I get three for the price of one? I’m sure you boys are just itching to get home. Why don’t I help you along the way?”

  Michael tightened his fists as he gritted his teeth. “Kali, you don’t want to go down that road.”

  “Why not? I’ve been planning this for years. She wasn’t meant to be. You and I both know that. What gives her the right to carry a gift like that? I’ve had to listen to her for years whining and complaining about it. I almost killed her just to shut her up. I even regretted a little that I jumped out in front of her parent’s car all those years ago.”

  Covering my mouth as I gasped, my eyes widened in shock.

  “Yeah, that’s right, Princess Cassie. Your mum and dad tried to keep you hidden away from everyone. I had to figure out a way to get to you. Your parents were an obstacle with which I needed to deal. I was only a little girl then, but I knew my task. I knew what I had to do and I planned it just perfectly. After that, you moved and it was a lot easier to befriend you. I think I regretted that after a while. You’re a right pain in the fucking arse.”

  In a sudden rush of anger, I tried to go for her, but she pulled the gun up, and pointed it at me.

  I was seething. She was the one responsible for my parent’s death? All these years, I thought they had just lost control of the car, but it was Kali who was responsible.

  Through my angered tears, I could see both Michael and Stephen’s desperation to get closer to me. The trouble was, Kali could see it, too.

  Snapping her gun towards them, she motioned for them to get further away from me. “Don’t be silly, boys. You know full well what will happen if you try anything.”

  I was lost and I didn’t know what to do. Looking over at both of them, I could feel the desperation in my eyes as much as theirs. I was going to tell the man I loved how I felt. Now, that wasn’t possible anymore.

  “Kali, you don’t get to decide who lives and who dies. You know that as well as we do.” Stephen’s voice was stern and abrupt. He was angry, and I knew what Stephen was capable of when he was angry.

  “And she does? This little mistake down here should have been dead in that train crash. She’s not God. She doesn’t get to chose who lives and who dies as much I do. She shouldn’t be here.”

  Stephen shook his head with a sarcastic smile. “I should have realised it from your name.”

  Kali laughed. “Yes, quite an apt name, don’t you think? Kali…‘The Dark One’. I think it suits me. Although I wasn’t always called Kali. At one time, I was called Elizabeth.”

  The collective gasps around the room didn’t go unnoticed. It immediately caused Kali to smile. “Yes, that’s right boys. Did you miss me? I certainly know Cassie’s missed you. I can safely say that both these boys have more than enough equipment to keep you satisfied, Miss Prim and Proper. You didn’t take it, though, did you? I was going to try and bed Stephen again until I realised he wanted you. You always were a sucker for a pretty face, weren’t you, Stephen?”

  “You were a bitch then and even more of a bitch now,” he seethed.

  “Yes, but a tiger in bed. Don’t you remember that day, Stephen?”

  Closing my eyes, I didn’t want to hear anymore. The pain of it was just too unbearable. I didn’t want to know the gory details.

  Stephen was about to say something back to her, but Michael interrupted him. “I don’t understand. How can you know? You were sent away, wiped of your memory.”

  Kali started pacing the floor a little, with an air of arrogance. “What you little boys didn’t realise is that there are many who feel the same as I do. When I was sent away, I had help. I got to start over again so that it wouldn’t raise suspicion, but I knew who I was. I always knew who I was. I hid in plain sight, and was adopted by a family who took pity on an infant without a mother or father. It’s been quite dull and boring, to be honest with you. I must admit, I missed you boys.” She paused for a moment to wink at them. It made me feel sick.

  “Quite frankly,” she continued, “it took everything in my willpower to stay away from you, Michael. It has been a long time and it can sometimes be a bit lonely. I didn’t want to blow my cover, though. Cassie was my main agenda and I couldn’t let a minor detail like sex get in the way.”

  With a little shuffle of his feet, Stephen started edging that little bit closer to me, but Kali didn’t miss a trick. She spotted him straight away as she pointed the gun at him. “Now, now, fellas. Let me do my job. It’s actually a good thing that you are here to witness this. She is one less abomination to worry about. I believe that two others have been killed since yesterday. This is why I’ve had to act quickly so I didn’t raise suspicion.” She paused a moment to show us how happy she was about that.

  “Now, where were we?” she sang. “Oh, yes. I was about to kill you and was interrupted. So nice to have seen you two again. It’s been so long.” She quickly turned towards me. “As for you. I can’t say I felt the same about you. Don’t worry, dear Cassie. You will get to see your mum and dad real soon. Tell them I said hi.”

  With a quick flick of her wrist, she aimed the gun at me and fired. What she didn’t realise was that Stephen and Michael were just as fast. At the same time, Stephen dashed in front of me and Michael jumped towards Kali, knocking her off her feet.

  The bullet had hit Stephen in the chest, and I went running towards him in a panic. Kali managed another shot as Michael slammed into her, knocking her to the floor.

  It all happened so quickly that it was hard to take in. Stephen seemed to disappear and now my head was feeling fuzzy. In my daze, I could see that Kali must have hit her head on the coffee table, and I could tell that she was dead. Her eyes just stared ahead, glassed over and lifeless.

  I turned my attention to Michael as he looked at my shoulder. Wondering why he was looking there, I dipped my head down to see. There was blood pouring from me.

  It was strange to me. I registered that I had been shot, that I needed help, but the wooziness in my head s
eemed to take over. Before I knew it, I was out cold.

  A beautiful light was shining. It was a light like no other, similar to the one I always saw in my dreams.

  In the distance, I saw two figures. At first, I thought it was my mum and dad, but as I got closer, I realised it was Stephen and the woman from my dreams.

  “Cassie, my child. It’s been a long time.”

  Confused, I looked at her and turned to Stephen, who was smiling at me.

  “You don’t remember me, do you? It was for your protection that we did this. You are my daughter, Cassie. You kept your seat with the Archangels until the day you offered to help. You always were an eager child, and one of which I am very proud.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t understand.” I could feel the love, but confusion was rapidly building.

  “I can understand that. There’s no need to be afraid. You’re in safe hands.”

  Looking in Stephen’s direction, I had to wonder. “But, Stephen…”

  “He saved your life. He has earned his seat back. Not only that, he has given you a wonderful gift.”

  I didn’t know what she meant. “What is it?”

  She smiled and held her hand out to me. “Michael. He gave his life so you could be with Michael. If this is what you truly want, I don’t disapprove. He is a good, hard-working angel who will be missed. Tell him he has twenty-one days to make his decision. If he decides to come back before that time, it is up to him. If he wants to stay with you, we will support that decision also.”

  Dipping my head down, I let sorrow wash over me. I was about to say something to Stephen, but when I looked up and I saw his smile, it stopped me.

  “Don’t worry, Cassie. I’m where I belong now. I’m happy that I’m home. It was always what I wanted.”

  I nodded, thinking it was pointless to say anything now. He was here and he was happy. I couldn’t take that away from him.

  “Okay.” I was desperately trying to look cheerful for him, but I knew I would miss him dearly. “I’m happy that you finally got what you wanted, Stephen. If anyone deserved it, it was you. Thank you for coming into my life. And thank you for saving it.”


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